2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
#include "HelloWorldScene.h"
2012-10-11 18:33:43 +08:00
#include "AppMacros.h"
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
#include "event_dispatcher/CCTouchEventListener.h"
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-10-11 18:33:43 +08:00
2013-06-20 14:17:10 +08:00
Scene* HelloWorld::scene()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// 'scene' is an autorelease object
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto scene = Scene::create();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// 'layer' is an autorelease object
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
HelloWorld *layer = HelloWorld::create();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// add layer as a child to scene
// return the scene
return scene;
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool HelloWorld::init()
// 1. super init first
2013-06-20 14:17:10 +08:00
if ( !Layer::init() )
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return false;
2012-08-07 14:29:46 +08:00
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
auto origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program
// you may modify it.
// add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it's an autorelease object
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto closeItem = MenuItemImage::create(
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2013-06-25 07:59:00 +08:00
2012-08-16 10:21:15 +08:00
2013-07-31 14:38:50 +08:00
closeItem->setPosition(origin + Point(visibleSize) - Point(closeItem->getContentSize() / 2));
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
// closeItem->setRotation(30);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// create menu, it's an autorelease object
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto menu = Menu::create(closeItem, NULL);
2013-07-24 06:20:22 +08:00
this->addChild(menu, 1);
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
// closeItem->setVisible(false);
auto closeItem2 = MenuItemImage::create(
closeItem2->setPosition(origin + Point(visibleSize) - Point(closeItem->getContentSize() / 2) - Point(0, 20));
// closeItem2->setRotation(30);
menu->addChild(closeItem2, 100);
// create menu, it's an autorelease object
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
// closeItem->unregisterEventCallback(touchEventId);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// 3. add your codes below...
// add a label shows "Hello World"
// create and initialize a label
2012-10-11 18:33:43 +08:00
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto label = LabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", TITLE_FONT_SIZE);
2012-10-11 18:33:43 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// position the label on the center of the screen
2013-07-24 06:20:22 +08:00
label->setPosition(Point(origin.x + visibleSize.width/2,
origin.y + visibleSize.height - label->getContentSize().height));
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// add the label as a child to this layer
2013-07-24 06:20:22 +08:00
this->addChild(label, 1);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// add "HelloWorld" splash screen"
2013-08-16 16:05:27 +08:00
auto sprite = Sprite::create("HelloWorld.png");
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// position the sprite on the center of the screen
2013-07-31 14:38:50 +08:00
sprite->setPosition(Point(visibleSize / 2) + origin);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// add the sprite as a child to this layer
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
auto dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance();
auto layerTouchListener = TouchEventListener::create(Touch::DispatchMode::ALL_AT_ONCE);
layerTouchListener->onTouchesBegan = [=](const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event){
CCLOG("layer touches began... count = %d", (int)touches.size());
int layerTouchId = dispatcher->registerEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(layerTouchListener, this);
auto spriteTouchListener = TouchEventListener::create(Touch::DispatchMode::ONE_BY_ONE);
spriteTouchListener->onTouchBegan = [=](Touch* touch, Event* evt){
CCLOG("Touch sprite.... began... %d, drawOrder = %d", sprite->getZOrder(), sprite->getEventPriority());
return false;
dispatcher->registerEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(spriteTouchListener, sprite);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
int zorder = rand() % 50;
auto sprite1 = Sprite::create("CloseNormal.png");
// position the sprite on the center of the screen
sprite1->setPosition(Point(30*(i+1), visibleSize.height/2) + origin);
if (zorder % 2 == 0)
// add the sprite as a child to this layer
this->addChild(sprite1, zorder);
sprite->addChild(sprite1, zorder);
char buf[100] = {0};
sprintf(buf, "%d", zorder);
auto label = LabelTTF::create(buf, "", 16);
auto spriteItemTouchListener = TouchEventListener::create(Touch::DispatchMode::ONE_BY_ONE);
spriteItemTouchListener->onTouchBegan = [=](Touch* touch, Event* event){
Rect hitRect;
hitRect.size = sprite1->getContentSize();
Point localPoint = sprite1->convertToNodeSpace(touch->getLocation());
// HitTest
if (!hitRect.containsPoint(localPoint))
return false;
CCLOG("Touch sprite222.... began..zorder: %d. drawOrder: %d", sprite1->getZOrder(), sprite1->getEventPriority());
return true;
spriteItemTouchListener->onTouchEnded = [=](Touch* touch, Event* event) {
dispatcher->registerEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(spriteItemTouchListener, sprite1);
// EventDispatcher::getInstance()->registerEventListener(TouchEvent::EVENT_TYPE, [=](Event* evt){
// TouchEvent* touchEvent = static_cast<TouchEvent*>(evt);
// if (touchEvent->getEventCode() == TouchEvent::EventCode::BEGAN)
// {
// CCLOG("Touch sprite333.... began..zorder: %d. drawOrder: %d", sprite1->getZOrder(), sprite1->getEventPriority());
// }
// }, zorder);
CCLOG("set zorder : %d", zorder);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return true;
2013-07-26 06:53:24 +08:00
void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(Object* sender)
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2013-09-12 17:31:37 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00