2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org
2018-01-29 16:25:32 +08:00
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc.
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd.
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "Sprite3DTest.h"
2014-08-08 17:54:39 +08:00
#include "DrawNode3D.h"
2015-08-21 10:27:19 +08:00
#include "2d/CCCameraBackgroundBrush.h"
2015-09-08 15:29:54 +08:00
#include "3d/CCSprite3DMaterial.h"
2015-09-01 10:39:31 +08:00
#include "3d/CCMotionStreak3D.h"
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2015-07-17 11:08:27 +08:00
#include "extensions/Particle3D/PU/CCPUParticleSystem3D.h"
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
#include <algorithm>
#include "../testResource.h"
2015-04-09 08:37:30 +08:00
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2015-04-03 14:31:03 +08:00
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2015-04-03 14:31:03 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// // 3DEffect use custom shader which is not supported on WP8/WinRT yet.
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DEffectTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DUVAnimationTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DFakeShadowTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DBasicToonShaderTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DLightMapTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DWithSkinTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Animate3DTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(AttachmentTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DReskinTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DMirrorTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(QuaternionTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DEmptyTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(UseCaseSprite3D);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DForceDepthTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DCubeMapTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(NodeAnimationTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Issue9767);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DClippingTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DTestMeshLight);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Animate3DCallbackTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(CameraBackgroundClearTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DVertexColorTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(MotionStreak3DTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DPropertyTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Sprite3DNormalMappingTest);
// ADD_TEST_CASE(Issue16155Test);
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
// SpriteTestDemo
std::string Sprite3DTestDemo::title() const
return "No title";
2015-09-09 11:13:17 +08:00
2015-01-14 08:41:24 +08:00
2015-01-29 16:21:33 +08:00
// Sprite3DForceDepthTest
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// auto orc = cocos2d::Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// orc->setScale(5);
// orc->setPositionNormalized(Vec2(.5f,.3f));
// orc->setPositionZ(40);
// orc->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// orc->setGlobalZOrder(-1);
// addChild(orc);
// auto ship = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
// ship->setScale(5);
// ship->setTexture("Sprite3DTest/boss.png");
// ship->setPositionNormalized(Vec2(.5,.5));
// ship->setRotation3D(Vec3(90,0,0));
// ship->setForceDepthWrite(true);
// addChild(ship);
//std::string Sprite3DForceDepthTest::title() const
// return "Force Depth Write Error Test";
//std::string Sprite3DForceDepthTest::subtitle() const
// return "Ship should always appear behind orc";
2015-01-29 16:21:33 +08:00
2015-01-14 08:41:24 +08:00
// Sprite3DEmptyTest
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// auto s = Sprite3D::create();
// s->setPositionNormalized(Vec2(.5,.5));
// auto l = Label::create();
// l->setString("Test");
// s->addChild(l);
// addChild(s);
//std::string Sprite3DEmptyTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D Container";
//std::string Sprite3DEmptyTest::subtitle() const
// return "Sprite3D can act as containers for 2D objects";
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
// Sprite3DBasicTest
auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DBasicTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
void Sprite3DBasicTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
//int idx = (int)(CCRANDOM_0_1() * 1400.0f / 100.0f);
//int x = (idx%5) * 85;
//int y = (idx/5) * 121;
// //option 1: load a obj that contain the texture in it
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("sprite3dTest/scene01.obj");
//option 2: load obj and assign the texture
auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
//add to scene
addChild( sprite );
sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y) );
ActionInterval* action;
float random = CCRANDOM_0_1();
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
if( random < 0.20 )
action = ScaleBy::create(3, 2);
else if(random < 0.40)
action = RotateBy::create(3, 360);
else if( random < 0.60)
action = Blink::create(1, 3);
else if( random < 0.8 )
action = TintBy::create(2, 0, -255, -255);
action = FadeOut::create(2);
auto action_back = action->reverse();
2014-07-10 00:45:27 +08:00
auto seq = Sequence::create( action, action_back, nullptr );
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
sprite->runAction( RepeatForever::create(seq) );
void Sprite3DBasicTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
for (auto touch: touches)
auto location = touch->getLocation();
addNewSpriteWithCoords( location );
std::string Sprite3DBasicTest::title() const
return "Testing Sprite3D";
std::string Sprite3DBasicTest::subtitle() const
return "Tap screen to add more sprites";
2014-11-12 17:42:45 +08:00
// Sprite3DUVAnimationTest
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// //the offset use to translating texture
// _cylinder_texture_offset = 0;
// _shining_duration = 0;
// Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
2014-07-29 10:49:06 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// //use custom camera
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width/visibleSize.height, 0.1f, 200);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
2014-07-29 10:49:06 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// //create cylinder
// //TODO minggo
//// auto cylinder = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/cylinder.c3b");
//// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/UVAnimation.material");
//// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
//// cylinder->setMaterial(mat);
2014-12-19 17:39:26 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//// this->addChild(cylinder);
//// this->setCameraMask(2);
//// this->addChild(camera);
//// //adjust cylinder's position & rotation
//// cylinder->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,-15,-50));
//// cylinder->setRotation3D(Vec3(-90,0,0));
2014-12-19 17:39:26 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// //the callback function update cylinder's texcoord
// schedule(CC_SCHEDULE_SELECTOR(Sprite3DUVAnimationTest::cylinderUpdate));
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [=](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/UVAnimation.material");
// cylinder->setMaterial(mat);
// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, -1);
2014-12-19 17:39:26 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
2014-12-19 17:39:26 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//std::string Sprite3DUVAnimationTest::title() const
// return "Testing UV Animation";
//std::string Sprite3DUVAnimationTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DUVAnimationTest::cylinderUpdate(float dt)
// //callback function to update cylinder's texcoord
// static bool fade_in = true;
// _cylinder_texture_offset += 0.3*dt;
// _cylinder_texture_offset = (_cylinder_texture_offset >1) ? 0 : _cylinder_texture_offset;
// if(fade_in)
// {
// _shining_duration += 0.5 * dt;
// if (_shining_duration > 1) fade_in = false;
// }
// else
// {
// _shining_duration -= 0.5 * dt;
// if (_shining_duration < 0) fade_in = true;
// }
// //pass the result to shader
// _state->setUniformFloat("offset",_cylinder_texture_offset);
// _state->setUniformFloat("duration", _shining_duration);
//// Sprite3DFakeShadowTest
// Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesBegan, this);
// listener->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesMoved, this);
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// auto layer = Layer::create();
// addChild(layer,0);
// //create Camera
// _camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width/visibleSize.height, 0.1f, 200);
// _camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,20,25));
// _camera->setRotation3D(Vec3(-60,0,0));
// //create a plane
// _plane = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/plane.c3t");
// _plane->setRotation3D(Vec3(90,0,0));
////TODO minggo
//// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/FakeShadow.material");
//// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
//// _plane->setMaterial(mat);
//// _state->setUniformMat4("u_model_matrix",_plane->getNodeToWorldTransform());
// layer->addChild(_plane);
// //create the orc
// _orc = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// _orc->setScale(0.2f);
// _orc->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// _orc->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,0,10));
// _targetPos = _orc->getPosition3D();
// _state->setUniformVec3("u_target_pos", _orc->getPosition3D());
// layer->addChild(_orc);
// layer->addChild(_camera);
// layer->setCameraMask(2);
// schedule(CC_SCHEDULE_SELECTOR(Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::updateCamera), 0.0f);
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [this](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/FakeShadow.material");
// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
// _plane->setMaterial(mat);
// _state->setUniformMat4("u_model_matrix",_plane->getNodeToWorldTransform());
// _state->setUniformVec3("u_target_pos", _orc->getPosition3D());
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, -1);
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
//std::string Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::title() const
// return "fake shadow effect";
//std::string Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::subtitle() const
// return "touch the screen to move around";
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::Move(cocos2d::Ref* sender,int value)
// _orc->setPositionX(_orc->getPositionX()+value);
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::updateCamera(float fDelta)
// updateState(fDelta);
// if(isState(_curState,State_Move))
// {
// move3D(fDelta);
// if(isState(_curState,State_Rotate))
// {
// Vec3 curPos = _orc->getPosition3D();
// Vec3 newFaceDir = _targetPos - curPos;
// newFaceDir.y = 0;
// newFaceDir.normalize();
// Vec3 up;
// _orc->getNodeToWorldTransform().getUpVector(&up);
// up.normalize();
// Vec3 right;
// Vec3::cross(-newFaceDir,up,&right);
// right.normalize();
// Vec3 pos = Vec3(0,0,0);
// Mat4 mat;
// mat.m[0] = right.x;
// mat.m[1] = right.y;
// mat.m[2] = right.z;
// mat.m[3] = 0.0f;
// mat.m[4] = up.x;
// mat.m[5] = up.y;
// mat.m[6] = up.z;
// mat.m[7] = 0.0f;
// mat.m[8] = newFaceDir.x;
// mat.m[9] = newFaceDir.y;
// mat.m[10] = newFaceDir.z;
// mat.m[11] = 0.0f;
// mat.m[12] = pos.x;
// mat.m[13] = pos.y;
// mat.m[14] = pos.z;
// mat.m[15] = 1.0f;
// _orc->setAdditionalTransform(&mat);
// }
// }
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::move3D(float elapsedTime)
// Vec3 curPos= _orc->getPosition3D();
// Vec3 newFaceDir = _targetPos - curPos;
// newFaceDir.y = 0.0f;
// newFaceDir.normalize();
// Vec3 offset = newFaceDir * 25.0f * elapsedTime;
// curPos+=offset;
// _orc->setPosition3D(curPos);
// offset.x=offset.x;
// offset.z=offset.z;
// //pass the newest orc position
// _state->setUniformVec3("u_target_pos",_orc->getPosition3D());
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::updateState(float elapsedTime)
// Vec3 curPos= _orc->getPosition3D();
// Vec3 curFaceDir;
// _orc->getNodeToWorldTransform().getForwardVector(&curFaceDir);
// curFaceDir=-curFaceDir;
// curFaceDir.normalize();
// Vec3 newFaceDir = _targetPos - curPos;
// newFaceDir.y = 0.0f;
// newFaceDir.normalize();
// float cosAngle = std::fabs(Vec3::dot(curFaceDir,newFaceDir) - 1.0f);
// float dist = curPos.distanceSquared(_targetPos);
// if(dist<=4.0f)
// {
// if(cosAngle<=0.01f)
// _curState = State_Idle;
// else
// _curState = State_Rotate;
// }
// else
// {
// if(cosAngle>0.01f)
// _curState = State_Rotate | State_Move;
// else
// _curState = State_Move;
// }
//bool Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::isState(unsigned int state,unsigned int bit) const
// return (state & bit) == bit;
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesBegan(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event *event)
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event *event)
//void Sprite3DFakeShadowTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event *event)
// for ( auto &item: touches )
// {
// auto touch = item;
// auto location = touch->getLocationInView();
// if(_camera)
// {
// if(_orc )
// {
// Vec3 nearP(location.x, location.y, -1.0f), farP(location.x, location.y, 1.0f);
// auto size = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// nearP = _camera->unproject(nearP);
// farP = _camera->unproject(farP);
// Vec3 dir(farP - nearP);
// float dist=0.0f;
// float ndd = Vec3::dot(Vec3(0,1,0),dir);
// if(ndd == 0)
// dist=0.0f;
// float ndo = Vec3::dot(Vec3(0,1,0),nearP);
// dist= (0 - ndo) / ndd;
// Vec3 p = nearP + dist * dir;
// if( p.x > 100)
// p.x = 100;
// if( p.x < -100)
// p.x = -100;
// if( p.z > 100)
// p.z = 100;
// if( p.z < -100)
// p.z = -100;
// _targetPos=p;
// }
// }
// }
//// Sprite3DBasicToonShaderTest
// Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// auto _camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width/visibleSize.height, 0.1f, 200);
// _camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// // create a teapot
// //TODO minggo
//// auto teapot = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/teapot.c3b");
//// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/BasicToon.material");
//// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
//// teapot->setMaterial(mat);
//// teapot->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,-5,-20));
//// teapot->setRotation3D(Vec3(-90,180,0));
//// auto rotate_action = RotateBy::create(1.5,Vec3(0,30,0));
//// teapot->runAction(RepeatForever::create(rotate_action));
//// addChild(teapot);
// addChild(_camera);
// setCameraMask(2);
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [=](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/BasicToon.material");
// _state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
// teapot->setMaterial(mat);
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, -1);
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
//std::string Sprite3DBasicToonShaderTest::title() const
// return "basic toon shader test";
//std::string Sprite3DBasicToonShaderTest::subtitle() const
// return " ";
//// Sprite3DLightMapTest
// //the assets are from the OpenVR demo
// //get the visible size.
// Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// _camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width/visibleSize.height, 0.1f, 200);
// _camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0,25,15));
// _camera->setRotation3D(Vec3(-35,0,0));
// auto LightMapScene = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/LightMapScene.c3b");
// LightMapScene->setScale(0.1f);
// addChild(LightMapScene);
// addChild(_camera);
// setCameraMask(2);
// //add a point light
// auto light = PointLight::create(Vec3(35,75,-20.5),Color3B(255,255,255),150);
// addChild(light);
// //set the ambient light
// auto ambient = AmbientLight::create(Color3B(55,55,55));
// addChild(ambient);
// //create a listener
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DLightMapTest::onTouchesMoved, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
//std::string Sprite3DLightMapTest::title() const
// return "light map test";
//std::string Sprite3DLightMapTest::subtitle() const
// return "drag the screen to move around";
//void Sprite3DLightMapTest::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<cocos2d::Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event* event)
// if(touches.size()==1)
// {
// float delta = Director::getInstance()->getDeltaTime();
// auto touch = touches[0];
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// auto PreviousLocation = touch->getPreviousLocation();
// Point newPos = PreviousLocation - location;
// Vec3 cameraDir;
// Vec3 cameraRightDir;
// _camera->getNodeToWorldTransform().getForwardVector(&cameraDir);
// cameraDir.normalize();
// cameraDir.y=0;
// _camera->getNodeToWorldTransform().getRightVector(&cameraRightDir);
// cameraRightDir.normalize();
// cameraRightDir.y=0;
// Vec3 cameraPos= _camera->getPosition3D();
// cameraPos+=cameraDir*newPos.y*delta;
// cameraPos+=cameraRightDir*newPos.x*delta;
// _camera->setPosition3D(cameraPos);
// }
2014-05-27 14:50:46 +08:00
2014-07-29 10:49:06 +08:00
// Sprite3DHitTest
auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
auto sprite1 = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
sprite1->setPosition( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
//add to scene
addChild( sprite1 );
sprite1->runAction(RepeatForever::create(RotateBy::create(3, 360)));
auto sprite2 = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
sprite2->setPosition( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
sprite2->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0.5, 0.5));
//add to scene
addChild( sprite2 );
sprite2->runAction(RepeatForever::create(RotateBy::create(3, -360)));
// Make sprite1 touchable
auto listener1 = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
listener1->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
auto target = static_cast<Sprite3D*>(event->getCurrentTarget());
2014-09-09 17:05:33 +08:00
Rect rect = target->getBoundingBox();
if (rect.containsPoint(touch->getLocation()))
2014-07-29 10:49:06 +08:00
2014-09-09 17:05:33 +08:00
log("sprite3d began... x = %f, y = %f", touch->getLocation().x, touch->getLocation().y);
2014-07-29 10:49:06 +08:00
return true;
return false;
listener1->onTouchMoved = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
auto target = static_cast<Sprite3D*>(event->getCurrentTarget());
target->setPosition(target->getPosition() + touch->getDelta());
listener1->onTouchEnded = [=](Touch* touch, Event* event){
auto target = static_cast<Sprite3D*>(event->getCurrentTarget());
log("sprite3d onTouchesEnded.. ");
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener1, sprite1);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener1->clone(), sprite2);
std::string Sprite3DHitTest::title() const
return "Testing Sprite3D Touch in 2D";
std::string Sprite3DHitTest::subtitle() const
return "Tap Sprite3D and Drag";
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DEffectTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [this](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto material = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/outline.material");
// material->setTechnique("outline_noneskinned");
// for(auto& sprite : _sprites)
// {
// sprite->setMaterial(material->clone());
// }
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, 1);
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
//std::string Sprite3DEffectTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D";
//std::string Sprite3DEffectTest::subtitle() const
// return "Sprite3d with effects";
//void Sprite3DEffectTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// //option 2: load obj and assign the texture
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
// auto material = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/outline.material");
// material->setTechnique("outline_noneskinned");
// sprite->setMaterial(material);
// sprite->setScale(6.f);
// Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->removeUnusedTextures();
// //add to scene
// addChild( sprite );
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y) );
// ActionInterval* action;
// float random = CCRANDOM_0_1();
// if( random < 0.20 )
// action = ScaleBy::create(3, 2);
// else if(random < 0.40)
// action = RotateBy::create(3, 360);
// else if( random < 0.60)
// action = Blink::create(1, 3);
// else if( random < 0.8 )
// action = TintBy::create(2, 0, -255, -255);
// else
// action = FadeOut::create(2);
// auto action_back = action->reverse();
// auto seq = Sequence::create( action, action_back, nullptr );
// sprite->runAction( RepeatForever::create(seq) );
// _sprites.push_back(sprite);
//void Sprite3DEffectTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (auto touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( location );
// }
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 15);
auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"AsyncLoad Sprite3D");
auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1,CC_CALLBACK_1(AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::menuCallback_asyncLoadSprite,this) );
2015-09-08 14:13:53 +08:00
auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
item1->setPosition( s.width * .5f, s.height * .8f);
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, nullptr);
this->addChild(pMenu1, 10);
auto node = Node::create();
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
std::string AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::title() const
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
return "Testing Sprite3D::createAsync";
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
std::string AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::subtitle() const
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
return "";
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
void AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::menuCallback_asyncLoadSprite(Ref* sender)
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//Note that you must stop the tasks before leaving the scene.
2014-05-19 05:49:16 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
auto node = getChildByTag(101);
node->removeAllChildren(); //remove all loaded sprite
2014-12-05 15:01:30 +08:00
//remove cache data
long index = 0;
for (const auto& path : _paths) {
Sprite3D::createAsync(path, CC_CALLBACK_2(AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::asyncLoad_Callback, this), (void*)index++);
void AsyncLoadSprite3DTest::asyncLoad_Callback(Sprite3D* sprite, void* param)
long index = (long)param;
auto node = getChildByTag(101);
auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
float width = s.width / _paths.size();
Vec2 point(width * (0.5f + index), s.height / 2.f);
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DWithSkinTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// // switch animation quality. In fact, you can set the sprite3d out of frustum to Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_NONE, it can save a lot of cpu time
// MenuItemFont::setFontName("fonts/arial.ttf");
// MenuItemFont::setFontSize(15);
// _animateQuality = (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_LOW;
// _menuItem = MenuItemFont::create(getAnimationQualityMessage(), CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DWithSkinTest::switchAnimationQualityCallback,this));
// _menuItem->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20));
// auto menu = Menu::create(_menuItem,NULL);
// menu->setPosition(Vec2::ZERO);
// _menuItem->setPosition(VisibleRect::left().x + 50, VisibleRect::top().y -70);
// addChild(menu, 1);
2016-08-19 15:22:57 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// _sprits.clear();
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
//std::string Sprite3DWithSkinTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D";
//std::string Sprite3DWithSkinTest::subtitle() const
// return "Tap screen to add more sprite3D";
2016-08-19 15:22:57 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//void Sprite3DWithSkinTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(3);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y) );
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprits.push_back(sprite);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// bool inverse = (std::rand() % 3 == 0);
2016-08-19 15:22:57 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
// int rand2 = std::rand();
// float speed = 1.0f;
// if(rand2 % 3 == 1)
// {
// speed = animate->getSpeed() + CCRANDOM_0_1();
// }
// else if(rand2 % 3 == 2)
// {
// speed = animate->getSpeed() - 0.5 * CCRANDOM_0_1();
// }
// animate->setSpeed(inverse ? -speed : speed);
// animate->setTag(110);
// animate->setQuality((Animate3DQuality)_animateQuality);
// auto repeat = RepeatForever::create(animate);
// repeat->setTag(110);
// sprite->runAction(repeat);
// }
2016-08-19 15:22:57 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//std::string Sprite3DWithSkinTest::getAnimationQualityMessage() const
// if (_animateQuality == (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_NONE)
// return "None Quality";
// else if (_animateQuality == (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_LOW)
// return "Low Quality";
// else if (_animateQuality == (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_HIGH)
// return "High Quality";
// return "";
2016-08-19 15:22:57 +08:00
2019-01-30 09:35:17 +08:00
//void Sprite3DWithSkinTest::switchAnimationQualityCallback(Ref* sender)
// ++_animateQuality;
// if (_animateQuality > (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_HIGH)
// _animateQuality = (int)Animate3DQuality::QUALITY_NONE;
// _menuItem->setString(getAnimationQualityMessage());
// for (auto iter: _sprits)
// {
// RepeatForever* repAction = dynamic_cast<RepeatForever*>(iter->getActionByTag(110));
// Animate3D* animate3D = dynamic_cast<Animate3D*>(repAction->getInnerAction());
// animate3D->setQuality((Animate3DQuality)_animateQuality);
// }
//void Sprite3DWithSkinTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (auto touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( location );
// }
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [this](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto material = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/outline.material");
// material->setTechnique("outline_skinned");
// for(auto& sprite : _sprites)
// {
// sprite->setMaterial(material->clone());
// }
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, 1);
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
//std::string Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D for skinned outline";
//std::string Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest::subtitle() const
// return "Tap screen to add more sprite3D";
//void Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// auto material = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/outline.material");
// material->setTechnique("outline_skinned");
// sprite->setMaterial(material);
// sprite->setScale(3);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y) );
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// bool inverse = (std::rand() % 3 == 0);
// int rand2 = std::rand();
// float speed = 1.0f;
// if(rand2 % 3 == 1)
// {
// speed = animate->getSpeed() + CCRANDOM_0_1();
// }
// else if(rand2 % 3 == 2)
// {
// speed = animate->getSpeed() - 0.5 * CCRANDOM_0_1();
// }
// animate->setSpeed(inverse ? -speed : speed);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
//void Sprite3DWithSkinOutlineTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (auto touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( location );
// }
//: _sprite(nullptr)
//, _swim(nullptr)
//, _hurt(nullptr)
//, _elapseTransTime(0.f)
//, _moveAction(nullptr)
// addSprite3D();
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Animate3DTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// scheduleUpdate();
// CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_moveAction);
// CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_hurt);
// CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_swim);
//std::string Animate3DTest::title() const
// return "Testing Animate3D";
//std::string Animate3DTest::subtitle() const
// return "Touch to beat the tortoise";
//void Animate3DTest::update(float dt)
// if (_state == State::HURT_TO_SWIMMING)
// {
// _elapseTransTime += dt;
// if (_elapseTransTime >= Animate3D::getTransitionTime())
// {
// _sprite->stopAction(_hurt);
// _state = State::SWIMMING;
// }
// }
// else if (_state == State::SWIMMING_TO_HURT)
// {
// _elapseTransTime += dt;
// if (_elapseTransTime >= Animate3D::getTransitionTime())
// {
// _sprite->stopAction(_swim);
// _state = State::HURT;
// }
// }
//void Animate3DTest::addSprite3D()
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/tortoise.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(0.1f);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width * 4.f / 5.f, s.height / 2.f));
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprite = sprite;
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation, 0.f, 1.933f);
// _swim = RepeatForever::create(animate);
// sprite->runAction(_swim);
// _swim->retain();
// _hurt = Animate3D::create(animation, 1.933f, 2.8f);
// _hurt->retain();
// _state = State::SWIMMING;
// }
// _moveAction = MoveTo::create(4.f, Vec2(s.width / 5.f, s.height / 2.f));
// _moveAction->retain();
// auto seq = Sequence::create(_moveAction, CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(Animate3DTest::reachEndCallBack, this)), nullptr);
// seq->setTag(100);
// sprite->runAction(seq);
//void Animate3DTest::reachEndCallBack()
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _sprite->stopActionByTag(100);
// auto inverse = MoveTo::create(4.f, Vec2(s.width - _sprite->getPositionX(), s.height / 2.f));
// inverse->retain();
// _moveAction->release();
// _moveAction = inverse;
// auto rot = RotateBy::create(1.f, Vec3(0.f, 180.f, 0.f));
// auto seq = Sequence::create(rot, _moveAction, CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(Animate3DTest::reachEndCallBack, this)), nullptr);
// seq->setTag(100);
// _sprite->runAction(seq);
//void Animate3DTest::renewCallBack()
// //rerun swim action
// _sprite->runAction(_swim);
// _state = State::HURT_TO_SWIMMING;
// _elapseTransTime = 0.0f;
//void Animate3DTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (auto touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// if (_sprite)
// {
// float len = (_sprite->getPosition() - location).length();
// if (len < 40)
// {
// //hurt the tortoise
// if (_state == State::SWIMMING)
// {
// _elapseTransTime = 0.0f;
// _state = State::SWIMMING_TO_HURT;
// _sprite->stopAction(_hurt);
// _sprite->runAction(_hurt);
// auto delay = DelayTime::create(_hurt->getDuration() - Animate3D::getTransitionTime());
// auto seq = Sequence::create(delay, CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(Animate3DTest::renewCallBack, this)), nullptr);
// seq->setTag(101);
// _sprite->runAction(seq);
// }
// return;
// }
// }
// }
//: _hasWeapon(false)
//, _sprite(nullptr)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(AttachmentTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
//std::string AttachmentTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D Attachment";
//std::string AttachmentTest::subtitle() const
// return "touch to switch weapon";
//void AttachmentTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(5);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y) );
// //test attach
// auto sp = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/axe.c3b");
// sprite->getAttachNode("Bip001 R Hand")->addChild(sp);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// _sprite = sprite;
// _hasWeapon = true;
//void AttachmentTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// if (_hasWeapon)
// {
// _sprite->removeAllAttachNode();
// }
// else
// {
// auto sp = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/axe.c3b");
// _sprite->getAttachNode("Bip001 R Hand")->addChild(sp);
// }
// _hasWeapon = !_hasWeapon;
//: _sprite(nullptr)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DReskinTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 20);
// auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Hair");
// auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1,CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin,this) );
// auto label2 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Glasses");
// auto item2 = MenuItemLabel::create(label2,CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin,this) );
// auto label3 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Coat");
// auto item3 = MenuItemLabel::create(label3,CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin,this) );
// auto label4 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Pants");
// auto item4 = MenuItemLabel::create(label4,CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin,this) );
// auto label5 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Shoes");
// auto item5 = MenuItemLabel::create(label5,CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin,this) );
// item1->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height*4 ) );
// item2->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height *5 ) );
// item3->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height*6 ) );
// item4->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height *7 ) );
// item5->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height *8 ) );
// item1->setUserData((void*)SkinType::HAIR);
// item2->setUserData((void*)SkinType::GLASSES);
// item3->setUserData((void*)SkinType::UPPER_BODY);
// item4->setUserData((void*)SkinType::PANTS);
// item5->setUserData((void*)SkinType::SHOES);
// auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, nullptr);
// pMenu1->setPosition(Vec2(0,0));
// this->addChild(pMenu1, 10);
//void Sprite3DReskinTest::menuCallback_reSkin(Ref* sender)
// long index = (long)(((MenuItemLabel*)sender)->getUserData());
// if (index < (int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE)
// {
// _curSkin[index] = (_curSkin[index] + 1) % _skins[index].size();
// applyCurSkin();
// }
//std::string Sprite3DReskinTest::title() const
// return "Testing Sprite3D Reskin";
//std::string Sprite3DReskinTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DReskinTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/ReskinGirl.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(4);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,0,0));
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x, p.y-60) );
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// _sprite = sprite;
// auto& body = _skins[(int)SkinType::UPPER_BODY];
// body.push_back("Girl_UpperBody01");
// body.push_back("Girl_UpperBody02");
// auto& pants = _skins[(int)SkinType::PANTS];
// pants.push_back("Girl_LowerBody01");
// pants.push_back("Girl_LowerBody02");
// auto& shoes = _skins[(int)SkinType::SHOES];
// shoes.push_back("Girl_Shoes01");
// shoes.push_back("Girl_Shoes02");
// auto& hair = _skins[(int)SkinType::HAIR];
// hair.push_back("Girl_Hair01");
// hair.push_back("Girl_Hair02");
// auto& face = _skins[(int)SkinType::FACE];
// face.push_back("Girl_Face01");
// face.push_back("Girl_Face02");
// auto& hand = _skins[(int)SkinType::HAND];
// hand.push_back("Girl_Hand01");
// hand.push_back("Girl_Hand02");
// auto& glasses = _skins[(int)SkinType::GLASSES];
// glasses.push_back("");
// glasses.push_back("Girl_Glasses01");
// memset(_curSkin, 0, (int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE * sizeof(int));
// applyCurSkin();
//void Sprite3DReskinTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
//void Sprite3DReskinTest::applyCurSkin()
// for (ssize_t i = 0; i < _sprite->getMeshCount(); i++) {
// auto mesh = _sprite->getMeshByIndex(static_cast<int>(i));
// bool isVisible = false;
// for (int j = 0; j < (int)SkinType::MAX_TYPE; j++) {
// if (mesh->getName() == _skins[j].at(_curSkin[j]))
// {
// isVisible = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// _sprite->getMeshByIndex(static_cast<int>(i))->setVisible(isVisible);
// }
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesBegan, this);
// listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// listener->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesMoved, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// initDrawBox();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2));
// MenuItemFont::setFontName("fonts/arial.ttf");
// MenuItemFont::setFontSize(65);
// auto decrease = MenuItemFont::create(" - ", CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::delOBBCallback, this));
// decrease->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20));
// auto increase = MenuItemFont::create(" + ", CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::addOBBCallback, this));
// increase->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20));
// auto menu = Menu::create(decrease, increase, nullptr);
// menu->alignItemsHorizontally();
// menu->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height-65));
// addChild(menu, 1);
// TTFConfig ttfCount("fonts/Marker Felt.ttf", 30);
// _labelCubeCount = Label::createWithTTF(ttfCount,"0 cubes");
// _labelCubeCount->setColor(Color3B(0,200,20));
// _labelCubeCount->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height-90));
// addChild(_labelCubeCount);
// _hasCollider = false;
// addOBBCallback(nullptr);
// scheduleUpdate();
//std::string Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::title() const
// return "OBB Collision Performance Test";
//std::string Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::addNewOBBWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// Vec3 extents = Vec3(10, 10, 10);
// AABB aabb(-extents, extents);
// auto obb = OBB(aabb);
// obb._center = Vec3(p.x,p.y,0);
// _obb.push_back(obb);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesBegan(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (const auto& touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocationInView();
// auto obbSize = _obb.size();
// if(obbSize)
// {
// _intersetList.clear();
// Ray ray;
// calculateRayByLocationInView(&ray,location);
// for(decltype(obbSize) i = 0; i < obbSize; i++)
// {
// if(ray.intersects(_obb[i]))
// {
// _intersetList.insert((int)i);
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// }
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, Event* event)
// for (const auto& touch: touches)
// {
// auto location = touch->getLocation();
// auto obbSize = _obb.size();
// for(decltype(obbSize) i = 0; i < obbSize; i++)
// {
// if(_intersetList.find((int)i) != _intersetList.end())
// _obb[i]._center = Vec3(location.x,location.y,0);
// }
// }
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::update(float dt)
// char szText[16];
// sprintf(szText,"%lu cubes", static_cast<unsigned long>(_obb.size()));
// _labelCubeCount->setString(szText);
// if (_drawDebug)
// {
// _drawDebug->clear();
// Mat4 mat = _sprite->getNodeToWorldTransform();
// _obbt = _obbtOri;
// _obbt.transform(mat);
// Vec3 corners[8] = {};
// _obbt.getCorners(corners);
// _drawDebug->drawCube(corners, Color4F(0,0,1,1));
// }
// if(_obb.size() > 0)
// {
// _drawOBB->clear();
// auto obbSize = _obb.size();
// for(decltype(obbSize) i =0; i < obbSize; i++)
// {
// Vec3 corners[8] = {};
// _obb[i].getCorners(corners);
// _drawOBB->drawCube(corners, _obbt.intersects(_obb[i])?Color4F(1,0,0,1):Color4F(0,1,0,1));
// }
// }
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::initDrawBox()
// _drawOBB = DrawNode3D::create();
// addChild(_drawOBB);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/tortoise.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// AABB aabb = sprite->getAABB();
// _obbt = OBB(aabb);
// _obbtOri = _obbt;
// sprite->setScale(0.1f);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width * 4.f / 5.f, s.height / 2.f));
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprite = sprite;
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation, 0.f, 1.933f);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// _moveAction = MoveTo::create(4.f, Vec2(s.width / 5.f, s.height / 2.f));
// _moveAction->retain();
// auto seq = Sequence::create(_moveAction, CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::reachEndCallBack, this)), nullptr);
// seq->setTag(100);
// sprite->runAction(seq);
// _drawDebug = DrawNode3D::create();
// addChild(_drawDebug);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::reachEndCallBack()
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _sprite->stopActionByTag(100);
// auto inverse = MoveTo::create(4.f, Vec2(s.width - _sprite->getPositionX(), s.height / 2.f));
// inverse->retain();
// _moveAction->release();
// _moveAction = inverse;
// auto rot = RotateBy::create(1.0f, Vec3(0.f, 180.f, 0.f));
// auto seq = Sequence::create(rot, _moveAction, CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::reachEndCallBack, this)), nullptr);
// seq->setTag(100);
// _sprite->runAction(seq);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::addOBBCallback(Ref* sender)
// addOBBWithCount(10);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::addOBBWithCount(float value)
// for(int i = 0; i < value; i++)
// {
// Vec2 randompos = Vec2(CCRANDOM_0_1() * Director::getInstance()->getWinSize().width,CCRANDOM_0_1() * Director::getInstance()->getWinSize().height);
// Vec3 extents = Vec3(10, 10, 10);
// AABB aabb(-extents, extents);
// auto obb = OBB(aabb);
// obb._center = Vec3(randompos.x,randompos.y,0);
// _obb.push_back(obb);
// }
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::delOBBCallback(Ref* sender)
// delOBBWithCount(10);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::delOBBWithCount(float value)
// if(_obb.size() >= 10)
// {
// _obb.erase(_obb.begin(),_obb.begin() + value);
// _drawOBB->clear();
// }
// else
// return;
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::unproject(const Mat4& viewProjection, const Size* viewport, Vec3* src, Vec3* dst)
// assert(dst);
// assert(viewport->width != 0.0f && viewport->height != 0.0f);
// Vec4 screen(src->x / viewport->width, ((viewport->height - src->y)) / viewport->height, src->z, 1.0f);
// screen.x = screen.x * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// screen.y = screen.y * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// screen.z = screen.z * 2.0f - 1.0f;
// viewProjection.getInversed().transformVector(screen, &screen);
// if (screen.w != 0.0f)
// {
// screen.x /= screen.w;
// screen.y /= screen.w;
// screen.z /= screen.w;
// }
// dst->set(screen.x, screen.y, screen.z);
//void Sprite3DWithOBBPerformanceTest::calculateRayByLocationInView(Ray* ray, const Vec2& location)
// auto dir = Director::getInstance();
// auto view = dir->getWinSize();
// Vec3 src = Vec3(location.x, location.y, -1);
// Vec3 nearPoint;
// unproject(mat, &view, &src, &nearPoint);
// src = Vec3(location.x, location.y, 1);
// Vec3 farPoint;
// unproject(mat, &view, &src, &farPoint);
// Vec3 direction;
// Vec3::subtract(farPoint, nearPoint, &direction);
// direction.normalize();
// ray->_origin = nearPoint;
// ray->_direction = direction;
//: _sprite(nullptr)
//, _mirrorSprite(nullptr)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords( Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
//std::string Sprite3DMirrorTest::title() const
// return "Sprite3D Mirror Test";
//std::string Sprite3DMirrorTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DMirrorTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(5);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x - 80, p.y) );
// //test attach
// auto sp = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/axe.c3b");
// sprite->getAttachNode("Bip001 R Hand")->addChild(sp);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// _sprite = sprite;
// _hasWeapon = true;
// //create mirror Sprite3D
// sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(5);
// sprite->setScaleX(-5);
// sprite->setCullFace(GL_FRONT);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0,180,0));
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setPosition( Vec2( p.x + 80, p.y) );
// //test attach
// sp = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/axe.c3b");
// sprite->getAttachNode("Bip001 R Hand")->addChild(sp);
// animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// _mirrorSprite = sprite;
//: _arcSpeed(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90))
//, _radius(100.f)
//, _accAngle(0.f)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2(s.width / 2.f, s.height / 2.f));
// scheduleUpdate();
//std::string QuaternionTest::title() const
// return "Test Rotation With Quaternion";
//std::string QuaternionTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void QuaternionTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/tortoise.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setScale(0.1f);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2.f + _radius * cosf(_accAngle), s.height / 2.f + _radius * sinf(_accAngle)));
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprite = sprite;
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation, 0.f, 1.933f);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
//void QuaternionTest::update(float delta)
// _accAngle += delta * _arcSpeed;
// const float pi = (float)M_PI;
// if (_accAngle >= 2 * pi)
// _accAngle -= 2 * pi;
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2.f + _radius * cosf(_accAngle), s.height / 2.f + _radius * sinf(_accAngle)));
// Quaternion quat;
// Quaternion::createFromAxisAngle(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), _accAngle - pi * 0.5f, &quat);
// _sprite->setRotationQuat(quat);
//: _caseIdx(0)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _useCaseTitles[0] = "transparent 3d sprite and 2d sprite";
// _useCaseTitles[1] = "ui - 3d - ui";
// auto itemPrev = MenuItemImage::create("Images/b1.png", "Images/b2.png",
// [&](Ref *sender) {
// _caseIdx--;
// if (_caseIdx < 0)
// _caseIdx = (int)USECASE::MAX_CASE_NUM - 1;
// this->switchCase();
// });
// auto itemNext = MenuItemImage::create("Images/f1.png", "Images/f2.png",
// [&](Ref *sender) {
// _caseIdx++;
// if (_caseIdx >= (int)USECASE::MAX_CASE_NUM)
// _caseIdx = 0;
// this->switchCase();
// });
// auto menu = Menu::create(itemPrev, itemNext, nullptr);
// menu->alignItemsHorizontally();
// menu->setScale(0.5);
// menu->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0,0));
// menu->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2,70));
// _label = Label::create();
// _label->setPosition(s.width * 0.5f, s.height * 0.8f);
// addChild(_label);
// addChild(menu);
// //setup camera
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 30.f, 100.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// switchCase();
//std::string UseCaseSprite3D::title() const
// return "Use Case For 2D + 3D";
//std::string UseCaseSprite3D::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void UseCaseSprite3D::switchCase()
// removeChildByTag(101);
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _label->setString(_useCaseTitles[_caseIdx]);
// if (_caseIdx == 0) // use case 1, 3d transparent sprite + 2d sprite
// {
// std::string filename = "Sprite3DTest/girl.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(filename);
// sprite->setScale(0.15f);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(filename);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// auto circleBack = Sprite3D::create();
// auto circle = Sprite::create("Sprite3DTest/circle.png");
// circleBack->setScale(0.5f);
// circleBack->addChild(circle);
// circle->runAction(RepeatForever::create(RotateBy::create(3, Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 360.f))));
// circleBack->setRotation3D(Vec3(90, 90, 0));
// auto pos = sprite->getPosition3D();
// circleBack->setPosition3D(Vec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1));
// sprite->setOpacity(250);
// sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// circleBack->setCameraMask(2);
// sprite->setTag(3);
// circleBack->setTag(2);
// auto node = Node::create();
// node->addChild(sprite);
// node->addChild(circleBack);
// node->setTag(101);
// addChild(node);
// scheduleUpdate();
// update(0.f);
// }
// else if (_caseIdx == 1) // use case 2, ui - 3d - ui, last ui should on the top
// {
// auto layer = LayerColor::create(Color4B(0, 0, 100, 255), s.width / 2.f, s.height / 2.f);
// layer->setPosition(s.width * 0.25f, s.height * 0.25f);
// layer->setGlobalZOrder(-1);
// addChild(layer);
// std::string filename = "Sprite3DTest/girl.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(filename);
// sprite->setScale(0.5f);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(filename);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// }
// sprite->setPosition(s.width * 0.25f, s.height * 0.125f);
// layer->addChild(sprite);
// TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 15);
// auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Message");
// auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1,CC_CALLBACK_1(UseCaseSprite3D::menuCallback_Message,this) );
// auto label2 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Message");
// auto item2 = MenuItemLabel::create(label2,CC_CALLBACK_1(UseCaseSprite3D::menuCallback_Message,this) );
// item1->setPosition( Vec2(s.width * 0.5f - item1->getContentSize().width * 0.5f, s.height * 0.5f - item1->getContentSize().height ) );
// item2->setPosition( Vec2(s.width * 0.5f - item1->getContentSize().width * 0.5f, s.height * 0.5f - item1->getContentSize().height * 2.f ) );
// auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, item2, nullptr);
// pMenu1->setPosition(Vec2(0,0));
// layer->addChild(pMenu1);
// layer->setTag(101);
// }
//void UseCaseSprite3D::menuCallback_Message(Ref* sender)
// auto layer = getChildByTag(101);
// auto message = layer->getChildByTag(102); // message layer
// if (message)
// layer->removeChild(message);
// else
// {
// // create a new message layer on the top
// auto s = layer->getContentSize();
// auto messagelayer = LayerColor::create(Color4B(100, 100, 0, 255));
// messagelayer->setContentSize(Size(s.width * 0.5f, s.height * 0.5f));
// messagelayer->setPosition(Vec2(s.width * 0.25f, s.height * 0.25f));
// auto label = Label::create();
// label->setString("This Message Layer \n Should Be On Top");
// label->setPosition(Vec2(s.width * 0.25f, s.height * 0.25f));
// messagelayer->addChild(label);
// messagelayer->setTag(102);
// layer->addChild(messagelayer);
// }
//void UseCaseSprite3D::update(float delta)
// if (_caseIdx == 0)
// {
// static float accAngle = 0.f;
// accAngle += delta * CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(60);
// float radius = 30.f;
// float x = cosf(accAngle) * radius, z = sinf(accAngle) * radius;
// auto node = getChildByTag(101);
// auto sprite3d = node->getChildByTag(3);
// auto circle = node->getChildByTag(2);
// sprite3d->setPositionX(x);
// sprite3d->setPositionZ(z);
// circle->setPositionX(x);
// circle->setPositionZ(z);
// }
//// Node Frame Animation
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto itemPrev = MenuItemImage::create("Images/b1.png", "Images/b2.png",
// [&](Ref *sender) {
// _sprites[_vectorIndex]->setVisible(false);
// int tIndex = _vectorIndex - 1;
// if(tIndex < 0)
// _vectorIndex = (int)_sprites.size()-1;
// else
// _vectorIndex--;
// _sprites[_vectorIndex]->setVisible(true);
// });
// auto itemNext = MenuItemImage::create("Images/f1.png", "Images/f2.png",
// [&](Ref *sender) {
// _sprites[_vectorIndex]->setVisible(false);
// int tIndex = _vectorIndex + 1;
// if(tIndex >= static_cast<int>(_sprites.size()))
// _vectorIndex = 0;
// else
// _vectorIndex++;
// _sprites[_vectorIndex]->setVisible(true);
// });
// auto menu = Menu::create(itemPrev, itemNext, nullptr);
// menu->alignItemsHorizontally();
// menu->setScale(0.5);
// menu->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0,0));
// menu->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2,70));
// addChild(menu);
// addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2(s.width / 2.f, s.height / 2.f));
//std::string NodeAnimationTest::title() const
// return "Node Animation Test";
//std::string NodeAnimationTest::subtitle() const
// return "Jumping animation";
//void NodeAnimationTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// // add jumping ball
// std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/ball.c3b";
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 180, 0));
// sprite->setScale(3);
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2.f, s.height / 3.f));
// sprite->setTexture("Sprite3DTest/teapot.png");
// auto light1 = PointLight::create(Vec3(s.width * 0.2f, s.height * 0.8f, 100.0f), Color3B(200, 200, 200), 10000.0f);
// addChild(light1);
// auto light2 = AmbientLight::create(Color3B(100, 100, 100));
// addChild(light2);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// auto act = RepeatForever::create(animate);
// act->setTag(0);
// sprite->runAction(act);
// }
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprites.push_back(sprite);
// // add jumping orc
// fileName = "Sprite3DTest/orc_jump.c3t";
// sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 180, 0));
// sprite->setScale(3);
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2.f, s.height / 3.f));
// sprite->setVisible(false);
// animation = Animation3D::create(fileName);
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// auto act = RepeatForever::create(animate);
// act->setTag(0);
// sprite->runAction(act);
// }
// addChild(sprite);
// _sprites.push_back(sprite);
//Sprite3DCubeMapTest::Sprite3DCubeMapTest() :
// _textureCube(nullptr),
// _skyBox(nullptr),
// _teapot(nullptr)
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2(s.width / 2, s.height / 2));
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
// _teapot->release();
// _skyBox->release();
// _textureCube->release();
//std::string Sprite3DCubeMapTest::title() const
// return "CubeMap & Skybox Test";
//std::string Sprite3DCubeMapTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DCubeMapTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
// Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
// _camera = Camera::createPerspective(60, visibleSize.width / visibleSize.height, 10, 1000);
// _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 50.f));
// _camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// listener->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DCubeMapTest::onTouchesMoved, this);
// _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// // create a teapot
// _teapot = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/teapot.c3b");
// _teapot->retain();
// // create the second texture for cylinder
// _textureCube = TextureCube::create("Sprite3DTest/skybox/left.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/right.jpg",
// "Sprite3DTest/skybox/top.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/bottom.jpg",
// "Sprite3DTest/skybox/front.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/back.jpg");
// _textureCube->retain();
// //set texture parameters
// Texture2D::TexParams tRepeatParams;
// tRepeatParams.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
// tRepeatParams.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
// tRepeatParams.wrapS = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
// tRepeatParams.wrapT = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
// _textureCube->setTexParameters(tRepeatParams);
////TODO minggo
//// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/CubeMap.material");
//// auto state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
//// _teapot->setMaterial(mat);
//// // pass the texture sampler to our custom shader
//// state->setUniformTexture("u_cubeTex", _textureCube);
// _teapot->setPosition3D(Vec3(0, -5, 0));
// _teapot->setRotation3D(Vec3(-90, 180, 0));
// auto rotate_action = RotateBy::create(1.5, Vec3(0, 30, 0));
// _teapot->runAction(RepeatForever::create(rotate_action));
// addChild(_teapot);
// {
// // config skybox
// _skyBox = Skybox::create();
// _skyBox->retain();
// _skyBox->setTexture(_textureCube);
// addChild(_skyBox);
// }
// addChild(_camera);
// setCameraMask(2);
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [this](EventCustom*)
// {
// CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_textureCube);
// _textureCube = TextureCube::create("Sprite3DTest/skybox/left.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/right.jpg",
// "Sprite3DTest/skybox/top.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/bottom.jpg",
// "Sprite3DTest/skybox/front.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/back.jpg");
// _textureCube->retain();
// //set texture parameters
// Texture2D::TexParams tRepeatParams;
// tRepeatParams.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
// tRepeatParams.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
// tRepeatParams.wrapS = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
// tRepeatParams.wrapT = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
// _textureCube->setTexParameters(tRepeatParams);
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/CubeMap.material");
// auto state = mat->getTechniqueByIndex(0)->getPassByIndex(0)->getGLProgramState();
// _teapot->setMaterial(mat);
// _skyBox->setTexture(_textureCube);
// // pass the texture sampler to our custom shader
// state->setUniformTexture("u_cubeTex", _textureCube);
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, 1);
//void Sprite3DCubeMapTest::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event *event)
// if (touches.size())
// {
// auto touch = touches[0];
// auto delta = touch->getDelta();
// static float _angle = 0.f;
// _angle -= CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(delta.x);
// _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(50.0f * sinf(_angle), 0.0f, 50.0f * cosf(_angle)));
// _camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// }
// _shaderType = Issue9767::ShaderType::SHADER_TEX;
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/boss1.obj");
// sprite->setScale(3.f);
// sprite->setTexture("Sprite3DTest/boss.png");
// addChild( sprite );
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(s.width/2, s.height/2));
// _sprite = sprite;
// TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 15);
// auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"switch shader");
// auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1,CC_CALLBACK_1(Issue9767::menuCallback_SwitchShader,this) );
// item1->setPosition( Vec2(s.width * 0.9f - item1->getContentSize().width * 0.5f, s.height * 0.5f - item1->getContentSize().height ) );
// auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, nullptr);
// pMenu1->setPosition(Vec2(0,0));
// addChild(pMenu1);
//void Issue9767::menuCallback_SwitchShader(cocos2d::Ref* sender)
// GLProgram* glProgram = nullptr;
// if (_shaderType == Issue9767::ShaderType::SHADER_TEX)
// {
// _shaderType = Issue9767::ShaderType::SHADER_COLOR;
// glProgram = GLProgramCache::getInstance()->getGLProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_3D_POSITION);
// }
// else
// {
// _shaderType = Issue9767::ShaderType::SHADER_TEX;
// glProgram = GLProgramCache::getInstance()->getGLProgram(GLProgram::SHADER_3D_POSITION_TEXTURE);
// }
// _sprite->setGLProgram(glProgram);
//std::string Issue9767::title() const
// return "Issue9767: test setGLProgram";
//std::string Issue9767::subtitle() const
// return "";
// auto size = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto stencil = Sprite::create("Images/close.png");
// auto clipSprite3D = ClippingNode::create();
// clipSprite3D->setStencil(stencil);
// this->addChild(clipSprite3D);
// clipSprite3D->setScale(3.0f);
// auto sprite3D = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// sprite3D->setScale(1.0f);
// sprite3D->setRotation3D(Vec3(0.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f));
// clipSprite3D->addChild(sprite3D);//5
// clipSprite3D->setPosition(Vec2(size.width / 2, size.height / 2));
// auto seq = Sequence::create(ScaleTo::create(2.f, 3), ScaleTo::create(2.f, 0.5f), NULL);
// sprite3D->runAction(RepeatForever::create(seq));
// auto animation = Animation3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// sprite3D->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// sprite3D->setForce2DQueue(true);
//std::string Sprite3DClippingTest::title() const
// return "Sprite3D Clipping Test";
//std::string Sprite3DClippingTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
// FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath("Particle3D/materials");
// FileUtils::getInstance()->addSearchPath("Particle3D/scripts");
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _sprite3d = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/ReskinGirl.c3b");
// _sprite3d->setPosition(Vec2(s.width / 2.0f, s.height / 3.0f));
// _sprite3d->setScale(3.0f);
// _sprite3d->setRotation3D(Vec3(0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f));
// this->addChild(_sprite3d);
// _sprite3d->getMeshByName("Girl_UpperBody02")->setVisible(false);
// _sprite3d->getMeshByName("Girl_LowerBody02")->setVisible(false);
// _sprite3d->getMeshByName("Girl_Shoes02")->setVisible(false);
// _sprite3d->getMeshByName("Girl_Hair02")->setVisible(false);
// auto rootps = PUParticleSystem3D::create("explosionSystem.pu");
// rootps->stopParticleSystem();
// rootps->setScale(4.0f);
// this->addChild(rootps, 0, 100);
// auto animation = Animation3D::create("Sprite3DTest/ReskinGirl.c3b");
// if (animation)
// {
// auto animate = Animate3D::create(animation);
// _sprite3d->runAction(RepeatForever::create(animate));
// ValueMap valuemap0;
// animate->setKeyFrameUserInfo(275, valuemap0);
// auto listener = EventListenerCustom::create(Animate3DDisplayedNotification, [&](EventCustom* event)
// {
// auto info = (Animate3D::Animate3DDisplayedEventInfo*)event->getUserData();
// auto node = getChildByTag(100);
// if (node)
// {
// auto mat = _sprite3d->getNodeToWorldTransform() * _sprite3d->getSkeleton()->getBoneByName("Bip01 R Hand")->getWorldMat();
// node->setPosition3D(Vec3(mat.m[12] + 100, mat.m[13], mat.m[14]));
// ((PUParticleSystem3D*)node)->startParticleSystem();
// }
// cocos2d::log("frame %d", info->frame);
// });
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener, -1);
// }
//std::string Animate3DCallbackTest::title() const
// return "Testing Animate3D Callback";
//std::string Animate3DCallbackTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto _sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/mesh_model.c3b");
// _sprite->setPosition(Vec2(0, 0));
// _sprite->setScale(0.05f);
// _sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// PointLight * light = PointLight::create(Vec3(0, 0, 400), Color3B(255, 255, 255), 1000.0f);
// //setup camera
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 30.f, 100.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// addChild(_sprite);
// addChild(light);
//std::string Sprite3DTestMeshLight::title() const
// return "3D mesh with light without texture";
//std::string Sprite3DTestMeshLight::subtitle() const
// return "";
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/box_VertexCol.c3t");
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(0, 0));
// sprite->setScale(1.0f);
// sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/VertexColor.material");
// sprite->setMaterial(mat);
// sprite->runAction(RepeatForever::create(RotateBy::create(1.0f, Vec3(10.0f, 50.0f, 10.0f))));
// this->addChild(sprite);
// //setup camera
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// _backToForegroundListener = EventListenerCustom::create(EVENT_COME_TO_FOREGROUND,
// [=](EventCustom*)
// {
// auto mat = Sprite3DMaterial::createWithFilename("Sprite3DTest/VertexColor.material");
// sprite->setMaterial(mat);
// }
// );
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(_backToForegroundListener, 1);
// Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->removeEventListener(_backToForegroundListener);
//std::string Sprite3DVertexColorTest::title() const
// return "Testing Vertex Color";
//std::string Sprite3DVertexColorTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
// TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 20);
// auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig,"Clear Mode");
// auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1,CC_CALLBACK_1(CameraBackgroundClearTest::switch_CameraClearMode,this) );
// item1->setPosition( Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x+50, VisibleRect::bottom().y+item1->getContentSize().height*4 ) );
// auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, nullptr);
// pMenu1->setPosition(Vec2(0,0));
// this->addChild(pMenu1, 10);
// //setup camera
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// _camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// _camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 30.f, 100.f));
// _camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(_camera);
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// addChild(sprite);
// sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// _label = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, "Depth Clear Brush");
// addChild(_label);
// _label->setPosition(s.width / 2.f , VisibleRect::top().y * 0.8f);
//void CameraBackgroundClearTest::switch_CameraClearMode(cocos2d::Ref* sender)
// auto type = _camera->getBackgroundBrush()->getBrushType();
// if (type == CameraBackgroundBrush::BrushType::NONE)
// {
// _camera->setBackgroundBrush(CameraBackgroundBrush::createDepthBrush(1.f));
// _label->setString("Depth Clear Brush");
// // Test brush valid when set by user scene setting
// CCLOG("Background brush valid status is : %s", _camera->isBrushValid() ? "true" : "false");
// }
// else if (type == CameraBackgroundBrush::BrushType::DEPTH)
// {
// _camera->setBackgroundBrush(CameraBackgroundBrush::createColorBrush(Color4F(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f), 1.f));
// _label->setString("Color Clear Brush");
// }
// else if (type == CameraBackgroundBrush::BrushType::COLOR)
// {
// _camera->setBackgroundBrush(CameraBackgroundBrush::createSkyboxBrush("Sprite3DTest/skybox/left.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/right.jpg","Sprite3DTest/skybox/top.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/bottom.jpg","Sprite3DTest/skybox/front.jpg", "Sprite3DTest/skybox/back.jpg"));
// _label->setString("Skybox Clear Brush");
// }
// else if (type == CameraBackgroundBrush::BrushType::SKYBOX)
// {
// _camera->setBackgroundBrush(CameraBackgroundBrush::createNoneBrush());
// _label->setString("None Clear Brush");
// }
//std::string CameraBackgroundClearTest::title() const
// return "Camera Background Clear Brush";
//std::string CameraBackgroundClearTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 50.f, 200.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// sprite->setPosition(20.f, 0.f);
// addChild(sprite);
// auto streak = MotionStreak3D::create(1.0f, 1.0f, 5.f, Color3B(255, 255, 0), "Images/Icon.png");
// addChild(streak);
// setCameraMask(2);
// _sprite = sprite;
// _streak = streak;
// scheduleUpdate();
//std::string MotionStreak3DTest::title() const
// return "MotionStreak3D Test";
//std::string MotionStreak3DTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void MotionStreak3DTest::update(float delta)
// static float t = 0;
// t += delta;
// float angle = t * M_PI;
// float r = 20.f;
// _sprite->setPosition3D(Vec3(r * cosf(angle), 0, r * sinf(angle)));
// _streak->setPosition3D(_sprite->getPosition3D());
// _streak->setSweepAxis(Vec3(cosf(angle), 0, sinf(angle)));
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// {
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/sphere.c3b");
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(-30, 0));
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// sprite->setScale(2.0);
// sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// sprite->setTexture("Sprite3DTest/brickwork-texture.jpg");
// addChild(sprite);
// }
// int maxAttributes;
// glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &maxAttributes);
// CCASSERT(maxAttributes > 8, "attributes supported must be greater than 8");
// if (maxAttributes > 8)
// {
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/sphere_bumped.c3b");
// sprite->setPosition(Vec2(30, 0));
// sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// sprite->setScale(20.0);
// sprite->setCameraMask(2);
// sprite->setTexture("Sprite3DTest/brickwork-texture.jpg");
// addChild(sprite);
// }
// //setup camera
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(60.0, s.width / s.height, 1.0f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 100.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// PointLight* light = PointLight::create(Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Color3B(255, 255, 255), 1000);
// light->setTag(100);
// addChild(light);
// scheduleUpdate();
//void Sprite3DNormalMappingTest::update(float dt)
// static float angle = 0.0f;
// static bool reverseDir = false;
// static float radius = 100.0f;
// auto light = static_cast<PointLight*>(getChildByTag(100));
// light->setPosition3D(Vec3(radius * cos(angle), 0.0f, radius * sin(angle)));
// if (reverseDir){
// angle -= 0.01f;
// if (angle < 0.0)
// reverseDir = false;
// }
// else{
// angle += 0.01f;
// if (3.14159 < angle)
// reverseDir = true;
// }
//std::string Sprite3DNormalMappingTest::title() const
// return "NormalMapping Test";
//std::string Sprite3DNormalMappingTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto camera = Camera::createPerspective(40, s.width / s.height, 0.01f, 1000.f);
// camera->setCameraFlag(CameraFlag::USER1);
// camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(0.f, 50.f, 200.f));
// camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
// addChild(camera);
// _sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// _sprite->setPosition(20.f, 0.f);
// _sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(0, 180, 0));
// _meshTex = _sprite->getMesh()->getTexture();
// _texFile = _meshTex->getPath();
// addChild(_sprite);
// setCameraMask(2);
// //auto listener = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
// ////listener->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(Sprite3DReskinTest::onTouchesEnded, this);
// //_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// TTFConfig ttfConfig("fonts/arial.ttf", 20);
// auto label1 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, "Print Mesh Name");
// auto item1 = MenuItemLabel::create(label1, CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DPropertyTest::printMeshName, this));
// auto label2 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, "Remove Used Texture");
// auto item2 = MenuItemLabel::create(label2, CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DPropertyTest::removeUsedTexture, this));
// auto label3 = Label::createWithTTF(ttfConfig, "Reset");
// auto item3 = MenuItemLabel::create(label3, CC_CALLBACK_1(Sprite3DPropertyTest::resetTexture, this));
// item1->setPosition(Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x + 100, VisibleRect::bottom().y + item1->getContentSize().height * 4));
// item2->setPosition(Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x + 100, VisibleRect::bottom().y + item1->getContentSize().height * 5));
// item3->setPosition(Vec2(VisibleRect::left().x + 100, VisibleRect::bottom().y + item1->getContentSize().height * 6));
// auto pMenu1 = Menu::create(item1, item2, item3,nullptr);
// pMenu1->setPosition(Vec2(0, 0));
// this->addChild(pMenu1, 10);
// scheduleUpdate();
//std::string Sprite3DPropertyTest::title() const
// return "Sprite3DPropertyTest Test";
//std::string Sprite3DPropertyTest::subtitle() const
// return "";
//void Sprite3DPropertyTest::update(float delta)
//void Sprite3DPropertyTest::printMeshName(cocos2d::Ref* sender)
// CCLOG("MeshName Begin");
// Vector<Mesh*> meshes =_sprite->getMeshes();
// for(Mesh* mesh : meshes)
// {
// log("MeshName: %s ", mesh->getName().c_str());
// }
// CCLOG("MeshName End");
//void Sprite3DPropertyTest::removeUsedTexture(cocos2d::Ref* sender)
// if (_meshTex != nullptr)
// {
// Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->removeTexture(_meshTex);
// this->refreshSpriteRender();
// }
//void Sprite3DPropertyTest::resetTexture(cocos2d::Ref* sender)
// if (_meshTex != nullptr)
// {
// _meshTex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(_texFile);
// this->refreshSpriteRender();
// }
//void Sprite3DPropertyTest::refreshSpriteRender()
// Vector<Mesh*> meshes = _sprite->getMeshes();
// for (Mesh* mesh : meshes)
// {
// std::string file = mesh->getTextureFileName();
// Texture2D* cacheTex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->getTextureForKey(file);
// if (cacheTex == nullptr)
// {
// unsigned char data[] = { 255, 0, 0, 255 };//1*1 red picture
// Image * image = new (std::nothrow) Image();
// image->initWithRawData(data, sizeof(data), 1, 1, sizeof(unsigned char));
// cacheTex = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage(image, "/dummyTexture");
// image->release();
// }
// mesh->setTexture(cacheTex, cocos2d::NTextureData::Usage::Diffuse, false);
// }
//// Issue16155Test
// auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
// auto sprite = Sprite3D::create("Sprite3DTest/orc.c3b");
// int rcBefore = sprite->getMeshByIndex(0)->getTexture()->getReferenceCount();
// addChild(sprite);
// removeChild(sprite);
// cocos2d::log("Issue 16155: Ref count:%d. Run this test again. RC should be the same", rcBefore);
//std::string Issue16155Test::title() const
// return "Issue16155 Test";
//std::string Issue16155Test::subtitle() const
// return "Should not leak texture. See console";