mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
750 lines
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750 lines
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![]() |
// http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org
// Javascript + chipmunk tests
director = cc.Director.getInstance();
winSize = director.getWinSize();
centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 );
var scenes = []
var currentScene = 0;
var withTransition = false;
var nextScene = function () {
currentScene = currentScene + 1;
if( currentScene >= scenes.length )
currentScene = 0;
withTransition = true;
var previousScene = function () {
currentScene = currentScene -1;
if( currentScene < 0 )
currentScene = scenes.length -1;
withTransition = true;
var restartScene = function () {
loadScene( currentScene );
var loadScene = function (sceneIdx)
winSize = director.getWinSize();
centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 );
var scene = new cc.Scene();
var layer = new scenes[ sceneIdx ]();
scene.addChild( layer );
// scene.walkSceneGraph(0);
var transitions = [ cc.TransitionSplitCols, cc.TransitionSplitRows,
cc.TransitionSlideInL, cc.TransitionSlideInR, cc.TransitionSlideInT, cc.TransitionSlideInB,
cc.TransitionFade, cc.TransitionCrossFade,
cc.TransitionFlipX, cc.TransitionFlipY,
cc.TransitionProgressRadialCCW, cc.TransitionProgressRadialCW, cc.TransitionProgressVertical, cc.TransitionProgressHorizontal,
var idx = Math.floor( Math.random() * transitions.length );
var transition = transitions[ idx ];
if( withTransition == true )
director.replaceScene( transition.create( 0.9, scene ) );
director.replaceScene( scene );
withTransition = false;
// __jsc__.garbageCollect();
// BaseLayer
var BaseLayer = function() {
// Only subclasses of a native classes MUST call __associateObjectWithNative
// Failure to do so, it will crash.
var parent = goog.base(this);
__associateObjWithNative( this, parent );
this.init( cc.c4b(0,0,0,255), cc.c4b(0,128,255,255));
this.title = "No title";
this.subtitle = "No Subtitle";
this.isMainTitle = false;
goog.inherits(BaseLayer, cc.LayerGradient );
// Instance 'base' methods
// XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits"
BaseLayer.prototype.onEnter = function() {
var fontSize = 36;
var tl = this.title.length;
fontSize = (winSize.width / tl) * 1.60;
if( fontSize/winSize.width > 0.09 ) {
fontSize = winSize.width * 0.09;
this.label = cc.LabelTTF.create(this.title, "Gill Sans", fontSize);
this.addChild(this.label, 100);
var isMain = this.isMainTitle;
if( isMain == true )
this.label.setPosition( centerPos );
this.label.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height*11/12) );
var subStr = this.subtitle;
if (subStr != "") {
tl = this.subtitle.length;
var subfontSize = (winSize.width / tl) * 1.3;
if( subfontSize > fontSize *0.6 ) {
subfontSize = fontSize *0.6;
this.sublabel = cc.LabelTTF.create(subStr, "Thonburi", subfontSize);
this.addChild(this.sublabel, 90);
if( isMain )
this.sublabel.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height*3/8 ));
this.sublabel.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height*5/6 ));
} else
this.sublabel = null;
// Menu
var item1 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("b1.png", "b2.png", this, this.backCallback);
var item2 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("r1.png", "r2.png", this, this.restartCallback);
var item3 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("f1.png", "f2.png", this, this.nextCallback);
var item4 = cc.MenuItemFont.create("back", this, function() { require("js/main.js"); } );
item4.setFontSize( 22 );
[item1, item2, item3 ].forEach( function(item) {
} );
var menu = cc.Menu.create( item1, item2, item3, item4 );
menu.setPosition( cc.p(0,0) );
item1.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 - 100, 30));
item2.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, 30));
item3.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 + 100, 30));
item4.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width - 60, winSize.height - 30 ) );
this.addChild(menu, 80);
BaseLayer.prototype.createBulletList = function () {
var str = "";
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
if(i != 0)
str += "\n";
str += '- ' + arguments[i];
cc.log( str );
var fontSize = winSize.height*0.07;
var bullets = cc.LabelTTF.create( str, "Gill Sans", fontSize );
bullets.setPosition( centerPos );
this.addChild( bullets, 80 );
BaseLayer.prototype.createImage = function( file ) {
var sprite = cc.Sprite.create( file );
sprite.setPosition( centerPos );
this.addChild( sprite, 70 );
return sprite;
BaseLayer.prototype.restartCallback = function (sender) {
BaseLayer.prototype.nextCallback = function (sender) {
BaseLayer.prototype.backCallback = function (sender) {
// Intro Page
var IntroPage = function() {
this.background1 = this.createImage( 'Official-cocos2d-Icon-Angry.png');
this.background2 = this.createImage( 'Official-cocos2d-Icon-Happy.png');
this.background2.setOpacity( 0 );
// Not working setZOrder() ??
// sprite.setZOrder( -200 );
this.title = 'cocos2d + JS'
this.subtitle = 'Javascript bindings for cocos2d';
this.isMainTitle = true;
this.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function() {
var fade_out1 = cc.FadeOut.create( 2 );
var fade_in1 = fade_out1.reverse();
var delay1 = cc.DelayTime.create(4);
var seq1 = cc.Sequence.create( fade_out1, fade_in1, delay1 );
this.background1.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq1 ) );
var delay2 = cc.DelayTime.create(4);
var fade_out2 = cc.FadeOut.create( 2 );
var fade_in2 = fade_out2.reverse();
var seq2 = cc.Sequence.create( delay2, fade_in2, fade_out2 );
this.background2.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq2 ) );
goog.inherits( IntroPage, BaseLayer );
// About Page
var AboutPage = function() {
this.title = 'About';
this.subtitle = 'What is cocos2d + JS ?';
this.isMainTitle = false;
this.createBulletList( 'Javascript bindings for cocos2d',
'Same JS API as cocos2d-html5',
'Works on iOS and Mac',
'Faster development',
'Great prototyping tool');
goog.inherits( AboutPage, BaseLayer );
// Sprites Page
var SpritesPage = function() {
this.title = 'Sprites';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.05;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.Sprite.create("grossini.png");', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
var sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png");
sprite1.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*1/4, winSize.height/2) );
var sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create("grossini.png");
sprite2.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*2/4, winSize.height/2) );
var sprite3 = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister2.png");
sprite3.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*3/4, winSize.height/2) );
this.addChild( sprite1 );
this.addChild( sprite2 );
this.addChild( sprite3 );
goog.inherits( SpritesPage, BaseLayer );
// Labels Page
var LabelsPage = function() {
this.title = 'Labels';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.03;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.LabelTTF.create("Hello JS World", "Marker Felt", 32);\ncc.LabelBMFont.create("Hello World", "font.fnt")', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
var labelTTF = cc.LabelTTF.create('Label TTF', 'Marker Felt', 48 );
labelTTF.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*1/4, winSize.height/2) );
this.addChild( labelTTF );
var labelBM = cc.LabelBMFont.create('Label BMFont', 'futura-48.fnt');
labelBM.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*3/4, winSize.height/2) );
this.addChild( labelBM );
// var labelAtlas = cc.LabelAtlas.create('Atlas', 'tuffy_bold_italic-charmap.plist');
// labelAtlas.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*3/5, winSize.height/2) );
// this.addChild( labelAtlas );
goog.inherits( LabelsPage, BaseLayer );
// Actions Page
var ActionsPage = function() {
this.title = 'Actions';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.05;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.RotateBy.create(8, 360);', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
this.sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini.png");
this.sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*2/4, winSize.height/2) );
this.addChild( this.sprite );
this.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function() {
var action = cc.RotateBy.create(8, 360);
this.sprite.runAction( action );
goog.inherits( ActionsPage, BaseLayer );
// Actions Complex Page
var ActionsComplexPage = function() {
this.title = 'Complex Actions';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.05;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.Sequence.create(action1, action2,...);', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
this.sprite = cc.Sprite.create("grossini.png");
this.sprite.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width*2/4, winSize.height/2) );
this.addChild( this.sprite );
// This function is not portable to cocos2d-html5
this.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function() {
var rot = cc.RotateBy.create(1, 360);
var rot_back = rot.reverse();
var scale = cc.ScaleBy.create(1, 7);
var scale_back = scale.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create( rot, scale, rot_back, scale_back );
this.sprite.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq ) );
goog.inherits( ActionsComplexPage, BaseLayer );
// Actions Ease Page
var ActionsEasePage = function() {
this.title = 'Ease Actions';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.05;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.EaseIn.create(action1, rate);', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
this.sprite1 = cc.Sprite.create("grossini.png");
this.sprite2 = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png");
this.sprite3 = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister2.png");
this.addChild( this.sprite1 );
this.addChild( this.sprite2 );
this.addChild( this.sprite3 );
this.sprite1.setPosition( cc.p(60, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.sprite2.setPosition( cc.p(60, winSize.height*2.5/5) );
this.sprite3.setPosition( cc.p(60, winSize.height*4/5) );
this.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function() {
var move = cc.MoveBy.create( 3, cc.p(winSize.width-130,0) );
var move_back = move.reverse();
var move_ease_in = cc.EaseIn.create( move.copy(), 2.5 );
var move_ease_in_back = move_ease_in.reverse();
var move_ease_out = cc.EaseOut.create( move.copy(), 2.5 );
var move_ease_out_back = move_ease_out.reverse();
var delay = cc.DelayTime.create( 0.25 );
var seq1 = cc.Sequence.create( move, delay, move_back, delay.copy());
var seq2 = cc.Sequence.create( move_ease_in, delay.copy(), move_ease_in_back, delay.copy() );
var seq3 = cc.Sequence.create( move_ease_out, delay.copy(), move_ease_out_back, delay.copy() );
this.sprite1.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq1 ) );
this.sprite2.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq2 ) );
this.sprite3.runAction( cc.RepeatForever.create( seq3 ) );
goog.inherits( ActionsEasePage, BaseLayer );
// Particles Page
var ParticlesPage = function() {
this.title = 'Particles';
this.subtitle = ''
var fontSize = winSize.height * 0.05;
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create('cc.ParticleSystem.create("myparticle.plist");', 'CourierNewPSMT', fontSize );
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height*1/5) );
this.addChild( label );
this.particle = cc.ParticleSystem.create("Particles/Flower.plist");
this.addChild( this.particle );
this.particle.setPosition( centerPos );
var platform = __getPlatform();
if( platform.substring(0,7) == 'desktop' )
this.setMouseEnabled( true );
else if( platform.substring(0,6) == 'mobile' )
this.setTouchEnabled( true );
this.onMouseDown = function( event ) {
this.particle.setPosition( event.getLocation() );
this.onMouseDragged = function( event ) {
return this.onMouseDown( event );
this.onTouchesEnded = function( touches, event ) {
var l = touches.length;
for( var i=0; i < l; i++) {
this.particle.setPosition( touches[i].getLocation() );
this.onTouchesMoved = function( touches, event ) {
return this.onTouchesEnded( touches, event );
goog.inherits( ParticlesPage, BaseLayer );
// Chipmunk Page
var ChipmunkPage = function() {
// batch node
this.batch = cc.SpriteBatchNode.create('grossini.png', 50 );
this.addChild( this.batch );
this.addSprite = function( pos ) {
var sprite = this.createPhysicsSprite( pos );
this.batch.addChild( sprite );
this.title = 'Physics Integration';
this.subtitle = 'Integration with Chipmunk Physics Engine';
goog.inherits( ChipmunkPage, BaseLayer );
// Instance 'base' methods
// XXX: Should be defined after "goog.inherits"
// init physics
ChipmunkPage.prototype.initPhysics = function() {
this.space = cp.spaceNew();
var staticBody = cp.spaceGetStaticBody( this.space );
// Walls
var walls = [cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(winSize.width,0), 0 ), // bottom
cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,winSize.height), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0), // top
cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(0,0), cp.v(0,winSize.height), 0), // left
cp.segmentShapeNew( staticBody, cp.v(winSize.width,0), cp.v(winSize.width,winSize.height), 0) // right
for( var i=0; i < walls.length; i++ ) {
var wall = walls[i];
cp.shapeSetElasticity(wall, 1);
cp.shapeSetFriction(wall, 1);
cp.spaceAddStaticShape( this.space, wall );
// Gravity
cp.spaceSetGravity( this.space, cp.v(0, -100) );
ChipmunkPage.prototype.createPhysicsSprite = function( pos ) {
var body = cp.bodyNew(1, cp.momentForBox(1, 48, 108) );
cp.bodySetPos( body, pos );
cp.spaceAddBody( this.space, body );
var shape = cp.boxShapeNew( body, 48, 108);
cp.shapeSetElasticity( shape, 0.5 );
cp.shapeSetFriction( shape, 0.5 );
cp.spaceAddShape( this.space, shape );
var sprite = cc.ChipmunkSprite.create("grossini.png");
sprite.setBody( body );
return sprite;
ChipmunkPage.prototype.onEnter = function () {
goog.base(this, 'onEnter');
for(var i=0; i<20; i++) {
var x = 40 + Math.random() * (winSize.width-80);
var y = winSize.height/2 + Math.random() * 80;
this.addSprite( cp.v(x, y) );
var platform = __getPlatform();
if( platform.substring(0,7) == 'desktop' )
this.setMouseEnabled( true );
else if( platform.substring(0,6) == 'mobile' )
this.setTouchEnabled( true );
ChipmunkPage.prototype.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function () {
ChipmunkPage.prototype.update = function( delta ) {
cp.spaceStep( this.space, delta );
ChipmunkPage.prototype.onMouseDown = function( event ) {
this.addSprite( event.getLocation() );
ChipmunkPage.prototype.onTouchesEnded = function( touches, event ) {
var l = touches.length;
for( var i=0; i < l; i++) {
this.addSprite( touches[i].getLocation() );
// Behind The Scenes Page
var BehindTheScenesPage = function() {
this.title = 'Behind The Scenes';
this.subtitle = '';
this.isMainTitle = true;
goog.inherits( BehindTheScenesPage, BaseLayer );
// ParserFeaturesPage Page
var ParserFeaturesPage = function() {
this.title = 'Parser Features';
this.subtitle = '';
this.isMainTitle = false;
this.createBulletList( 'Any Objective-C / C library',
'No need to modify generated code',
'No need to modify parsed library',
'Easy to maintain and extend',
'Powerful config file' );
goog.inherits( ParserFeaturesPage, BaseLayer );
// Internals
var InternalsPage = function() {
this.title = 'Internals';
this.subtitle = 'Solid internal design';
this.isMainTitle = false;
this.onEnterTransitionDidFinish = function() {
// super onEnter
// goog.base( this, 'onEnterTransitionDidFinish' );
var spr = this.createImage( 'Presentation/proxy_model.png' );
spr.setScale( 0.1 );
var scaleAction = cc.ScaleTo.create( 0.7, 1);
spr.runAction( scaleAction );
goog.inherits( InternalsPage, BaseLayer );
// DemoPage
var DemoPage = function() {
this.title = 'Demo';
this.subtitle = '';
this.isMainTitle = true;
goog.inherits( DemoPage, BaseLayer );
// OneMoreThing
var OneMoreThingPage = function() {
this.title = 'One More Thing';
this.subtitle = '';
this.isMainTitle = true;
goog.inherits( OneMoreThingPage, BaseLayer );
// Thanks
var ThanksPage = function() {
this.title = 'Thanks';
this.subtitle = '';
this.isMainTitle = true;
goog.inherits( ThanksPage, BaseLayer );
// Order of tests
scenes.push( IntroPage );
scenes.push( AboutPage );
scenes.push( SpritesPage );
scenes.push( LabelsPage );
scenes.push( ActionsPage );
scenes.push( ActionsComplexPage );
scenes.push( ActionsEasePage );
scenes.push( ParticlesPage );
scenes.push( ChipmunkPage );
scenes.push( BehindTheScenesPage );
scenes.push( ParserFeaturesPage );
scenes.push( InternalsPage );
scenes.push( DemoPage );
scenes.push( OneMoreThingPage );
scenes.push( ThanksPage );
// Main entry point
function run()
var scene = cc.Scene.create();
var layer = new scenes[currentScene]();
scene.addChild( layer );
director.setDisplayStats( false );
var runningScene = director.getRunningScene();
if( runningScene == null )
director.runWithScene( scene );
director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFade.create(0.5, scene ) );