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2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
# create new project by cocos-console
# compile, deploy project and run
# perpose: for emptytest.
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
# now support: mac- mac/ios/android
# will add: window-android,linux-android
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import json
import time
import socket
payload = {}
#get payload from os env
if os.environ.has_key('payload'):
payload_str = os.environ['payload']
#parse to json obj
global payload
payload = json.loads(payload_str)
print 'payload:',payload
pr_num = 1
#get pull number
if payload.has_key('issue'):
issue = payload['issue']
if issue.has_key('number'):
pr_num = issue['number']
print 'pr_num:' + str(pr_num)
test_name = ['cpp_empty_test']
if os.environ.has_key('TESTS_NAME'):
temp_var = os.environ('TESTS_NAME')
test_name = temp_var.split(', ')
package_name = ['org.cocos2dx.hellocpp']
if os.environ.has_key('PACKAGE_NAME'):
temp_var = os.environ('PACKAGE_NAME')
package_name = temp_var.split(', ')
activity_name = ['org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity']
if os.environ.has_key('ACTIVITY_NAME'):
temp_var = os.environ('ACTIVITY_NAME')
activity_name = temp_var.split(', ')
gIdx = 0
if os.environ.has_key('TEST_INDEX'):
gIdx = os.environ('TEST_INDEX')
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
arrDevices = []
def getDevices():
cmd = 'adb devices'
info_devices = os.popen(cmd).read()
arr_info = info_devices.split('\n')
del arr_info[0]
count = 0
for device in arr_info:
if len(device) > 0:
count += 1
print 'device ', count,device
deviceInfo = device.split(' ')
global arrDevices
obj = {}
obj['name'] = deviceInfo[0]
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return count
def getADBDeviceIP(device_name):
output = os.popen("adb -s "+device_name+" shell netcfg")
configs ='\r\n')
for l in configs:
items = l.split()
if len(items)>1 and items[1] == 'UP':
if items[2].find('') < 0 and items[2].find('') < 0:
return items[2]
return False
def mapIP():
for device in arrDevices:
ip_d = getADBDeviceIP(device['name'])
if ip_d:
ip_d = ip_d.replace('.30.', '.40.')
device['ip'] = ip_d
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_empty_test = {}
2014-04-15 18:28:56 +08:00
apk_name = 'apk/'+test_name[gIdx]+'/'+test_name[gIdx]+'_'+str(pr_num)+'.apk'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
def install_apk():
print 'will install apk:', apk_name
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
if len(arrDevices) == 0:
print 'no android device.'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return False
info_of_install = []
for device in arrDevices:
name = device['name']
cmd = 'adb -s '+name+' install '+apk_name
print 'install on '+name
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_install = os.popen(cmd).read()
print 'infomation of install apk:', info_install
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_empty_test['install'] = info_of_install
return True
def open_apk(type_of_apk):
print 'will open activity:'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
for device in arrDevices:
cmd = 'adb -s '+device['name']+' shell am start -n '+package_name[gIdx]+'/'+activity_name[gIdx]
# print 'start activity:', cmd
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_start = os.popen(cmd).read()
info_start = info_start.split('\n')
# print 'info_start:', info_start
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
for info in info_start:
if info.find('Error:') > -1:
print 'infomation of open activity:',info
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return info
print 'activity is opened.'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return True
PORT = 5678
def socket_status(device_name):
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
soc = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
print 'will check status of app:', device_name
soc.connect((device_name['ip'], PORT))
cmd = 'resolution\r\n'
# print 'socket cmd :', cmd
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
while True:
data = soc.recv(1024)
if len(data):
print data
if data.find('size:') > -1:
print test_name[gIdx]+' is successful!'
return True
if not data:
print test_name[gIdx]+' is crashed!'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
except Exception, e:
print test_name[gIdx]+' is crashed!'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return False
def uninstall_apk(idx):
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
# adb shell pm uninstall -n org.cocos2dx.hellolua
print 'will uninstall apk:', package_name[idx]
for device in arrDevices:
cmd = 'adb -s '+device['name']+' shell pm uninstall -n '+package_name[idx]
info_uninstall = os.popen(cmd).read()
print 'uninstall apk:', info_uninstall
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
return True
def main():
print 'in main:'
if len(arrDevices):
print 'arrDevices:',arrDevices
print 'empty test start:'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
install_info = install_apk()
open_info = open_apk(test_name[gIdx])
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_empty_test['open_info'] = open_info
if open_info:
socket_info = socket_status(arrDevices[0])
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
info_empty_test['socket_info'] = socket_info
if install_info:
info_uninstall = uninstall_apk(gIdx)
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
print 'info_empty_test:', info_empty_test
print 'empty test end'
2014-04-14 18:43:26 +08:00
# -------------- main --------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys_ret = 0
sys_ret = main()
sys_ret = 1