2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- Test #1 by Jason Booth (slipster216)
-- Test #3 by David Deaco (ddeaco)
-- * Impelmentation of RenderTextureSave
local function RenderTextureSave()
local ret = createTestLayer("Touch the screen",
"Press 'Save Image' to create an snapshot of the render texture")
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
local m_pTarget = nil
local m_pBrush = nil
local m_pTarget = nil
local counter = 0
local function clearImage(tag, pSender)
m_pTarget:clear(math.random(), math.random(), math.random(), math.random())
local function saveImage(tag, pSender)
local png = string.format("image-%d.png", counter)
local jpg = string.format("image-%d.jpg", counter)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pTarget:saveToFile(png, cc.IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)
m_pTarget:saveToFile(jpg, cc.IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local pImage = m_pTarget:newImage()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2014-01-22 17:09:33 +08:00
local tex = cc.Director:getInstance():getTextureCache():addUIImage(pImage, png)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(tex)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
sprite:setPosition(cc.p(40, 40))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
sprite:setRotation(counter * 3)
cclog("Image saved %s and %s", png, jpg)
counter = counter + 1
local function onNodeEvent(event)
if event == "exit" then
2014-01-22 17:09:33 +08:00
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- create a render texture, this is what we are going to draw into
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pTarget = cc.RenderTexture:create(s.width, s.height, cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pTarget:setPosition(cc.p(s.width / 2, s.height / 2))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- note that the render texture is a cc.Node, and contains a sprite of its texture for convience,
-- so we can just parent it to the scene like any other cc.Node
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
ret:addChild(m_pTarget, -1)
-- create a brush image to draw into the texture with
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pBrush = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire.png")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pBrush:setColor(cc.c3b(255, 0, 0))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
local prev = {x = 0, y = 0}
local function onTouchEvent(eventType, x, y)
if eventType == "began" then
prev.x = x
prev.y = y
return true
elseif eventType == "moved" then
local diffX = x - prev.x
local diffY = y - prev.y
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local startP = cc.p(x, y)
local endP = cc.p(prev.x, prev.y)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- begin drawing to the render texture
-- for extra points, we'll draw this smoothly from the last position and vary the sprite's
-- scale/rotation/offset
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local distance = cc.pGetDistance(startP, endP)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
if distance > 1 then
local d = distance
local i = 0
for i = 0, d-1 do
local difx = endP.x - startP.x
local dify = endP.y - startP.y
local delta = i / distance
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
m_pBrush:setPosition(cc.p(startP.x + (difx * delta), startP.y + (dify * delta)))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
m_pBrush:setRotation(math.random(0, 359))
local r = math.random(0, 49) / 50.0 + 0.25
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- Use cc.RANDOM_0_1() will cause error when loading libtests.so on android, I don't know why.
m_pBrush:setColor(cc.c3b(math.random(0, 126) + 128, 255, 255))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- Call visit to draw the brush, don't call draw..
-- finish drawing and return context back to the screen
prev.x = x
prev.y = y
-- Save Image menu
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local item1 = cc.MenuItemFont:create("Save Image")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local item2 = cc.MenuItemFont:create("Clear")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local menu = cc.Menu:create(item1, item2)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
menu:setPosition(cc.p(VisibleRect:rightTop().x - 80, VisibleRect:rightTop().y - 30))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
return ret
-- * Impelmentation of RenderTextureIssue937
-- local function RenderTextureIssue937()
-- /*
-- * 1 2
-- * A: A1 A2
-- *
-- * B: B1 B2
-- *
-- * A1: premulti sprite
-- * A2: premulti render
-- *
-- * B1: non-premulti sprite
-- * B2: non-premulti render
-- */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local background = cc.LayerColor:create(cc.c4b(200,200,200,255))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addChild(background)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local spr_premulti = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire.png")
-- spr_premulti:setPosition(cc.p(16,48))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local spr_nonpremulti = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire.png")
-- spr_nonpremulti:setPosition(cc.p(16,16))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- /* A2 & B2 setup */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local rend = cc.RenderTexture:create(32, 64, cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- if (NULL == rend)
-- return
-- end
-- -- It's possible to modify the RenderTexture blending function by
2013-07-05 16:49:22 +08:00
-- -- [[rend sprite] setBlendFunc:(BlendFunc) GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHAend]
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- rend:begin()
-- spr_premulti:visit()
-- spr_nonpremulti:visit()
-- rend:end()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- --/* A1: setup */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- spr_premulti:setPosition(cc.p(s.width/2-16, s.height/2+16))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- --/* B1: setup */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- spr_nonpremulti:setPosition(cc.p(s.width/2-16, s.height/2-16))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- rend:setPosition(cc.p(s.width/2+16, s.height/2))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addChild(spr_nonpremulti)
-- addChild(spr_premulti)
-- addChild(rend)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "Testing issue #937"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "All images should be equal..."
-- end
-- local function runThisTest()
-- local pLayer = nextTestCase()
-- addChild(pLayer)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.Director:getInstance():replaceScene(this)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
-- --/**
-- -- * Impelmentation of RenderTextureZbuffer
-- --*/
-- local function RenderTextureZbuffer()
-- this:setTouchEnabled(true)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local size = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
-- local label = cc.LabelTTF:create("vertexZ = 50", "Marker Felt", 64)
-- label:setPosition(cc.p(size.width / 2, size.height * 0.25))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:addChild(label)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local label2 = cc.LabelTTF:create("vertexZ = 0", "Marker Felt", 64)
-- label2:setPosition(cc.p(size.width / 2, size.height * 0.5))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:addChild(label2)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local label3 = cc.LabelTTF:create("vertexZ = -50", "Marker Felt", 64)
-- label3:setPosition(cc.p(size.width / 2, size.height * 0.75))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:addChild(label3)
-- label:setVertexZ(50)
-- label2:setVertexZ(0)
-- label3:setVertexZ(-50)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.SpriteFrameCache:getInstance():addSpriteFramesWithFile("Images/bugs/circle.plist")
-- mgr = cc.SpriteBatchNode:create("Images/bugs/circle.png", 9)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:addChild(mgr)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sp1 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp2 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp3 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp4 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp5 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp6 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp7 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp8 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
-- sp9 = cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("circle.png")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- mgr:addChild(sp1, 9)
-- mgr:addChild(sp2, 8)
-- mgr:addChild(sp3, 7)
-- mgr:addChild(sp4, 6)
-- mgr:addChild(sp5, 5)
-- mgr:addChild(sp6, 4)
-- mgr:addChild(sp7, 3)
-- mgr:addChild(sp8, 2)
-- mgr:addChild(sp9, 1)
-- sp1:setVertexZ(400)
-- sp2:setVertexZ(300)
-- sp3:setVertexZ(200)
-- sp4:setVertexZ(100)
-- sp5:setVertexZ(0)
-- sp6:setVertexZ(-100)
-- sp7:setVertexZ(-200)
-- sp8:setVertexZ(-300)
-- sp9:setVertexZ(-400)
-- sp9:setScale(2)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sp9:setColor(cc.c3b::YELLOW)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "Testing Z Buffer in Render Texture"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Touch screen. It should be green"
-- end
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local function ccTouchesBegan(cocos2d:cc.Set *touches, cocos2d:cc.Event *event)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.SetIterator iter
-- cc.Touch *touch
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- for (iter = touches:begin() iter != touches:end() ++iter)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- touch = (cc.Touch *)(*iter)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- local location = touch:getLocation()
-- sp1:setPosition(location)
-- sp2:setPosition(location)
-- sp3:setPosition(location)
-- sp4:setPosition(location)
-- sp5:setPosition(location)
-- sp6:setPosition(location)
-- sp7:setPosition(location)
-- sp8:setPosition(location)
-- sp9:setPosition(location)
-- end
-- end
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
-- local function ccTouchesMoved(cc.const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cc.Event* event)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.SetIterator iter
-- cc.Touch *touch
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- for (iter = touches:begin() iter != touches:end() ++iter)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- touch = (cc.Touch *)(*iter)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- local location = touch:getLocation()
-- sp1:setPosition(location)
-- sp2:setPosition(location)
-- sp3:setPosition(location)
-- sp4:setPosition(location)
-- sp5:setPosition(location)
-- sp6:setPosition(location)
-- sp7:setPosition(location)
-- sp8:setPosition(location)
-- sp9:setPosition(location)
-- end
-- end
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
-- local function ccTouchesEnded(cc.const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cc.Event* event)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:renderScreenShot()
-- end
-- local function renderScreenShot()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local texture = cc.RenderTexture:create(512, 512)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- if (NULL == texture)
-- return
-- end
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- texture:setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- texture:begin()
-- this:visit()
-- texture:end()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local sprite = cc.Sprite:createWithTexture(texture:getSprite():getTexture())
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite:setPosition(cc.p(256, 256))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- sprite:setOpacity(182)
-- sprite:setFlipY(1)
-- this:addChild(sprite, 999999)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite:setColor(cc.c3b::GREEN)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite:runAction(cc.Sequence:create(cc.FadeTo:create(2, 0),
-- cc.Hide:create(),
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- NULL))
-- end
-- -- RenderTextureTestDepthStencil
-- local function RenderTextureTestDepthStencil()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local sprite = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire.png")
-- sprite:setPosition(cc.p(s.width * 0.25, 0))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- sprite:setScale(10)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local rend = cc.RenderTexture:create(s.width, s.height, kcc.Texture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- glStencilMask(0xFF)
-- rend:beginWithClear(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-- --! mark sprite quad into stencil buffer
-- glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST)
-- glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF)
-- glColorMask(0, 0, 0, 1)
-- sprite:visit()
-- --! move sprite half width and height, and draw only where not marked
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite:setPosition(cc.p__add(sprite:getPosition(), cc.p__mul(cc.p(sprite:getContentSize().width * sprite:getScale(), sprite:getContentSize().height * sprite:getScale()), 0.5)))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- glStencilFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 1, 0xFF)
-- glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1)
-- sprite:visit()
-- rend:end()
-- glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- rend:setPosition(cc.p(s.width * 0.5, s.height * 0.5))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:addChild(rend)
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "Testing depthStencil attachment"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Circle should be missing 1/4 of its region"
-- end
-- -- RenderTextureTest
-- local function RenderTextureTargetNode()
-- /*
-- * 1 2
-- * A: A1 A2
-- *
-- * B: B1 B2
-- *
-- * A1: premulti sprite
-- * A2: premulti render
-- *
-- * B1: non-premulti sprite
-- * B2: non-premulti render
-- */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local background = cc.LayerColor:create(cc.c4b(40,40,40,255))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addChild(background)
-- -- sprite 1
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite1 = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire.png")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- -- sprite 2
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite2 = cc.Sprite:create("Images/fire_rgba8888.pvr")
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- /* Create the render texture */
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local renderTexture = cc.RenderTexture:create(s.width, s.height, kcc.Texture2DPixelFormat_RGBA4444)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- this:renderTexture = renderTexture
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- renderTexture:setPosition(cc.p(s.width/2, s.height/2))
-- -- [renderTexture setPosition:cc.p(s.width, s.height)]
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- -- renderTexture.scale = 2
-- /* add the sprites to the render texture */
-- renderTexture:addChild(sprite1)
-- renderTexture:addChild(sprite2)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- renderTexture:setClearColor(cc.c4f(0, 0, 0, 0))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- renderTexture:setClearFlags(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
-- /* add the render texture to the scene */
-- addChild(renderTexture)
-- renderTexture:setAutoDraw(true)
-- scheduleUpdate()
-- -- Toggle clear on / off
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local item = cc.MenuItemFont:create("Clear On/Off", this, menu_selector(RenderTextureTargetNode:touched))
-- local menu = cc.Menu:create(item, NULL)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addChild(menu)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- menu:setPosition(cc.p(s.width/2, s.height/2))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local function touched(cc.Object* sender)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- if (renderTexture:getClearFlags() == 0)
-- renderTexture:setClearFlags(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
-- end
-- else
-- renderTexture:setClearFlags(0)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- renderTexture:setClearColor(cc.c4f( cc.RANDOM_0_1(), cc.RANDOM_0_1(), cc.RANDOM_0_1(), 1))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
-- end
-- local function update(float dt)
-- static float time = 0
-- float r = 80
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite1:setPosition(cc.p(cosf(time * 2) * r, sinf(time * 2) * r))
-- sprite2:setPosition(cc.p(sinf(time * 2) * r, cosf(time * 2) * r))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- time += dt
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "Testing Render Target Node"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Sprites should be equal and move with each frame"
-- end
-- -- SpriteRenderTextureBug
-- local function SimpleSprite() : rt(NULL) {}
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local function SimpleSprite* SpriteRenderTextureBug:SimpleSprite:create(const char* filename, const cc.rect &rect)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- SimpleSprite *sprite = new SimpleSprite()
-- if (sprite && sprite:initWithFile(filename, rect))
-- sprite:autorelease()
-- end
-- else
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc._SAFE_DELETE(sprite)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
-- return sprite
-- end
-- local function SimpleSprite:draw()
-- if (rt == NULL)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
-- rt = new cc.RenderTexture()
-- rt:initWithWidthAndHeight(s.width, s.height, cc.TEXTURE2_D_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_A8888)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
-- rt:beginWithClear(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
-- rt:end()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-07-05 16:49:22 +08:00
-- BlendFunc blend = getBlendFunc()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- ccGLBlendFunc(blend.src, blend.dst)
-- ccGLBindTexture2D(getTexture():getName())
-- --
-- -- Attributes
-- --
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- ccGLEnableVertexAttribs(kcc.VertexAttribFlag_PosColorTex)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- #define kQuadSize sizeof(m_sQuad.bl)
-- long offset = (long)&m_sQuad
-- -- vertex
2013-07-05 16:49:22 +08:00
-- int diff = offsetof( V3F_C4B_T2F, vertices)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- glVertexAttribPointer(kcc.VertexAttrib_Position, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, kQuadSize, (void*) (offset + diff))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- -- texCoods
2013-07-05 16:49:22 +08:00
-- diff = offsetof( V3F_C4B_T2F, texCoords)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- glVertexAttribPointer(kcc.VertexAttrib_TexCoords, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, kQuadSize, (void*)(offset + diff))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- -- color
2013-07-05 16:49:22 +08:00
-- diff = offsetof( V3F_C4B_T2F, colors)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- glVertexAttribPointer(kcc.VertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, kQuadSize, (void*)(offset + diff))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
-- end
-- local function SpriteRenderTextureBug()
-- setTouchEnabled(true)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local s = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()
-- addNewSpriteWithCoords(cc.p(s.width/2, s.height/2))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- end
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local function SimpleSprite* SpriteRenderTextureBug:addNewSpriteWithCoords(const cc.p& p)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- int idx = cc.RANDOM_0_1() * 1400 / 100
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- int x = (idx%5) * 85
-- int y = (idx/5) * 121
-- SpriteRenderTextureBug:SimpleSprite *sprite = SpriteRenderTextureBug:SimpleSprite:create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png",
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.rect(x,y,85,121))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addChild(sprite)
-- sprite:setPosition(p)
-- local action = NULL
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- float rd = cc.RANDOM_0_1()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- if (rd < 0.20)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- action = cc.ScaleBy:create(3, 2)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- else if (rd < 0.40)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- action = cc.RotateBy:create(3, 360)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- else if (rd < 0.60)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- action = cc.Blink:create(1, 3)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- else if (rd < 0.8 )
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- action = cc.TintBy:create(2, 0, -255, -255)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- else
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- action = cc.FadeOut:create(2)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- local action_back = action:reverse()
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local seq = cc.Sequence:create(action, action_back, NULL)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- sprite:runAction(cc.RepeatForever:create(seq))
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- --return sprite
-- return NULL
-- end
2013-09-03 18:22:03 +08:00
-- local function ccTouchesEnded(cc.const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cc.Event* event)
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- cc.SetIterator iter = touches:begin()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- for( iter != touches:end() ++iter)
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
-- local location = ((cc.Touch*)(*iter)):getLocation()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
-- addNewSpriteWithCoords(location)
-- end
-- end
-- local function title()
-- return "SpriteRenderTextureBug"
-- end
-- local function subtitle()
-- return "Touch the screen. Sprite should appear on under the touch"
-- end
function RenderTextureTestMain()
Helper.index = 1
2013-08-20 13:44:37 +08:00
local scene = cc.Scene:create()
2013-04-05 17:13:46 +08:00
Helper.createFunctionTable = {
-- RenderTextureIssue937,
-- RenderTextureZbuffer,
-- RenderTextureTestDepthStencil,
-- RenderTextureTargetNode,
-- SpriteRenderTextureBug
return scene