2012-05-31 02:28:50 +08:00
#include "CCNodeLoader.h"
#include "CCLayerLoader.h"
#include "CCLayerColorLoader.h"
#include "CCLayerGradientLoader.h"
#include "CCLabelBMFontLoader.h"
2012-05-31 06:38:20 +08:00
#include "CCLabelTTFLoader.h"
2012-05-31 02:28:50 +08:00
#include "CCSpriteLoader.h"
#include "CCBReader.h"
#include <string>
using namespace cocos2d;
using namespace cocos2d::extension;
CCBReader::CCBReader() {
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCNode", new CCNodeLoader());
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCLayer", new CCLayerLoader());
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCLayerColor", new CCLayerColorLoader());
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCLayerGradient", new CCLayerGradientLoader());
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCSprite", new CCSpriteLoader());
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCLabelBMFont", new CCLabelBMFontLoader());
2012-05-31 06:38:20 +08:00
this->registerCCNodeLoader("CCLabelTTF", new CCLabelTTFLoader());
2012-05-31 02:28:50 +08:00
void CCBReader::registerCCNodeLoader(std::string pClassName, CCNodeLoader * pCCNodeLoader) {
this->mCCNodeLoaders.insert(std::pair<std::string, CCNodeLoader *>(pClassName, pCCNodeLoader));
CCNodeLoader * CCBReader::getCCNodeLoader(std::string pClassName) {
std::map<std::string, CCNodeLoader *>::iterator ccNodeLoadersIterator = this->mCCNodeLoaders.find(pClassName);
assert(ccNodeLoadersIterator != this->mCCNodeLoaders.end());
return ccNodeLoadersIterator->second;
CCBReader::~CCBReader() {
if(this->mBytes) {
delete this->mBytes;
this->mBytes = NULL;
CCNode * CCBReader::readNodeGraphFromFile(const char * pCCBFileName, CCNode * pOwner) {
return this->readNodeGraphFromFile(pCCBFileName, pOwner, CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize());
CCNode * CCBReader::readNodeGraphFromFile(const char * pCCBFileName, CCNode * pOwner, CCSize pParentSize) {
const char * path = CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(pCCBFileName);
CCFileUtils::ccLoadFileIntoMemory(path, &this->mBytes);
this->mCurrentByte = 0;
this->mCurrentBit = 0;
this->mOwner = pOwner;
this->mRootContainerSize = pParentSize;
if(!this->readHeader()) {
return NULL;
if(!this->readStringCache()) {
return NULL;
return this->readNodeGraph();
bool CCBReader::readHeader() {
/* If no bytes loaded, don't crash about it. */
if(this->mBytes == NULL) {
return false;
/* Read magic bytes */
int magicBytes = *((int*)(this->mBytes + this->mCurrentByte));
this->mCurrentByte += 4;
if(magicBytes != 'ccbi') {
return false;
/* Read version. */
int version = this->readInt(false);
if(version != kCCBVersion) {
CCLog("WARNING! Incompatible ccbi file version (file: %d reader: %d)", version, kCCBVersion);
return false;
return true;
bool CCBReader::readStringCache() {
int numStrings = this->readInt(false);
for(int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
std::string string = this->readUTF8();
return true;
std::string CCBReader::readUTF8() {
int b0 = this->readByte();
int b1 = this->readByte();
int numBytes = b0 << 8 | b1;
const char * ptr = (const char*) (this->mBytes + this->mCurrentByte);
std::string str(ptr, numBytes);
this->mCurrentByte += numBytes;
return str;
unsigned char CCBReader::readByte() {
unsigned char byte = this->mBytes[this->mCurrentByte];
return byte;
bool CCBReader::readBool() {
return this->readByte();
int CCBReader::readInt(bool pSign) {
int numBits = 0;
while(!this->getBit()) {
long long current = 0;
for(int a = numBits - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
if(this->getBit()) {
current |= 1 << a;
current |= 1 << numBits;
int num;
if(pSign) {
int s = current % 2;
if(s) {
num = (int)(current / 2);
} else {
num = (int)(-current / 2);
} else {
num = current - 1;
return num;
float CCBReader::readFloat() {
unsigned char type = this->readByte();
switch (type) {
case kCCBFloat0:
return 0;
case kCCBFloat1:
return 1;
case kCCBFloatMinus1:
return -1;
case kCCBFloat05:
return 0.5f;
case kCCBFloatInteger:
return this->readInt(true);
/* using a memcpy since the compiler isn't
* doing the float ptr math correctly on device.
* TODO still applies in C++ ? */
float * pF = (float*)(this->mBytes + this->mCurrentByte);
float f = 0;
memcpy(&f, pF, sizeof(float));
this->mCurrentByte += 4;
return f;
bool CCBReader::getBit() {
bool bit;
unsigned char byte = *(this->mBytes + this->mCurrentByte);
if(byte & (1 << this->mCurrentBit)) {
bit = true;
} else {
bit = false;
if(this->mCurrentBit >= 8) {
this->mCurrentBit = 0;
return bit;
void CCBReader::alignBits() {
if(this->mCurrentBit) {
this->mCurrentBit = 0;
std::string CCBReader::readCachedString() {
int i = this->readInt(false);
return this->mStringCache[i];
CCNode * CCBReader::readNodeGraph(CCNode * pParent) {
// Read class name
std::string className = this->readCachedString();
int memberVarAssignmentType = this->readInt(false);
std::string memberVarAssignmentName;
if(memberVarAssignmentType) {
memberVarAssignmentName = this->readCachedString();
CCNodeLoader * ccNodeLoader = this->getCCNodeLoader(className);
CCNode * node = ccNodeLoader->loadCCNode(pParent, this);
// Set root node
if(!this->mRootNode) {
this->mRootNode = node; // TODO retain?
// Assign to variable (if applicable)
if (memberVarAssignmentType)
id target = NULL;
if (memberVarAssignmentType == kCCBTargetTypeDocumentRoot) target = rootNode;
else if (memberVarAssignmentType == kCCBTargetTypeOwner) target = owner;
if (target)
Ivar ivar = class_getInstanceVariable([target class],[memberVarAssignmentName UTF8String]);
if (ivar)
NSLog(@"CCBReader: Couldn't find member variable: %@", memberVarAssignmentName);
// Read and add children
int numChildren = this->readInt(false);
for(int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
CCNode * child = this->readNodeGraph(node);
// Call didLoadFromCCB
if ([node respondsToSelector:@selector(didLoadFromCCB)])
[node performSelector:@selector(didLoadFromCCB)];
return node;
CCNode * CCBReader::readNodeGraph() {
return this->readNodeGraph(NULL);
CCNode * CCBReader::getOwner() {
return this->mOwner;
CCSize CCBReader::getContainerSize(CCNode * pNode) {
if(pNode) {
return pNode->getContentSize();
} else {
return this->mRootContainerSize;
std::string CCBReader::lastPathComponent(std::string pPath) {
int slashPos = pPath.find_last_of("/");
if (slashPos != std::string::npos) {
return pPath.substr(slashPos + 1, pPath.length() - slashPos);
return pPath;
std::string CCBReader::deletePathExtension(std::string pPath) {
int dotPos = pPath.find_last_of(".");
if (dotPos != std::string::npos) {
return pPath.substr(0, dotPos);
return pPath;
bool CCBReader::isSpriteSheetLoaded(std::string pSpriteSheet) {
return this->mLoadedSpriteSheets.find(pSpriteSheet) != this->mLoadedSpriteSheets.end();
void CCBReader::addLoadedSpriteSheet(std::string pSpriteSheet) {
std::string CCBReader::toLowerCase(std::string pString) {
std::string copy(pString);
std::transform(copy.begin(), copy.end(), copy.begin(), ::tolower);
return copy;
bool CCBReader::endsWith(std::string pString, std::string pEnding) {
if (pString.length() >= pEnding.length()) {
return (pString.compare(pString.length() - pEnding.length(), pEnding.length(), pEnding) == 0);
} else {
return false;