- [x] 1. Refactor audio engine, OpenAL for all platforms.
- [x] 2. Remove SimpleAudio
- [ ] 3. Remove offthread file operation
- [x] 4. Remove getSutiableOpen, avoid reduce performance, there is another better solution for support, just doesn't convert path to utf-8 in FileUtils implementation
- [x] 5. Optimize CCDownloader, curl for all platforms
- [ ] 7. Refactor engine-v5-deps, all compile as vs2019 MSVC 19.22.27905.0
- [x] 8. minizip-1.2.0
- [x] 9. ccMessageBox
- [x] 10. BMP support with stb_image
- [x] 11. Remove unused libuv
- [ ] 12. Reorder child support
- [x] 13. Remove tinyxml2 dep, use pugixml instead
- [ ] 24. Since getSuitableFopen removed, don't convert to utf-8 for win32, or in the future, windows 10 will support utf-8 file path, such as: For Chinese system language users:
在 控制面板-区域-更改系统区域设置 中
勾选 Beta版:使用 Unicode UTF=8 提供全球语言支持(U) 选项
- [ ] XX1. Cache ProgramState or use object_pool
- [ ] XX2. Remove socket.io websockets, use yasio for socket connection solution
- [ ] XX3. Fully streaming play for all media file: .mp4, .mp3, .ogg, .wav