mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
86 lines
2.6 KiB
86 lines
2.6 KiB
![]() |
# Can runs on Windows,Linux
$DIR = $PSScriptRoot
$isWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT')
$tools_dir = $(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot/..).Path # the tools install dir if not found in system
$tools_dir = Join-Path -Path $tools_dir -ChildPath 'external'
if (!(Test-Path "$tools_dir" -PathType Container)) {
mkdir $tools_dir
function setup_doxygen() {
$doxygen_ver = '1.9.7'
$doxygen_pkg_name = if ($isWin) {"doxygen-$doxygen_ver.windows.x64.bin.zip"} else {"doxygen-$doxygen_ver.linux.bin.tar.gz"}
$doxygen_pkg_path = Join-Path -Path $tools_dir -ChildPath $doxygen_pkg_name
if (!(Test-Path $doxygen_pkg_path -PathType Leaf)) {
$doxygen_ver_ul = $doxygen_ver.Replace('.', '_')
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/releases/download/Release_$doxygen_ver_ul/$doxygen_pkg_name" -OutFile $doxygen_pkg_path | Out-Host
$doxygen_root = Join-Path -Path $tools_dir "doxygen-$doxygen_ver"
$doxygen_bin = $doxygen_root
if (!(Test-Path $doxygen_root -PathType Container)) {
if ($isWin) {
mkdir $doxygen_root
Expand-Archive -Path $doxygen_pkg_path -DestinationPath $doxygen_root
else {
tar xvf $doxygen_pkg_path -C $tools_dir
if (!$isWin) {
$doxygen_bin += '/bin'
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($doxygen_bin) -eq -1) {
$envPathSep = if($isWin) {';'} else {':'}
$env:PATH = "$doxygen_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
Write-Host "Using doxygen $(doxygen --version)"
$CONFIG_NAME = 'doxygen'
if ($args.Count -gt 0) {
$CONFIG_NAME = $args[0]
$AX_ROOT = (Resolve-Path $DIR/../..)
$axver_file = (Resolve-Path $AX_ROOT/core/axmolver.h.in).Path
$content = ($(Get-Content -Path $axver_file) | Select-String 'AX_VERSION_STR')
$axver = $content[0].Line.Split(' ')[2].Replace('"', '')
$git_prog = (Get-Command 'git' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Source
if($git_prog) {
Write-Host "Found git: $git_prog"
$branchName = $(git -C $AX_ROOT branch --show-current)
if ($branchName -eq 'dev') {
$commitHash = $(git -C $AX_ROOT rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
$axver += "-$commitHash"
$docsRoot = (Resolve-Path "$DIR/../../docs").Path
$store_cwd = (Get-Location).Path
Set-Location $docsRoot
$content = [Regex]::Replace($(Get-Content doxygen.config -raw), '\bv1.0\b', "v$axver")
Move-Item 'doxygen.config' 'doxygen.config.bak' -Force
Set-Content -Path doxygen.config -Value "$content"
doxygen "$CONFIG_NAME.config"
#restore the old doxygen.config
Move-Item 'doxygen.config.bak' 'doxygen.config' -Force
Set-Location $store_cwd