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cocos2d-x authors & contributors
2011-07-13 13:41:34 +08:00
(ordered by the join in time)
Core Developers:
Zhe Wang (Walzer)
XiaoMing Zhang (Minggo)
JianHua Chen (Dumganhar)
2011-07-13 13:41:34 +08:00
2012-05-24 18:34:00 +08:00
Ricardo Quesada
Rolando Abarca
Javascript Binding and testjs
2013-04-08 10:09:23 +08:00
fix emulator issue for OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android
2013-04-02 13:52:34 +08:00
use CCLOG to implement print() function in LUA
2013-04-02 10:59:48 +08:00
added some missing function for setting integer shader uniforms in CCGLProgram
2013-03-19 10:00:39 +08:00
fix cc scale9 sprite bug
2013-03-08 12:52:21 +08:00
Jimmy Sambuo
fix the bug that SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() and playBackgroundMusic() play twice on linux
2013-03-06 14:43:46 +08:00
fix for loading custom fonts on iOS when referenced from a CCB file
2013-04-01 13:52:42 +08:00
Fix CCUserDefault.cpp compiling on Android.
2013-04-08 17:34:56 +08:00
Fixing CCFileUtils 'createXXXXWithContentsOfFile' path lookup issue.
2013-03-06 14:43:46 +08:00
2013-03-05 14:08:23 +08:00
fix an error that OpenSLEngine can't load resources from SD card
2013-04-07 10:12:04 +08:00
add CCRemoveSelf action
2013-03-05 14:08:23 +08:00
2013-02-22 10:10:30 +08:00
2013-03-24 17:08:13 +08:00
make CCLens3d support concave effect.
Adding 64bit target for Mac project.
2013-02-22 10:10:30 +08:00
2013-02-16 09:57:30 +08:00
add Portuguese and Arabic language support
2013-01-14 19:24:27 +08:00
Victor K(fnz)
fix memory leak of CCTextureCache::addImageAsync() on iOS
2013-01-04 11:33:38 +08:00
add CCFloat, CCDouble and CCBool
2012-12-05 14:45:06 +08:00
fix a bug that CCRenderTexture can not work when coming to foreground on Android
9re(Taro Kobayashi)
add Japanese language support
2012-11-12 10:57:53 +08:00
improve the speed of accessing to files from apk
2012-10-25 17:07:18 +08:00
fix for correct unscheduling and instance destruction of extensions/network/HttpClient.cpp
2012-10-17 09:33:56 +08:00
wenbin wang
2012-11-07 13:43:01 +08:00
add error handler when read image data using libjpeg
2012-10-22 09:52:07 +08:00
add korean language support
2012-10-17 09:33:56 +08:00
fix getDeviceModel bug in android CocosDenshion
2012-09-29 15:39:38 +08:00
fix the bug that CCArray::createWithContentsOfFile() may not read file data on iOS
2012-09-26 19:31:01 +08:00
Hu Kaiou
2012-09-29 15:39:38 +08:00
contribute the new version of libcurl to support both armv7 & armv7s on iOS
2012-09-26 19:31:01 +08:00
fix some memory leak
modify linux makefiles to fix compiling errors
update MSVS and MAC projects to use project-relative path
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
CCControl* should not respond to touches if the control is not visible
2013-01-24 10:31:45 +08:00
Some improvements for CCScrollView and CCTableView.
Touch priority can't be set to the value specified by a call to CCMenu::setTouchPriority(int).
CCTableView crashes if a CCTableViewDelegate is not provided.
2012-09-26 19:31:01 +08:00
2013-01-30 14:26:56 +08:00
Weeds (Andre Rudlaff)
Used fontconfig to enhance font rendering on linux.
Fixed a bug about missing horizontal alignment for Custom TTF fonts on linux.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
Fixed a bug that the truetype fonts from resource directory can't be found on linux.
2013-03-15 10:38:11 +08:00
Fixed the size calculations for true type fonts (especially for italic fonts).
Added a very simple greedy line break algorithmfor true type labels.
2013-03-28 10:10:01 +08:00
Fixed font rendering crash for certain fonts on linux.
2013-04-08 17:01:16 +08:00
Fixed potential crash in CCScheduler::removeHashElement.
2013-04-08 22:50:48 +08:00
Fixed potential crash in CCSaxParser.
2012-09-26 19:31:01 +08:00
Nat Weiss (
author of Mac port
2013-02-03 11:19:35 +08:00
add TMX polygon parsing
XiaoLong Zhang (Chukong Inc)
Mike McGary (Zynga)
2012-05-29 09:16:30 +08:00
Di Wu (Zynga China)
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
CCBReader and cpp reflection mechanic
Angus Comrie
contributes cocos2d-x port of CCControlExtension.
Yannick Loriot
author of CCControlExtension in cocos2d-iphone.
Surith Thekkiam (folecr, Zynga)
contribute for Android module building
2013-02-16 11:50:57 +08:00
Simpler, correct handling of spritesheet sources for CCScale9Sprite.
2012-05-22 08:38:36 +08:00
Nicolas Gramlich (nicolasgramlich, Zynga)
fixed CCDirector to use CCLabelBMFont instead of CCLabelTTF
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
added CCBReader (CCBI format)
2013-02-22 09:57:54 +08:00
Added cleanup and reset methods to ScriptingCore.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
Rohan Kuruvilla (rohankuruvilla, Zynga)
Improvements to JS Bindings.
2013-03-19 13:00:10 +08:00
Synchronizing CCBReader to version 5.
2013-03-29 11:59:21 +08:00
Adding OpenGL Bindings to Javascript.
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
Jianfeng Zou (NetDragon Inc)
contributes CCListView and CCTextureWatcher.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
author of blackberry port
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
Added TTF support for blackberry port.
HuaXu Cai (Kongzhong Corporation)
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
author of linux port
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
add a build file that correctly generates LuaCocos2d.cpp
add a lua template
add particle systems to lua bindings
use ant to generate LuaCocos2d.cpp and lua projects
Marat Yakupov (moadib)
2013-02-16 11:09:25 +08:00
Adds ability of simulating android enter/resume background on win32
Adds ability of simulating android back/menu key on win32
Adds support for multiple background music sources to CocosDenshion for Blackberry
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
2011-11-01 19:43:52 +08:00
Eli Yukelzon (reflog)
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
add a helper method to draw filled polygons
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
improvements to CCUserDefaults
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
ZhuoShi Shun
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
contribute the lua binding of CocosDenshion
2011-07-13 13:41:34 +08:00
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
Jirka Fajfr
Chris Calm
authors of CCTexturePVR
2011-07-13 13:41:34 +08:00
RuiXiang Zhou (NetDragon)
XiDi Peng (NetDragon)
AiYu Ye (NetDragon)
2011-07-13 13:41:34 +08:00
authors of lua binding
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
Max Aksenov
2011-12-20 05:57:04 +08:00
author and maintainer of Airplay port
2011-12-20 05:57:04 +08:00
Giovanni Zito
Francis Styck
authors of Marmalade port
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
2012-11-12 11:08:19 +08:00
Mat Hopwood( Marmalade official engineer )
Marmalade support for gles20 branch
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
Carlos Sessa
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
implement the accelerometer module for Android port
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
2013-01-14 11:35:13 +08:00
James Chen(dumganhar)
2011-08-17 20:12:46 +08:00
author of Bada port
2011-10-20 17:49:43 +08:00
implement CCNotificationCenter
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2012-02-21 17:04:50 +08:00
YuLei Liao(dualface)
contribute the factor of lua binding
2012-05-29 10:34:15 +08:00
fix the bug of asynchronous loading resources for iOS
2012-06-12 01:43:07 +08:00
Nat Weiss
2012-08-28 14:03:00 +08:00
minor enhancements to the Cocos2D-X codebase and Android build scripts
2012-06-12 01:43:07 +08:00
2012-08-04 18:12:39 +08:00
Qingyun Huang (greathqy)
implement CCHttpRequest
2012-08-28 14:03:00 +08:00
fix some warnings and memory leaks
Yinghui Peng(mustime)
use OpenSL ES to play effects
add TestLua sample
Dongyang Cai(John-cdy)
add automatically test tools
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
Sergey Vikhirev(BorMor)
Remove retina specific methods and logic.
OpenGL framebuffer access violation fix.
2013-01-14 11:35:13 +08:00
Enable Windows XP support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1.
2012-10-31 15:15:37 +08:00
2012-12-06 17:39:42 +08:00
Peter Farkas (fape)
contributes Marmalade port for gles20 branch
add Hungarian language support
2013-02-07 11:26:21 +08:00
fixed compilation errors after adding support of webp image format.
2012-12-06 17:39:42 +08:00
2012-12-07 10:45:06 +08:00
Tomoaki Shimizu (tks2shimizu)
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
Adding randomObject to CCDictionary.
2012-12-07 10:45:06 +08:00
2012-12-10 17:31:27 +08:00
Igor Zavorotkin (ivzave)
Adding lua support for linux platform.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2013-01-09 23:01:20 +08:00
Jozef Prídavok (jpridavok)
2013-01-21 11:37:14 +08:00
Adding CCEditBox implementation for Mac OSX.
Fix crash for call runAnimation() in CCBAnimationManagerDelegate::completedAnimationSequenceNamed.
2013-03-29 17:16:03 +08:00
Fixing a bug that CCControl's touch priority is not set correctly; m_nDefaultTouchPriority is never used.
2012-12-10 17:31:27 +08:00
2013-02-01 16:11:58 +08:00
Fixed a bug that CCControlSwitch::setOn(isOn,false) doesn't work.
2013-02-25 10:33:03 +08:00
Adds VS2012 Express template installing support.
2013-02-01 16:11:58 +08:00
2013-02-07 11:19:25 +08:00
Fix for unaligned memory access crash in CCBReader::readFloat().
2013-02-18 18:22:54 +08:00
Sergej Tatarincev (SevInf)
Making ScriptingCore.cpp compiled fine with C++11 on iOS.
2013-03-11 14:15:52 +08:00
Using shared NodeLoaderLibrary in CCBReader bindings.
2013-04-03 22:38:51 +08:00
CCEditBox iOS enchantments/bugfixes.
2013-02-18 18:22:54 +08:00
2013-02-22 11:04:13 +08:00
Adding 'rotationIsDir' property to ParticleSystem.
2013-02-22 16:20:24 +08:00
Jianghua (jxhgzs)
2013-02-22 16:19:52 +08:00
Adding an additional transform for CCNode.
2013-02-23 10:35:58 +08:00
Fix CCRepeat#create is recieved bad argument on Lua binding.
2013-02-25 22:55:13 +08:00
Adds 'setFont' and 'setAnchorPoint' to CCEditBox.
2013-03-14 14:51:07 +08:00
Workaround for some problems due to UITextField of CCEditBoxImplIOS is attached as a view above OpenGL view.
2013-02-25 22:55:13 +08:00
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
Sam Clegg (sbc100)
Author of Native Client port.
2013-03-07 11:12:49 +08:00
Refactor linux build system and fix many warnings.
2013-03-11 10:52:57 +08:00
Fixing a bug where missing packages would cause the script to exit on linux.
2013-03-11 11:06:12 +08:00
Adding 'make run' target for linux projects.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2013-03-04 11:16:11 +08:00
Peter Young (young40)
Implements setVisible() for CCEditBox
2013-03-11 11:19:54 +08:00
Fixing a bug about display result is wrong when invoking CCControlButton:: setHighlighted.
2013-03-04 11:16:11 +08:00
2013-03-11 13:43:49 +08:00
Asad ur Rehman (AsadR)
Adding CCNotificationCenter::removeAllObservers(CCObject *target).
2013-03-15 10:09:24 +08:00
Fix of CCNode.h's document with doxygen 1.8.3 can't be generated.
2013-03-20 09:56:13 +08:00
Implementation of kEditBoxInputFlagSensitive setting for CCEditBoxImplIOS.
2013-03-25 12:02:40 +08:00
Zecken (gelldur)
Fixing a profiling compilation error in CCParticleBatchNode.
2013-03-26 10:12:44 +08:00
flamingo (flaming0)
Null pointer check in order to prevent crashes.
2013-04-03 11:18:15 +08:00
rtissera (Romain TISSERAND)
Adding missing JNIEXPORT / JNICALL declarations.
2013-04-04 10:00:49 +08:00
Improving font rendering performance for linux platform.
2013-04-08 10:03:56 +08:00
YodesoftReduce function call in nativeInitBitmapDC to improve performance.
2013-04-04 10:00:49 +08:00
2013-04-08 14:57:15 +08:00
Fixing a display bug when a scrollView nested in another scrollView.
2013-03-28 18:53:20 +08:00
Éloi Rivard (azmeuk)
Linux OpenAL support.
2013-03-28 18:53:20 +08:00
2013-04-09 11:47:54 +08:00
Correction of passed buffer size to readlink and verification of result return by readlink.
2013-04-09 12:57:07 +08:00
harikrishnar (Hari Krishna)
Wrong logic in CCArray::initWithObjects.
Fixing a bug that button should not get respond if its parent is invisable.
Retired Core Developers:
WenSheng Yang
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
Author of windows port, CCTextField,
Designer of CCApplication/CCEGLView/platform structure.
He's working together with 2dx core team but leading FishingJoy game
Bin Zhang
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
core-team member but put himself in FishingJoy game since 2012.
RongHong Huang (flyingpaper)
Author of cocos2d-xna and spent all his time on wp7.
2013-03-02 01:09:58 +08:00
2011-07-13 22:36:37 +08:00
Cocos2d-x can not grow so fast without the active community.
2012-08-28 14:03:00 +08:00
Thanks to all developers who report & trace bugs, discuss the engine usage in forum & QQ groups!
2011-07-13 22:36:37 +08:00
Special thanks to Ricardo Quesada for giving us lots of guidances & suggestions.