| Linux |[](https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol/actions?query=workflow%3Alinux)|
The new `ui::MediaPlayer`(renamed from `ui::VideoPlayer`) render video as Texture2D with designed corss-platform MediaEngine, the MediaEngine inspired from microsoft
media foundation `IMFMediaEngine`, the `MediaPlayer` support all platforms which axmol engine does.
- Extensions license overview for easier publishing of your commercial apps based on axmol framework.
- Spine-3.8 support
- ```FairyGUI``` support
- DragonBones support
- Live2D support
- **ImGui integrated, easy to write game embedded tools, very easy to use, read [ImGui](extensions/ImGui/README.md) for more info**
- Refactor AudioEngine, OpenAL for all platforms
- [OpenAL Soft](https://github.com/kcat/openal-soft), pass -DAX_USE_ALSOFT=ON to cmake to force enabling it
- [OpenAL.framework](https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/OpenAL), if no ```AX_USE_ALSOFT``` option specified, cmake script will choose it on osx/ios/tvos, even though it was marked as deprecated, but still available.
- Refactor UserDefault with [mio](https://github.com/mandreyel/mio)
- Modularize all optional extensions, move from engine core folder to an extensions folder
- Implement all .wav formats supported by ```OpenAL Soft```, such as MS-ADPCM, ADPCM, ...
- Use a modern GL loader ```Glad```
- Google [angle](https://github.com/google/angle) renderer backend support
- C++ 17/20
- IOS/TVOS SDK 9.0 as minimal deployment
- Use fast pugixml
- Use [curl](https://github.com/curl/curl) for transferring data with URL syntax
- Use SAX parser for all plist files
- ASTC 4x4/6x6/8x8 support (if hardware decoding is not supported, then software decoding is used)
- ETC2 RGB/RGBA support (if hardware decoding is not supported, then software decoding is used)
- Supported 2D physics engines (see also [APPENDIX.md](APPENDIX.md)):
Open [APPENDIX.md](APPENDIX.md) for additional information and see [Milestones](https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol/milestones) for planed features too.