
268 lines
7.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "ExtensionMacros.h"
#include "CCBSequence.h"
#include "CCBValue.h"
#include "CCBSequenceProperty.h"
#include "GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControl.h"
class CCBAnimationManagerDelegate
virtual void completedAnimationSequenceNamed(const char *name) = 0;
class CCBAnimationManager : public Object
bool _jsControlled;
* @js ctor
* @js NA
* @lua NA
Object *_owner;
virtual bool init();
Array* getSequences();
void setSequences(Array* seq);
2012-11-22 15:15:30 +08:00
int getAutoPlaySequenceId();
void setAutoPlaySequenceId(int autoPlaySequenceId);
Node* getRootNode();
void setRootNode(Node* pRootNode); // weak reference
void addDocumentCallbackNode(Node *node);
void addDocumentCallbackName(std::string name);
void addDocumentCallbackControlEvents(Control::EventType eventType);
void addDocumentOutletNode(Node *node);
void addDocumentOutletName(std::string name);
void setDocumentControllerName(const std::string &name);
std::string getDocumentControllerName();
Array* getDocumentCallbackNames();
Array* getDocumentCallbackNodes();
Array* getDocumentCallbackControlEvents();
Array* getDocumentOutletNames();
Array* getDocumentOutletNodes();
std::string getLastCompletedSequenceName();
Array* getKeyframeCallbacks();
const Size& getRootContainerSize();
void setRootContainerSize(const Size &rootContainerSize);
CCBAnimationManagerDelegate* getDelegate();
void setDelegate(CCBAnimationManagerDelegate* pDelegate); // retain
const char* getRunningSequenceName();
const Size& getContainerSize(Node* pNode);
void addNode(Node *pNode, Dictionary *pSeq);
void setBaseValue(Object *pValue, Node *pNode, const char *propName);
void moveAnimationsFromNode(Node* fromNode, Node* toNode);
/** @deprecated This interface will be deprecated sooner or later.*/
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void runAnimations(const char *pName, float fTweenDuration);
/** @deprecated This interface will be deprecated sooner or later.*/
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void runAnimations(const char *pName);
/** @deprecated This interface will be deprecated sooner or later.*/
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE void runAnimations(int nSeqId, float fTweenDuraiton);
void runAnimationsForSequenceNamedTweenDuration(const char *pName, float fTweenDuration);
void runAnimationsForSequenceNamed(const char *pName);
void runAnimationsForSequenceIdTweenDuration(int nSeqId, float fTweenDuraiton);
* when this function bound to js ,the second param are callfunc_selector
* @lua NA
void setAnimationCompletedCallback(Object *target, SEL_CallFunc callbackFunc);
void debug();
* @js setCallFuncForJSCallbackNamed
void setCallFunc(CallFunc *callFunc, const std::string &callbackNamed);
Object* actionForCallbackChannel(CCBSequenceProperty* channel);
Object* actionForSoundChannel(CCBSequenceProperty* channel);
// return -1 if timeline not exsit
int getSequenceId(const char* pSequenceName);
// get timeline duration
float getSequenceDuration(const char* pSequenceName);
Object* getBaseValue(Node *pNode, const char* propName);
CCBSequence* getSequence(int nSequenceId);
ActionInterval* getAction(CCBKeyframe *pKeyframe0, CCBKeyframe *pKeyframe1, const char *propName, Node *pNode);
void setAnimatedProperty(const char *propName, Node *pNode, Object *pValue, float fTweenDuraion);
void setFirstFrame(Node *pNode, CCBSequenceProperty *pSeqProp, float fTweenDuration);
ActionInterval* getEaseAction(ActionInterval *pAction, CCBKeyframe::EasingType easingType, float fEasingOpt);
void runAction(Node *pNode, CCBSequenceProperty *pSeqProp, float fTweenDuration);
void sequenceCompleted();
Array *_sequences;
Dictionary *_nodeSequences;
Dictionary *_baseValues;
int _autoPlaySequenceId;
Node *_rootNode;
Size _rootContainerSize;
CCBAnimationManagerDelegate *_delegate;
CCBSequence *_runningSequence;
Array *_documentOutletNames;
Array *_documentOutletNodes;
Array *_documentCallbackNames;
Array *_documentCallbackNodes;
Array *_documentCallbackControlEvents;
Array *_keyframeCallbacks;
Dictionary *_keyframeCallFuncs;
std::string _documentControllerName;
std::string _lastCompletedSequenceName;
SEL_CallFunc _animationCompleteCallbackFunc;
Object *_target;
class CCBSetSpriteFrame : public ActionInstant
/** creates a Place action with a position */
static CCBSetSpriteFrame* create(SpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame);
* @js NA
* @lua NA
bool initWithSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame);
// Overrides
virtual void update(float time) override;
virtual CCBSetSpriteFrame* clone() const override;
virtual CCBSetSpriteFrame* reverse() const override;
SpriteFrame *_spriteFrame;
class CCBSoundEffect : public ActionInstant
static CCBSoundEffect* actionWithSoundFile(const std::string &file, float pitch, float pan, float gain);
* @js NA
* @lua NA
bool initWithSoundFile(const std::string &file, float pitch, float pan, float gain);
// Overrides
virtual void update(float time) override;
virtual CCBSoundEffect* clone() const override;
virtual CCBSoundEffect* reverse() const override;
std::string _soundFile;
float _pitch, _pan, _gain;
class CCBRotateTo : public ActionInterval
static CCBRotateTo* create(float fDuration, float fAngle);
bool initWithDuration(float fDuration, float fAngle);
// Override
virtual void update(float time) override;
virtual CCBRotateTo* clone() const override;
virtual CCBRotateTo* reverse() const override;
virtual void startWithTarget(Node *pNode) override;
float _startAngle;
float _dstAngle;
float _diffAngle;
class CCBRotateXTo: public ActionInterval
static CCBRotateXTo* create(float fDuration, float fAngle);
bool initWithDuration(float fDuration, float fAngle);
// Overrides
virtual void startWithTarget(Node *pNode) override;
virtual CCBRotateXTo* clone() const override;
virtual CCBRotateXTo* reverse() const override;
virtual void update(float time) override;
float _startAngle;
float _dstAngle;
float _diffAngle;
class CCBRotateYTo: public ActionInterval
static CCBRotateYTo* create(float fDuration, float fAngle);
bool initWithDuration(float fDuration, float fAngle);
// Override
virtual void startWithTarget(Node *pNode) override;
virtual CCBRotateYTo* clone() const override;
virtual CCBRotateYTo* reverse() const override;
virtual void update(float time) override;
float _startAngle;
float _dstAngle;
float _diffAngle;
class CCBEaseInstant : public ActionEase
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static CCBEaseInstant* create(ActionInterval *pAction);
virtual CCBEaseInstant* clone() const override;
virtual CCBEaseInstant* reverse() const override;
virtual void update(float dt) override;
2013-01-21 11:18:06 +08:00