2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local MAX_COUNT = 9
local LINE_SPACE = 40
local kItemTagBasic = 5432
local Winsize = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getWinSize ( )
local testNames = {
" Bug-350 " ,
" Bug-422 " ,
" Bug-458 " ,
" Bug-624 " ,
" Bug-886 " ,
" Bug-899 " ,
" Bug-914 " ,
" Bug-1159 " ,
2014-11-13 15:36:43 +08:00
" Bug-1174 " ,
" Bug-value-type-judge-in-table "
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local function CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( pLayer )
cc.MenuItemFont : setFontName ( " Arial " )
cc.MenuItemFont : setFontSize ( 24 )
local pMenuItemFont = cc.MenuItemFont : create ( " Back " )
pMenuItemFont : setPosition ( cc.p ( VisibleRect : rightBottom ( ) . x - 50 , VisibleRect : rightBottom ( ) . y + 25 ) )
local function menuCallback ( )
local pScene = BugsTestMain ( )
if pScene ~= nil then
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( pScene )
pMenuItemFont : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local pMenu = cc.Menu : create ( )
pMenu : addChild ( pMenuItemFont )
pMenu : setPosition ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( pMenu )
local function BugTest350 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local pBackground = cc.Sprite : create ( " Hello.png " )
pBackground : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( pBackground )
return pLayer
local nLocalTag = 0
local function BugTest422 ( )
local function reset ( pResetLayer )
nLocalTag = nLocalTag + 1
local pNode = pResetLayer : getChildByTag ( nLocalTag - 1 )
if nil ~= pNode then
--userdata per
local strLog = " Menu: " .. nLocalTag
print ( strLog )
pResetLayer : removeChild ( pNode , false )
local function menuCallback ( tag , pMenuItem )
if nil ~= pMenuItem then
local pCallbackLayer = pMenuItem : getParent ( ) : getParent ( )
reset ( pCallbackLayer )
cc.MenuItemFont : setFontName ( " Arial " )
cc.MenuItemFont : setFontSize ( 24 )
local pMenuItem1 = cc.MenuItemFont : create ( " One " )
pMenuItem1 : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local pMenuItem2 = cc.MenuItemFont : create ( " Two " )
pMenuItem2 : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local pMenu = cc.Menu : create ( pMenuItem1 , pMenuItem2 )
pMenu : alignItemsVertically ( )
local fX = math.random ( ) * 50
local fY = math.random ( ) * 50
local menuPosX , menuPosY = pMenu : getPosition ( )
pMenu : setPosition ( cc.p ( menuPosX + fX , menuPosY + fY ) )
pResetLayer : addChild ( pMenu , 0 , nLocalTag )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
reset ( pLayer )
return pLayer
local nColorFlag = 0
local function BugTest458 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local function InitQuestionContainerSprite ( pSprite )
--Add label
2014-04-11 15:25:18 +08:00
local pLabel = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " Answer 1 " , s_arialPath , 12 )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
pLabel : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pLabel : setTag ( 100 )
--Add the background
local pCorner = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/corner.png " )
local nWidth = Winsize.width * 0.9 - ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . width * 2 )
local nHeight = Winsize.height * 0.15 - ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . height * 2 )
local pColorLayer = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 * .75 ) , nWidth , nHeight )
pColorLayer : setPosition ( cc.p ( - nWidth / 2 , - nHeight / 2 ) )
--First button is blue,Second is red,Used for testing - change later
if ( 0 == nColorFlag ) then
pLabel : setColor ( cc.c3b ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) )
print ( " Color changed " )
pLabel : setColor ( cc.c3b ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) )
nColorFlag = nColorFlag + 1
pSprite : addChild ( pColorLayer )
pCorner : setPosition ( cc.p ( - ( nWidth / 2 + pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . width / 2 ) , - ( nHeight / 2 + pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . height / 2 ) ) )
pSprite : addChild ( pCorner )
local nX , nY = pCorner : getPosition ( )
local pCorner2 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/corner.png " )
pCorner2 : setPosition ( cc.p ( - nX , nY ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
pCorner2 : setFlippedX ( true )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pSprite : addChild ( pCorner2 )
local pCorner3 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/corner.png " )
pCorner3 : setPosition ( cc.p ( nX , - nY ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
pCorner3 : setFlippedY ( true )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pSprite : addChild ( pCorner3 )
local pCorner4 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/corner.png " )
pCorner4 : setPosition ( cc.p ( - nX , - nY ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
pCorner4 : setFlippedX ( true )
pCorner4 : setFlippedY ( true )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pSprite : addChild ( pCorner4 )
local pEdge = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/edge.png " )
pEdge : setScaleX ( nWidth )
pEdge : setPosition ( cc.p ( nX + ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . width / 2 ) + ( nWidth / 2 ) , nY ) )
pSprite : addChild ( pEdge )
local pEdge2 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/edge.png " )
pEdge2 : setScaleX ( nWidth )
pEdge2 : setPosition ( cc.p ( nX + ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . width / 2 ) + ( nWidth / 2 ) , - nY ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
pEdge2 : setFlippedY ( true )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pSprite : addChild ( pEdge2 )
local pEdge3 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/edge.png " )
pEdge3 : setRotation ( 90 )
pEdge3 : setScaleX ( nHeight )
pEdge3 : setPosition ( cc.p ( nX , nY + ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . height / 2 ) + ( nHeight / 2 ) ) )
pSprite : addChild ( pEdge3 )
local pEdge4 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/edge.png " )
pEdge4 : setRotation ( 270 )
pEdge4 : setScaleX ( nHeight )
pEdge4 : setPosition ( cc.p ( - nX , nY + ( pCorner : getContentSize ( ) . height / 2 ) + ( nHeight / 2 ) ) )
pSprite : addChild ( pEdge4 )
pSprite : addChild ( pLabel )
local pQuestion1 = cc.Sprite : create ( )
InitQuestionContainerSprite ( pQuestion1 )
local pQuestion2 = cc.Sprite : create ( )
InitQuestionContainerSprite ( pQuestion2 )
local function menuCallback ( )
print ( " Selected " )
local pMenuItemSprite = cc.MenuItemSprite : create ( pQuestion1 , pQuestion2 )
pMenuItemSprite : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local pLayerColor1 = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) , 100 , 100 )
-- question->release()
-- question2->release()
local pLayerColor2 = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) , 100 , 100 )
local pMenuItemSprite2 = cc.MenuItemSprite : create ( pLayerColor1 , pLayerColor2 )
pMenuItemSprite2 : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local pMenu = cc.Menu : create ( pMenuItemSprite , pMenuItemSprite2 )
pMenu : alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding ( 100 )
pMenu : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
-- add the label as a child to this Layer
pLayer : addChild ( pMenu )
return pLayer
local BugTest624_entry = nil
local BugTest624_2_entry = nil
local function BugTest624 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
2014-04-11 15:25:18 +08:00
local pLabel = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " Layer1 " , s_markerFeltFontPath , 36 )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
pLabel : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pLabel : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( pLabel )
pLayer : setAccelerometerEnabled ( true )
-- schedule(schedule_selector(Bug624Layer::switchLayer), 5.0f)
local function BugTest624_SwitchLayer ( )
local scheduler = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getScheduler ( )
scheduler : unscheduleScriptEntry ( BugTest624_entry )
local pScene = cc.Scene : create ( )
local pNewPlayer = BugTest624_2 ( )
CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( pNewPlayer )
pScene : addChild ( pNewPlayer )
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( cc.TransitionFade : create ( 2.0 , pScene , cc.c3b ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) )
local function BugTest624_OnEnterOrExit ( tag )
local scheduler = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getScheduler ( )
if tag == " enter " then
BugTest624_entry = scheduler : scheduleScriptFunc ( BugTest624_SwitchLayer , 5.0 , false )
elseif tag == " exit " then
scheduler : unscheduleScriptEntry ( BugTest624_entry )
pLayer : registerScriptHandler ( BugTest624_OnEnterOrExit )
local function didAccelerate ( x , y , z , timestamp )
print ( " Layer1 accel " )
pLayer : registerScriptAccelerateHandler ( didAccelerate )
return pLayer
function BugTest624_2 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
2014-04-11 15:25:18 +08:00
local pLabel = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " Layer2 " , s_markerFeltFontPath , 36 )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
pLabel : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
pLabel : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( pLabel )
pLayer : setAccelerometerEnabled ( true )
local function BugTest624_2_SwitchLayer ( )
local scheduler = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getScheduler ( )
scheduler : unscheduleScriptEntry ( BugTest624_2_entry )
local pScene = cc.Scene : create ( )
local pNewPlayer = BugTest624 ( )
CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( pNewPlayer )
pScene : addChild ( pNewPlayer )
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( cc.TransitionFade : create ( 2.0 , pScene , cc.c3b ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ) )
local function BugTest624_2_OnEnterOrExit ( tag )
local scheduler = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getScheduler ( )
if tag == " enter " then
BugTest624_2_entry = scheduler : scheduleScriptFunc ( BugTest624_2_SwitchLayer , 5.0 , false )
elseif tag == " exit " then
scheduler : unscheduleScriptEntry ( BugTest624_2_entry )
pLayer : registerScriptHandler ( BugTest624_2_OnEnterOrExit )
local function didAccelerate ( x , y , z , timestamp )
print ( " Layer2 accel " )
pLayer : registerScriptAccelerateHandler ( didAccelerate )
return pLayer
local function BugTest886 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local pSprite1 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/bug886.jpg " )
pSprite1 : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
pSprite1 : setPosition ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
pSprite1 : setScaleX ( 0.6 )
pLayer : addChild ( pSprite1 )
local pSprite2 = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/bug886.jpg " )
pSprite2 : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
pSprite2 : setScaleX ( 0.6 )
pSprite2 : setPosition ( cc.p ( pSprite1 : getContentSize ( ) . width * 0.6 + 10 , 0 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( pSprite2 )
return pLayer
local function BugTest899 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local pBg = cc.Sprite : create ( " Images/bugs/RetinaDisplay.jpg " )
pLayer : addChild ( pBg , 0 )
pBg : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
return pLayer
local function BugTest914 ( )
local layer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local layerColor = nil
for i = 0 , 4 do
layerColor = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( i * 20 , i * 20 , i * 20 , 255 ) )
layerColor : setContentSize ( cc.size ( i * 100 , i * 100 ) )
layerColor : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
layerColor : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
layerColor : setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition ( false )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
layer : addChild ( layerColor , - 1 - i )
--create and initialize a Label
local function restart ( )
local scene = cc.Scene : create ( )
local newLayer = BugTest914 ( )
CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( newLayer )
scene : addChild ( newLayer )
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( scene )
2014-04-11 15:25:18 +08:00
local label = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " Hello World " , s_markerFeltFontPath , 64 )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
label : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
--position the label on the center of the screen
label : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
layer : addChild ( label )
local item1 = cc.MenuItemFont : create ( " restart " )
item1 : registerScriptTapHandler ( restart )
local menu = cc.Menu : create ( )
menu : addChild ( item1 )
menu : alignItemsVertically ( )
menu : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , 100 ) )
layer : addChild ( menu )
-- handling touch events
local function onTouchMoved ( touches , event )
2020-10-25 16:14:44 +08:00
local count = # ( touches )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
print ( " Number of touches: " , count )
local function onTouchBegan ( touches , event )
onTouchMoved ( touches , event )
local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce : create ( )
listener : registerScriptHandler ( onTouchBegan , cc.Handler . EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN )
listener : registerScriptHandler ( onTouchMoved , cc.Handler . EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED )
local eventDispatcher = layer : getEventDispatcher ( )
eventDispatcher : addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority ( listener , layer )
return layer
local function BugTest1159 ( )
local pLayer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local background = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 255 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( background )
local sprite_a = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) , 700 , 700 )
sprite_a : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
sprite_a : setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition ( false )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
sprite_a : setPosition ( cc.p ( 0.0 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( sprite_a )
local seq = cc.Sequence : create ( cc.MoveTo : create ( 1.0 , cc.p ( 1024.0 , 384.0 ) ) , cc.MoveTo : create ( 1.0 , cc.p ( 0.0 , 384.0 ) ) )
sprite_a : runAction ( cc.RepeatForever : create ( seq ) )
local sprite_b = cc.LayerColor : create ( cc.c4b ( 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) , 400 , 400 )
sprite_b : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
sprite_b : setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition ( false )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
sprite_b : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width / 2 , Winsize.height / 2 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( sprite_b )
local function menuCallback ( )
local pScene = cc.Scene : create ( )
local pLayer = BugTest1159 ( )
CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( pLayer )
pScene : addChild ( pLayer )
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( cc.TransitionPageTurn : create ( 1.0 , pScene , false ) )
2014-04-11 20:45:18 +08:00
local label = cc.MenuItemLabel : create ( cc.Label : createWithSystemFont ( " Flip Me " , " Helvetica " , 24 ) )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
label : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
label : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
local menu = cc.Menu : create ( )
menu : addChild ( label )
menu : setPosition ( cc.p ( Winsize.width - 200.0 , 50.0 ) )
pLayer : addChild ( menu )
local function onNodeEvent ( event )
if event == " exit " then
if schedulerEntry ~= nil then
scheduler : unscheduleScriptEntry ( schedulerEntry )
] ] --
pLayer : registerScriptHandler ( onNodeEvent )
return pLayer
local function BugTest1174 ( )
2015-04-22 10:20:21 +08:00
local layer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local size = cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : getWinSize ( )
local subtitleLabel = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " The results output on the console " , s_thonburiPath , 24 )
subtitleLabel : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
layer : addChild ( subtitleLabel , 1 )
subtitleLabel : setPosition ( size.width / 2 , size.height - 80 )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local function check_for_error ( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , s , t )
local p4_p3 = cc.pSub ( p4 , p3 )
local p4_p3_t = cc.pMul ( p4_p3 , t )
local hitp1 = cc.pAdd ( p3 , p4_p3_t )
local p2_p1 = cc.pSub ( p2 , p1 )
local p2_p1_s = cc.pMul ( p2_p1 , s )
local hitp2 = cc.pAdd ( p1 , p2_p1_s )
if math.abs ( hitp1.x - hitp2.x ) > 0.1 or math.abs ( hitp1.y - hitp2.y ) > 0.1 then
local strErr = " ERROR: ( " .. hitp1.x .. " , " .. hitp1.y .. " ) != ( " .. hitp2.x .. " , " .. hitp2.y .. " ) "
print ( strErr )
return 1
return 0
local A , B , C , D , p1 , p2 , p3 , p4
local s = 0.0
local t = 0.0
local err = 0
local ok = 0
local bRet = false
print ( " Test1 - Start " )
local i = 0
for i = 0 , 9999 do
A | b
c | d
] ] --
local ax = math.random ( ) * - 5000
local ay = math.random ( ) * 5000
a | b
c | D
] ] --
local dx = math.random ( ) * 5000
local dy = math.random ( ) * - 5000
a | B
c | d
] ] --
local bx = math.random ( ) * 5000
local by = math.random ( ) * 5000
a | b
C | d
] ] --
local cx = math.random ( ) * - 5000
local cy = math.random ( ) * - 5000
A = cc.p ( ax , ay )
B = cc.p ( bx , by )
C = cc.p ( cx , cy )
D = cc.p ( dx , dy )
bRet , s , t = cc.pIsLineIntersect ( A , D , B , C , s , t )
if true == bRet then
if 1 == check_for_error ( A , D , B , C , s , t ) then
err = err + 1
ok = ok + 1
local strLog = " Test1 - End. OK= " .. ok .. " , Err= " .. err
print ( strLog )
--Test 2
print ( " Test2 - Start " )
p1 = cc.p ( 220 , 480 )
p2 = cc.p ( 304 , 325 )
p3 = cc.p ( 264 , 416 )
p4 = cc.p ( 186 , 416 )
s = 0.0
t = 0.0
bRet , s , t = cc.pIsLineIntersect ( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , s , t )
if true == bRet then
check_for_error ( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , s , t )
print ( " Test2 - End " )
--Test 3
print ( " Test3 - Start " )
ok = 0
err = 0
for i = 0 , 9999 do
-- A | b
-- -----
-- c | d
local ax = math.random ( ) * - 500
local ay = math.random ( ) * 500
p1 = cc.p ( ax , ay )
-- a | b
-- -----
-- c | D
local dx = math.random ( ) * 500
local dy = math.random ( ) * - 500
p2 = cc.p ( dx , dy )
local y = ay - ( ( ay - dy ) / 2.0 )
-- a | b
-- -----
-- C | d
local cx = math.random ( ) * - 500
p3 = cc.p ( cx , y )
-- a | B
-- -----
-- c | d
local bx = math.random ( ) * 500
p4 = cc.p ( bx , y )
s = 0.0
t = 0.0
bRet , s , t = cc.pIsLineIntersect ( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , s , t )
if true == bRet then
if 1 == check_for_error ( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , s , t ) then
err = err + 1
ok = ok + 1
strLog = " Test3 - End. OK= " .. ok .. " , Err= " .. err
print ( strLog )
2015-04-22 10:20:21 +08:00
return layer
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
2014-11-13 15:36:43 +08:00
local function BugTestValueTypeJudgeInTable ( )
local layer = cc.Layer : create ( )
local label = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " Value Type Judge Error in the table:number -> string " , " fonts/arial.ttf " , 24 )
label : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
label : setPosition ( cc.p ( VisibleRect : center ( ) . x , VisibleRect : top ( ) . y - 40 ) )
layer : addChild ( label )
local outLable = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( " You should see the following output in the console: \n The type of index 0 is number \n The type of index 1 is number \n The type of index 2 is number " , " fonts/arial.ttf " , 18 )
outLable : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
outLable : setPosition ( cc.p ( VisibleRect : center ( ) . x , VisibleRect : top ( ) . y - 160 ) )
layer : addChild ( outLable )
local valueTypeJudge = cc.ValueTypeJudgeInTable : create ( { index1 = 111 , index2 = 112 , index3 = 113 } )
layer : addChild ( valueTypeJudge )
return layer
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local CreateBugsTestTable = {
BugTest350 ,
BugTest422 ,
BugTest458 ,
BugTest624 ,
BugTest886 ,
BugTest899 ,
BugTest914 ,
BugTest1159 ,
BugTest1174 ,
2014-11-13 15:36:43 +08:00
BugTestValueTypeJudgeInTable ,
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local function CreateBugsTestScene ( nBugNo )
local pNewscene = cc.Scene : create ( )
local pLayer = CreateBugsTestTable [ nBugNo ] ( )
CreateBugsTestBackMenuItem ( pLayer )
pNewscene : addChild ( pLayer )
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( pNewscene )
local function BugsTestMainLayer ( )
local ret = cc.Layer : create ( )
--menu callback
local function menuCallback ( tag , pMenuItem )
local nIdx = pMenuItem : getLocalZOrder ( ) - kItemTagBasic
local BugTestScene = CreateBugsTestScene ( nIdx )
if nil ~= testScene then
cc.Director : getInstance ( ) : replaceScene ( testScene )
-- add menu items for tests
local pItemMenu = cc.Menu : create ( )
2020-10-25 16:14:44 +08:00
local nTestCount = # ( testNames )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local i = 1
for i = 1 , nTestCount do
2014-04-11 15:25:18 +08:00
local label = cc.Label : createWithTTF ( testNames [ i ] , s_arialPath , 24 )
2019-06-10 14:34:26 +08:00
print ( " test label index " .. i )
2014-03-12 14:27:52 +08:00
label : setAnchorPoint ( cc.p ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) )
2014-03-10 15:32:48 +08:00
local pMenuItem = cc.MenuItemLabel : create ( label )
pMenuItem : registerScriptTapHandler ( menuCallback )
pItemMenu : addChild ( pMenuItem , i + kItemTagBasic )
pMenuItem : setPosition ( cc.p ( VisibleRect : center ( ) . x , ( VisibleRect : top ( ) . y - i * LINE_SPACE ) ) )
pItemMenu : setPosition ( cc.p ( 0 , 0 ) )
ret : addChild ( pItemMenu )
-- handling touch events
local ptBeginPos = { x = 0 , y = 0 }
local ptCurPos = { x = 0 , y = 0 }
-- handling touch events
local function onTouchMoved ( touches , event )
local touchLocation = touches [ 1 ] : getLocation ( )
local nMoveY = touchLocation.y - ptBeginPos.y
local curPosx , curPosy = pItemMenu : getPosition ( )
local nextPosy = curPosy + nMoveY
if nextPosy < 0 then
pItemMenu : setPosition ( 0 , 0 )
if nextPosy > ( ( nTestCount + 1 ) * LINE_SPACE - Winsize.height ) then
pItemMenu : setPosition ( 0 , ( ( nTestCount + 1 ) * LINE_SPACE - Winsize.height ) )
pItemMenu : setPosition ( curPosx , nextPosy )
ptBeginPos = touchLocation
ptCurPos = { x = curPosx , y = nextPosy }
local function onTouchBegan ( touches , event )
ptBeginPos = touches [ 1 ] : getLocation ( )
local listener = cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce : create ( )
listener : registerScriptHandler ( onTouchBegan , cc.Handler . EVENT_TOUCHES_BEGAN )
listener : registerScriptHandler ( onTouchMoved , cc.Handler . EVENT_TOUCHES_MOVED )
local eventDispatcher = ret : getEventDispatcher ( )
eventDispatcher : addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority ( listener , ret )
return ret
function BugsTestMain ( )
cclog ( " BugsTestMain " )
local scene = cc.Scene : create ( )
scene : addChild ( BugsTestMainLayer ( ) )
scene : addChild ( CreateBackMenuItem ( ) )
return scene