2018-01-29 16:25:32 +08:00
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2016-01-15 11:39:17 +08:00
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// const { Cu, Ci } = require("chrome");
// const { GeneratedLocation } = require("devtools/server/actors/common");
// const { DebuggerServer } = require("devtools/server/main")
// const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils");
// const { dbg_assert, dumpn } = DevToolsUtils;
// const PromiseDebugging = require("PromiseDebugging");
const TYPED_ARRAY_CLASSES = ["Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Uint16Array",
"Uint32Array", "Int8Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Float32Array",
// Number of items to preview in objects, arrays, maps, sets, lists,
// collections, etc.
* Creates an actor for the specified object.
* @param obj Debugger.Object
* The debuggee object.
* @param hooks Object
* A collection of abstract methods that are implemented by the caller.
* ObjectActor requires the following functions to be implemented by
* the caller:
* - createValueGrip
* Creates a value grip for the given object
* - sources
* TabSources getter that manages the sources of a thread
* - createEnvironmentActor
* Creates and return an environment actor
* - getGripDepth
* An actor's grip depth getter
* - incrementGripDepth
* Increment the actor's grip depth
* - decrementGripDepth
* Decrement the actor's grip depth
* - globalDebugObject
* The Debuggee Global Object as given by the ThreadActor
function ObjectActor(obj, {
}) {
"Should not create object actors for optimized out values!");
this.obj = obj;
this.hooks = {
this.iterators = new Set();
ObjectActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "obj",
* Returns a grip for this actor for returning in a protocol message.
grip: function() {
let g = {
"type": "object",
"class": this.obj.class,
"actor": this.actorID,
"extensible": this.obj.isExtensible(),
"frozen": this.obj.isFrozen(),
"sealed": this.obj.isSealed()
if (this.obj.class != "DeadObject") {
if (this.obj.class == "Promise") {
g.promiseState = this._createPromiseState();
// FF40+: Allow to know how many properties an object has
// to lazily display them when there is a bunch.
// Throws on some MouseEvent object in tests.
try {
// Bug 1163520: Assert on internal functions
if (this.obj.class != "Function") {
g.ownPropertyLength = this.obj.getOwnPropertyNames().length;
} catch(e) {}
let raw = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
// If Cu is not defined, we are running on a worker thread, where xrays
// don't exist.
// if (Cu) {
// raw = Cu.unwaiveXrays(raw);
// }
if (!DevToolsUtils.isSafeJSObject(raw)) {
raw = null;
// let previewers = DebuggerServer.ObjectActorPreviewers[this.obj.class] ||
// DebuggerServer.ObjectActorPreviewers.Object;
// for (let fn of previewers) {
// try {
// if (fn(this, g, raw)) {
// break;
// }
// } catch (e) {
// let msg = "ObjectActor.prototype.grip previewer function";
// DevToolsUtils.reportException(msg, e);
// }
// }
return g;
* Returns an object exposing the internal Promise state.
_createPromiseState: function() {
const { state, value, reason } = getPromiseState(this.obj);
let promiseState = { state };
let rawPromise = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
if (state == "fulfilled") {
promiseState.value = this.hooks.createValueGrip(value);
} else if (state == "rejected") {
promiseState.reason = this.hooks.createValueGrip(reason);
promiseState.creationTimestamp = Date.now() -
// If the promise is not settled, avoid adding the timeToSettle property
// and catch the error thrown by PromiseDebugging.getTimeToSettle.
try {
promiseState.timeToSettle = PromiseDebugging.getTimeToSettle(rawPromise);
} catch(e) {}
return promiseState;
* Releases this actor from the pool.
release: function() {
if (this.registeredPool.objectActors) {
this.iterators.forEach(actor => this.registeredPool.removeActor(actor));
* Handle a protocol request to provide the definition site of this function
* object.
onDefinitionSite: function() {
if (this.obj.class != "Function") {
return {
from: this.actorID,
error: "objectNotFunction",
message: this.actorID + " is not a function."
if (!this.obj.script) {
return {
from: this.actorID,
error: "noScript",
message: this.actorID + " has no Debugger.Script"
return this.hooks.sources().getOriginalLocation(new GeneratedLocation(
0 // TODO bug 901138: use Debugger.Script.prototype.startColumn
)).then((originalLocation) => {
return {
source: originalLocation.originalSourceActor.form(),
line: originalLocation.originalLine,
column: originalLocation.originalColumn
* Handle a protocol request to provide the names of the properties defined on
* the object and not its prototype.
onOwnPropertyNames: function() {
return { from: this.actorID,
ownPropertyNames: this.obj.getOwnPropertyNames() };
* Creates an actor to iterate over an object property names and values.
* See PropertyIteratorActor constructor for more info about options param.
* @param request object
* The protocol request object.
onEnumProperties: function(request) {
let actor = new PropertyIteratorActor(this, request.options);
return { iterator: actor.grip() };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the prototype and own properties of
* the object.
onPrototypeAndProperties: function() {
let ownProperties = Object.create(null);
let names;
try {
names = this.obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
} catch (ex) {
log('exception: ' + ex);
// The above can throw if this.obj points to a dead object.
// TODO: we should use Cu.isDeadWrapper() - see bug 885800.
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.hooks.createValueGrip(null),
ownProperties: ownProperties,
safeGetterValues: Object.create(null) };
try {
for (let name of names) {
ownProperties[name] = this._propertyDescriptor(name);
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.hooks.createValueGrip(this.obj.proto),
ownProperties: ownProperties,
safeGetterValues: this._findSafeGetterValues(names) };
} catch(ex) {
log('exception: ' + ex);
* Find the safe getter values for the current Debugger.Object, |this.obj|.
* @private
* @param array ownProperties
* The array that holds the list of known ownProperties names for
* |this.obj|.
* @param number [limit=0]
* Optional limit of getter values to find.
* @return object
* An object that maps property names to safe getter descriptors as
* defined by the remote debugging protocol.
_findSafeGetterValues: function(ownProperties, limit = 0) {
let safeGetterValues = Object.create(null);
let obj = this.obj;
let level = 0, i = 0;
while (obj) {
let getters = this._findSafeGetters(obj);
for (let name of getters) {
// Avoid overwriting properties from prototypes closer to this.obj. Also
// avoid providing safeGetterValues from prototypes if property |name|
// is already defined as an own property.
if (name in safeGetterValues ||
(obj != this.obj && ownProperties.indexOf(name) !== -1)) {
// Ignore __proto__ on Object.prototye.
if (!obj.proto && name == "__proto__") {
let desc = null, getter = null;
try {
desc = obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
getter = desc.get;
} catch (ex) {
// The above can throw if the cache becomes stale.
if (!getter) {
obj._safeGetters = null;
let result = getter.call(this.obj);
if (result && !("throw" in result)) {
let getterValue = undefined;
if ("return" in result) {
getterValue = result.return;
} else if ("yield" in result) {
getterValue = result.yield;
// WebIDL attributes specified with the LenientThis extended attribute
// return undefined and should be ignored.
if (getterValue !== undefined) {
safeGetterValues[name] = {
getterValue: this.hooks.createValueGrip(getterValue),
getterPrototypeLevel: level,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
writable: level == 0 ? desc.writable : true,
if (limit && ++i == limit) {
if (limit && i == limit) {
obj = obj.proto;
return safeGetterValues;
* Find the safe getters for a given Debugger.Object. Safe getters are native
* getters which are safe to execute.
* @private
* @param Debugger.Object object
* The Debugger.Object where you want to find safe getters.
* @return Set
* A Set of names of safe getters. This result is cached for each
* Debugger.Object.
_findSafeGetters: function(object) {
if (object._safeGetters) {
return object._safeGetters;
let getters = new Set();
let names = [];
try {
names = object.getOwnPropertyNames()
} catch (ex) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyNames() on some wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed: "cannot modify properties of a WrappedNative". See bug 952093.
for (let name of names) {
let desc = null;
try {
desc = object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor on wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed (bug 560072).
if (!desc || desc.value !== undefined || !("get" in desc)) {
if (DevToolsUtils.hasSafeGetter(desc)) {
object._safeGetters = getters;
return getters;
* Handle a protocol request to provide the prototype of the object.
onPrototype: function() {
return { from: this.actorID,
prototype: this.hooks.createValueGrip(this.obj.proto) };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the property descriptor of the
* object's specified property.
* @param request object
* The protocol request object.
onProperty: function(request) {
if (!request.name) {
return { error: "missingParameter",
message: "no property name was specified" };
return { from: this.actorID,
descriptor: this._propertyDescriptor(request.name) };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the display string for the object.
onDisplayString: function() {
const string = stringify(this.obj);
return { from: this.actorID,
displayString: this.hooks.createValueGrip(string) };
* A helper method that creates a property descriptor for the provided object,
* properly formatted for sending in a protocol response.
* @private
* @param string name
* The property that the descriptor is generated for.
* @param boolean [onlyEnumerable]
* Optional: true if you want a descriptor only for an enumerable
* property, false otherwise.
* @return object|undefined
* The property descriptor, or undefined if this is not an enumerable
* property and onlyEnumerable=true.
_propertyDescriptor: function(name, onlyEnumerable) {
let desc;
try {
desc = this.obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor on wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed (bug 560072). Inform the user with a bogus, but hopefully
// explanatory, descriptor.
return {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
value: e.name
if (!desc || onlyEnumerable && !desc.enumerable) {
return undefined;
let retval = {
configurable: desc.configurable,
enumerable: desc.enumerable
if ("value" in desc) {
retval.writable = desc.writable;
retval.value = this.hooks.createValueGrip(desc.value);
} else {
if ("get" in desc) {
retval.get = this.hooks.createValueGrip(desc.get);
if ("set" in desc) {
retval.set = this.hooks.createValueGrip(desc.set);
return retval;
* Handle a protocol request to provide the source code of a function.
* @param request object
* The protocol request object.
onDecompile: function(request) {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "decompile request is only valid for object grips " +
"with a 'Function' class." };
return { from: this.actorID,
decompiledCode: this.obj.decompile(!!request.pretty) };
* Handle a protocol request to provide the parameters of a function.
onParameterNames: function() {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "'parameterNames' request is only valid for object " +
"grips with a 'Function' class." };
return { parameterNames: this.obj.parameterNames };
* Handle a protocol request to release a thread-lifetime grip.
onRelease: function() {
return {};
* Handle a protocol request to provide the lexical scope of a function.
onScope: function() {
if (this.obj.class !== "Function") {
return { error: "objectNotFunction",
message: "scope request is only valid for object grips with a" +
" 'Function' class." };
let envActor = this.hooks.createEnvironmentActor(this.obj.environment,
if (!envActor) {
return { error: "notDebuggee",
message: "cannot access the environment of this function." };
return { from: this.actorID, scope: envActor.form() };
* Handle a protocol request to get the list of dependent promises of a
* promise.
* @return object
* Returns an object containing an array of object grips of the
* dependent promises
onDependentPromises: function() {
if (this.obj.class != "Promise") {
return { error: "objectNotPromise",
message: "'dependentPromises' request is only valid for " +
"object grips with a 'Promise' class." };
let rawPromise = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
let promises = PromiseDebugging.getDependentPromises(rawPromise).map(p =>
return { promises };
* Handle a protocol request to get the allocation stack of a promise.
onAllocationStack: function() {
if (this.obj.class != "Promise") {
return { error: "objectNotPromise",
message: "'allocationStack' request is only valid for " +
"object grips with a 'Promise' class." };
let rawPromise = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
let stack = PromiseDebugging.getAllocationStack(rawPromise);
let allocationStacks = [];
while (stack) {
if (stack.source) {
let source = this._getSourceOriginalLocation(stack);
if (source) {
stack = stack.parent;
return Promise.all(allocationStacks).then(stacks => {
return { allocationStack: stacks };
* Handle a protocol request to get the fulfillment stack of a promise.
onFulfillmentStack: function() {
if (this.obj.class != "Promise") {
return { error: "objectNotPromise",
message: "'fulfillmentStack' request is only valid for " +
"object grips with a 'Promise' class." };
let rawPromise = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
let stack = PromiseDebugging.getFullfillmentStack(rawPromise);
let fulfillmentStacks = [];
while (stack) {
if (stack.source) {
let source = this._getSourceOriginalLocation(stack);
if (source) {
stack = stack.parent;
return Promise.all(fulfillmentStacks).then(stacks => {
return { fulfillmentStack: stacks };
* Handle a protocol request to get the rejection stack of a promise.
onRejectionStack: function() {
if (this.obj.class != "Promise") {
return { error: "objectNotPromise",
message: "'rejectionStack' request is only valid for " +
"object grips with a 'Promise' class." };
let rawPromise = this.obj.unsafeDereference();
let stack = PromiseDebugging.getRejectionStack(rawPromise);
let rejectionStacks = [];
while (stack) {
if (stack.source) {
let source = this._getSourceOriginalLocation(stack);
if (source) {
stack = stack.parent;
return Promise.all(rejectionStacks).then(stacks => {
return { rejectionStack: stacks };
* Helper function for fetching the source location of a SavedFrame stack.
* @param SavedFrame stack
* The promise allocation stack frame
* @return object
* Returns an object containing the source location of the SavedFrame
* stack.
_getSourceOriginalLocation: function(stack) {
let source;
// Catch any errors if the source actor cannot be found
try {
source = this.hooks.sources().getSourceActorByURL(stack.source);
} catch(e) {}
if (!source) {
return null;
return this.hooks.sources().getOriginalLocation(new GeneratedLocation(
)).then((originalLocation) => {
return {
source: originalLocation.originalSourceActor.form(),
line: originalLocation.originalLine,
column: originalLocation.originalColumn,
functionDisplayName: stack.functionDisplayName
2016-03-02 15:51:29 +08:00
* Added by minggo
* To get the name of this object. It is used to get function name,
* which is needed by dispalying function name in stack strace.
onName: function() {
return { from: this.actorID, name: this.obj.name };
2016-01-15 11:39:17 +08:00
ObjectActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"definitionSite": ObjectActor.prototype.onDefinitionSite,
"parameterNames": ObjectActor.prototype.onParameterNames,
"prototypeAndProperties": ObjectActor.prototype.onPrototypeAndProperties,
"enumProperties": ObjectActor.prototype.onEnumProperties,
"prototype": ObjectActor.prototype.onPrototype,
"property": ObjectActor.prototype.onProperty,
"displayString": ObjectActor.prototype.onDisplayString,
"ownPropertyNames": ObjectActor.prototype.onOwnPropertyNames,
"decompile": ObjectActor.prototype.onDecompile,
"release": ObjectActor.prototype.onRelease,
"scope": ObjectActor.prototype.onScope,
"dependentPromises": ObjectActor.prototype.onDependentPromises,
"allocationStack": ObjectActor.prototype.onAllocationStack,
"fulfillmentStack": ObjectActor.prototype.onFulfillmentStack,
2016-03-02 15:51:29 +08:00
"rejectionStack": ObjectActor.prototype.onRejectionStack,
"name": ObjectActor.prototype.onName, // added by minggo
2016-01-15 11:39:17 +08:00
* Creates an actor to iterate over an object's property names and values.
* @param objectActor ObjectActor
* The object actor.
* @param options Object
* A dictionary object with various boolean attributes:
* - ignoreSafeGetters Boolean
* If true, do not iterate over safe getters.
* - ignoreIndexedProperties Boolean
* If true, filters out Array items.
* e.g. properties names between `0` and `object.length`.
* - ignoreNonIndexedProperties Boolean
* If true, filters out items that aren't array items
* e.g. properties names that are not a number between `0`
* and `object.length`.
* - sort Boolean
* If true, the iterator will sort the properties by name
* before dispatching them.
* - query String
* If non-empty, will filter the properties by names and values
* containing this query string. The match is not case-sensitive.
* Regarding value filtering it just compare to the stringification
* of the property value.
function PropertyIteratorActor(objectActor, options){
this.objectActor = objectActor;
let ownProperties = Object.create(null);
let names = [];
try {
names = this.objectActor.obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
} catch (ex) {}
let safeGetterValues = {};
let safeGetterNames = [];
if (!options.ignoreSafeGetters) {
// Merge the safe getter values into the existing properties list.
safeGetterValues = this.objectActor._findSafeGetterValues(names);
safeGetterNames = Object.keys(safeGetterValues);
for (let name of safeGetterNames) {
if (names.indexOf(name) === -1) {
if (options.ignoreIndexedProperties || options.ignoreNonIndexedProperties) {
let length = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(this.objectActor.obj, "length");
if (typeof(length) !== "number") {
// Pseudo arrays are flagged as ArrayLike if they have
// subsequent indexed properties without having any length attribute.
length = 0;
for (let key of names) {
if (isNaN(key) || key != length++) {
if (options.ignoreIndexedProperties) {
names = names.filter(i => {
// Use parseFloat in order to reject floats...
// (parseInt converts floats to integer)
// (Number(str) converts spaces to 0)
i = parseFloat(i);
return !Number.isInteger(i) || i < 0 || i >= length;
if (options.ignoreNonIndexedProperties) {
names = names.filter(i => {
i = parseFloat(i);
return Number.isInteger(i) && i >= 0 && i < length;
if (options.query) {
let { query } = options;
query = query.toLowerCase();
names = names.filter(name => {
// Filter on attribute names
if (name.toLowerCase().includes(query)) {
return true;
// and then on attribute values
let desc;
try {
desc = this.obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name);
} catch(e) {}
if (desc && desc.value &&
String(desc.value).includes(query)) {
return true;
return false;
if (options.sort) {
// Now build the descriptor list
for (let name of names) {
let desc = this.objectActor._propertyDescriptor(name);
if (!desc) {
desc = safeGetterValues[name];
else if (name in safeGetterValues) {
// Merge the safe getter values into the existing properties list.
let { getterValue, getterPrototypeLevel } = safeGetterValues[name];
desc.getterValue = getterValue;
desc.getterPrototypeLevel = getterPrototypeLevel;
ownProperties[name] = desc;
this.names = names;
this.ownProperties = ownProperties;
PropertyIteratorActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "propertyIterator",
grip: function() {
return {
type: "propertyIterator",
actor: this.actorID,
count: this.names.length
names: function({ indexes }) {
let list = [];
for (let idx of indexes) {
return {
names: list
slice: function({ start, count }) {
let names = this.names.slice(start, start + count);
let props = Object.create(null);
for (let name of names) {
props[name] = this.ownProperties[name];
return {
ownProperties: props
all: function() {
return {
ownProperties: this.ownProperties
PropertyIteratorActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"names": PropertyIteratorActor.prototype.names,
"slice": PropertyIteratorActor.prototype.slice,
"all": PropertyIteratorActor.prototype.all,
* Functions for adding information to ObjectActor grips for the purpose of
* having customized output. This object holds arrays mapped by
* Debugger.Object.prototype.class.
* In each array you can add functions that take two
* arguments:
* - the ObjectActor instance and its hooks to make a preview for,
* - the grip object being prepared for the client,
* - the raw JS object after calling Debugger.Object.unsafeDereference(). This
* argument is only provided if the object is safe for reading properties and
* executing methods. See DevToolsUtils.isSafeJSObject().
* Functions must return false if they cannot provide preview
* information for the debugger object, or true otherwise.
DebuggerServer.ObjectActorPreviewers = {
String: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let result = genericObjectPreviewer("String", String, obj, hooks);
let length = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "length");
if (!result || typeof length != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: length
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
const max = Math.min(result.value.length, OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS);
for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {
let value = hooks.createValueGrip(result.value[i]);
return true;
Boolean: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let result = genericObjectPreviewer("Boolean", Boolean, obj, hooks);
if (result) {
grip.preview = result;
return true;
return false;
Number: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let result = genericObjectPreviewer("Number", Number, obj, hooks);
if (result) {
grip.preview = result;
return true;
return false;
Function: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
if (obj.name) {
grip.name = obj.name;
if (obj.displayName) {
grip.displayName = obj.displayName.substr(0, 500);
if (obj.parameterNames) {
grip.parameterNames = obj.parameterNames;
// Check if the developer has added a de-facto standard displayName
// property for us to use.
let userDisplayName;
try {
userDisplayName = obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("displayName");
} catch (e) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyDescriptor with displayName might throw
// with "permission denied" errors for some functions.
if (userDisplayName && typeof userDisplayName.value == "string" &&
userDisplayName.value) {
grip.userDisplayName = hooks.createValueGrip(userDisplayName.value);
let dbgGlobal = hooks.getGlobalDebugObject();
if (dbgGlobal) {
let script = dbgGlobal.makeDebuggeeValue(obj.unsafeDereference()).script;
if (script) {
grip.location = {
url: script.url,
line: script.startLine
return true;
RegExp: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
// Avoid having any special preview for the RegExp.prototype itself.
if (!obj.proto || obj.proto.class != "RegExp") {
return false;
let str = RegExp.prototype.toString.call(obj.unsafeDereference());
grip.displayString = hooks.createValueGrip(str);
return true;
Date: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let time = Date.prototype.getTime.call(obj.unsafeDereference());
grip.preview = {
timestamp: hooks.createValueGrip(time),
return true;
Array: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let length = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "length");
if (typeof length != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: length,
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let raw = obj.unsafeDereference();
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
// Array Xrays filter out various possibly-unsafe properties (like
// functions, and claim that the value is undefined instead. This
// is generally the right thing for privileged code accessing untrusted
// objects, but quite confusing for Object previews. So we manually
// override this protection by waiving Xrays on the array, and re-applying
// Xrays on any indexed value props that we pull off of it.
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Cu.waiveXrays(raw), i);
if (desc && !desc.get && !desc.set) {
let value = Cu.unwaiveXrays(desc.value);
value = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, value);
} else {
if (items.length == OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
return true;
Set: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let size = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "size");
if (typeof size != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: size,
// Avoid recursive object grips.
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let raw = obj.unsafeDereference();
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
// We currently lack XrayWrappers for Set, so when we iterate over
// the values, the temporary iterator objects get created in the target
// compartment. However, we _do_ have Xrays to Object now, so we end up
// Xraying those temporary objects, and filtering access to |it.value|
// based on whether or not it's Xrayable and/or callable, which breaks
// the for/of iteration.
// This code is designed to handle untrusted objects, so we can safely
// waive Xrays on the iterable, and relying on the Debugger machinery to
// make sure we handle the resulting objects carefully.
for (let item of Cu.waiveXrays(Set.prototype.values.call(raw))) {
item = Cu.unwaiveXrays(item);
item = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, item);
if (items.length == OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
return true;
Map: [function({obj, hooks}, grip) {
let size = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "size");
if (typeof size != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "MapLike",
size: size,
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let raw = obj.unsafeDereference();
let entries = grip.preview.entries = [];
// Iterating over a Map via .entries goes through various intermediate
// objects - an Iterator object, then a 2-element Array object, then the
// actual values we care about. We don't have Xrays to Iterator objects,
// so we get Opaque wrappers for them. And even though we have Xrays to
// Arrays, the semantics often deny access to the entires based on the
// nature of the values. So we need waive Xrays for the iterator object
// and the tupes, and then re-apply them on the underlying values until
// we fix bug 1023984.
// Even then though, we might want to continue waiving Xrays here for the
// same reason we do so for Arrays above - this filtering behavior is likely
// to be more confusing than beneficial in the case of Object previews.
for (let keyValuePair of Cu.waiveXrays(Map.prototype.entries.call(raw))) {
let key = Cu.unwaiveXrays(keyValuePair[0]);
let value = Cu.unwaiveXrays(keyValuePair[1]);
key = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, key);
value = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, value);
if (entries.length == OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
return true;
DOMStringMap: [function({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (!rawObj) {
return false;
let keys = obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
grip.preview = {
kind: "MapLike",
size: keys.length,
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let entries = grip.preview.entries = [];
for (let key of keys) {
let value = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, rawObj[key]);
entries.push([key, hooks.createValueGrip(value)]);
if (entries.length == OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
return true;
* Generic previewer for "simple" classes like String, Number and Boolean.
* @param string className
* Class name to expect.
* @param object classObj
* The class to expect, eg. String. The valueOf() method of the class is
* invoked on the given object.
* @param Debugger.Object obj
* The debugger object we need to preview.
* @param object hooks
* The thread actor to use to create a value grip.
* @return object|null
* An object with one property, "value", which holds the value grip that
2016-09-06 10:14:14 +08:00
* represents the given object. Null is returned if we can't preview the
2016-01-15 11:39:17 +08:00
* object.
function genericObjectPreviewer(className, classObj, obj, hooks) {
if (!obj.proto || obj.proto.class != className) {
return null;
let raw = obj.unsafeDereference();
let v = null;
try {
v = classObj.prototype.valueOf.call(raw);
} catch (ex) {
// valueOf() can throw if the raw JS object is "misbehaved".
return null;
if (v !== null) {
v = hooks.createValueGrip(makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, v));
return { value: v };
return null;
// Preview functions that do not rely on the object class.
DebuggerServer.ObjectActorPreviewers.Object = [
function TypedArray({obj, hooks}, grip) {
if (TYPED_ARRAY_CLASSES.indexOf(obj.class) == -1) {
return false;
let length = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "length");
if (typeof length != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: length,
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let raw = obj.unsafeDereference();
let global = Cu.getGlobalForObject(DebuggerServer);
let classProto = global[obj.class].prototype;
// The Xray machinery for TypedArrays denies indexed access on the grounds
// that it's slow, and advises callers to do a structured clone instead.
let safeView = Cu.cloneInto(classProto.subarray.call(raw, 0,
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < safeView.length; i++) {
return true;
function Error({obj, hooks}, grip) {
switch (obj.class) {
case "Error":
case "EvalError":
case "RangeError":
case "ReferenceError":
case "SyntaxError":
case "TypeError":
case "URIError":
let name = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "name");
let msg = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "message");
let stack = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "stack");
let fileName = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "fileName");
let lineNumber = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "lineNumber");
let columnNumber = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "columnNumber");
grip.preview = {
kind: "Error",
name: hooks.createValueGrip(name),
message: hooks.createValueGrip(msg),
stack: hooks.createValueGrip(stack),
fileName: hooks.createValueGrip(fileName),
lineNumber: hooks.createValueGrip(lineNumber),
columnNumber: hooks.createValueGrip(columnNumber),
return true;
return false;
function CSSMediaRule({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj || !(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSMediaRule)) {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ObjectWithText",
text: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.conditionText),
return true;
function CSSStyleRule({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj || !(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSStyleRule)) {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ObjectWithText",
text: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.selectorText),
return true;
function ObjectWithURL({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj || !(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSImportRule ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMLocation ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow)) {
return false;
let url;
if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow && rawObj.location) {
url = rawObj.location.href;
} else if (rawObj.href) {
url = rawObj.href;
} else {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ObjectWithURL",
url: hooks.createValueGrip(url),
return true;
function ArrayLike({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj ||
obj.class != "DOMStringList" &&
obj.class != "DOMTokenList" &&
!(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMozNamedAttrMap ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSRuleList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSValueList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMFileList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMFontFaceList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMediaList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNodeList ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMStyleSheetList)) {
return false;
if (typeof rawObj.length != "number") {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: rawObj.length,
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rawObj.length &&
items.length < OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS; i++) {
let value = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, rawObj[i]);
return true;
function CSSStyleDeclaration({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj ||
!(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSStyleDeclaration)) {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "MapLike",
size: rawObj.length,
let entries = grip.preview.entries = [];
for (let i = 0; i < OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS &&
i < rawObj.length; i++) {
let prop = rawObj[i];
let value = rawObj.getPropertyValue(prop);
entries.push([prop, hooks.createValueGrip(value)]);
return true;
function DOMNode({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || obj.class == "Object" || !rawObj ||
!(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode)) {
return false;
let preview = grip.preview = {
kind: "DOMNode",
nodeType: rawObj.nodeType,
nodeName: rawObj.nodeName,
if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument && rawObj.location) {
preview.location = hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.location.href);
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocumentFragment) {
preview.childNodesLength = rawObj.childNodes.length;
if (hooks.getGripDepth() < 2) {
preview.childNodes = [];
for (let node of rawObj.childNodes) {
let actor = hooks.createValueGrip(obj.makeDebuggeeValue(node));
if (preview.childNodes.length == OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) {
// Add preview for DOM element attributes.
if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLElement) {
preview.nodeName = preview.nodeName.toLowerCase();
let i = 0;
preview.attributes = {};
preview.attributesLength = rawObj.attributes.length;
for (let attr of rawObj.attributes) {
preview.attributes[attr.nodeName] = hooks.createValueGrip(attr.value);
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMAttr) {
preview.value = hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.value);
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMText ||
rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMComment) {
preview.textContent = hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.textContent);
return true;
function DOMEvent({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj || !(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMEvent)) {
return false;
let preview = grip.preview = {
kind: "DOMEvent",
type: rawObj.type,
properties: Object.create(null),
if (hooks.getGripDepth() < 2) {
let target = obj.makeDebuggeeValue(rawObj.target);
preview.target = hooks.createValueGrip(target);
let props = [];
if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMMouseEvent) {
props.push("buttons", "clientX", "clientY", "layerX", "layerY");
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent) {
let modifiers = [];
if (rawObj.altKey) {
if (rawObj.ctrlKey) {
if (rawObj.metaKey) {
if (rawObj.shiftKey) {
preview.eventKind = "key";
preview.modifiers = modifiers;
props.push("key", "charCode", "keyCode");
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMTransitionEvent) {
props.push("propertyName", "pseudoElement");
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMAnimationEvent) {
props.push("animationName", "pseudoElement");
} else if (rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMClipboardEvent) {
// Add event-specific properties.
for (let prop of props) {
let value = rawObj[prop];
if (value && (typeof value == "object" || typeof value == "function")) {
// Skip properties pointing to objects.
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
value = obj.makeDebuggeeValue(value);
preview.properties[prop] = hooks.createValueGrip(value);
// Add any properties we find on the event object.
if (!props.length) {
let i = 0;
for (let prop in rawObj) {
let value = rawObj[prop];
if (prop == "target" || prop == "type" || value === null ||
typeof value == "function") {
if (value && typeof value == "object") {
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
value = obj.makeDebuggeeValue(value);
preview.properties[prop] = hooks.createValueGrip(value);
return true;
function DOMException({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
if (isWorker || !rawObj || !(rawObj instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDOMException)) {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "DOMException",
name: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.name),
message: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.message),
code: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.code),
result: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.result),
filename: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.filename),
lineNumber: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.lineNumber),
columnNumber: hooks.createValueGrip(rawObj.columnNumber),
return true;
function PseudoArray({obj, hooks}, grip, rawObj) {
let length = 0;
// Making sure all keys are numbers from 0 to length-1
let keys = obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
if (keys.length == 0) {
return false;
for (let key of keys) {
if (isNaN(key) || key != length++) {
return false;
grip.preview = {
kind: "ArrayLike",
length: length,
// Avoid recursive object grips.
if (hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return true;
let items = grip.preview.items = [];
let i = 0;
for (let key of keys) {
if (rawObj.hasOwnProperty(key) && i++ < OBJECT_PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) {
let value = makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, rawObj[key]);
return true;
function GenericObject(objectActor, grip) {
let {obj, hooks} = objectActor;
if (grip.preview || grip.displayString || hooks.getGripDepth() > 1) {
return false;
let i = 0, names = [];
let preview = grip.preview = {
kind: "Object",
ownProperties: Object.create(null),
try {
names = obj.getOwnPropertyNames();
} catch (ex) {
// Calling getOwnPropertyNames() on some wrapped native prototypes is not
// allowed: "cannot modify properties of a WrappedNative". See bug 952093.
preview.ownPropertiesLength = names.length;
for (let name of names) {
let desc = objectActor._propertyDescriptor(name, true);
if (!desc) {
preview.ownProperties[name] = desc;
preview.safeGetterValues = objectActor._findSafeGetterValues(
return true;
* Call PromiseDebugging.getState on this Debugger.Object's referent and wrap
* the resulting `value` or `reason` properties in a Debugger.Object instance.
* See dom/webidl/PromiseDebugging.webidl
* @returns Object
* An object of one of the following forms:
* - { state: "pending" }
* - { state: "fulfilled", value }
* - { state: "rejected", reason }
function getPromiseState(obj) {
if (obj.class != "Promise") {
throw new Error(
"Can't call `getPromiseState` on `Debugger.Object`s that don't " +
"refer to Promise objects.");
const state = PromiseDebugging.getState(obj.unsafeDereference());
return {
state: state.state,
value: obj.makeDebuggeeValue(state.value),
reason: obj.makeDebuggeeValue(state.reason)
* Determine if a given value is non-primitive.
* @param Any value
* The value to test.
* @return Boolean
* Whether the value is non-primitive.
function isObject(value) {
const type = typeof value;
return type == "object" ? value !== null : type == "function";
* Create a function that can safely stringify Debugger.Objects of a given
* builtin type.
* @param Function ctor
* The builtin class constructor.
* @return Function
* The stringifier for the class.
function createBuiltinStringifier(ctor) {
return obj => ctor.prototype.toString.call(obj.unsafeDereference());
* Stringify a Debugger.Object-wrapped Error instance.
* @param Debugger.Object obj
* The object to stringify.
* @return String
* The stringification of the object.
function errorStringify(obj) {
let name = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "name");
if (name === "" || name === undefined) {
name = obj.class;
} else if (isObject(name)) {
name = stringify(name);
let message = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "message");
if (isObject(message)) {
message = stringify(message);
if (message === "" || message === undefined) {
return name;
return name + ": " + message;
* Stringify a Debugger.Object based on its class.
* @param Debugger.Object obj
* The object to stringify.
* @return String
* The stringification for the object.
function stringify(obj) {
if (obj.class == "DeadObject") {
const error = new Error("Dead object encountered.");
DevToolsUtils.reportException("stringify", error);
return "<dead object>";
const stringifier = stringifiers[obj.class] || stringifiers.Object;
try {
return stringifier(obj);
} catch (e) {
DevToolsUtils.reportException("stringify", e);
return "<failed to stringify object>";
// Used to prevent infinite recursion when an array is found inside itself.
var seen = null;
var stringifiers = {
Error: errorStringify,
EvalError: errorStringify,
RangeError: errorStringify,
ReferenceError: errorStringify,
SyntaxError: errorStringify,
TypeError: errorStringify,
URIError: errorStringify,
Boolean: createBuiltinStringifier(Boolean),
Function: createBuiltinStringifier(Function),
Number: createBuiltinStringifier(Number),
RegExp: createBuiltinStringifier(RegExp),
String: createBuiltinStringifier(String),
Object: obj => "[object " + obj.class + "]",
Array: obj => {
// If we're at the top level then we need to create the Set for tracking
// previously stringified arrays.
const topLevel = !seen;
if (topLevel) {
seen = new Set();
} else if (seen.has(obj)) {
return "";
const len = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "length");
let string = "";
// The following check is only required because the debuggee could possibly
// be a Proxy and return any value. For normal objects, array.length is
// always a non-negative integer.
if (typeof len == "number" && len > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const desc = obj.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i);
if (desc) {
const { value } = desc;
if (value != null) {
string += isObject(value) ? stringify(value) : value;
if (i < len - 1) {
string += ",";
if (topLevel) {
seen = null;
return string;
DOMException: obj => {
const message = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "message") || "<no message>";
const result = (+DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "result")).toString(16);
const code = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "code");
const name = DevToolsUtils.getProperty(obj, "name") || "<unknown>";
return '[Exception... "' + message + '" ' +
'code: "' + code +'" ' +
'nsresult: "0x' + result + ' (' + name + ')"]';
Promise: obj => {
const { state, value, reason } = getPromiseState(obj);
let statePreview = state;
if (state != "pending") {
const settledValue = state === "fulfilled" ? value : reason;
statePreview += ": " + (typeof settledValue === "object" && settledValue !== null
? stringify(settledValue)
: settledValue);
return "Promise (" + statePreview + ")";
* Make a debuggee value for the given object, if needed. Primitive values
* are left the same.
* Use case: you have a raw JS object (after unsafe dereference) and you want to
* send it to the client. In that case you need to use an ObjectActor which
* requires a debuggee value. The Debugger.Object.prototype.makeDebuggeeValue()
* method works only for JS objects and functions.
* @param Debugger.Object obj
* @param any value
* @return object
function makeDebuggeeValueIfNeeded(obj, value) {
if (value && (typeof value == "object" || typeof value == "function")) {
return obj.makeDebuggeeValue(value);
return value;
* Creates an actor for the specied "very long" string. "Very long" is specified
* at the server's discretion.
* @param string String
* The string.
function LongStringActor(string) {
this.string = string;
this.stringLength = string.length;
LongStringActor.prototype = {
actorPrefix: "longString",
disconnect: function() {
// Because longStringActors is not a weak map, we won't automatically leave
// it so we need to manually leave on disconnect so that we don't leak
// memory.
* Returns a grip for this actor for returning in a protocol message.
grip: function() {
return {
"type": "longString",
"initial": this.string.substring(
"length": this.stringLength,
"actor": this.actorID
* Handle a request to extract part of this actor's string.
* @param request object
* The protocol request object.
onSubstring: function(request) {
return {
"from": this.actorID,
"substring": this.string.substring(request.start, request.end)
* Handle a request to release this LongStringActor instance.
onRelease: function () {
// TODO: also check if registeredPool === threadActor.threadLifetimePool
// when the web console moves aray from manually releasing pause-scoped
// actors.
return {};
_releaseActor: function() {
if (this.registeredPool && this.registeredPool.longStringActors) {
delete this.registeredPool.longStringActors[this.string];
LongStringActor.prototype.requestTypes = {
"substring": LongStringActor.prototype.onSubstring,
"release": LongStringActor.prototype.onRelease
* Create a grip for the given debuggee value. If the value is an
* object, will create an actor with the given lifetime.
function createValueGrip(value, pool, makeObjectGrip) {
switch (typeof value) {
case "boolean":
return value;
case "string":
if (stringIsLong(value)) {
return longStringGrip(value, pool);
return value;
case "number":
if (value === Infinity) {
return { type: "Infinity" };
} else if (value === -Infinity) {
return { type: "-Infinity" };
} else if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
return { type: "NaN" };
} else if (!value && 1 / value === -Infinity) {
return { type: "-0" };
return value;
case "undefined":
return { type: "undefined" };
case "object":
if (value === null) {
return { type: "null" };
else if (value.optimizedOut ||
value.uninitialized ||
value.missingArguments) {
// The slot is optimized out, an uninitialized binding, or
// arguments on a dead scope
return {
type: "null",
optimizedOut: value.optimizedOut,
uninitialized: value.uninitialized,
missingArguments: value.missingArguments
return makeObjectGrip(value, pool);
case "symbol":
let form = {
type: "symbol"
let name = getSymbolName(value);
if (name !== undefined) {
form.name = createValueGrip(name, pool, makeObjectGrip);
return form;
dbg_assert(false, "Failed to provide a grip for: " + value);
return null;
// const symbolProtoToString = Symbol.prototype.toString;
// function getSymbolName(symbol) {
// const name = symbolProtoToString.call(symbol).slice("Symbol(".length, -1);
// return name || undefined;
// }
* Returns true if the string is long enough to use a LongStringActor instead
* of passing the value directly over the protocol.
* @param str String
* The string we are checking the length of.
function stringIsLong(str) {
return str.length >= DebuggerServer.LONG_STRING_LENGTH;
* Create a grip for the given string.
* @param str String
* The string we are creating a grip for.
* @param pool ActorPool
* The actor pool where the new actor will be added.
function longStringGrip(str, pool) {
if (!pool.longStringActors) {
pool.longStringActors = {};
if (pool.longStringActors.hasOwnProperty(str)) {
return pool.longStringActors[str].grip();
let actor = new LongStringActor(str);
pool.longStringActors[str] = actor;
return actor.grip();
// exports.ObjectActor = ObjectActor;
// exports.PropertyIteratorActor = PropertyIteratorActor;
// exports.LongStringActor = LongStringActor;
// exports.createValueGrip = createValueGrip;
// exports.stringIsLong = stringIsLong;
// exports.longStringGrip = longStringGrip;