* full __Android Studio__ supports: include editing, compiling and debugging c++ codes: [doc](https://github.com/chukong/cocos-docs/blob/v3-unified-documentation/installation/Android-Studio.md)
* audio engine uses [tremolo](http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/tremolo/) to decode audio files on Android: high performance and more adaptable to different Android devices
Since v3.15, can use Android Studio 2.3+ to edit, compile and debug c++ codes. What you need to do is just use Android Studio to open `proj.android-studio`(such as `tests/cpp-empty-test/proj.android-studio`), then click run menu button to run on Android devices or simulators.
Before v3.15, new Audio engine uses OpenSL ES to decode and play audio files. But many Android device manufacturers modify OpenSL ES decoding codes which cause issues. [This thread](http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/t/android-audio-decoding-issues-discussion/34610) lists many issues caused by it.
In order to fix these issues, we decide to use a 3rd party audio decoding library [tremolo](http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/tremolo/), which is used by Android have good performance and stability. What's exciting is what, after using `tremolo`, the audio engine's performance is highly improved too.
### Remove support for Windows 8.1 store and phone
MS guys maintain Windows 8.1. They think there is not need to support it, so they remove the support.
### Remove linux 32-bit support
Most PC are 64-bit, so we decide to remove linux 32-bit support. By remove 32-bit linux support, cocos2d-x zip file is more less, and we can have more resource on more important things.
If you need linux 32-bit support, you can build the 3rd party libraries through [cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-src repo](https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-src) by yourself.
[Android SDK Tools 25.3.0+](http://tools.android.com/recent/androidsdktoolsrevision2530feb2017) removes __ant script__ and __android tool__, which leads to that cocos command can not generate apk files with Eclipse projects(proj.android). Currently, cocos command will do nothing if using SDK Tools 25.3.0+, you can use these two methods to fix it:
* copy `tools` folder from old Android SDK version
* use Android Studio to build the app
It seems google doesn't want developers continue to use Eclipse to develope Android applications, so i suggest to switch to use Android Studio.