2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# create_project.py
# Create cross-platform cocos2d-x project
# Copyright (c) 2012 cocos2d-x.org
# Author: WangZhe
# define global variables
2013-06-28 10:12:55 +08:00
context = {}.fromkeys(("language", "src_project_name", "src_package_name", "dst_project_name", "dst_package_name", "src_project_path", "dst_project_path", "script_dir"));
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
platforms_list = []
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# begin
import sys
import os, os.path
2013-02-22 16:32:12 +08:00
import json
import shutil
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
def checkParams(context):
2013-06-28 10:12:55 +08:00
from optparse import OptionParser
# set the parser to parse input params
# the correspond variable name of "-x, --xxx" is parser.xxx
2013-07-01 14:10:14 +08:00
parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: ./%prog -p <PROJECT_NAME> -k <PACKAGE_NAME> -l <cpp|lua|javascript>\nSample: ./%prog -p MyGame -k com.MyCompany.AwesomeGame -l javascript")
2013-06-28 10:12:55 +08:00
parser.add_option("-p", "--project", metavar="PROJECT_NAME", help="Set a project name")
parser.add_option("-k", "--package", metavar="PACKAGE_NAME", help="Set a package name for project")
parser.add_option("-l", "--language",
choices=["cpp", "lua", "javascript"],
help="Major programing lanauge you want to used, should be [cpp | lua | javascript]")
#parse the params
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# generate our internal params
context["script_dir"] = os.getcwd() + "/"
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
global platforms_list
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
2013-06-28 10:12:55 +08:00
if opts.project:
context["dst_project_name"] = opts.project
context["dst_project_path"] = os.getcwd() + "/../../projects/" + context["dst_project_name"]
parser.error("-p or --project is not specified")
if opts.package:
context["dst_package_name"] = opts.package
parser.error("-k or --package is not specified")
if opts.language:
context["language"] = opts.language
2013-07-01 01:04:01 +08:00
parser.error("-l or --language is not specified")
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# fill in src_project_name and src_package_name according to "language"
if ("cpp" == context["language"]):
context["src_project_name"] = "HelloCpp"
2013-02-20 23:15:48 +08:00
context["src_package_name"] = "org.cocos2dx.hellocpp"
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
context["src_project_path"] = os.getcwd() + "/../../template/multi-platform-cpp"
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
platforms_list = ["ios",
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
elif ("lua" == context["language"]):
context["src_project_name"] = "HelloLua"
2013-02-20 23:15:48 +08:00
context["src_package_name"] = "org.cocos2dx.hellolua"
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
context["src_project_path"] = os.getcwd() + "/../../template/multi-platform-lua"
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
platforms_list = ["ios",
2013-02-21 17:11:11 +08:00
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
elif ("javascript" == context["language"]):
context["src_project_name"] = "HelloJavascript"
2013-02-20 23:15:48 +08:00
context["src_package_name"] = "org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript"
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
context["src_project_path"] = os.getcwd() + "/../../template/multi-platform-js"
platforms_list = ["ios",
2013-02-20 23:15:48 +08:00
# end of checkParams(context) function
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
2013-02-22 16:32:12 +08:00
def replaceString(filepath, src_string, dst_string):
content = ""
f1 = open(filepath, "rb")
for line in f1:
if src_string in line:
content += line.replace(src_string, dst_string)
content += line
f2 = open(filepath, "wb")
# end of replaceString
def processPlatformProjects(platform):
# determine proj_path
proj_path = context["dst_project_path"] + "/proj.%s/" % platform
java_package_path = ""
# read josn config file or the current platform
f = open("%s.json" % platform)
data = json.load(f)
# rename package path, like "org.cocos2dx.hello" to "com.company.game". This is a special process for android
if (platform == "android"):
src_pkg = context["src_package_name"].split('.')
dst_pkg = context["dst_package_name"].split('.')
os.rename(proj_path + "src/" + src_pkg[0],
proj_path + "src/" + dst_pkg[0])
os.rename(proj_path + "src/" + dst_pkg[0] + "/" + src_pkg[1],
proj_path + "src/" + dst_pkg[0] + "/" + dst_pkg[1])
os.rename(proj_path + "src/" + dst_pkg[0] + "/" + dst_pkg[1] + "/" + src_pkg[2],
proj_path + "src/" + dst_pkg[0] + "/" + dst_pkg[1] + "/" + dst_pkg[2])
java_package_path = dst_pkg[0] + "/" + dst_pkg[1] + "/" + dst_pkg[2]
# rename files and folders
for i in range(0, len(data["rename"])):
tmp = data["rename"][i].replace("PACKAGE_PATH", java_package_path)
src = tmp.replace("PROJECT_NAME", context["src_project_name"])
dst = tmp.replace("PROJECT_NAME", context["dst_project_name"])
if (os.path.exists(proj_path + src) == True):
os.rename(proj_path + src, proj_path + dst)
# remove useless files and folders
for i in range(0, len(data["remove"])):
dst = data["remove"][i].replace("PROJECT_NAME", context["dst_project_name"])
if (os.path.exists(proj_path + dst) == True):
shutil.rmtree(proj_path + dst)
# rename package_name. This should be replaced at first. Don't change this sequence
for i in range(0, len(data["replace_package_name"])):
tmp = data["replace_package_name"][i].replace("PACKAGE_PATH", java_package_path)
dst = tmp.replace("PROJECT_NAME", context["dst_project_name"])
if (os.path.exists(proj_path + dst) == True):
replaceString(proj_path + dst, context["src_package_name"], context["dst_package_name"])
# rename project_name
for i in range(0, len(data["replace_project_name"])):
tmp = data["replace_project_name"][i].replace("PACKAGE_PATH", java_package_path)
dst = tmp.replace("PROJECT_NAME", context["dst_project_name"])
if (os.path.exists(proj_path + dst) == True):
replaceString(proj_path + dst, context["src_project_name"], context["dst_project_name"])
# done!
print "proj.%s\t\t: Done!" % platform
# end of processPlatformProjects
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# -------------- main --------------
# dump argvs
2013-02-18 23:34:31 +08:00
# print sys.argv
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# prepare valid "context" dictionary
2013-02-18 23:34:31 +08:00
# import pprint
# pprint.pprint(context)
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
# copy "lauguage"(cpp/lua/javascript) platform.proj into cocos2d-x/projects/<project_name>/folder
if (os.path.exists(context["dst_project_path"]) == True):
2013-02-22 16:33:24 +08:00
print "Error:" + context["dst_project_path"] + " folder is already existing"
print "Please remove the old project or choose a new PROJECT_NAME in -project parameter"
shutil.copytree(context["src_project_path"], context["dst_project_path"], True)
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
2013-02-21 16:51:22 +08:00
# call process_proj from each platform's script folder
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
for platform in platforms_list:
2013-02-22 16:32:12 +08:00
# exec "import %s.handle_project_files" % (platform)
# exec "%s.handle_project_files.handle_project_files(context)" % (platform)
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
2013-02-20 13:26:41 +08:00
print "New project has been created in this path: " + context["dst_project_path"].replace("/tools/project-creator/../..", "")
2013-02-18 22:09:42 +08:00
print "Have Fun!"