2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
#include "MotionStreakTest.h"
#include "../testResource.h"
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
enum {
kTagLabel = 1,
kTagSprite1 = 2,
kTagSprite2 = 3,
2011-07-08 15:57:46 +08:00
CCLayer* nextMotionAction();
CCLayer* backMotionAction();
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
CCLayer* restartMotionAction();
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
// MotionStreakTest1
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest1::onEnter()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// the root object just rotates around
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
m_root = CCSprite::create(s_pPathR1);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
addChild(m_root, 1);
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
m_root->setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2));
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// the target object is offset from root, and the streak is moved to follow it
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
m_target = CCSprite::create(s_pPathR1);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
m_target->setPosition(ccp(s.width/4, 0));
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// create the streak object and add it to the scene
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
streak = CCMotionStreak::create(2, 3, 32, ccGREEN, s_streak);
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// schedule an update on each frame so we can syncronize the streak with the target
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCActionInterval* a1 = CCRotateBy::create(2, 360);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCAction* action1 = CCRepeatForever::create(a1);
CCActionInterval* motion = CCMoveBy::create(2, CCPointMake(100,0) );
m_root->runAction( CCRepeatForever::create((CCActionInterval*)(CCSequence::create(motion, motion->reverse(), NULL)) ) );
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
m_root->runAction( action1 );
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCActionInterval *colorAction = CCRepeatForever::create((CCActionInterval *)CCSequence::create(
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 255, 0, 0),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 0, 255, 0),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 0, 0, 255),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 0, 255, 255),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 255, 255, 0),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 255, 0, 255),
CCTintTo::create(0.2f, 255, 255, 255),
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2012-06-08 13:55:28 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest1::onUpdate(float delta)
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
streak->setPosition( m_target->convertToWorldSpace(CCPointZero) );
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
std::string MotionStreakTest1::title()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return "MotionStreak test 1";
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
// MotionStreakTest2
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest2::onEnter()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-15 15:10:40 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
// create the streak object and add it to the scene
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
streak = CCMotionStreak::create(3, 3, 64, ccWHITE, s_streak );
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
streak->setPosition( CCPointMake(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2011-03-18 09:39:34 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest2::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event)
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2011-03-07 17:11:57 +08:00
CCSetIterator it = touches->begin();
2010-08-31 17:04:20 +08:00
CCTouch* touch = (CCTouch*)(*it);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCPoint touchLocation = touch->locationInView();
touchLocation = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( touchLocation );
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
streak->setPosition( touchLocation );
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
std::string MotionStreakTest2::title()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return "MotionStreak test";
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
// Issue1358
void Issue1358::onEnter()
// ask director the the window size
CCSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
streak = CCMotionStreak::create(2.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f, ccc3(255, 255, 0), "Images/Icon.png");
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
m_center = ccp(size.width/2, size.height/2);
m_fRadius = size.width/3;
m_fAngle = 0.0f;
schedule(schedule_selector(Issue1358::update), 0);
void Issue1358::update(float dt)
m_fAngle += 1.0f;
streak->setPosition(ccp(m_center.x + cosf(m_fAngle/180 * M_PI)*m_fRadius,
m_center.y + sinf(m_fAngle/ 180 * M_PI)*m_fRadius));
std::string Issue1358::title()
return "Issue 1358";
std::string Issue1358::subtitle()
return "The tail should use the texture";
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
// MotionStreakTest
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
// enum
// {
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
// IDC_NEXT = 100,
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
// };
static int sceneIdx = -1;
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
#define MAX_LAYER 3
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
CCLayer* createMotionLayer(int nIndex)
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
case 0: return new MotionStreakTest1();
case 1: return new MotionStreakTest2();
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
case 2: return new Issue1358();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return NULL;
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
CCLayer* nextMotionAction()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
sceneIdx = sceneIdx % MAX_LAYER;
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCLayer* pLayer = createMotionLayer(sceneIdx);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return pLayer;
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
CCLayer* backMotionAction()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
int total = MAX_LAYER;
if( sceneIdx < 0 )
sceneIdx += total;
CCLayer* pLayer = createMotionLayer(sceneIdx);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return pLayer;
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
CCLayer* restartMotionAction()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCLayer* pLayer = createMotionLayer(sceneIdx);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return pLayer;
2012-04-08 14:16:29 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
std::string MotionStreakTest::title()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
return "No title";
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
std::string MotionStreakTest::subtitle()
return "";
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest::onEnter()
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCLabelTTF* label = CCLabelTTF::create(title().c_str(), "Arial", 32);
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
addChild(label, 0, kTagLabel);
label->setPosition(CCPointMake(s.width/2, s.height-50));
string subTitle = this->subtitle();
if (subTitle.size() > 0)
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCLabelTTF *l = CCLabelTTF::create(subTitle.c_str(), "Thonburi", 16);
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
addChild(l, 1);
l->setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height-80));
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCMenuItemImage *item1 = CCMenuItemImage::create(s_pPathB1, s_pPathB2, this, menu_selector(MotionStreakTest::backCallback) );
CCMenuItemImage *item2 = CCMenuItemImage::create(s_pPathR1, s_pPathR2, this, menu_selector(MotionStreakTest::restartCallback) );
CCMenuItemImage *item3 = CCMenuItemImage::create(s_pPathF1, s_pPathF2, this, menu_selector(MotionStreakTest::nextCallback) );
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCMenu *menu = CCMenu::create(item1, item2, item3, NULL);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
item1->setPosition(CCPointMake(s.width/2 - item2->getContentSize().width*2, item2->getContentSize().height/2));
item2->setPosition(CCPointMake(s.width/2, item2->getContentSize().height/2));
item3->setPosition(CCPointMake(s.width/2 + item2->getContentSize().width*2, item2->getContentSize().height/2));
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
addChild(menu, 1);
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
2012-07-23 22:49:11 +08:00
CCMenuItemToggle *itemMode = CCMenuItemToggle::createWithTarget(this, menu_selector(MotionStreakTest::modeCallback),
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCMenuItemFont::create("Use High Quality Mode"),
CCMenuItemFont::create("Use Fast Mode"),
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCMenu *menuMode = CCMenu::create(itemMode, NULL);
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
2012-06-12 16:56:34 +08:00
menuMode->setPosition(ccp(s.width/2, s.height/4));
2012-03-22 14:32:32 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest::modeCallback(CCObject *pSender)
2012-06-15 17:39:13 +08:00
bool fastMode = streak->isFastMode();
streak->setFastMode(! fastMode);
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2011-03-07 17:11:57 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest::restartCallback(CCObject* pSender)
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCScene* s = new MotionStreakTestScene();//CCScene::create();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
2010-09-13 18:04:36 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2011-03-07 17:11:57 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest::nextCallback(CCObject* pSender)
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCScene* s = new MotionStreakTestScene();//CCScene::create();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
s->addChild( nextMotionAction() );
2010-09-13 18:04:36 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2011-03-07 17:11:57 +08:00
void MotionStreakTest::backCallback(CCObject* pSender)
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
2012-06-14 15:13:16 +08:00
CCScene* s = new MotionStreakTestScene;//CCScene::create();
2012-04-19 14:35:52 +08:00
s->addChild( backMotionAction() );
2010-09-13 18:04:36 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00
void MotionStreakTestScene::runThisTest()
CCLayer* pLayer = nextMotionAction();
2010-11-11 11:18:58 +08:00
2010-08-25 17:02:58 +08:00