2020-11-16 14:47:43 +08:00
2021-12-20 18:52:45 +08:00
Copyright ( c ) 2003 - 2006 Gino van den Bergen / Erwin Coumans https : //bulletphysics.org
2020-11-16 14:47:43 +08:00
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# ifndef BT_AABB_UTIL2
# define BT_AABB_UTIL2
# include "btTransform.h"
# include "btVector3.h"
# include "btMinMax.h"
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void AabbExpand ( btVector3 & aabbMin ,
btVector3 & aabbMax ,
const btVector3 & expansionMin ,
const btVector3 & expansionMax )
aabbMin = aabbMin + expansionMin ;
aabbMax = aabbMax + expansionMax ;
/// conservative test for overlap between two aabbs
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestPointAgainstAabb2 ( const btVector3 & aabbMin1 , const btVector3 & aabbMax1 ,
const btVector3 & point )
bool overlap = true ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getX ( ) > point . getX ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getX ( ) < point . getX ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getZ ( ) > point . getZ ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getZ ( ) < point . getZ ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getY ( ) > point . getY ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getY ( ) < point . getY ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
return overlap ;
/// conservative test for overlap between two aabbs
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestAabbAgainstAabb2 ( const btVector3 & aabbMin1 , const btVector3 & aabbMax1 ,
const btVector3 & aabbMin2 , const btVector3 & aabbMax2 )
bool overlap = true ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getX ( ) > aabbMax2 . getX ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getX ( ) < aabbMin2 . getX ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getZ ( ) > aabbMax2 . getZ ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getZ ( ) < aabbMin2 . getZ ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 . getY ( ) > aabbMax2 . getY ( ) | | aabbMax1 . getY ( ) < aabbMin2 . getY ( ) ) ? false : overlap ;
return overlap ;
/// conservative test for overlap between triangle and aabb
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool TestTriangleAgainstAabb2 ( const btVector3 * vertices ,
const btVector3 & aabbMin , const btVector3 & aabbMax )
const btVector3 & p1 = vertices [ 0 ] ;
const btVector3 & p2 = vertices [ 1 ] ;
const btVector3 & p3 = vertices [ 2 ] ;
if ( btMin ( btMin ( p1 [ 0 ] , p2 [ 0 ] ) , p3 [ 0 ] ) > aabbMax [ 0 ] ) return false ;
if ( btMax ( btMax ( p1 [ 0 ] , p2 [ 0 ] ) , p3 [ 0 ] ) < aabbMin [ 0 ] ) return false ;
if ( btMin ( btMin ( p1 [ 2 ] , p2 [ 2 ] ) , p3 [ 2 ] ) > aabbMax [ 2 ] ) return false ;
if ( btMax ( btMax ( p1 [ 2 ] , p2 [ 2 ] ) , p3 [ 2 ] ) < aabbMin [ 2 ] ) return false ;
if ( btMin ( btMin ( p1 [ 1 ] , p2 [ 1 ] ) , p3 [ 1 ] ) > aabbMax [ 1 ] ) return false ;
if ( btMax ( btMax ( p1 [ 1 ] , p2 [ 1 ] ) , p3 [ 1 ] ) < aabbMin [ 1 ] ) return false ;
return true ;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int btOutcode ( const btVector3 & p , const btVector3 & halfExtent )
return ( p . getX ( ) < - halfExtent . getX ( ) ? 0x01 : 0x0 ) |
( p . getX ( ) > halfExtent . getX ( ) ? 0x08 : 0x0 ) |
( p . getY ( ) < - halfExtent . getY ( ) ? 0x02 : 0x0 ) |
( p . getY ( ) > halfExtent . getY ( ) ? 0x10 : 0x0 ) |
( p . getZ ( ) < - halfExtent . getZ ( ) ? 0x4 : 0x0 ) |
( p . getZ ( ) > halfExtent . getZ ( ) ? 0x20 : 0x0 ) ;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb2 ( const btVector3 & rayFrom ,
const btVector3 & rayInvDirection ,
const unsigned int raySign [ 3 ] ,
const btVector3 bounds [ 2 ] ,
btScalar & tmin ,
btScalar lambda_min ,
btScalar lambda_max )
btScalar tmax , tymin , tymax , tzmin , tzmax ;
tmin = ( bounds [ raySign [ 0 ] ] . getX ( ) - rayFrom . getX ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getX ( ) ;
tmax = ( bounds [ 1 - raySign [ 0 ] ] . getX ( ) - rayFrom . getX ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getX ( ) ;
tymin = ( bounds [ raySign [ 1 ] ] . getY ( ) - rayFrom . getY ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getY ( ) ;
tymax = ( bounds [ 1 - raySign [ 1 ] ] . getY ( ) - rayFrom . getY ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getY ( ) ;
if ( ( tmin > tymax ) | | ( tymin > tmax ) )
return false ;
if ( tymin > tmin )
tmin = tymin ;
if ( tymax < tmax )
tmax = tymax ;
tzmin = ( bounds [ raySign [ 2 ] ] . getZ ( ) - rayFrom . getZ ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getZ ( ) ;
tzmax = ( bounds [ 1 - raySign [ 2 ] ] . getZ ( ) - rayFrom . getZ ( ) ) * rayInvDirection . getZ ( ) ;
if ( ( tmin > tzmax ) | | ( tzmin > tmax ) )
return false ;
if ( tzmin > tmin )
tmin = tzmin ;
if ( tzmax < tmax )
tmax = tzmax ;
return ( ( tmin < lambda_max ) & & ( tmax > lambda_min ) ) ;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb ( const btVector3 & rayFrom ,
const btVector3 & rayTo ,
const btVector3 & aabbMin ,
const btVector3 & aabbMax ,
btScalar & param , btVector3 & normal )
btVector3 aabbHalfExtent = ( aabbMax - aabbMin ) * btScalar ( 0.5 ) ;
btVector3 aabbCenter = ( aabbMax + aabbMin ) * btScalar ( 0.5 ) ;
btVector3 source = rayFrom - aabbCenter ;
btVector3 target = rayTo - aabbCenter ;
int sourceOutcode = btOutcode ( source , aabbHalfExtent ) ;
int targetOutcode = btOutcode ( target , aabbHalfExtent ) ;
if ( ( sourceOutcode & targetOutcode ) = = 0x0 )
btScalar lambda_enter = btScalar ( 0.0 ) ;
btScalar lambda_exit = param ;
btVector3 r = target - source ;
int i ;
btScalar normSign = 1 ;
btVector3 hitNormal ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
int bit = 1 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j + + )
for ( i = 0 ; i ! = 3 ; + + i )
if ( sourceOutcode & bit )
btScalar lambda = ( - source [ i ] - aabbHalfExtent [ i ] * normSign ) / r [ i ] ;
if ( lambda_enter < = lambda )
lambda_enter = lambda ;
hitNormal . setValue ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
hitNormal [ i ] = normSign ;
else if ( targetOutcode & bit )
btScalar lambda = ( - source [ i ] - aabbHalfExtent [ i ] * normSign ) / r [ i ] ;
btSetMin ( lambda_exit , lambda ) ;
bit < < = 1 ;
normSign = btScalar ( - 1. ) ;
if ( lambda_enter < = lambda_exit )
param = lambda_enter ;
normal = hitNormal ;
return true ;
return false ;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btTransformAabb ( const btVector3 & halfExtents , btScalar margin , const btTransform & t , btVector3 & aabbMinOut , btVector3 & aabbMaxOut )
btVector3 halfExtentsWithMargin = halfExtents + btVector3 ( margin , margin , margin ) ;
btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t . getBasis ( ) . absolute ( ) ;
btVector3 center = t . getOrigin ( ) ;
btVector3 extent = halfExtentsWithMargin . dot3 ( abs_b [ 0 ] , abs_b [ 1 ] , abs_b [ 2 ] ) ;
aabbMinOut = center - extent ;
aabbMaxOut = center + extent ;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btTransformAabb ( const btVector3 & localAabbMin , const btVector3 & localAabbMax , btScalar margin , const btTransform & trans , btVector3 & aabbMinOut , btVector3 & aabbMaxOut )
btAssert ( localAabbMin . getX ( ) < = localAabbMax . getX ( ) ) ;
btAssert ( localAabbMin . getY ( ) < = localAabbMax . getY ( ) ) ;
btAssert ( localAabbMin . getZ ( ) < = localAabbMax . getZ ( ) ) ;
btVector3 localHalfExtents = btScalar ( 0.5 ) * ( localAabbMax - localAabbMin ) ;
localHalfExtents + = btVector3 ( margin , margin , margin ) ;
btVector3 localCenter = btScalar ( 0.5 ) * ( localAabbMax + localAabbMin ) ;
btMatrix3x3 abs_b = trans . getBasis ( ) . absolute ( ) ;
btVector3 center = trans ( localCenter ) ;
btVector3 extent = localHalfExtents . dot3 ( abs_b [ 0 ] , abs_b [ 1 ] , abs_b [ 2 ] ) ;
aabbMinOut = center - extent ;
aabbMaxOut = center + extent ;
# define USE_BANCHLESS 1
//This block replaces the block below and uses no branches, and replaces the 8 bit return with a 32 bit return for improved performance (~3x on XBox 360)
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE unsigned testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb ( const unsigned short int * aabbMin1 , const unsigned short int * aabbMax1 , const unsigned short int * aabbMin2 , const unsigned short int * aabbMax2 )
return static_cast < unsigned int > ( btSelect ( ( unsigned ) ( ( aabbMin1 [ 0 ] < = aabbMax2 [ 0 ] ) & ( aabbMax1 [ 0 ] > = aabbMin2 [ 0 ] ) & ( aabbMin1 [ 2 ] < = aabbMax2 [ 2 ] ) & ( aabbMax1 [ 2 ] > = aabbMin2 [ 2 ] ) & ( aabbMin1 [ 1 ] < = aabbMax2 [ 1 ] ) & ( aabbMax1 [ 1 ] > = aabbMin2 [ 1 ] ) ) ,
1 , 0 ) ) ;
# else
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb ( const unsigned short int * aabbMin1 , const unsigned short int * aabbMax1 , const unsigned short int * aabbMin2 , const unsigned short int * aabbMax2 )
bool overlap = true ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 [ 0 ] > aabbMax2 [ 0 ] | | aabbMax1 [ 0 ] < aabbMin2 [ 0 ] ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 [ 2 ] > aabbMax2 [ 2 ] | | aabbMax1 [ 2 ] < aabbMin2 [ 2 ] ) ? false : overlap ;
overlap = ( aabbMin1 [ 1 ] > aabbMax2 [ 1 ] | | aabbMax1 [ 1 ] < aabbMin2 [ 1 ] ) ? false : overlap ;
return overlap ;
# endif //BT_AABB_UTIL2