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1211 lines
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// http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org
// http://www.cocos2d-html5.org
// http://www.cocos2d-x.org
// Javascript + cocos2d actions tests
var TAG_TILE_MAP = 1;
director = cc.Director.getInstance();
winSize = director.getWinSize();
centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 );
var scenes = []
var currentScene = 0;
var nextScene = function () {
currentScene = currentScene + 1;
if( currentScene >= scenes.length )
currentScene = 0;
withTransition = true;
var previousScene = function () {
currentScene = currentScene -1;
if( currentScene < 0 )
currentScene = scenes.length -1;
withTransition = true;
var restartScene = function () {
loadScene( currentScene );
var loadScene = function (sceneIdx)
winSize = director.getWinSize();
centerPos = cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2 );
var scene = new cc.Scene();
var layer = new scenes[ sceneIdx ]();
scene.addChild( layer );
// scene.walkSceneGraph(0);
director.replaceScene( scene );
// __jsc__.garbageCollect();
// Base Layer
var BaseLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var parent = new cc.Layer();
__associateObjWithNative(this, parent);
// var gradient = cc.LayerGradient.create( cc.c4b(0, 0, 0, 255), cc.c4b(0, 128, 255, 255) );
// this.addChild( gradient, -100 );
title:function () {
return "No Title";
subtitle:function () {
return "";
code:function () {
return "";
restartCallback:function (sender) {
nextCallback:function (sender) {
backCallback:function (sender) {
onEnter:function () {
// DO NOT CALL this._super()
// this._super();
var platform = __getPlatform();
if( platform.substring(0,7) == 'desktop' )
this.setMouseEnabled( true );
else if( platform.substring(0,6) == 'mobile' )
this.setTouchEnabled( true );
// add title and subtitle
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create(this.title(), "Arial", 28);
this.addChild(label, 1);
label.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 50));
var strSubtitle = this.subtitle();
if (strSubtitle != "") {
var l = cc.LabelTTF.create(strSubtitle, "Thonburi", 16);
this.addChild(l, 1);
l.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height - 80));
var strCode = this.code();
if( strCode !="" ) {
var label = cc.LabelTTF.create(strCode, 'CourierNewPSMT', 16);
label.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2, winSize.height-100) );
this.addChild( label,10 );
var labelbg = cc.LabelTTF.create(strCode, 'CourierNewPSMT', 16);
labelbg.setColor( cc.c3b(10,10,255) );
labelbg.setPosition( cc.p( winSize.width/2 +1, winSize.height-100 -1) );
this.addChild( labelbg,9);
// Menu
var item1 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("b1.png", "b2.png", this, this.backCallback);
var item2 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("r1.png", "r2.png", this, this.restartCallback);
var item3 = cc.MenuItemImage.create("f1.png", "f2.png", this, this.nextCallback);
var item4 = cc.MenuItemFont.create("back", this, function() { require("js/main.js"); } );
item4.setFontSize( 22 );
var menu = cc.Menu.create(item1, item2, item3, item4 );
menu.setPosition( cc.p(0,0) );
item1.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 - 100, 30));
item2.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2, 30));
item3.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width / 2 + 100, 30));
item4.setPosition( cc.p(winSize.width - 60, winSize.height - 30 ) );
this.addChild(menu, 1);
onExit:function () {
// nothing
onTouchesMoved:function (touches, event) {
this.moveTile( touches[0].getDelta() );
onMouseDragged : function( event ) {
this.moveTile( event.getDelta() );
moveTile:function ( delta ) {
var node = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var currentPos = node.getPosition();
var newPos = cc.pAdd(currentPos, delta );
var TileMapTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TileMapAtlas.create("TileMaps/tiles.png", "TileMaps/levelmap.tga", 16, 16);
// If you are not going to use the Map, you can free it now
// NEW since v0.7
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0.5));
var scale = cc.ScaleBy.create(4, 0.8);
var scaleBack = scale.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create(scale, scaleBack );
title:function () {
return "TileMapAtlas";
var TileMapEditTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TileMapAtlas.create("TileMaps/tiles.png", "TileMaps/levelmap.tga", 16, 16);
// Create an Aliased Atlas
// If you are not going to use the Map, you can free it now
// [tilemap releaseMap);
// And if you are going to use, it you can access the data with:
// this.schedule(this.updateMap, 0.2);//:@selector(updateMap:) interval:0.2f);
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0));
map.setPosition(cc.p(-20, -200));
title:function () {
return "Editable TileMapAtlas";
updateMap:function (dt) {
// The only limitation is that you cannot change an empty, or assign an empty tile to a tile
// The value 0 not rendered so don't assign or change a tile with value 0
var tilemap = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
// NEW since v0.7
var c = tilemap.tileAt(cc.g(13, 21));
c.r %= 50;
if (c.r == 0)
c.r = 1;
// NEW since v0.7
tilemap.setTile(c, cc.g(13, 21));
// TMXOrthoTest
var TMXOrthoTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test1.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var childrenArray = map.getChildren();
for (var i = 0; i < childrenArray.length; i++) {
var child = childrenArray[i];
map.runAction(cc.ScaleBy.create(2, 0.5));
title:function () {
return "TMX Orthogonal test";
subtitle:function () {
return "Simple TMX test";
code : function() {
return 'var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("map.tmx");'
// TMXOrthoTest2
var TMXOrthoTest2 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
// Test orthogonal with 3d camera and anti-alias textures
// it should not flicker. No artifacts should appear
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var childrenArray = map.getChildren();
var child = null;
for (var i = 0, len = childrenArray.length; i < len; i++) {
child = childrenArray[i];
// var x, y, z;
// map.getCamera().getEyeXYZ(x, y, z);
// map.getCamera().setEyeXYZ(x - 200, y, z + 300);
title:function () {
return "TMX Orthogonal test";
subtitle:function () {
return "Testing camera... NOT WORKING YET";
code : function() {
return 'var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("map.tmx");'
onEnter:function () {
// 3D == 1
onExit:function () {
// 2D == 1
// TMXOrthoTest3
var TMXOrthoTest3 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test3.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var childrenArray = map.getChildren();
var child = null;
for (var i = 0, len = childrenArray.length; i < len; i++) {
child = childrenArray[i];
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
title:function () {
return "TMX anchorPoint test";
// TMXOrthoTest4
var TMXOrthoTest4 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test4.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var childrenArray = map.getChildren();
var child = null;
for (var i = 0, len = childrenArray.length; i < len; i++) {
child = childrenArray[i];
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0));
var layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 0");
var s = layer.getLayerSize();
var sprite;
sprite = layer.tileAt(cc.p(0, 0));
sprite = layer.tileAt(cc.p(s.width - 1, 0));
sprite = layer.tileAt(cc.p(0, s.height - 1));
sprite = layer.tileAt(cc.p(s.width - 1, s.height - 1));
update:function (dt) {
this.elapsedTime += dt;
if( this.elapsedTime > 2 ) {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 0");
var s = layer.getLayerSize();
var sprite = layer.tileAt(cc.p(s.width - 1, 0));
cc.log( layer );
layer.removeChild(sprite, true);
title:function () {
return "TMX width/height test";
// TMXReadWriteTest
var TMXReadWriteTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test2.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 0");
var tile0 = layer.tileAt(cc.p(1, 63));
var tile1 = layer.tileAt(cc.p(2, 63));
var tile2 = layer.tileAt(cc.p(3, 62));//cc.p(1,62));
var tile3 = layer.tileAt(cc.p(2, 62));
tile0.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
tile1.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
tile2.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
tile3.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
var move = cc.MoveBy.create(0.5, cc.p(0, 160));
var rotate = cc.RotateBy.create(2, 360);
var scale = cc.ScaleBy.create(2, 5);
var opacity = cc.FadeOut.create(2);
var fadein = cc.FadeIn.create(2);
var scaleback = cc.ScaleTo.create(1, 1);
var finish = cc.CallFunc.create(this, this.removeSprite);
var seq0 = cc.Sequence.create(move, rotate, scale, opacity, fadein, scaleback, finish );
this.gid = layer.tileGIDAt(cc.p(0, 63));
// this.schedule(this.updateCol, 2.0);
// this.schedule(this.repaintWithGID, 2.0);
// this.schedule(this.removeTiles, 1.0);
this.gid2 = 0;
removeSprite:function (sender) {
var p = sender.getParent();
if (p) {
p.removeChild(sender, true);
updateCol:function (dt) {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer = map.getChildByTag(0);
var s = layer.getLayerSize();
for (var y = 0; y < s.height; y++) {
layer.setTileGID(this.gid2, cc.p(3, y));
this.gid2 = (this.gid2 + 1) % 80;
repaintWithGID:function (dt) {
// [self unschedule:_cmd);
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer = map.getChildByTag(0);
var s = layer.getLayerSize();
for (var x = 0; x < s.width; x++) {
var y = s.height - 1;
var tmpgid = layer.tileGIDAt(cc.p(x, y));
layer.setTileGID(tmpgid + 1, cc.p(x, y));
removeTiles:function (dt) {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer = map.getChildByTag(0);
var s = layer.getLayerSize();
for (var y = 0; y < s.height; y++) {
layer.removeTileAt(cc.p(5.0, y));
title:function () {
return "TMX Read/Write test";
// TMXHexTest
var TMXHexTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var color = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.c4b(64, 64, 64, 255));
this.addChild(color, -1);
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/hexa-test.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
title:function () {
return "TMX Hex test";
// TMXIsoTest
var TMXIsoTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var color = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.c4b(64, 64, 64, 255));
this.addChild(color, -1);
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
// move map to the center of the screen
var ms = map.getMapSize();
var ts = map.getTileSize();
map.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(1.0, cc.p(-ms.width * ts.width / 2, -ms.height * ts.height / 2)));
title:function () {
return "TMX Isometric test 0";
// TMXIsoTest1
var TMXIsoTest1 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var color = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.c4b(64, 64, 64, 255));
this.addChild(color, -1);
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test1.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0.5));
title:function () {
return "TMX Isometric test + anchorPoint";
// TMXIsoTest2
var TMXIsoTest2 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var color = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.c4b(64, 64, 64, 255));
this.addChild(color, -1);
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test2.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
// move map to the center of the screen
var ms = map.getMapSize();
var ts = map.getTileSize();
map.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(1.0, cc.p(-ms.width * ts.width / 2, -ms.height * ts.height / 2)));
title:function () {
return "TMX Isometric test 2";
// TMXUncompressedTest
var TMXUncompressedTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var color = cc.LayerColor.create(cc.c4b(64, 64, 64, 255));
this.addChild(color, -1);
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test2-uncompressed.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
// move map to the center of the screen
var ms = map.getMapSize();
var ts = map.getTileSize();
map.runAction(cc.MoveTo.create(1.0, cc.p(-ms.width * ts.width / 2, -ms.height * ts.height / 2)));
// testing release map
var childrenArray = map.getChildren();
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0, len = childrenArray.length; i < len; i++) {
layer = childrenArray[i];
if (!layer)
title:function () {
return "TMX Uncompressed test";
// TMXTilesetTest
var TMXTilesetTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test5.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer;
layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 0");
layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 1");
layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 2");
title:function () {
return "TMX Tileset test";
// TMXOrthoObjectsTest
var TMXOrthoObjectsTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/ortho-objects.tmx");
this.addChild(map, -1, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var group = map.objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1");
var objects = group.getObjects();
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var dict = objects[i];
if (!dict)
draw:function () {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var group = map.objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1");
var objects = group.getObjects();
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
var dict = objects[i];
if (!dict)
var x = parseInt(dict["x"]);
var y = parseInt(dict["y"]);
var width = parseInt(dict["width"]);
var height = parseInt(dict["height"]);
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 3;
cc.renderContext.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, y), cc.p((x + width), y));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p((x + width), y), cc.p((x + width), (y + height)));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p((x + width), (y + height)), cc.p(x, (y + height)));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, (y + height)), cc.p(x, y));
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 1;
title:function () {
return "TMX Ortho object test";
subtitle:function () {
return "You should see a white box around the 3 platforms";
// TMXIsoObjectsTest
var TMXIsoObjectsTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test-objectgroup.tmx");
this.addChild(map, -1, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var group = map.objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1");
var objects = group.getObjects();
var dict;
for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) {
dict = objects[i];
if (!dict)
title:function () {
return "TMX Iso object test";
draw:function () {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var group = map.objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1");
var objects = group.getObjects();
var dict;
for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) {
dict = objects[i];
if (!dict)
var x = parseInt(dict["x"]);
var y = parseInt(dict["y"]);
var width = parseInt(dict["width"]);
var height = parseInt(dict["height"]);
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 3;
cc.renderContext.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, y), cc.p(x + width, y));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x + width, y), cc.p(x + width, y + height));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x + width, y + height), cc.p(x, y + height));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, y + height), cc.p(x, y));
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 1;
subtitle:function () {
return "You need to parse them manually. See bug #810";
// TMXResizeTest
var TMXResizeTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test5.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var layer;
layer = map.layerNamed("Layer 0");
var ls = layer.getLayerSize();
for (var y = 0; y < ls.height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < ls.width; x++) {
layer.setTileGID(1, cc.p(x, y));
title:function () {
return "TMX resize test";
subtitle:function () {
return "Should not crash. Testing issue #740";
// TMXIsoZorder
var TMXIsoZorder = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test-zorder.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var s = map.getContentSize();
map.setPosition(cc.p(-s.width / 2, 0));
this.tamara = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png");
map.addChild(this.tamara, map.getChildren().length);
// move map to the center of the screen
var ms = map.getMapSize();
var ts = map.getTileSize();
var mapWidth = ms.width * ts.width;
this.tamara.setPosition(cc.p(mapWidth / 2, 0));
this.tamara.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0));
var move = cc.MoveBy.create(10, cc.pMult(cc.p(300, 250), 1 ));
var back = move.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create(move, back );
title:function () {
return "TMX Iso Zorder";
subtitle:function () {
return "Sprite should hide behind the trees";
onExit:function () {
update:function (dt) {
var p = this.tamara.getPosition();
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
// there are only 4 layers. (grass and 3 trees layers)
// if tamara < 48, z=4
// if tamara < 96, z=3
// if tamara < 144,z=2
var newZ = 4 - (p.y / 48);
newZ = Math.max(newZ, 0);
map.reorderChild(this.tamara, newZ);
// TMXOrthoZorder
var TMXOrthoZorder = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-zorder.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var s = map.getContentSize();
this.tamara = cc.Sprite.create("grossinis_sister1.png");
map.addChild(this.tamara, map.getChildren().length, TAG_TILE_MAP);
this.tamara.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0.5, 0));
var move = cc.MoveBy.create(10, cc.pMult(cc.p(400, 450), 1 ));
var back = move.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create(move, back );
title:function () {
return "TMX Ortho Zorder";
subtitle:function () {
return "Sprite should hide behind the trees";
update:function (dt) {
var p = this.tamara.getPosition();
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
// there are only 4 layers. (grass and 3 trees layers)
// if tamara < 81, z=4
// if tamara < 162, z=3
// if tamara < 243,z=2
// -10: customization for this particular sample
var newZ = 4 - ((p.y - 10) / 81);
newZ = Math.max(newZ, 0);
map.reorderChild(this.tamara, newZ);
// TMXIsoVertexZ
var TMXIsoVertexZ = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test-vertexz.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var s = map.getContentSize();
map.setPosition(cc.p(-s.width / 2, 0));
// because I'm lazy, I'm reusing a tile as an sprite, but since this method uses vertexZ, you
// can use any cc.Sprite and it will work OK.
var layer = map.layerNamed("Trees");
this.tamara = layer.tileAt(cc.p(29, 29));
var move = cc.MoveBy.create(10, cc.pMult(cc.p(300, 250), 1 ));
var back = move.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create(move, back );
title:function () {
return "TMX Iso VertexZ";
subtitle:function () {
return "Sprite should hide behind the trees (enable DepthBuffer)";
onEnter:function () {
// TIP: 2d projection should be used
// 0 == 2D
onExit:function () {
// At exit use any other projection.
// 1 == 3D
// director.setProjection(1);
update:function (dt) {
// tile height is 64x32
// map size: 30x30
var p = this.tamara.getPosition();
this.tamara.setVertexZ(-( (p.y + 32) / 16));
// TMXOrthoVertexZ
var TMXOrthoVertexZ = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-vertexz.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
// because I'm lazy, I'm reusing a tile as an sprite, but since this method uses vertexZ, you
// can use any cc.Sprite and it will work OK.
var layer = map.layerNamed("trees");
this.tamara = layer.tileAt(cc.p(0, 11));
cc.log("vertexZ: " + this.tamara.getVertexZ());
var move = cc.MoveBy.create(10, cc.pMult(cc.p(400, 450), 1 ));
var back = move.reverse();
var seq = cc.Sequence.create(move, back );
title:function () {
return "TMX Ortho vertexZ";
subtitle:function () {
return "Sprite should hide behind the trees (enable Depth Buffer!!)";
onEnter:function () {
// TIP: 2d projection should be used
// 2d = 0
onExit:function () {
// At exit use any other projection.
// 3d = 1
// director.setProjection(1);
update:function (dt) {
// tile height is 101x81
// map size: 12x12
var p = this.tamara.getPosition();
this.tamara.setVertexZ( -( (p.y + 81) / 81) );
// TMXIsoMoveLayer
var TMXIsoMoveLayer = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test-movelayer.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
map.setPosition(cc.p(-700, -50));
title:function () {
return "TMX Iso Move Layer";
subtitle:function () {
return "Trees should be horizontally aligned";
// TMXOrthoMoveLayer
var TMXOrthoMoveLayer = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test-movelayer.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
title:function () {
return "TMX Ortho Move Layer";
subtitle:function () {
return "Trees should be horizontally aligned";
// TMXBug987
var TMXBug987 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/orthogonal-test6.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var s = map.getContentSize();
cc.log("ContentSize:" + s.width + "," + s.height);
var childs = map.getChildren();
var node = null;
for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) {
node = childs[i];
map.setAnchorPoint(cc.p(0, 0));
var layer = map.layerNamed("Tile Layer 1");
layer.setTileGID(3, cc.p(2, 2));
title:function () {
return "TMX Bug 987";
subtitle:function () {
return "You should see an square";
// TMXBug787
var TMXBug787 = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/iso-test-bug787.tmx");
this.addChild(map, 0, TAG_TILE_MAP);
title:function () {
return "TMX Bug 787";
subtitle:function () {
return "You should see a map";
var TMXGIDObjectsTest = BaseLayer.extend({
ctor:function () {
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("TileMaps/test-object-layer.tmx");
this.addChild(map, -1, TAG_TILE_MAP);
var s = map.getContentSize();
cc.log("ContentSize:" + s.width + "," + s.height);
cc.log("---. Iterating over all the group objets");
title:function () {
return "TMX GID objects";
subtitle:function () {
return "Tiles are created from an object group";
draw:function () {
var map = this.getChildByTag(TAG_TILE_MAP);
var group = map.objectGroupNamed("Object Layer 1");
var array = group.getObjects();
var dict;
for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
dict = array[i];
if (!dict)
var key = "x";
var x = parseInt(dict[key]);
key = "y";
var y = parseInt(dict[key]);
key = "width";
var width = parseInt(dict[key]);
key = "height";
var height = parseInt(dict[key]);
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 3;
cc.renderContext.strokeStyle = "#ffffff";
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, y), cc.p((x + width), y));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p((x + width), y), cc.p((x + width), (y + height)));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p((x + width), (y + height)), cc.p(x, (y + height)));
cc.drawingUtil.drawLine(cc.p(x, (y + height)), cc.p(x, y));
cc.renderContext.lineWidth = 1;
// Order of tests
scenes.push( TMXOrthoTest );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoTest2 );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoTest3 );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoTest4 );
scenes.push( TMXReadWriteTest );
scenes.push( TMXHexTest );
scenes.push( TMXIsoTest );
scenes.push( TMXIsoTest1 );
scenes.push( TMXIsoTest2 );
scenes.push( TMXUncompressedTest );
scenes.push( TMXTilesetTest );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoObjectsTest );
scenes.push( TMXIsoObjectsTest );
scenes.push( TMXResizeTest );
scenes.push( TMXIsoZorder );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoZorder );
scenes.push( TMXIsoVertexZ );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoVertexZ );
scenes.push( TMXIsoMoveLayer );
scenes.push( TMXOrthoMoveLayer );
scenes.push( TMXBug987 );
scenes.push( TMXBug787 );
scenes.push( TMXGIDObjectsTest );
// Main entry point
function run()
var scene = cc.Scene.create();
var layer = new scenes[currentScene]();
scene.addChild( layer );
var runningScene = director.getRunningScene();
if( runningScene == null )
director.runWithScene( scene );
director.replaceScene( cc.TransitionFade.create(0.5, scene ) );