- win32: `pwsh .\build.ps1 -p win32 -a x64 -xc '--config','Debug','--target','HelloCpp'` can runs on Windows with vs2022 installed
- winuwp: `pwsh .\build.ps1 -p winuwp -a x64 -xc '--config','Debug','--target','HelloCpp'` can runs on Windows with vs2022 installed
- linux: run the setup script `install-deps-linux.sh` once, then `pwsh .\build.ps1 -p linux -a x64 -xc '--config','Debug','--target','HelloCpp'` can runs on Linux with g++ installed
- osx: `pwsh .\build.ps1 -p osx -a x64 -xc '--config','Debug','--target','HelloCpp'` can runs on macOS with xcode13~14.2 installed
#### Creating the Visual Studio solution for all axmol test projects (Win/UWP)
- Perform steps 1.-6. or the Windows UWP step above (if not done)
7. Open the solution (".\build\axmol.sln" or ".\build_uwp\axmol.sln") in Visual Studio and build any of the test projects via the IDE.
### Improve 'Visual Studio' workflow, support linking with engine prebuilt libs
See [windows workflow guide](https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol/issues/564)
## Android (Android Studio)
1. Install Android Studio 2021.1.1+
2. When starting Android Studio for the first time, it will guide you to install the SDK and other tools, so ensure that you do install them.
3. Start Android and choose [Open an existing Android Studio Project] and select your project. For example, the existing cpp-test project located in ```axmol\tests\cpp-tests\proj.android```
4. Start Android Studio and Open [Tools][SDKManager], then switch to ```SDK Tools```, check the ```Show Package Details```, choose the following tools and click the button ```Apply``` to install them:
- Android SDK Platform 33
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 7.4.2
- Android SDK Build-Tools 30.0.3 match with AGP, refer to: <https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/gradle-plugin>
- Gradle 8.1
- NDK r23c+
- CMake 3.22.1+
5. Wait for ```Gradle sync``` finish.
6. Note: If you use non-sdk provided CMake edition, you will need to download ```ninja``` from <https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases>, and copy ```ninja.exe``` to cmake's bin directory
## Android Studio (without Android Studio)
1. Download command-tools from <https://developer.android.com/studio#command-tools>, for example: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-win-9477386_latest.zip
2. Install Android devtools (for example in windows)