FMOD_DSP_TYPE_UNKNOWN,/* This unit was created via a non FMOD plugin so has an unknown purpose. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_MIXER,/* This unit does nothing but take inputs and mix them together then feed the result to the soundcard unit. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_OSCILLATOR,/* This unit generates sine/square/saw/triangle or noise tones. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_LOWPASS,/* This unit filters sound using a high quality, resonant lowpass filter algorithm but consumes more CPU time. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_ITLOWPASS,/* This unit filters sound using a resonant lowpass filter algorithm that is used in Impulse Tracker, but with limited cutoff range (0 to 8060hz). */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_HIGHPASS,/* This unit filters sound using a resonant highpass filter algorithm. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_ECHO,/* This unit produces an echo on the sound and fades out at the desired rate. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_FLANGE,/* This unit produces a flange effect on the sound. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DISTORTION,/* This unit distorts the sound. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_NORMALIZE,/* This unit normalizes or amplifies the sound to a certain level. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_PARAMEQ,/* This unit attenuates or amplifies a selected frequency range. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_PITCHSHIFT,/* This unit bends the pitch of a sound without changing the speed of playback. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_CHORUS,/* This unit produces a chorus effect on the sound. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_VSTPLUGIN,/* This unit allows the use of Steinberg VST plugins */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_WINAMPPLUGIN,/* This unit allows the use of Nullsoft Winamp plugins */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_ITECHO,/* This unit produces an echo on the sound and fades out at the desired rate as is used in Impulse Tracker. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_COMPRESSOR,/* This unit implements dynamic compression (linked multichannel, wideband) */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_SFXREVERB,/* This unit implements SFX reverb */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_LOWPASS_SIMPLE,/* This unit filters sound using a simple lowpass with no resonance, but has flexible cutoff and is fast. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_DELAY,/* This unit produces different delays on individual channels of the sound. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_TREMOLO,/* This unit produces a tremolo / chopper effect on the sound. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_LADSPAPLUGIN,/* This unit allows the use of LADSPA standard plugins. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_HIGHPASS_SIMPLE,/* This unit filters sound using a simple highpass with no resonance, but has flexible cutoff and is fast. */
FMOD_DSP_TYPE_FORCEINT=65536/* Makes sure this enum is signed 32bit. */
charname[32];/* [w] Name of the unit to be displayed in the network. */
unsignedintversion;/* [w] Plugin writer's version number. */
intchannels;/* [w] Number of channels. Use 0 to process whatever number of channels is currently in the network. >0 would be mostly used if the unit is a unit that only generates sound. */
FMOD_DSP_CREATECALLBACKcreate;/* [w] Create callback. This is called when DSP unit is created. Can be null. */
FMOD_DSP_RELEASECALLBACKrelease;/* [w] Release callback. This is called just before the unit is freed so the user can do any cleanup needed for the unit. Can be null. */
FMOD_DSP_RESETCALLBACKreset;/* [w] Reset callback. This is called by the user to reset any history buffers that may need resetting for a filter, when it is to be used or re-used for the first time to its initial clean state. Use to avoid clicks or artifacts. */
FMOD_DSP_READCALLBACKread;/* [w] Read callback. Processing is done here. Can be null. */
FMOD_DSP_SETPOSITIONCALLBACKsetposition;/* [w] Set position callback. This is called if the unit wants to update its position info but not process data, or reset a cursor position internally if it is reading data from a certain source. Can be null. */
intnumparameters;/* [w] Number of parameters used in this filter. The user finds this with DSP::getNumParameters */
FMOD_DSP_PARAMETERDESC*paramdesc;/* [w] Variable number of parameter structures. */
FMOD_DSP_SETPARAMCALLBACKsetparameter;/* [w] This is called when the user calls DSP::setParameter. Can be null. */
FMOD_DSP_GETPARAMCALLBACKgetparameter;/* [w] This is called when the user calls DSP::getParameter. Can be null. */
FMOD_DSP_DIALOGCALLBACKconfig;/* [w] This is called when the user calls DSP::showConfigDialog. Can be used to display a dialog to configure the filter. Can be null. */
intconfigwidth;/* [w] Width of config dialog graphic if there is one. 0 otherwise.*/
intconfigheight;/* [w] Height of config dialog graphic if there is one. 0 otherwise.*/
void*userdata;/* [w] Optional. Specify 0 to ignore. This is user data to be attached to the DSP unit during creation. Access via DSP::getUserData. */
FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DELAY,/* Echo delay in ms. 10 to 5000. Default = 500. */
FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DECAYRATIO,/* Echo decay per delay. 0 to 1. 1.0 = No decay, 0.0 = total decay (ie simple 1 line delay). Default = 0.5. */
FMOD_DSP_ECHO_MAXCHANNELS,/* Maximum channels supported. 0 to 16. 0 = same as fmod's default output polyphony, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo etc. See remarks for more. Default = 0. It is suggested to leave at 0! */
FMOD_DSP_ECHO_DRYMIX,/* Volume of original signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 1.0. */
FMOD_DSP_ECHO_WETMIX/* Volume of echo signal to pass to output. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 1.0. */
FMOD_DSP_NORMALIZE_FADETIME,/* Time to ramp the silence to full in ms. 0.0 to 20000.0. Default = 5000.0. */
FMOD_DSP_NORMALIZE_THRESHHOLD,/* Lower volume range threshold to ignore. 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.1. Raise higher to stop amplification of very quiet signals. */
FMOD_DSP_NORMALIZE_MAXAMP/* Maximum amplification allowed. 1.0 to 100000.0. Default = 20.0. 1.0 = no amplifaction, higher values allow more boost. */
FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_PITCH,/* Pitch value. 0.5 to 2.0. Default = 1.0. 0.5 = one octave down, 2.0 = one octave up. 1.0 does not change the pitch. */
FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_FFTSIZE,/* FFT window size. 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. Default = 1024. Increase this to reduce 'smearing'. This effect is a warbling sound similar to when an mp3 is encoded at very low bitrates. */
FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_OVERLAP,/* Removed. Do not use. FMOD now uses 4 overlaps and cannot be changed. */
FMOD_DSP_PITCHSHIFT_MAXCHANNELS/* Maximum channels supported. 0 to 16. 0 = same as fmod's default output polyphony, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo etc. See remarks for more. Default = 0. It is suggested to leave at 0! */
FMOD_DSP_ITECHO_WETDRYMIX,/* Ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (unprocessed) signal. Must be in the range from 0.0 through 100.0 (all wet). The default value is 50. */
FMOD_DSP_ITECHO_FEEDBACK,/* Percentage of output fed back into input, in the range from 0.0 through 100.0. The default value is 50. */
FMOD_DSP_ITECHO_LEFTDELAY,/* Delay for left channel, in milliseconds, in the range from 1.0 through 2000.0. The default value is 500 ms. */
FMOD_DSP_ITECHO_RIGHTDELAY,/* Delay for right channel, in milliseconds, in the range from 1.0 through 2000.0. The default value is 500 ms. */
FMOD_DSP_ITECHO_PANDELAY/* Value that specifies whether to swap left and right delays with each successive echo. The default value is zero, meaning no swap. Possible values are defined as 0.0 (equivalent to FALSE) and 1.0 (equivalent to TRUE). CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_DRYLEVEL,/* Dry Level : Mix level of dry signal in output in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_ROOM,/* Room : Room effect level at low frequencies in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 0.0. Default is -10000.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_ROOMHF,/* Room HF : Room effect high-frequency level re. low frequency level in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_DECAYTIME,/* Decay Time : Reverberation decay time at low-frequencies in seconds. Ranges from 0.1 to 20.0. Default is 1.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_DECAYHFRATIO,/* Decay HF Ratio : High-frequency to low-frequency decay time ratio. Ranges from 0.1 to 2.0. Default is 0.5. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_REFLECTIONSLEVEL,/* Reflections : Early reflections level relative to room effect in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 1000.0. Default is -10000.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_REFLECTIONSDELAY,/* Reflect Delay : Delay time of first reflection in seconds. Ranges from 0.0 to 0.3. Default is 0.02. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_REVERBLEVEL,/* Reverb : Late reverberation level relative to room effect in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 2000.0. Default is 0.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_REVERBDELAY,/* Reverb Delay : Late reverberation delay time relative to first reflection in seconds. Ranges from 0.0 to 0.1. Default is 0.04. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_DIFFUSION,/* Diffusion : Reverberation diffusion (echo density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default is 100.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_DENSITY,/* Density : Reverberation density (modal density) in percent. Ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. Default is 100.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_HFREFERENCE,/* HF Reference : Reference high frequency in Hz. Ranges from 20.0 to 20000.0. Default is 5000.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_ROOMLF,/* Room LF : Room effect low-frequency level in mB. Ranges from -10000.0 to 0.0. Default is 0.0. */
FMOD_DSP_SFXREVERB_LFREFERENCE/* LF Reference : Reference low-frequency in Hz. Ranges from 20.0 to 1000.0. Default is 250.0. */