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#include "EffekseerMaterialCompilerMetal.h"
#include "../3rdParty/LLGI/src/Metal/LLGI.CompilerMetal.h"
#include "../Common/ShaderGeneratorCommon.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace Effekseer
static void Serialize(std::vector<uint8_t>& dst, const LLGI::CompilerResult& result)
uint32_t binarySize = 0;
binarySize += sizeof(uint32_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.Binary.size(); i++)
binarySize += sizeof(uint32_t);
binarySize += result.Binary[i].size();
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t count = result.Binary.size();
memcpy(dst.data() + offset, &count, sizeof(int32_t));
offset += sizeof(int32_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.Binary.size(); i++)
uint32_t size = result.Binary[i].size();
memcpy(dst.data() + offset, &size, sizeof(int32_t));
offset += sizeof(int32_t);
memcpy(dst.data() + offset, result.Binary[i].data(), result.Binary[i].size());
offset += result.Binary[i].size();
namespace Metal
static const char* material_light_vs = R"(
float3 GetLightDirection(constant ShaderUniform1& u) {
return float3(0,0,0);
float3 GetLightColor(constant ShaderUniform1& u) {
return float3(0,0,0);
float3 GetLightAmbientColor(constant ShaderUniform1& u) {
return float3(0,0,0);
static const char* material_light_ps = R"(
float3 GetLightDirection(constant ShaderUniform2& u) {
return u.lightDirection.xyz;
float3 GetLightColor(constant ShaderUniform2& u) {
return u.lightColor.xyz;
float3 GetLightAmbientColor(constant ShaderUniform2& u) {
return u.lightAmbientColor.xyz;
static const char* material_common_define = R"(
#include <metal_stdlib>
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses-equality"
using namespace metal;
#define FRAC fract
#define LERP mix
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline auto MOD(T1 x, T2 y) -> decltype(x - y * floor(x/y)) {
return x - y * floor(x/y);
#define FLT_EPSILON 1.192092896e-07f
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float3 PositivePow(thread const float3& base, thread const float3& power)
return pow(fast::max(abs(base), float3(FLT_EPSILON, FLT_EPSILON, FLT_EPSILON)), power);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float3 LinearToSRGB(thread const float3& c)
return fast::max(1.055 * PositivePow(c, 0.416666667) - 0.055, 0.0);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float4 LinearToSRGB(thread const float4& c)
float3 param = c.xyz;
return float4(LinearToSRGB(param), c.w);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float4 ConvertFromSRGBTexture(thread const float4& c, constant float4& predefined_uniform)
if (predefined_uniform.z == 0.0)
return c;
float4 param = c;
return LinearToSRGB(param);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float3 SRGBToLinear(thread const float3& c)
return fast::min(c, c * (c * (c * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878));
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float4 SRGBToLinear(thread const float4& c)
float3 param = c.xyz;
return float4(SRGBToLinear(param), c.w);
static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
float4 ConvertToScreen(thread const float4& c, constant float4& predefined_uniform)
if (predefined_uniform.z == 0.0)
return c;
float4 param = c;
return SRGBToLinear(param);
static const char* material_common_define_vs = R"(
// Dummy
float CalcDepthFade(float2 screenUV, float meshZ, float softParticleParam) { return 1.0f; }
static const char g_material_model_vs_src_pre[] =
struct ShaderInput1 {
float4 a_Position [[attribute(0)]];
float3 a_Normal [[attribute(1)]];
float3 a_Binormal [[attribute(2)]];
float3 a_Tangent [[attribute(3)]];
float2 a_TexCoord [[attribute(4)]];
float4 a_Color [[attribute(5)]];
struct ShaderOutput1 {
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
float4 v_VColor;
float2 v_UV1;
float2 v_UV2;
float3 v_WorldP;
float3 v_WorldN;
float3 v_WorldT;
float3 v_WorldB;
float4 v_PosP;
struct ShaderUniform1 {
float4x4 ProjectionMatrix;
float4x4 ModelMatrix[40];
float4 UVOffset[40];
float4 ModelColor[40];
float4 mUVInversed;
float4 predefined_uniform;
float4 cameraPosition;
static const char g_material_model_vs_src_suf1[] =
vertex ShaderOutput1 main0 (ShaderInput1 i [[stage_in]], constant ShaderUniform1& u [[buffer(0)]], uint instanceIndex [[instance_id]]
ShaderOutput1 o;
float4x4 modelMatrix = u.ModelMatrix[instanceIndex];
float4 uvOffset = u.UVOffset[instanceIndex];
float4 modelColor = u.ModelColor[instanceIndex];
float3x3 modelMatRot;
modelMatRot[0] = modelMatrix[0].xyz;
modelMatRot[1] = modelMatrix[1].xyz;
modelMatRot[2] = modelMatrix[2].xyz;
float3 worldPos = (modelMatrix * i.a_Position).xyz;
float3 worldNormal = normalize(modelMatRot * i.a_Normal);
float3 worldBinormal = normalize(modelMatRot * i.a_Binormal);
float3 worldTangent = normalize(modelMatRot * i.a_Tangent);
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// Calculate ObjectScale
objectScale.x = length(modelMatRot * float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
objectScale.y = length(modelMatRot * float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
objectScale.z = length(modelMatRot * float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
// UV
float2 uv1 = i.a_TexCoord.xy * uvOffset.zw + uvOffset.xy;
float2 uv2 = i.a_TexCoord.xy;
float3 pixelNormalDir = worldNormal;
float4 vcolor = modelColor;
// Dummy
float2 screenUV = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
float meshZ = 0.0f;
static const char g_material_model_vs_src_suf2[] =
worldPos = worldPos + worldPositionOffset;
o.v_WorldP = worldPos;
o.v_WorldN = worldNormal;
o.v_WorldB = worldBinormal;
o.v_WorldT = worldTangent;
o.v_UV1 = uv1;
o.v_UV2 = uv2;
o.v_VColor = vcolor;
o.gl_Position = u.ProjectionMatrix * float4(worldPos, 1.0);
o.v_PosP = o.gl_Position;
//o.v_ScreenUV.xy = o.gl_Position.xy / o.gl_Position.w;
//o.v_ScreenUV.xy = float2(o.v_ScreenUV.x + 1.0, o.v_ScreenUV.y + 1.0) * 0.5;
return o;
static const char g_material_sprite_vs_src_pre_simple[] =
struct ShaderInput1 {
float4 atPosition [[attribute(0)]];
float4 atColor [[attribute(1)]];
float4 atTexCoord [[attribute(2)]];
struct ShaderOutput1 {
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
float4 v_VColor;
float2 v_UV1;
float2 v_UV2;
float3 v_WorldP;
float3 v_WorldN;
float3 v_WorldT;
float3 v_WorldB;
float4 v_PosP;
struct ShaderUniform1 {
float4x4 uMatCamera;
float4x4 uMatProjection;
float4 mUVInversed;
float4 predefined_uniform;
float4 cameraPosition;
static const char g_material_sprite_vs_src_pre[] =
struct ShaderInput1 {
float4 atPosition [[attribute(0)]];
float4 atColor [[attribute(1)]];
float3 atNormal [[attribute(2)]];
float3 atTangent [[attribute(3)]];
float2 atTexCoord [[attribute(4)]];
float2 atTexCoord2 [[attribute(5)]];
struct ShaderOutput1 {
float4 gl_Position [[position]];
float4 v_VColor;
float2 v_UV1;
float2 v_UV2;
float3 v_WorldP;
float3 v_WorldN;
float3 v_WorldT;
float3 v_WorldB;
float4 v_PosP;
struct ShaderUniform1 {
float4x4 uMatCamera;
float4x4 uMatProjection;
float4 mUVInversed;
float4 predefined_uniform;
float4 cameraPosition;
static const char g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf1_simple[] =
vertex ShaderOutput1 main0 (ShaderInput1 i [[stage_in]], constant ShaderUniform1& u [[buffer(0)]]
ShaderOutput1 o;
float3 worldPos = i.atPosition.xyz;
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// UV
float2 uv1 = i.atTexCoord.xy;
float2 uv2 = uv1;
// NBT
float3 worldNormal = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 worldBinormal = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 worldTangent = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
o.v_WorldN = worldNormal;
o.v_WorldB = worldBinormal;
o.v_WorldT = worldTangent;
float3 pixelNormalDir = worldNormal;
float4 vcolor = i.atColor;
// Dummy
float2 screenUV = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
float meshZ = 0.0f;
static const char g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf1[] =
vertex ShaderOutput1 main0 (ShaderInput1 i [[stage_in]], constant ShaderUniform1& u [[buffer(0)]]
ShaderOutput1 o;
float3 worldPos = i.atPosition.xyz;
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// UV
float2 uv1 = i.atTexCoord.xy;
float2 uv2 = i.atTexCoord2.xy;
// NBT
float3 worldNormal = (i.atNormal - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) * 2.0;
float3 worldTangent = (i.atTangent - float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) * 2.0;
float3 worldBinormal = cross(worldNormal, worldTangent);
o.v_WorldN = worldNormal;
o.v_WorldB = worldBinormal;
o.v_WorldT = worldTangent;
float3 pixelNormalDir = worldNormal;
float4 vcolor = i.atColor;
// Dummy
float2 screenUV = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
float meshZ = 0.0f;
static const char g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf2[] =
worldPos = worldPos + worldPositionOffset;
float4 cameraPos = u.uMatCamera * float4(worldPos, 1.0);
cameraPos = cameraPos / cameraPos.w;
o.gl_Position = u.uMatProjection * cameraPos;
o.v_WorldP = worldPos;
o.v_VColor = vcolor;
o.v_UV1 = uv1;
o.v_UV2 = uv2;
o.v_PosP = o.gl_Position;
//o.v_ScreenUV.xy = o.gl_Position.xy / o.gl_Position.w;
//o.v_ScreenUV.xy = float2(o.v_ScreenUV.x + 1.0, o.v_ScreenUV.y + 1.0) * 0.5;
return o;
static const char g_material_fs_src_pre[] =
struct ShaderInput2 {
float4 v_VColor [[ centroid_no_perspective ]];
float2 v_UV1 [[ centroid_no_perspective ]];
float2 v_UV2 [[ centroid_no_perspective ]];
float3 v_WorldP;
float3 v_WorldN;
float3 v_WorldT;
float3 v_WorldB;
float4 v_PosP;
struct ShaderOutput2 {
float4 gl_FragColor;
struct ShaderUniform2 {
float4 mUVInversedBack;
float4 predefined_uniform;
float4 cameraPosition;
float4 reconstructionParam1;
float4 reconstructionParam2;
static const char g_material_fs_src_suf1[] =
float ReplacedDepthFade(texture2d<float> efk_depth, sampler s_efk_depth, float4 reconstructionParam1, float4 reconstructionParam2, float magnification, float2 screenUV, float meshZ, float softParticleParam)
float backgroundZ = efk_depth.sample(s_efk_depth, screenUV).x;
float distance = softParticleParam * magnification;
float2 rescale = reconstructionParam1.xy;
float4 params = reconstructionParam2;
float2 zs = float2(backgroundZ * rescale.x + rescale.y, meshZ);
float2 depth = (zs * params.w - params.y) / (params.x - zs * params.z);
float dir = sign(depth.x);
depth *= dir;
return min(max((depth.x - depth.y) / distance, 0.0), 1.0);
#define lightScale 3.14
float saturate(float v)
return max(min(v, 1.0), 0.0);
float calcD_GGX(float roughness, float dotNH)
float alpha = roughness*roughness;
float alphaSqr = alpha*alpha;
float pi = 3.14159;
float denom = dotNH * dotNH *(alphaSqr-1.0) + 1.0;
return (alpha / denom) * (alpha / denom) / pi;
float calcF(float F0, float dotLH)
float dotLH5 = pow(1.0-dotLH,5.0);
return F0 + (1.0-F0)*(dotLH5);
float calcG_Schlick(float roughness, float dotNV, float dotNL)
// UE4
float k = (roughness + 1.0) * (roughness + 1.0) / 8.0;
// float k = roughness * roughness / 2.0;
float gV = dotNV*(1.0 - k) + k;
float gL = dotNL*(1.0 - k) + k;
return 1.0 / (gV * gL);
float calcLightingGGX(float3 N, float3 V, float3 L, float roughness, float F0)
float3 H = normalize(V+L);
float dotNL = saturate( dot(N,L) );
float dotLH = saturate( dot(L,H) );
float dotNH = saturate( dot(N,H) ) - 0.001;
float dotNV = saturate( dot(N,V) ) + 0.001;
float D = calcD_GGX(roughness, dotNH);
float F = calcF(F0, dotLH);
float G = calcG_Schlick(roughness, dotNV, dotNL);
return dotNL * D * F * G / 4.0;
float3 calcDirectionalLightDiffuseColor(float3 lightColor, float3 diffuseColor, float3 normal, float3 lightDir, float ao)
float3 color = float3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
float NoL = dot(normal,lightDir);
color.xyz = lightColor.xyz * lightScale * max(NoL,0.0) * ao / 3.14;
color.xyz = color.xyz * diffuseColor.xyz;
return color;
fragment ShaderOutput2 main0 (ShaderInput2 i [[stage_in]], constant ShaderUniform2& u [[buffer(0)]]
ShaderOutput2 o;
float2 uv1 = i.v_UV1;
float2 uv2 = i.v_UV2;
float3 worldPos = i.v_WorldP;
float3 worldNormal = i.v_WorldN;
float3 worldTangent = i.v_WorldT;
float3 worldBinormal = i.v_WorldB;
float3 pixelNormalDir = worldNormal;
float4 vcolor = i.v_VColor;
float3 objectScale = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float2 screenUV = i.v_PosP.xy / i.v_PosP.w;
float meshZ = i.v_PosP.z / i.v_PosP.w;
screenUV.xy = float2(screenUV.x + 1.0, screenUV.y + 1.0) * 0.5;
float2 screenUV_distort = screenUV;
screenUV = float2(screenUV.x, u.mUVInversedBack.z + u.mUVInversedBack.w * screenUV.y);
static const char g_material_fs_src_suf2_lit[] =
float3 viewDir = normalize(u.cameraPosition.xyz - worldPos);
float3 diffuse = calcDirectionalLightDiffuseColor(u.lightColor.xyz, baseColor, pixelNormalDir, u.lightDirection.xyz, ambientOcclusion);
float3 specular = u.lightColor.xyz * lightScale * calcLightingGGX(pixelNormalDir, viewDir, u.lightDirection.xyz, roughness, 0.9);
float4 Output = float4(metallic * specular + (1.0 - metallic) * diffuse + baseColor * u.lightAmbientColor.xyz * ambientOcclusion, opacity);
Output.xyz = Output.xyz + emissive.xyz;
if(opacityMask <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
if(opacity <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
o.gl_FragColor = ConvertToScreen(Output, u.predefined_uniform);
return o;
static const char g_material_fs_src_suf2_unlit[] =
if(opacityMask <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
if(opacity <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
o.gl_FragColor = ConvertToScreen(float4(emissive, opacity), u.predefined_uniform);
return o;
static const char g_material_fs_src_suf2_refraction[] =
float airRefraction = 1.0;
float3x3 tmpvar_1;
tmpvar_1[0] = u.cameraMat[0].xyz;
tmpvar_1[1] = u.cameraMat[1].xyz;
tmpvar_1[2] = u.cameraMat[2].xyz;
float3 dir = float3x3(tmpvar_1) * pixelNormalDir;
float2 distortUV = dir.xy * (refraction - airRefraction);
distortUV += screenUV_distort;
distortUV = float2(distortUV.x, u.mUVInversedBack.z + u.mUVInversedBack.w * distortUV.y);
distortUV.y = 1.0 - distortUV.y;
float4 bg = efk_background.sample(s_efk_background, distortUV);
o.gl_FragColor = bg;
if(opacityMask <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
if(opacity <= 0.0) discard_fragment();
return o;
static const char g_getUV_helper_vs[] =
"float2(IN.x, u.mUVInversed.x + u.mUVInversed.y * IN.y)";
static const char g_getUVBack_helper_vs[] =
"float2(IN.x, u.mUVInversed.z + u.mUVInversed.w * IN.y)";
static const char g_getUV_helper_fs[] =
"float2(IN.x, u.mUVInversedBack.x + u.mUVInversedBack.y * IN.y)";
static const char g_getUVBack_helper_fs[] =
"float2(IN.x, u.mUVInversedBack.z + u.mUVInversedBack.w * IN.y)";
static const char g_getUV_helper_vs[] = R"(
float2 OUT = IN;
OUT.y = u.mUVInversed.x + u.mUVInversed.y * OUT.y;
static const char g_getUVBack_helper_vs[] = R"(
float2 OUT = IN;
OUT.y = u.mUVInversed.z + u.mUVInversed.w * OUT.y;
static const char g_getUV_helper_fs[] = R"(
float2 OUT = IN;
OUT.y = u.mUVInversedBack.x + u.mUVInversedBack.y * OUT.y;
static const char g_getUVBack_helper_fs[] = R"(
float2 OUT = IN;
OUT.y = u.mUVInversedBack.z + u.mUVInversedBack.w * OUT.y;
std::string Replace(std::string target, std::string from_, std::string to_)
std::string::size_type Pos(target.find(from_));
while (Pos != std::string::npos)
target.replace(Pos, from_.length(), to_);
Pos = target.find(from_, Pos + to_.length());
return target;
struct ShaderData
std::string CodeVS;
std::string CodePS;
std::string GetType(int32_t i)
if (i == 1)
return "float";
if (i == 2)
return "float2";
if (i == 3)
return "float3";
if (i == 4)
return "float4";
if (i == 16)
return "float4x4";
return "";
std::string GetElement(int32_t i)
if (i == 1)
return ".x";
if (i == 2)
return ".xy";
if (i == 3)
return ".xyz";
if (i == 4)
return ".xyzw";
return "";
std::string GetUVReplacement(const std::string& varName, int stage)
auto helper = (stage == 0) ? g_getUV_helper_vs : g_getUV_helper_fs;
return Replace(helper, "IN", varName);
std::string GetUVBackReplacement(const std::string& varName, int stage)
auto helper = (stage == 0) ? g_getUVBack_helper_vs : g_getUVBack_helper_fs;
return Replace(helper, "IN", varName);
void ExportUniform(std::ostringstream& maincode, int32_t type, const char* name)
maincode << " " << GetType(type) << " " << name << ";" << std::endl;
void ExportTexture(std::ostringstream& maincode, const char* name, int& index)
maincode << ", texture2d<float> " << name << " [[texture(" << index << ")]],";
maincode << "sampler s_" << name << " [[sampler(" << index << ")]]" << std::endl;
void ExportHeader(std::ostringstream& maincode, MaterialFile* materialFile, int stage, bool isSprite)
maincode << material_common_define;
if (stage == 0)
maincode << material_common_define_vs;
if (stage == 0)
if (isSprite)
if (materialFile->GetIsSimpleVertex())
maincode << g_material_sprite_vs_src_pre_simple;
maincode << g_material_sprite_vs_src_pre;
maincode << g_material_model_vs_src_pre;
maincode << g_material_fs_src_pre;
bool hasGradient = false;
bool hasNoise = false;
bool hasLight = false;
for (const auto& type : materialFile->RequiredMethods)
if (type == MaterialFile::RequiredPredefinedMethodType::Gradient)
hasGradient = true;
else if (type == MaterialFile::RequiredPredefinedMethodType::Noise)
hasNoise = true;
else if (type == MaterialFile::RequiredPredefinedMethodType::Light)
hasLight = true;
if (hasGradient)
maincode << Effekseer::Shader::GetGradientFunctions();
if (hasNoise)
maincode << Effekseer::Shader::GetNoiseFunctions();
if (hasLight)
if (stage == 0)
maincode << material_light_vs;
maincode << material_light_ps;
for (const auto& gradient : materialFile->FixedGradients)
maincode << Effekseer::Shader::GetFixedGradient(gradient.Name.c_str(), gradient.Data);
void ExportMain(
std::ostringstream& maincode, MaterialFile* materialFile, int stage, bool isSprite, MaterialShaderType shaderType, const std::string& baseCode, const std::string& textures)
std::string suf1;
if (stage == 0)
if (isSprite)
if (materialFile->GetIsSimpleVertex())
suf1 = g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf1_simple;
suf1 = g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf1;
suf1 = g_material_model_vs_src_suf1;
suf1 = Replace(suf1, "//$IN_TEX$", textures);
maincode << suf1;
if (materialFile->GetCustomData1Count() > 0)
maincode << GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + " customData1 = ";
maincode << (isSprite ? "i.atCustomData1" : "u.customData1") + GetElement(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + ";\n";
maincode << "o.v_CustomData1 = customData1" + GetElement(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + ";\n";
if (materialFile->GetCustomData2Count() > 0)
maincode << GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + " customData2 = ";
maincode << (isSprite ? "i.atCustomData2" : "u.customData2") + GetElement(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + ";\n";
maincode << "o.v_CustomData2 = customData2" + GetElement(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + ";\n";
maincode << baseCode;
if (isSprite)
maincode << g_material_sprite_vs_src_suf2;
maincode << g_material_model_vs_src_suf2;
suf1 = g_material_fs_src_suf1;
suf1 = Replace(suf1, "//$IN_TEX$", textures);
maincode << suf1;
if (materialFile->GetCustomData1Count() > 0)
maincode << GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + " customData1 = i.v_CustomData1;\n";
if (materialFile->GetCustomData2Count() > 0)
maincode << GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + " customData2 = i.v_CustomData2;\n";
maincode << baseCode;
if (shaderType == MaterialShaderType::Refraction || shaderType == MaterialShaderType::RefractionModel)
maincode << g_material_fs_src_suf2_refraction;
if (materialFile->GetShadingModel() == Effekseer::ShadingModelType::Lit)
maincode << g_material_fs_src_suf2_lit;
else if (materialFile->GetShadingModel() == Effekseer::ShadingModelType::Unlit)
maincode << g_material_fs_src_suf2_unlit;
ShaderData GenerateShader(MaterialFile* materialFile, MaterialShaderType shaderType, int32_t maximumUniformCount, int32_t maximumTextureCount)
bool isSprite = shaderType == MaterialShaderType::Standard || shaderType == MaterialShaderType::Refraction;
bool isRefrection =
materialFile->GetHasRefraction() && (shaderType == MaterialShaderType::Refraction || shaderType == MaterialShaderType::RefractionModel);
ShaderData shaderData;
for (int stage = 0; stage < 2; stage++)
std::ostringstream maincode;
ExportHeader(maincode, materialFile, stage, isSprite);
std::ostringstream userUniforms;
std::ostringstream textures;
int t_index = 0;
if (!isSprite && stage == 0)
if (materialFile->GetCustomData1Count() > 0)
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, "customData1");
if (materialFile->GetCustomData2Count() > 0)
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, "customData2");
int32_t actualTextureCount = std::min(maximumTextureCount, materialFile->GetTextureCount());
for (size_t i = 0; i < actualTextureCount; i++)
// auto textureIndex = materialFile->GetTextureIndex(i);
auto textureName = materialFile->GetTextureName(i);
ExportTexture(textures, textureName, t_index);
if (stage == 1)
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, "lightDirection");
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, "lightColor");
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, "lightAmbientColor");
if (materialFile->GetShadingModel() == ::Effekseer::ShadingModelType::Lit && stage == 1)
maincode << "#define _MATERIAL_LIT_ 1" << std::endl;
else if (materialFile->GetShadingModel() == ::Effekseer::ShadingModelType::Unlit)
if (isRefrection && stage == 1)
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 16, "cameraMat");
ExportTexture(textures, "efk_background", t_index);
ExportTexture(textures, "efk_depth", t_index);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < materialFile->GetUniformCount(); i++)
auto uniformName = materialFile->GetUniformName(i);
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, uniformName);
auto baseCode = std::string(materialFile->GetGenericCode());
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$F1$", "float");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$F2$", "float2");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$F3$", "float3");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$F4$", "float4");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$TIME$", "predefined_uniform.x");
for (size_t i = 0; i < materialFile->Gradients.size(); i++)
// TODO : remove a magic number
for (size_t j = 0; j < 13; j++)
ExportUniform(userUniforms, 4, (materialFile->Gradients[i].Name + "_" + std::to_string(j)).c_str());
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$EFFECTSCALE$", "predefined_uniform.y");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$LOCALTIME$", "predefined_uniform.w");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$UV$", "uv");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "$MOD", "mod");
// replace uniforms
int32_t actualUniformCount = std::min(maximumUniformCount, materialFile->GetUniformCount());
for (size_t i = 0; i < actualUniformCount; i++)
auto name = materialFile->GetUniformName(i);
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, name, std::string("u.") + name);
for (size_t i = actualUniformCount; i < materialFile->GetUniformCount(); i++)
auto name = materialFile->GetUniformName(i);
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, name, std::string("float4(0,0,0,0)"));
for (size_t i = 0; i < materialFile->Gradients.size(); i++)
const auto name = materialFile->Gradients[i].Name + "_";
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, name, std::string("u.") + name);
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "predefined_uniform", std::string("u.") + "predefined_uniform");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "cameraPosition", std::string("u.") + "cameraPosition");
// replace textures
for (size_t i = 0; i < actualTextureCount; i++)
std::string prefix;
std::string suffix;
if (materialFile->GetTextureColorType(i) == Effekseer::TextureColorType::Color)
prefix = "ConvertFromSRGBTexture(";
suffix = ",u.predefined_uniform)";
auto textureIndex = materialFile->GetTextureIndex(i);
auto textureName = std::string(materialFile->GetTextureName(i));
std::string keyP = "$TEX_P" + std::to_string(textureIndex) + "$";
std::string keyS = "$TEX_S" + std::to_string(textureIndex) + "$";
std::size_t posP = baseCode.find(keyP);
while (posP != std::string::npos)
std::size_t posS = baseCode.find(keyS, posP);
if (posS == std::string::npos)
// get var between prefix and suffix
std::size_t varPos = posP + keyP.length();
std::string varName = baseCode.substr(varPos, posS - varPos);
std::ostringstream texSample;
texSample << prefix;
texSample << textureName << ".sample(s_" << textureName << ", ";
texSample << GetUVReplacement(varName, stage) << ")";
texSample << suffix;
baseCode = baseCode.replace(posP, posS + keyS.length() - posP, texSample.str());
posP = baseCode.find(keyP, posP + texSample.str().length());
// invalid texture
for (size_t i = actualTextureCount; i < materialFile->GetTextureCount(); i++)
auto textureIndex = materialFile->GetTextureIndex(i);
auto textureName = std::string(materialFile->GetTextureName(i));
std::string keyP = "$TEX_P" + std::to_string(textureIndex) + "$";
std::string keyS = "$TEX_S" + std::to_string(textureIndex) + "$";
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, keyP, "float4(");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, keyS, ",0.0,1.0)");
// Depth
if (stage == 1)
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "CalcDepthFade(", "ReplacedDepthFade(efk_depth, s_efk_depth, u.reconstructionParam1, u.reconstructionParam2,u.predefined_uniform.y,");
if (std::find(materialFile->RequiredMethods.begin(), materialFile->RequiredMethods.end(), MaterialFile::RequiredPredefinedMethodType::Light) != materialFile->RequiredMethods.end())
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "GetLightDirection()", "GetLightDirection(u)");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "GetLightColor()", "GetLightColor(u)");
baseCode = Replace(baseCode, "GetLightAmbientColor()", "GetLightAmbientColor(u)");
ExportMain(maincode, materialFile, stage, isSprite, shaderType, baseCode, textures.str());
maincode.str(Replace(maincode.str(), "//$UNIFORMS$", userUniforms.str()));
if (stage == 0)
shaderData.CodeVS = maincode.str();
shaderData.CodePS = maincode.str();
// custom data
if (materialFile->GetCustomData1Count() > 0)
if (isSprite)
shaderData.CodeVS =
Replace(shaderData.CodeVS, "//$C_IN1$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + " atCustomData1 [[attribute(6)]];");
shaderData.CodeVS =
Replace(shaderData.CodeVS, "//$C_OUT1$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + " v_CustomData1;");
shaderData.CodePS =
Replace(shaderData.CodePS, "//$C_PIN1$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData1Count()) + " v_CustomData1;");
if (materialFile->GetCustomData2Count() > 0)
if (isSprite)
shaderData.CodeVS =
Replace(shaderData.CodeVS, "//$C_IN2$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + " atCustomData2 [[attribute(7)]];");
shaderData.CodeVS =
Replace(shaderData.CodeVS, "//$C_OUT2$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + " v_CustomData2;");
shaderData.CodePS =
Replace(shaderData.CodePS, "//$C_PIN2$", GetType(materialFile->GetCustomData2Count()) + " v_CustomData2;");
return shaderData;
} // namespace Metal
} // namespace Effekseer
namespace Effekseer
class CompiledMaterialBinaryMetal : public CompiledMaterialBinary, public ReferenceObject
std::array<std::vector<uint8_t>, static_cast<int32_t>(MaterialShaderType::Max)> vertexShaders_;
std::array<std::vector<uint8_t>, static_cast<int32_t>(MaterialShaderType::Max)> pixelShaders_;
virtual ~CompiledMaterialBinaryMetal()
void SetVertexShaderData(MaterialShaderType type, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
vertexShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)) = data;
void SetPixelShaderData(MaterialShaderType type, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
pixelShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)) = data;
const uint8_t* GetVertexShaderData(MaterialShaderType type) const override
return vertexShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)).data();
int32_t GetVertexShaderSize(MaterialShaderType type) const override
return vertexShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)).size();
const uint8_t* GetPixelShaderData(MaterialShaderType type) const override
return pixelShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)).data();
int32_t GetPixelShaderSize(MaterialShaderType type) const override
return pixelShaders_.at(static_cast<int>(type)).size();
int AddRef() override
return ReferenceObject::AddRef();
int Release() override
return ReferenceObject::Release();
int GetRef() override
return ReferenceObject::GetRef();
CompiledMaterialBinary* MaterialCompilerMetal::Compile(MaterialFile* materialFile, int32_t maximumUniformCount, int32_t maximumTextureCount)
auto binary = new CompiledMaterialBinaryMetal();
// auto compiler = LLGI::CreateSharedPtr(new LLGI::CompilerMetal());
auto convertToVectorVS = [](const std::string& str) -> std::vector<uint8_t>
std::vector<uint8_t> ret;
std::vector<char> buffer;
buffer.reserve(7 + str.size() + 1);
auto len = str.size() + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer[buffer.size() - 1] = 0;
LLGI::CompilerResult result;
memcpy(result.Binary[0].data(), buffer.data(), buffer.size());
// compiler->Compile(result, str.c_str(), LLGI::ShaderStageType::Vertex);
if (result.Binary.size() > 0)
Serialize(ret, result);
std::cout << "VertexShader Compile Error" << std::endl;
std::cout << result.Message << std::endl;
std::cout << str << std::endl;
return ret;
auto convertToVectorPS = [](const std::string& str) -> std::vector<uint8_t>
std::vector<uint8_t> ret;
std::vector<char> buffer;
buffer.reserve(7 + str.size() + 1);
auto len = str.size() + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
buffer[buffer.size() - 1] = 0;
LLGI::CompilerResult result;
memcpy(result.Binary[0].data(), buffer.data(), buffer.size());
// compiler->Compile(result, str.c_str(), LLGI::ShaderStageType::Pixel);
if (result.Binary.size() > 0)
Serialize(ret, result);
std::cout << "PixelShader Compile Error" << std::endl;
std::cout << result.Message << std::endl;
std::cout << str << std::endl;
return ret;
auto saveBinary = [&materialFile, &binary, &convertToVectorVS, &convertToVectorPS, &maximumUniformCount, &maximumTextureCount](MaterialShaderType type)
auto shader = Metal::GenerateShader(materialFile, type, maximumUniformCount, maximumTextureCount);
binary->SetVertexShaderData(type, convertToVectorVS(shader.CodeVS));
binary->SetPixelShaderData(type, convertToVectorPS(shader.CodePS));
if (materialFile->GetHasRefraction())
return binary;
CompiledMaterialBinary* MaterialCompilerMetal::Compile(MaterialFile* materialFile)
return Compile(materialFile, Effekseer::UserUniformSlotMax, Effekseer::UserTextureSlotMax);
} // namespace Effekseer
#ifdef __SHARED_OBJECT__
extern "C"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define EFK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EFK_EXPORT
EFK_EXPORT Effekseer::MaterialCompiler* EFK_STDCALL CreateCompiler()
return new Effekseer::MaterialCompilerMetal();