# the prefix to be added to the generated functions. You might or might not use this in your own
# templates
# create a target namespace (in javascript, this would create some code like the equiv. to `ns = ns || {}`)
# all classes will be embedded in that namespace
# the native namespace in which this module locates, this parameter is used for avoid conflict of the same class name in different modules, as "cocos2d::Label" <-> "cocos2d::ui::Label".
# for all class names, should we remove something when registering in the target VM?
# classes for which there will be no "parent" lookup
# base classes which will be skipped when their sub-classes found them.
# classes that create no constructor
# Set is special and we will use a hand-written constructor
abstract_classes=Helper LayoutManager
# Determining whether to use script object(js object) to control the lifecycle of native(cpp) object or the other way around. Supported values are 'yes' or 'no'.