fix compile bug

This commit is contained in:
yangxiao 2014-06-20 22:38:09 +08:00
parent 2371e8e6ae
commit 1e319bc1f8
5 changed files with 134 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -1019,6 +1019,10 @@
373B912A187891FB00198F86 /* CCComBase.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 373B910718787C0B00198F86 /* CCComBase.h */; };
3EA0FB6B191C841D00B170C8 /* UIVideoPlayer.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA0FB69191C841D00B170C8 /* UIVideoPlayer.h */; };
3EA0FB6C191C841D00B170C8 /* in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA0FB6A191C841D00B170C8 /* */; };
3EA47870195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA4786E195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp */; };
3EA47871195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA4786E195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp */; };
3EA47872195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA4786F195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h */; };
3EA47873195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EA4786F195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h */; };
460E468118080832000CDD6D /* cocos-ext.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 46A167D21807AF4D005B8026 /* cocos-ext.h */; };
460E468218080836000CDD6D /* cocos-ext.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 46A167D21807AF4D005B8026 /* cocos-ext.h */; };
460E477B180808F5000CDD6D /* ExtensionMacros.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 46A168321807AF4E005B8026 /* ExtensionMacros.h */; };
@ -2330,6 +2334,8 @@
37936A3E1869B76800E974DD /* writer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = writer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3EA0FB69191C841D00B170C8 /* UIVideoPlayer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = UIVideoPlayer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3EA0FB6A191C841D00B170C8 /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path =; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3EA4786E195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CCBundleReader.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
3EA4786F195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CCBundleReader.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
46A15FCC1807A544005B8026 /* AUTHORS */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text; name = AUTHORS; path = ../AUTHORS; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
46A15FCE1807A544005B8026 /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text; name =; path = ../; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
46A15FE11807A56F005B8026 /* Export.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Export.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -4900,6 +4906,8 @@
B29594B81926D61F003EEF37 /* 3d */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
3EA4786E195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp */,
3EA4786F195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h */,
B6AAF83F19404E0D0069DE01 /* CCBundle3D.cpp */,
B6AAF84019404E0D0069DE01 /* CCBundle3D.h */,
B6ACD89C193DC0CC005E0B8A /* CCAnimate3D.cpp */,
@ -5205,6 +5213,7 @@
1AD71EE3180E26E600808F54 /* SlotData.h in Headers */,
0634A4E2194B19E400E608AF /* CCTimeLine.h in Headers */,
1AD71EE7180E26E600808F54 /* spine-cocos2dx.h in Headers */,
3EA47872195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h in Headers */,
1AD71EE9180E26E600808F54 /* spine.h in Headers */,
1AAF536C180E3374000584C8 /* HttpClient.h in Headers */,
50ABBD9D1925AB4100A911A9 /* ccGLStateCache.h in Headers */,
@ -5760,6 +5769,7 @@
50ABC0201926664800A911A9 /* CCThread.h in Headers */,
1A01C69318F57BE800EFE3A6 /* CCDouble.h in Headers */,
50ABBE221925AB6F00A911A9 /* atitc.h in Headers */,
3EA47873195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.h in Headers */,
1A8C59DA180E930E00EF57C3 /* CCDisplayFactory.h in Headers */,
1A8C59DE180E930E00EF57C3 /* CCDisplayManager.h in Headers */,
50FCEBB618C72017004AD434 /* SliderReader.h in Headers */,
@ -6299,6 +6309,7 @@
1A57034B180BD09B0088DEC7 /* tinyxml2.cpp in Sources */,
1A570354180BD0B00088DEC7 /* ioapi.cpp in Sources */,
1A570358180BD0B00088DEC7 /* unzip.cpp in Sources */,
3EA47870195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp in Sources */,
1AD71DA9180E26E600808F54 /* CCBAnimationManager.cpp in Sources */,
1AD71DAD180E26E600808F54 /* CCBFileLoader.cpp in Sources */,
50E6D33418E174130051CA34 /* UIHBox.cpp in Sources */,
@ -6618,6 +6629,7 @@
50ABC01A1926664800A911A9 /* CCSAXParser.cpp in Sources */,
503DD8EE1926736A00CD74DD /* in Sources */,
50FCEBC818C72017004AD434 /* WidgetReader.cpp in Sources */,
3EA47871195478E00068D9D1 /* CCBundleReader.cpp in Sources */,
46A170FC1807CECB005B8026 /* CCPhysicsBody.cpp in Sources */,
50ABBD941925AB4100A911A9 /* CCGLProgramState.cpp in Sources */,
50ABBE281925AB6F00A911A9 /* CCAutoreleasePool.cpp in Sources */,

View File

@ -44,6 +44,39 @@
static const char* ID = "id";
static const char* MESHDATA_MESH = "mesh";
static const char* MESHDATA_DEFAULTPART = "body";
static const char* MESHDATA_VERTEXSIZE = "vertexsize";
static const char* MESHDATA_VERTICES = "vertices";
static const char* MESHDATA_INDEXNUM = "indexnum";
static const char* MESHDATA_INDICES = "indices";
static const char* MESHDATA_ATTRIBUTES = "attributes";
static const char* MESHDATA_SIZE = "size";
static const char* MESHDATA_TYPE = "type";
static const char* MESHDATA_ATTRIBUTE = "attribute";
static const char* SKINDATA_SKIN = "skin";
static const char* SKINDATA_BONES = "bones";
static const char* SKINDATA_NODE = "node";
static const char* SKINDATA_BINDSHAPE = "bindshape";
static const char* SKINDATA_CHILDREN = "children";
static const char* MATERIALDATA_MATERIAL = "material";
static const char* MATERIALDATA_BASE = "base";
static const char* MATERIALDATA_FILENAME = "filename";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_ANIMATION = "animation";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_LENGTH = "length";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_BONES = "bones";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_BONEID = "boneId";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_KEYFRAMES = "keyframes";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_TRANSLATION = "translation";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_ROTATION = "rotation";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_SCALE = "scale";
static const char* ANIMATIONDATA_KEYTIME = "keytime";
void getChildMap(std::map<int, std::vector<int> >& map, SkinData* skinData, const rapidjson::Value& val)
@ -51,17 +84,17 @@ void getChildMap(std::map<int, std::vector<int> >& map, SkinData* skinData, cons
if (!skinData)
if (!val.HasMember("children"))
if (!val.HasMember(SKINDATA_CHILDREN))
std::string parent_name = val["id"].GetString();
std::string parent_name = val[ID].GetString();
int parent_name_index = skinData->getBoneNameIndex(parent_name);
const rapidjson::Value& children = val["children"];
const rapidjson::Value& children = val[SKINDATA_CHILDREN];
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < children.Size(); i++)
const rapidjson::Value& child = children[i];
std::string child_name = child["id"].GetString();
std::string child_name = child[ID].GetString();
int child_name_index = skinData->getBoneNameIndex(child_name);
if (child_name_index >= 0)
@ -173,11 +206,11 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadAnimationData(const std::string& id, Animation3DData* animati
bool Bundle3D::loadJson(const std::string& path)
std::string strFileString = FileUtils::getInstance()->getStringFromFile(path);
ssize_t size = strFileString.length();
Data data = FileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromFile(path);
ssize_t size = data.getSize();
_jsonBuffer = new char[size + 1];
memcpy(_jsonBuffer, strFileString.c_str(), size);
memcpy(_jsonBuffer, data.getBytes(), size);
_jsonBuffer[size] = '\0';
if (_document.ParseInsitu<0>(_jsonBuffer).HasParseError())
@ -192,49 +225,49 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadMeshDataJson(MeshData* meshdata)
const rapidjson::Value& mash_data_array = _document["mesh"];
const rapidjson::Value& mash_data_array = _document[MESHDATA_MESH];
const rapidjson::Value& mash_data_val = mash_data_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_array = mash_data_val["body"];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_array = mash_data_val[MESHDATA_DEFAULTPART];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_array_0 = mesh_data_body_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
// vertex_size
meshdata->vertexSizeInFloat = mesh_data_body_array_0["vertexsize"].GetInt();
meshdata->vertexSizeInFloat = mesh_data_body_array_0[MESHDATA_VERTEXSIZE].GetInt();
// vertices
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_vertices = mesh_data_body_array_0["vertices"];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_vertices = mesh_data_body_array_0[MESHDATA_VERTICES];
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < mesh_data_body_vertices.Size(); i++)
meshdata->vertex[i] = mesh_data_body_vertices[i].GetDouble();
// index_number
meshdata->numIndex = mesh_data_body_array_0["indexnum"].GetUint();
meshdata->numIndex = mesh_data_body_array_0[MESHDATA_INDEXNUM].GetUint();
// indices
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_indices_val = mesh_data_body_array_0["indices"];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_data_body_indices_val = mesh_data_body_array_0[MESHDATA_INDICES];
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < mesh_data_body_indices_val.Size(); i++)
meshdata->indices[i] = (unsigned short)mesh_data_body_indices_val[i].GetUint();
// mesh_vertex_attribute
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_vertex_attribute = mash_data_val["attributes"];
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_vertex_attribute = mash_data_val[MESHDATA_ATTRIBUTES];
meshdata->attribCount = mesh_vertex_attribute.Size();
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < mesh_vertex_attribute.Size(); i++)
const rapidjson::Value& mesh_vertex_attribute_val = mesh_vertex_attribute[i];
meshdata->attribs[i].size = mesh_vertex_attribute_val["size"].GetUint();
meshdata->attribs[i].size = mesh_vertex_attribute_val[MESHDATA_SIZE].GetUint();
meshdata->attribs[i].attribSizeBytes = meshdata->attribs[i].size * 4;
meshdata->attribs[i].type = parseGLType(mesh_vertex_attribute_val["type"].GetString());
meshdata->attribs[i].vertexAttrib = parseGLProgramAttribute(mesh_vertex_attribute_val["attribute"].GetString());
meshdata->attribs[i].type = parseGLType(mesh_vertex_attribute_val[MESHDATA_TYPE].GetString());
meshdata->attribs[i].vertexAttrib = parseGLProgramAttribute(mesh_vertex_attribute_val[MESHDATA_ATTRIBUTE].GetString());
return true;
@ -242,27 +275,27 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadMeshDataJson(MeshData* meshdata)
bool Bundle3D::loadSkinDataJson(SkinData* skindata)
if (!_document.HasMember("skin")) return false;
if (!_document.HasMember(SKINDATA_SKIN )) return false;
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_array = _document["skin"];
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_array = _document[SKINDATA_SKIN ];
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_array_val_0 = skin_data_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
if (!skin_data_array_val_0.HasMember("bones"))
if (!skin_data_array_val_0.HasMember(SKINDATA_BONES))
return false;
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_bones = skin_data_array_val_0["bones"];
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_bones = skin_data_array_val_0[SKINDATA_BONES];
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < skin_data_bones.Size(); i++)
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_bone = skin_data_bones[i];
std::string name = skin_data_bone["node"].GetString();
std::string name = skin_data_bone[SKINDATA_NODE].GetString();
Mat4 mat_bind_pos;
const rapidjson::Value& bind_pos = skin_data_bone["bindshape"];
const rapidjson::Value& bind_pos = skin_data_bone[SKINDATA_BINDSHAPE];
for (rapidjson::SizeType j = 0; j < bind_pos.Size(); j++)
mat_bind_pos.m[j] = bind_pos[j].GetDouble();
@ -271,79 +304,79 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadSkinDataJson(SkinData* skindata)
const rapidjson::Value& skin_data_1 = skin_data_array[1];
const rapidjson::Value& bone_array_0 = skin_data_1["children"][(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
skindata->rootBoneIndex = skindata->getBoneNameIndex(bone_array_0["id"].GetString());
const rapidjson::Value& bone_array_0 = skin_data_1[SKINDATA_CHILDREN][(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
skindata->rootBoneIndex = skindata->getBoneNameIndex(bone_array_0[ID].GetString());
getChildMap(skindata->boneChild, skindata, bone_array_0);
return true;
bool Bundle3D::loadMaterialDataJson(MaterialData* materialdata)
if (!_document.HasMember("material"))
if (!_document.HasMember(MATERIALDATA_MATERIAL))
return false;
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_array = _document["material"];
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_array = _document[MATERIALDATA_MATERIAL];
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_array_0 = material_data_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_base_array = material_data_array_0["base"];
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_base_array = material_data_array_0[MATERIALDATA_BASE];
const rapidjson::Value& material_data_base_array_0 = material_data_base_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
materialdata->texturePath = _modelRelativePath + material_data_base_array_0["filename"].GetString();
materialdata->texturePath = _modelRelativePath + material_data_base_array_0[MATERIALDATA_FILENAME].GetString();
return true;
bool Bundle3D::loadAnimationDataJson(Animation3DData* animationdata)
if (!_document.HasMember("animation")) return false;
if (!_document.HasMember(ANIMATIONDATA_ANIMATION)) return false;
const rapidjson::Value& animation_data_array = _document["animation"];
const rapidjson::Value& animation_data_array = _document[ANIMATIONDATA_ANIMATION];
if (animation_data_array.Size()==0) return false;
const rapidjson::Value& animation_data_array_val_0 = animation_data_array[(rapidjson::SizeType)0];
animationdata->_totalTime = animation_data_array_val_0["length"].GetDouble();
animationdata->_totalTime = animation_data_array_val_0[ANIMATIONDATA_LENGTH].GetDouble();
const rapidjson::Value& bones = animation_data_array_val_0["bones"];
const rapidjson::Value& bones = animation_data_array_val_0[ANIMATIONDATA_BONES];
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < bones.Size(); i++)
const rapidjson::Value& bone = bones[i];
std::string bone_name = bone["boneId"].GetString();
std::string bone_name = bone[ANIMATIONDATA_BONEID].GetString();
if ( bone.HasMember("keyframes"))
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframes = bone["keyframes"];
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframes = bone[ANIMATIONDATA_KEYFRAMES];
rapidjson::SizeType keyframe_size = bone_keyframes.Size();
for (rapidjson::SizeType j = 0; j < bone_keyframes.Size(); j++)
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe = bone_keyframes[j];
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember("translation"))
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember(ANIMATIONDATA_TRANSLATION))
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_translation = bone_keyframe["translation"];
float keytime = bone_keyframe["keytime"].GetDouble();
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_translation = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_TRANSLATION];
float keytime = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_KEYTIME].GetDouble();
Vec3 val = Vec3(bone_keyframe_translation[(rapidjson::SizeType)0].GetDouble(), bone_keyframe_translation[1].GetDouble(), bone_keyframe_translation[2].GetDouble());
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember("rotation"))
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember(ANIMATIONDATA_ROTATION))
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_rotation = bone_keyframe["rotation"];
float keytime = bone_keyframe["keytime"].GetDouble();
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_rotation = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_ROTATION];
float keytime = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_KEYTIME].GetDouble();
Quaternion val = Quaternion(bone_keyframe_rotation[(rapidjson::SizeType)0].GetDouble(),bone_keyframe_rotation[1].GetDouble(),bone_keyframe_rotation[2].GetDouble(),bone_keyframe_rotation[3].GetDouble());
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember("scale"))
if ( bone_keyframe.HasMember(ANIMATIONDATA_SCALE))
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_scale = bone_keyframe["scale"];
float keytime = bone_keyframe["keytime"].GetDouble();
const rapidjson::Value& bone_keyframe_scale = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_SCALE];
float keytime = bone_keyframe[ANIMATIONDATA_KEYTIME].GetDouble();
Vec3 val = Vec3(bone_keyframe_scale[(rapidjson::SizeType)0].GetDouble(), bone_keyframe_scale[1].GetDouble(), bone_keyframe_scale[2].GetDouble());
@ -508,11 +541,11 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadSkinDataBinary(SkinData* skindata)
float bindpos[16];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boneNum; i++)
if (!_bundleReader->readMatrix(bindpos))
CCLOGINFO("Failed to load SkinData: bindpos '%s'.", _path.c_str());
return NULL;
return nullptr;
@ -539,7 +572,7 @@ bool Bundle3D::loadSkinDataBinary(SkinData* skindata)
if (!_bundleReader->readMatrix(transform))
CCLOGINFO("Failed to load SkinData: transform '%s'.", _path.c_str());
return NULL;
return nullptr;
if (parentIndex < 0 || index < 0)
@ -717,18 +750,18 @@ Reference* Bundle3D::seekToFirstType(unsigned int type)
if (_bundleReader->seek(ref->offset, SEEK_SET) == false)
CCLOGINFO("Failed to seek to object '%s' in bundle '%s'.", ref->id.c_str(), _path.c_str());
return NULL;
return nullptr;
return ref;
return NULL;
return nullptr;

View File

@ -34,27 +34,7 @@
// vertex usage elements.
enum Vertex_Usage
Vertex_Usage_POSITION = 1,
Vertex_Usage_NORMAL = 2,
Vertex_Usage_COLOR = 3,
Vertex_Usage_TANGENT = 4,
Vertex_Usage_BINORMAL = 5,
Vertex_Usage_BLENDWEIGHTS = 6,
Vertex_Usage_BLENDINDICES = 7,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD0 = 8,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD1 = 9,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD2 = 10,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD3 = 11,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD4 = 12,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD5 = 13,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD6 = 14,
Vertex_Usage_TEXCOORD7 = 15
//mesh vertex attribute
/**mesh vertex attribute*/
struct MeshVertexAttrib
//attribute size
@ -67,6 +47,7 @@ struct MeshVertexAttrib
int attribSizeBytes;
/**mesh data*/
struct MeshData
std::vector<float> vertex;
@ -98,17 +79,25 @@ public:
/**skin data*/
struct SkinData
std::vector<std::string> boneNames;
std::vector<Mat4> inverseBindPoseMatrices; //bind pose of bone
std::vector<std::string> skinBoneNames; //skin bones affect skin
std::vector<std::string> nodeBoneNames; //node bones don't affect skin, all bones [skinBone, nodeBone]
std::vector<Mat4> inverseBindPoseMatrices; //bind pose of skin bone, only for skin bone
std::vector<Mat4> skinBoneOriginMatrices; // original bone transform, for skin bone
std::vector<Mat4> nodeBoneOriginMatrices; // original bone transform, for node bone
//bone child info, both skinbone and node bone
std::map<int, std::vector<int> > boneChild;//key parent, value child
int rootBoneIndex;
void resetData()
rootBoneIndex = -1;
@ -116,22 +105,30 @@ struct SkinData
int getBoneNameIndex(const std::string& name)const
int i = 0;
for( const auto &item : boneNames )
for (auto iter : skinBoneNames)
if (item == name)
if ((iter) == name)
return i;
for(auto iter : nodeBoneNames)
if (iter == name)
return i;
return -1;
/**material data*/
struct MaterialData
std::string texturePath;
/**animation data*/
struct Animation3DData
@ -201,17 +198,19 @@ public:
class Reference
/**reference data*/
struct Reference
std::string id;
unsigned int type;
unsigned int offset;
#endif //__CC_BUNDLE_3D_DATA_H__

View File

@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ MeshSkin* MeshSkin::create(const std::string& filename, const std::string& name)
bool MeshSkin::initFromSkinData(const SkinData& skindata)
ssize_t i = 0;
for (; i < skindata.boneNames.size(); i++) {
auto bone = Bone::create(skindata.boneNames[i]);
for (; i < skindata.skinBoneNames.size(); i++) {
auto bone = Bone::create(skindata.skinBoneNames[i]);
bone->_invBindPose = skindata.inverseBindPoseMatrices[i];
for (i = 0; i < skindata.boneNames.size(); i++) {
auto bone = Bone::create(skindata.boneNames[i]);
for (i = 0; i < skindata.nodeBoneNames.size(); i++) {
auto bone = Bone::create(skindata.nodeBoneNames[i]);

View File

@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ std::string Sprite3DWithSkinTest::subtitle() const
void Sprite3DWithSkinTest::addNewSpriteWithCoords(Vec2 p)
std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/scene.c3b";
std::string fileName = "Sprite3DTest/girl.c3t";
auto sprite = Sprite3D::create(fileName);
sprite->setRotation3D(Vec3(-90.f, 0.f, 0.f));