Testcase for multiple items in scrollView

This commit is contained in:
ZhangMenghe 2015-09-21 10:24:44 +08:00
parent 685a1e5e07
commit 4054686903
2 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -471,6 +471,12 @@
func: function () {
return new UIScrollViewDisableTest();
title:"UIScrollView Multiple Items Test",
func: function () {
return new UIScrollViewTest_Vertical_Multiple();
"UIPageView": [

View File

@ -478,4 +478,53 @@ var UIScrollViewDisableTest = UIMainLayer.extend({
return false;
var UIScrollViewTest_Vertical_Multiple = UIMainLayer.extend({
init: function () {
if (this._super()) {
var widgetSize = this._widget.getContentSize();
//init text
this._topDisplayLabel.setString("Move by vertical direction");
this._topDisplayLabel.x = widgetSize.width / 2.0;
this._topDisplayLabel.y = widgetSize.height / 2.0 + this._topDisplayLabel.height * 1.5;
this._bottomDisplayLabel.setString("Compare drawCalls and FPS with Previous Version");
this._bottomDisplayLabel.x = widgetSize.width / 2;
this._bottomDisplayLabel.y = widgetSize.height / 2 - this._bottomDisplayLabel.height * 4;
var background = this._widget.getChildByName("background_Panel");
// Create the scrollview
var scrollView = new ccui.ScrollView();
scrollView.setContentSize(cc.size(280, 150));
scrollView.x = (widgetSize.width - background.width) / 2 + (background.width - scrollView.width) / 2;
scrollView.y = (widgetSize.height - background.height) / 2 + (background.height - scrollView.height) / 2;
var Texts = [];
var start = new ccui.Text("---start---", "Thonburi", 10);
var innerWidth = scrollView.width;
var innerHeight = 1000 * start.height;
scrollView.setInnerContainerSize(cc.size(innerWidth, innerHeight));
start.x = innerWidth / 2;
start.y = scrollView.getInnerContainerSize().height - start.height / 2;
Texts[0] = start;
for(var i=1; i<2000; i++) {
var text = new ccui.Text("This is a test label: "+i, "Thonburi", 10);
text.x = innerWidth / 2;
text.y = Texts[i-1].getBottomBoundary() - text.height / 2;
Texts[i] = text;
return true;
return false;