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update changelog
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,86 @@
cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2 @Mar.20 2013
[all platforms]
Bug #1529: use NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android implement CCUserDefault
Bug #1672: fix a bug that CCTableView is too sensitive on some devices with high density display
Bug #1689: support horizontal alignment for Custom TTF fonts
Bug #1691: fix a bug that CCControlSwitch::setOn(isOn,false) doesn't work
Bug #1692: add TMX polygon parsing
Bug #1697: fix a logical error in CCRenderTexture::initWithWidthAndHeight()
Bug #1710: add simpler,correct handling of spritesheet sources for CCScale9Sprite
Bug #1711: fix a bug that clipping rectangle of CCScrollView is wrong when the scale of its ancestors isn't equal to 1
Bug #1731: change declaration of CCSize, CCPoint and CCRect in pkg file
Bug #1751: fix a bug that clicking outside of CCTableViewCell will also get response when container size is smaller than view size
Bug #1754: fix a bug that offset of the container is wrong in CCTableView
Bug #1821: fix a bug that the display result is wrong when invoking CCControlButton::setHighlighted()
Feature #1686: synchronize to cocos2d-iphone v2.1rc0
Feature #1708: adding Portuguese and Arabic language support
Feature #1712: add an interface to get DPI
Feature #1741: CCLens3d can be concave
Feature #1742: add 'rotationIsDir' property to ParticleSystem
Feature #1761: implement setVisible() for CCEditBox
Feature #1807: add getStartLocationInView() and getStartLocation() methods in CCTouch
Feature #1822: add CCNotificationCenter::removeAllObservers(CCObject *target)
Feature #1838: synchronize CCBReader to the lastest version
Feature #1489: add AssetsManager
Refactor #1687: refactor CCFileUtils and CCImage
Refactor #1700: add webp image format support
Refactor #1702: change return value of CCFileUtils::getWritablePath()
Refactor #1703: replace libxml2 with tinyxml2
Refactor #1749: add 'setFont' and 'setAnchorPoint' to CCEditBox
Bug #1752: fix a bug that libcurl.a causes link error after being stripped
Bug #1760: fix a bug that cpufeatures module is redefined
Bug #1775: fix a bug that OpenSLEngine can not load resources from SD card
Bug #1812: fix a warning of getStringWithEllipsisJni() function when compiling it with clang
Feature #1827: support building android project, including native codes, in Eclipse
Bug #1750: fix a bug that CCEditBox's position is incorrect when it's added to a non-fullscreen CCNode
Bug #1804: fix for loading custom fonts on iOS when referenced from a CCB file
Feature #1842: support kEditBoxInputFlagSensitive setting for CCEditBox on iOS
Refactor #1755: add CocosDenshion xcode project
Refactor #1825: use CCLabelTTF to show text for CCEditBox
[javascript binding]
Bug #1707: fix a crash caused by unaligned memory access in CCBReader::readFloat()
Bug #1726: fix crash of JSB application on android device with armv6 architecture
Bug #1729: fix compiling error of ScriptingCore.cpp with C++11 on iOS
Bug #1747: fix a crash when passing null to cc.AnimationFrame.initWithSpriteFrame()
Bug #1823: use shared NodeLoaderLibrary in CCBReader bindings
Feature #1724: add HelloJS sample
Feature #1730: bind CCScrollView and CCTableView to js
Feature #1748: separate chipmunk and sqlite from js_binding_core.cpp
Feature #1753: upgrade SpiderMonkey to Firefox19.
Feature #1808: make cxx_generator support parsing functions that have default parameters
Feature #1811: add a method to get file data for JSB
Feature #1824: bind CCEditBox to JS
Refactor #1682: add ScriptingCore::getGlobalObject() function
Refactor #1740: add cleanup and reset methods to ScriptingCore
Refactor #1830: use JS::CompileOptions::setUTF8(true) to compile script
Refactor #1836: make js target of "cc.Scheduler().scheduleCallbackForTarget()" accept a object that not depend on CCNode or its subclass
Refactor #1837: refactor schedule binding codes
[lua binding]
Bug #1745: fix a bug that CCRepeat:create() receives error argument
Feature #1425: fix errors in lua test cases and add more test cases
Feature #1698: add CCLuaObjcBridge
Feature #1802: add TouchesTest for lua binding
Refactor #1818: cleanup the tolua++ bindings build system
Feature #1634: CCEditBox support
Feature #1746: add VS2012 Express template installing support
Bug #1688: fix a bug that truetype fonts from resource directory can't be found
Bug #1810: fix a bug that SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() and playBackgroundMusic() play twice on linux
Bug #1819: fix a bug that building script exits when missing packages
Bug #1834: fix the size calculations for true type fonts (especially for italic fonts)
Refactor #1806: refactor linux build system
Refactor #1820: add 'make run' target for linux projects
[mac os]
Bug #1637: fix a bug that CCLabelTTF & CCMenuItemLabel cannot display on Mac Retina
[black berry]
Refactor #1709: add support for multiple background music sources
[chrome native client]
Feature #1762: add Native Client support
cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.1 @Jan.29 2013
[ all platforms]
Bug #1547: fix a bug that when CCMenuItem is removed before touch ended, application will crash if keeping moving
Reference in New Issue