update cocos2dx.ini for luabinding

This commit is contained in:
dualface 2015-07-26 17:16:50 +08:00
parent bd39247192
commit 4c7e4c654a
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ prefix = cocos2dx
target_namespace = cc
android_headers = -I%(androidndkdir)s/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.7/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/libs/armeabi-v7a/include -I%(androidndkdir)s/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/include
android_flags = -D_SIZE_T_DEFINED_
android_flags = -D_SIZE_T_DEFINED_
clang_headers = -I%(clangllvmdir)s/lib/clang/3.3/include
clang_headers = -I%(clangllvmdir)s/lib/clang/3.3/include
clang_flags = -nostdinc -x c++ -std=c++11 -U __SSE__
cocos_headers = -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/platform/android -I%(cocosdir)s/cocos/editor-support -I%(cocosdir)s/external
cocos_flags = -DANDROID
cxxgenerator_headers =
cxxgenerator_headers =
# extra arguments for clang
extra_arguments = %(android_headers)s %(clang_headers)s %(cxxgenerator_headers)s %(cocos_headers)s %(android_flags)s %(clang_flags)s %(cocos_flags)s %(extra_flags)s
extra_arguments = %(android_headers)s %(clang_headers)s %(cxxgenerator_headers)s %(cocos_headers)s %(android_flags)s %(clang_flags)s %(cocos_flags)s %(extra_flags)s
# what headers to parse
headers = %(cocosdir)s/cocos/cocos2d.h %(cocosdir)s/cocos/2d/CCProtectedNode.h %(cocosdir)s/cocos/base/CCAsyncTaskPool.h
# what classes to produce code for. You can use regular expressions here. When testing the regular
# expression, it will be enclosed in "^$", like this: "^Menu*$".
classes = New.* Sprite.* Scene Node.* Director Layer.* Menu.* Touch .*Action.* Move.* Rotate.* Blink.* Tint.* Sequence Repeat.* Fade.* Ease.* Scale.* Transition.* Spawn Animat.* Flip.* Delay.* Skew.* Jump.* Place.* Show.* Progress.* PointArray ToggleVisibility.* RemoveSelf Hide Particle.* Label.* Atlas.* TextureCache.* Texture2D Cardinal.* CatmullRom.* ParallaxNode TileMap.* .*TMX.* CallFunc RenderTexture GridAction Grid3DAction GridBase$ .+Grid Shaky3D Waves3D FlipX3D FlipY3D Speed ActionManager Set Scheduler Timer Orbit.* Follow.* Bezier.* CardinalSpline.* Camera.* DrawNode .*3D$ Liquid$ Waves$ ShuffleTiles$ TurnOffTiles$ Split.* Twirl$ FileUtils$ GLProgram ShaderCache Application ClippingNode MotionStreak ^Ref$ UserDefault GLViewImpl GLView Image Event(?!.*(Physics).*).* Component ProtectedNode Console GLProgramCache GLProgramState Device ClippingRectangleNode .*Light$ AsyncTaskPool RenderState Material Properties Technique Pass PolygonInfo AutoPolygon
classes = New.* Sprite.* Scene Node.* Director Layer.* Menu.* Touch .*Action.* Move.* Rotate.* Blink.* Tint.* Sequence Repeat.* Fade.* Ease.* Scale.* Transition.* Spawn Animat.* Flip.* Delay.* Skew.* Jump.* Place.* Show.* Progress.* PointArray ToggleVisibility.* RemoveSelf Hide Particle.* Label.* Atlas.* TextureCache.* Texture2D Cardinal.* CatmullRom.* ParallaxNode TileMap.* .*TMX.* CallFunc RenderTexture GridAction Grid3DAction GridBase$ .+Grid Shaky3D Waves3D FlipX3D FlipY3D Speed ActionManager Set Scheduler Timer Orbit.* Follow.* Bezier.* CardinalSpline.* Camera.* DrawNode .*3D$ Liquid$ Waves$ ShuffleTiles$ TurnOffTiles$ Split.* Twirl$ FileUtils$ GLProgram ShaderCache Application ClippingNode MotionStreak ^Ref$ UserDefault GLViewImpl GLView Image Event(?!.*(Physics).*).* Component ProtectedNode Console GLProgramCache GLProgramState Device ClippingRectangleNode .*Light$ AsyncTaskPool RenderState Material Properties Technique Pass PolygonInfo AutoPolygon BoneNode SkeletonNode
# what should we skip? in the format ClassName::[function function]
# ClassName is a regular expression, but will be used like this: "^ClassName$" functions are also
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ rename_functions = SpriteFrameCache::[addSpriteFramesWithFile=addSpriteFrames ge
rename_classes = ParticleSystemQuad::ParticleSystem
# for all class names, should we remove something when registering in the target VM?
remove_prefix =
remove_prefix =
# classes for which there will be no "parent" lookup
classes_have_no_parents = Director FileUtils TMXMapInfo Application