
This commit is contained in:
halx99 2023-08-11 20:13:50 +08:00
parent 3b7e08d89c
commit 4c88a5e07f
1 changed files with 18 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
echo "VER=$VER"
function println($msg) {
Write-Host $msg
println "VER=$VER"
$AX_ROOT=(Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot/../..").Path
println "AX_ROOT=$AX_ROOT"
$pwsh_ver = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
@ -60,25 +65,23 @@ if ($newVerList.GetType() -eq [string]) {
$myVerList = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (Get-Content './thirdparty/prebuilts.yml' -raw)
$updateCount = 0
function update_lib
echo "lib_name=$lib_name"
$myVer = $myVerList[$lib_name]
if ($newVerList[$lib_name] -eq $myVer) {
Write-Host "No update for lib: $lib_name, version: $myVer, skip it"
println "No update for lib: $lib_name, version: $myVer, skip it"
return 0
echo "Updating lib files for ${lib_dir} from ./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name ..."
println "Updating lib files for ${lib_dir} from ./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name ..."
# https://github.com/axmolengine/build1k/releases/download/v57/angle.zip
download_and_expand "https://github.com/axmolengine/build1k/releases/download/$VER/$lib_name.zip" "./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name.zip" "./tmp/package_$VER"
@ -87,24 +90,25 @@ function update_lib
Copy-Item ./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name/prebuilt $lib_dir/ -Container -Recurse
if (Test-Path "./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name/include" -PathType Container) {
echo "Update inc files for ${lib_dir}"
println "Update inc files for ${lib_dir}"
Remove-Item $inc_dir -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item ./tmp/package_$VER/$lib_name/include $lib_dir/ -Container -Recurse
return 1
echo "Updating libs ..."
println "Updating libs ..."
$libs_list = @('angle', 'curl', 'jpeg-turbo', 'openssl', 'zlib')
# update libs
$updateCount = 0
foreach($lib_name in $libs_list) {
update_lib $lib_name
$updateCount += $(update_lib $lib_name)
update_lib luajit lua/
$updateCount += $(update_lib luajit lua/)
# update README.md
$content = $(Get-Content -Path ./thirdparty/README.md.in -raw)
@ -118,8 +122,8 @@ Set-Content -Path ./thirdparty/README.md -Value "$content"
Copy-Item -Path './tmp/verlist.yml' './thirdparty/prebuilts.yml' -Force
if ($updateCount -eq 0) {
echo "No any lib need update."
println "No any lib need update."
if ("$env.RUNNER_OS" -ne "") {