mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Merge pull request #5298 from heliclei/develop
[jenkins]To add ios build support:fix xcodebuild stackoverflow, add shared build schemes
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ build_*_vc10/
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BuildableName = "build-all-tests iOS"
BlueprintName = "build-all-tests iOS"
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buildConfiguration = "Debug">
selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"
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debugDocumentVersioning = "YES">
buildConfiguration = "Debug">
buildConfiguration = "Release"
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#put xctool.sh into your PATH
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
xctool.sh -project "$COCOS2DX_ROOT"/build/cocos2d_samples.xcodeproj -scheme "build-all-samples iOS" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" clean
xctool.sh -project "$COCOS2DX_ROOT"/build/cocos2d_samples.xcodeproj -scheme "build-all-samples iOS" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" build
xcodebuild -project "$COCOS2DX_ROOT"/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build-all-tests iOS" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" clean
xcodebuild -project "$COCOS2DX_ROOT"/build/cocos2d_tests.xcodeproj -scheme "build-all-tests iOS" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone Retina (4-inch)" build
@ -16,21 +16,25 @@ def main():
#get pull number
pr_num = payload['number']
print 'pr_num:' + str(pr_num)
payload_forword = {"number":pr_num}
#build for pull request action 'open' and 'synchronize', skip 'close'
action = payload['action']
print 'action: ' + action
pr = payload['pull_request']
payload_forword['action'] = action
pr = payload['pull_request']
url = pr['html_url']
print "url:" + url
payload_forword['html_url'] = url
#get statuses url
statuses_url = pr['statuses_url']
payload_forword['statuses_url'] = statuses_url
#get pr target branch
branch = pr['base']['ref']
payload_forword['branch'] = branch
#set commit status to pending
target_url = os.environ['BUILD_URL']
@ -59,10 +63,10 @@ def main():
job_trigger_url = os.environ['JOB_TRIGGER_URL']
job_trigger_url = os.environ['JOB_TRIGGER_URL']+access_token
#send trigger and payload
post_data = {'payload':""}
post_data['payload']= payload_str
post_data['payload']= json.dumps(payload_forword)
requests.post(job_trigger_url, data=post_data)
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ payload_str = os.environ['payload']
payload_str = payload_str.decode('utf-8','ignore')
#parse to json obj
payload = json.loads(payload_str)
pr = payload['pull_request']
url = pr['html_url']
#pr = payload['pull_request']
url = payload['html_url']
print "build pr:" + url
#get statuses url
statuses_url = pr['statuses_url']
statuses_url = payload['statuses_url']
J = Jenkins(os.environ['JENKINS_URL'])
target_url = os.environ['BUILD_URL']
@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ def main():
action = payload['action']
print 'action: ' + action
pr = payload['pull_request']
#pr = payload['pull_request']
url = pr['html_url']
url = payload['html_url']
print "url:" + url
pr_desc = '<h3><a href='+ url + '> pr#' + str(pr_num) + ' is '+ action +'</a></h3>'
#get statuses url
statuses_url = pr['statuses_url']
statuses_url = payload['statuses_url']
#get pr target branch
branch = pr['base']['ref']
branch = payload['branch']
#set commit status to pending
#target_url = os.environ['BUILD_URL']
@ -62,21 +62,7 @@ def main():
target_url = jenkins_url + 'job/' + job_name + '/' + build_number + '/'
set_description(pr_desc, target_url)
if(action == 'closed'):
print 'pull request #' + str(pr_num) + ' is '+action+', no build triggered'
r = requests.get(pr['url']+"/commits")
commits = r.json()
last_commit = commits[len(commits)-1]
message = last_commit['commit']['message']
pattern = re.compile("\[ci(\s+)skip\]", re.I)
result = pattern.search(message)
if result is not None:
print 'skip build for pull request #' + str(pr_num)
data = {"state":"pending", "target_url":target_url}
access_token = os.environ['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']
@ -92,12 +78,10 @@ def main():
os.system("git checkout develop")
os.system("git branch -D pull" + str(pr_num))
#clean workspace
print "git clean -xdf"
print "git clean -xdf"
os.system("git clean -xdf")
#fetch pull request to local repo
git_fetch_pr = "git fetch origin pull/" + str(pr_num) + "/head"
git_fetch_pr = "git fetch origin pull/" + str(pr_num) + "/merge"
@ -122,34 +106,31 @@ def main():
os.system("cd " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']);
#add symbol link
print platform.system()
if(platform.system() == 'Darwin'):
for item in PROJECTS:
cmd = "ln -s " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/android_build_objs/ " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/samples/"+item+"/proj.android/obj"
cmd = "ln -s " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/android_build_objs/ " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+"/tests/"+item+"/proj.android/obj"
elif(platform.system() == 'Windows'):
for item in PROJECTS:
p = item.replace("/", os.sep)
cmd = "mklink /J "+os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"samples"+os.sep +p+os.sep+"proj.android"+os.sep+"obj " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"android_build_objs"
cmd = "mklink /J "+os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"tests"+os.sep +p+os.sep+"proj.android"+os.sep+"obj " + os.environ['WORKSPACE']+os.sep+"android_build_objs"
print cmd
#TODO: support android-mac build currently
#TODO: add android-windows7 build
#TODO: add android-linux build
#TODO: add ios build
#TODO: add mac build
#TODO: add win32 build
node_name = os.environ['NODE_NAME']
if(branch == 'develop'):
if(node_name == 'android_mac') or (node_name == 'android_win7'):
ret = os.system("python build/android-build.py -n -j10 all")
elif(node_name == 'win32_win7'):
ret = subprocess.call('"%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\devenv.com" "build\cocos2d-win32.vc2012.sln" /Build "Debug|Win32"', shell=True)
elif(node_name == 'ios_mac'):
ret = os.system("tools/jenkins-scripts/ios-build.sh")
elif(branch == 'master'):
if(platform.system() == 'Darwin'):
ret = os.system("samples/Cpp/TestCpp/proj.android/build_native.sh")
Reference in New Issue