Fixed a comment.

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Gramlich 2012-06-15 16:06:54 -07:00
parent d175884f79
commit 54944ab1f9
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -540,10 +540,11 @@ CCString * CCNodeLoader::parsePropTypeText(CCNode * pNode, CCNode * pParent, CCB
CCString * CCNodeLoader::parsePropTypeFontTTF(CCNode * pNode, CCNode * pParent, CCBReader * pCCBReader) {
CCString * fontTTF = pCCBReader->readCachedString();
CCString * ttfEnding = CCString::stringWithCString(".ttf");
/* System fonts come without the ".ttf" extension, so remove the path if there is one. */
/* If the fontTTF comes with the ".ttf" extension, prepend the absolute path.
* System fonts come without the ".ttf" extension and do not need the path prepended. */
if(CCBReader::endsWith(CCBReader::toLowerCase(fontTTF), ttfEnding)){
fontTTF = CCBReader::concat(pCCBReader->getCCBRootPath(), fontTTF);