mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Improve build scripts & update changelog
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# build1k
# 1kiss (1k)
The build1k - A cross-pltaform one step build powershell script with auto setup general dependent tools, aka `1kbuild`, shorten name `1k`
A cross-pltaform one step build powershell script with auto setup general dependent tools
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 HALX99
# Copyright (c) 2012-2024 HALX99
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
# The 1k/build.ps1, will be core script of project https://github.com/axmolengine/1k
# options
# -p: build target platform: win32,winuwp,linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,watchos,wasm
# -p: build target platform: win32,winrt(winuwp),linux,android,osx(mac),ios,tvos,watchos,wasm
# for android: will search ndk in sdk_root which is specified by env:ANDROID_HOME first,
# if not found, by default will install ndk-r16b or can be specified by option: -cc 'ndk-r23c'
# -a: build arch: x86,x64,armv7,arm64
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
# -xt: cross build tool, default: cmake, for android can be gradlew, can be path of cross build tool program
# -xc: cross build tool configure options: i.e. -xc '-Dbuild'
# -xb: cross build tool build options: i.e. -xb '--config','Release'
# -prefix: the install location for missing tools in system, default is "$HOME/build1k"
# -prefix: the install location for missing tools in system, default is "$HOME/.1kiss"
# -sdk: specific windows sdk version, i.e. -sdk '10.0.19041.0', leave empty, cmake will auto choose latest avaiable
# -setupOnly: this param present, only execute step: setup
# -configOnly: if this param present, will skip build step
# support matrix
# | OS | Build targets | C/C++ compiler toolchain | Cross Build tool |
# +----------+----------------------+---------------------------+------------------|
# | Windows | win32,winuwp | msvc,clang,gcc(mingw) | cmake |
# | Windows | win32,winrt | msvc,clang,gcc(mingw) | cmake |
# | Linux | linux,android | gcc,ndk | cmake,gradle |
# | macOS | osx,ios,tvos,watchos | xcode | cmake |
# android gradle, there a two props:
@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
$myRoot = $PSScriptRoot
@ -73,10 +74,10 @@ $HOST_MAC = 2 # targets: android,ios,osx(macos),tvos,watchos
$Global:IsWin = $IsWindows -or ("$env:OS" -eq 'Windows_NT')
if ($Global:IsWin) {
$envPathSep = ';'
else {
$envPathSep = ':'
if ($IsLinux) {
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ else {
else {
throw "Unsupported host OS to run build1k.ps1"
throw "Unsupported host OS to run 1k/build.ps1"
@ -94,11 +95,11 @@ $Script:cmake_generator = $null
class build1k {
[void] println($msg) {
Write-Host "build1k: $msg"
Write-Host "1kiss: $msg"
[void] print($msg) {
Write-Host "build1k: $msg" -NoNewline
Write-Host "1kiss: $msg" -NoNewline
[System.Boolean] isfile([string]$path) {
@ -203,15 +204,16 @@ $channels = @{}
$cmdlinetools_rev = '10406996'
$options = @{
p = $null;
a = $null;
d = $null;
cc = $null;
xt = 'cmake';
prefix = $null;
xc = @();
xb = @();
sdk = $null;
p = $null
a = $null
d = $null
cc = $null
t = '' # cb_target
xt = 'cmake'
prefix = $null
xc = @()
xb = @()
sdk = $null
dll = $false
@ -257,6 +259,10 @@ if (!$TARGET_OS) {
# choose host target if not specified by command line automatically
$TARGET_OS = $options.p = $('win32', 'linux', 'osx').Get($HOST_OS)
$target_os_norm = @{winuwp = 'winrt'; mac = 'osx' }[$TARGET_OS]
if ($target_os_norm) {
$TARGET_OS = $target_os_norm
$is_wasm = $TARGET_OS -eq 'wasm'
if (!$is_wasm) {
@ -283,7 +289,7 @@ $HOST_OS_NAME = $('windows', 'linux', 'macos').Get($HOST_OS)
$TOOLCHAIN = $options.cc
$toolchains = @{
'win32' = 'msvc';
'winuwp' = 'msvc';
'winrt' = 'msvc';
'linux' = 'gcc';
'android' = 'ndk';
'osx' = 'xcode';
@ -308,7 +314,7 @@ if (!$TOOLCHAIN_VER) {
$external_prefix = if ($options.prefix) { $options.prefix } else { Join-Path $HOME '.build1k' }
$external_prefix = if ($options.prefix) { $options.prefix } else { Join-Path $HOME '.1kiss' }
if (!$b1k.isdir($external_prefix)) {
@ -396,7 +402,7 @@ function find_prog($name, $path = $null, $mode = 'ONLY', $cmd = $null, $params =
$env:PATH = $path
elseif ($mode -eq 'BOTH') {
$env:PATH = "$path$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$path$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
else {
@ -443,7 +449,7 @@ function find_prog($name, $path = $null, $mode = 'ONLY', $cmd = $null, $params =
# needs restore immidiately since further cmd invoke maybe require system bins
if ($path) {
$env:PATH = "$path$envPathSep$storedPATH"
$env:PATH = "$path$ENV_PATH_SEP$storedPATH"
$found_rets = $null # prog_path,prog_version
@ -513,7 +519,13 @@ function download_file($url, $out) {
function download_and_expand($url, $out, $dest) {
download_file $url $out
if ($out.EndsWith('.zip')) {
Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $dest
try {
Expand-Archive -Path $out -DestinationPath $dest
catch {
Remove-Item $out -Force
throw "1kiss: Expand archive $out fail, please try again"
elseif ($out.EndsWith('.tar.gz')) {
if (!$dest.EndsWith('/')) {
@ -544,7 +556,7 @@ function setup_nuget() {
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($nuget_bin) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "$nuget_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$nuget_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
$b1k.println("Using nuget: $nuget_prog, version: $nuget_ver")
return $nuget_prog
@ -593,7 +605,7 @@ function setup_ninja() {
download_and_expand "https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases/download/v$ninja_ver/ninja-$suffix.zip" $ninja_pkg "$external_prefix/ninja/"
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($ninja_bin) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "$ninja_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$ninja_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
$ninja_prog = (Join-Path $ninja_bin "ninja$exeSuffix")
@ -673,7 +685,7 @@ function setup_cmake($skipOS = $false) {
if (($null -ne $cmake_bin) -and ($env:PATH.IndexOf($cmake_bin) -eq -1)) {
$env:PATH = "$cmake_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$cmake_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
return $cmake_prog
@ -701,7 +713,7 @@ function setup_nsis() {
$nsis_prog, $nsis_ver = find_prog -name 'nsis' -cmd 'makensis' -params '/VERSION' -path $nsis_bin -silent $true
if (!$nsis_prog) {
download_and_expand "https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/nsis/NSIS%203/$nsis_ver/nsis-$nsis_ver.zip" "$external_prefix/nsis-$nsis_ver.zip" "$external_prefix"
$nsis_dir = "$nsis_bin-$nsis_ver"
if ($b1k.isdir($nsis_dir)) {
@ -710,7 +722,7 @@ function setup_nsis() {
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($nsis_bin) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "$nsis_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$nsis_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
$nsis_prog = (Join-Path $nsis_bin "makensis$exeSuffix")
@ -718,6 +730,37 @@ function setup_nsis() {
return $nsis_prog
function setup_nasm() {
if (!$manifest['nasm']) { return $null }
$nasm_prog, $nasm_ver = find_prog -name 'nasm' -path "$external_prefix/nasm" -mode 'BOTH' -silent $true
if (!$nasm_prog) {
if ($IsWindows) {
$nasm_bin = Join-Path $external_prefix "nasm-$nasm_ver"
if (!(Test-Path $nasm_bin -PathType Container)) {
download_and_expand "https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/$nasm_ver/win64/nasm-$nasm_ver-win64.zip" "$external_prefix/nasm-$nasm_ver-win64.zip" "$external_prefix"
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($nsis_bin) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "$nasm_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
elseif ($IsLinux) {
if ($(which dpkg)) {
sudo apt-get install nasm
elseif ($IsMacOS) {
brew install nasm
$nasm_prog, $nasm_ver = find_prog -name 'nasm' -path "$external_prefix/nasm" -mode 'BOTH' -silent $true
if ($nasm_prog) {
$b1k.println("Using nasm: $nasm_prog, version: $nasm_ver")
function setup_jdk() {
if (!$manifest['jdk']) { return $null }
$suffix = $('windows-x64.zip', 'linux-x64.tar.gz', 'macOS-x64.tar.gz').Get($HOST_OS)
@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ function setup_jdk() {
$env:JAVA_HOME = $java_home
$env:CLASSPATH = ".;$java_home\lib\dt.jar;$java_home\lib\tools.jar"
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($jdk_bin) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "$jdk_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$jdk_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
$javac_prog = find_prog -name 'jdk' -cmd 'javac' -path $jdk_bin -mode 'ONLY' -silent $true
if (!$javac_prog) {
@ -801,7 +844,7 @@ function setup_llvm() {
# add our llvm root to PATH temporary
if (($env:PATH.IndexOf($llvm_bin) -eq -1)) {
$env:PATH = "$llvm_bin$envPathSep$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "$llvm_bin$ENV_PATH_SEP$env:PATH"
@ -930,8 +973,12 @@ function setup_android_sdk() {
$ndkFullVer = $ndks[$ndk_ver]
((1..10 | ForEach-Object { "yes"; Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }) | . $sdkmanager_prog --licenses --sdk_root=$sdk_root) | Out-Host
exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params '--verbose', "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", 'platform-tools', 'cmdline-tools;latest', 'platforms;android-33', 'build-tools;30.0.3', 'cmake;3.22.1', $ndkFullVer | Out-Host
if (!$ndkOnly) {
exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params '--verbose', "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", 'platform-tools', 'cmdline-tools;latest', 'platforms;android-33', 'build-tools;30.0.3', 'cmake;3.22.1', $ndkFullVer | Out-Host
else {
exec_prog -prog $sdkmanager_prog -params '--verbose', "--sdk_root=$sdk_root", $ndkFullVer | Out-Host
$fullVer = $ndkFullVer.Split(';')[1]
$ndk_root = (Resolve-Path -Path "$sdk_root/ndk/$fullVer").Path
@ -975,6 +1022,76 @@ function setup_emsdk() {
function find_vs() {
$vs_versions = "2022", "2019"
$vs_roots = "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio", "$env:ProgramFiles (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio"
$vs_editions = "Enterprise", "Professional", "Community", "Preview"
Foreach ($vs_root in $vs_roots) {
Foreach ($vs_version in $vs_versions) {
Foreach ($vs_edition in $vs_editions) {
$vs_path = "$vs_root\$vs_version\$vs_edition"
if (Test-Path "$vs_path" -PathType Container) {
return $vs_path
return $null
function setup_devenv($vs_path = $null) {
$cl_prog, $cl_ver = find_prog -name 'cl' -silent $true
if (!$cl_prog) {
if (!$vs_path) { $vs_path = find_vs }
if ($vs_path) {
Import-Module "$vs_path\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll"
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstanceId a55efc1d -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdArguments "-arch=$target_arch -host_arch=x64 -no_logo"
# msvc14x support
$use_msvcr14x = $null
if ([bool]::TryParse($env:use_msvcr14x, [ref]$use_msvcr14x) -and $use_msvcr14x) {
if ("$env:LIB".IndexOf('msvcr14x') -eq -1) {
$msvcr14x_root = $env:msvcr14x_ROOT
$env:Platform = $target_arch
Invoke-Expression -Command "$msvcr14x_root\msvcr14x_nmake.ps1"
println "LIB=$env:LIB"
} else {
throw "Visual Studio not installed!"
# google gn build system, current windows only for build angleproject/dawn on windows
function setup_gclient() {
if (!$ninja_prog) {
$ninja_prog = setup_ninja
if ($TARGET_OS.StartsWith('win')) {
# setup gclient tool
# download depot_tools
# git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git $gclient_dir
$gclient_dir = Join-Path $external_prefix 'depot_tools'
if(!(Test-Path $gclient_dir -PathType Container)) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra/depot_tools.zip" -OutFile "${gclient_dir}.zip"
Expand-Archive -Path "${gclient_dir}.zip" -DestinationPath $gclient_dir
if ($env:PATH.IndexOf($gclient_dir) -eq -1) {
$env:PATH = "${gclient_dir}$ENV_PATH_SEP${env:PATH}"
# preprocess methods:
# <param>-inputOptions</param> [CMAKE_OPTIONS]
function preprocess_win([string[]]$inputOptions) {
@ -1019,7 +1136,7 @@ function preprocess_win([string[]]$inputOptions) {
# platform
if ($TARGET_OS -eq "winuwp") {
if ($TARGET_OS -eq "winrt") {
@ -1078,9 +1195,10 @@ function preprocess_andorid([string[]]$inputOptions) {
# If set to ONLY, then only the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be searched
# If set to BOTH, then the host system paths and the paths in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be searched
# If set to NEVER, then the roots in CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will be ignored and only the host system root will be used
# CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is preferred for additional search directories when cross-compiling
# by default, we want find host program only when cross-compiling
@ -1133,7 +1251,7 @@ function validHostAndToolchain() {
'host' = @{'windows' = $True };
'toolchain' = @{'msvc' = $True; 'clang' = $True; 'gcc' = $True };
'winuwp' = @{
'winrt' = @{
'host' = @{'windows' = $True };
'toolchain' = @{'msvc' = $True; };
@ -1167,7 +1285,7 @@ function validHostAndToolchain() {
$proprocessTable = @{
'win32' = ${function:preprocess_win};
'winuwp' = ${function:preprocess_win};
'winrt' = ${function:preprocess_win};
'linux' = ${function:preprocess_linux};
'android' = ${function:preprocess_andorid};
'osx' = ${function:preprocess_osx};
@ -1185,7 +1303,7 @@ $null = setup_glslcc
$cmake_prog = setup_cmake
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'win32' -or $TARGET_OS -eq 'winuwp') {
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'win32' -or $TARGET_OS -eq 'winrt') {
$nuget_prog = setup_nuget
@ -1209,7 +1327,7 @@ elseif ($TARGET_OS -eq 'android') {
if (!(ensure_cmake_ninja $cmake_prog $ninja_prog)) {
$cmake_prog = setup_cmake -Force
if (!(ensure_cmake_ninja $cmake_prog $ninja_prog)) {
throw "Ensure ninja in cmake bin directory fail"
$b1k.println("Ensure ninja in cmake bin directory fail")
@ -1218,231 +1336,254 @@ elseif ($TARGET_OS -eq 'wasm') {
. setup_emsdk
$is_host_target = ($TARGET_OS -eq 'win32') -or ($TARGET_OS -eq 'linux') -or ($TARGET_OS -eq 'osx')
if (!$setupOnly) {
$stored_cwd = $(Get-Location).Path
if ($options.d) {
Set-Location $options.d
# parsing build optimize flag from build_options
$buildOptions = [array]$options.xb
$nopts = $buildOptions.Count
$optimize_flag = $null
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $nopts; ++$i) {
$optv = $buildOptions[$i]
switch ($optv) {
'--config' {
$optimize_flag = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1]
'--target' {
$cmake_target = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1]
if ($options.xt -ne 'gn') {
# parsing build optimize flag from build_options
$buildOptions = [array]$options.xb
$nopts = $buildOptions.Count
$optimize_flag = $null
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $nopts; ++$i) {
$optv = $buildOptions[$i]
switch ($optv) {
'--config' {
$optimize_flag = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1]
'--target' {
$cmake_target = $buildOptions[$i++ + 1]
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += $buildOptions
if (!$optimize_flag) {
if ($cmake_optimize_flags) {
$optimize_flag = $cmake_optimize_flags[$TARGET_OS]
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += $buildOptions
if (!$optimize_flag) {
$optimize_flag = 'Release'
if ($cmake_optimize_flags) {
$optimize_flag = $cmake_optimize_flags[$TARGET_OS]
if (!$optimize_flag) {
$optimize_flag = 'Release'
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--config', $optimize_flag
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--config', $optimize_flag
# enter building steps
$b1k.println("Building target $TARGET_OS on $HOST_OS_NAME with toolchain $TOOLCHAIN ...")
# enter building steps
$b1k.println("Building target $TARGET_OS on $HOST_OS_NAME with toolchain $TOOLCHAIN ...")
# step1. preprocess cross make options
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = [array]$(& $proprocessTable[$TARGET_OS] -inputOptions @() )
# step1. preprocess cross make options
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = [array]$(& $proprocessTable[$TARGET_OS] -inputOptions @() )
# determine generator, build_dir, inst_dir for non gradlew projects
if (!$is_gradlew) {
if (!$cmake_generator -and !$TARGET_OS.StartsWith('win')) {
# the default generator of unix targets: linux, osx, ios, android, wasm
if (!$cmake_generators) {
$cmake_generators = @{
'linux' = 'Unix Makefiles'
'android' = 'Ninja'
'wasm' = 'Ninja'
'osx' = 'Xcode'
'ios' = 'Xcode'
'tvos' = 'Xcode'
'watchos' = 'Xcode'
# determine generator, build_dir, inst_dir for non gradlew projects
if (!$is_gradlew) {
if (!$cmake_generator -and !$TARGET_OS.StartsWith('win')) {
# the default generator of unix targets: linux, osx, ios, android, wasm
if (!$cmake_generators) {
$cmake_generators = @{
'linux' = 'Unix Makefiles'
'android' = 'Ninja'
'wasm' = 'Ninja'
'osx' = 'Xcode'
'ios' = 'Xcode'
'tvos' = 'Xcode'
'watchos' = 'Xcode'
$cmake_generator = $cmake_generators[$TARGET_OS]
if ($null -eq $cmake_generator) {
$cmake_generator = if (!$IsWin) { 'Unix Makefiles' } else { 'Ninja' }
$cmake_generator = $cmake_generators[$options.p]
if ($null -eq $cmake_generator) {
$cmake_generator = if (!$IsWin) { 'Unix Makefiles' } else { 'Ninja' }
if ($cmake_generator) {
$using_ninja = $cmake_generator.StartsWith('Ninja')
if ($cmake_generator) {
$using_ninja = $cmake_generator.StartsWith('Ninja')
if (!$is_wasm) {
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += '-G', $cmake_generator
if (!$is_wasm) {
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += '-G', $cmake_generator
if ($cmake_generator -eq 'Unix Makefiles' -or $using_ninja) {
if ($cmake_generator -eq 'Unix Makefiles' -or $using_ninja) {
if ($using_ninja -and $options.p -eq 'android') {
$BUILD_DIR = $null
$INST_DIR = $null
$xopts_hints = 2
$xopt_presets = 0
$xprefix_optname = '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='
$xopts = [array]$options.xc
foreach ($opt in $xopts) {
if ($opt.StartsWith('-B')) {
$BUILD_DIR = $opt.Substring(2).Trim()
elseif ($opt.StartsWith($xprefix_optname)) {
$INST_DIR = $opt.SubString($xprefix_optname.Length)
if ($xopt_presets -eq $xopts_hints) {
$is_host_target = ($TARGET_OS -eq 'win32') -or ($TARGET_OS -eq 'linux') -or ($TARGET_OS -eq 'osx')
function resolve_out_dir($prefix, $category) {
if (!$prefix) {
$prefix = $category
if ($is_host_target) {
$out_dir = "${prefix}_${TARGET_ARCH}"
else {
$out_dir = "${prefix}_${TARGET_OS}"
if ($TARGET_ARCH -ne '*') {
$out_dir += "_$TARGET_ARCH"
if ($using_ninja -and $TARGET_OS -eq 'android') {
return $b1k.realpath($out_dir)
if (!$BUILD_DIR) {
$BUILD_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_build_prefix 'build'
if (!$INST_DIR) {
$INST_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_install_prefix 'install'
} else { # android gradle
# replace all cmake config options -DXXX to -P_1K_XXX
$xopts = @()
foreach($opt in $options.xc) {
if($opt.startsWith('-D')) {
$xopts += "-P_1K_$($opt.substring(2))"
$BUILD_DIR = $null
$INST_DIR = $null
$xopts_hints = 2
$xopt_presets = 0
$xprefix_optname = '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='
$xopts = [array]$options.xc
foreach ($opt in $xopts) {
if ($opt.StartsWith('-B')) {
$BUILD_DIR = $opt.Substring(2).Trim()
elseif ($opt.StartsWith($xprefix_optname)) {
$INST_DIR = $opt.SubString($xprefix_optname.Length)
if ($xopt_presets -eq $xopts_hints) {
elseif($opt.startsWith('-P')) {
$xopts += $opt
} # ignore unknown option type
# step2. apply additional cross make options
if ($xopts.Count -gt 0) {
$b1k.println("Apply additional cross make options: $($xopts), Count={0}" -f $xopts.Count)
if (($TARGET_OS -eq 'android') -and $is_gradlew) {
$storedLocation = (Get-Location).Path
$build_tool = (Get-Command $options.xt).Source
$build_tool_dir = Split-Path $build_tool -Parent
Set-Location $build_tool_dir
if (!$configOnly) {
if ($optimize_flag -eq 'Debug') {
& $build_tool assembleDebug $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
function resolve_out_dir($prefix, $category) {
if (!$prefix) {
$prefix = $category
if ($is_host_target) {
$out_dir = "${prefix}_${TARGET_ARCH}"
else {
$out_dir = "${prefix}_${TARGET_OS}"
if ($TARGET_ARCH -ne '*') {
$out_dir += "_$TARGET_ARCH"
return $b1k.realpath($out_dir)
else {
& $build_tool assembleRelease $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
if (!$BUILD_DIR) {
$BUILD_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_build_prefix 'build'
if (!$INST_DIR) {
$INST_DIR = resolve_out_dir $cmake_install_prefix 'install'
else {
& $build_tool tasks
Set-Location $storedLocation
else {
# step3. configure
$workDir = $(Get-Location).Path
$mainDep = Join-Path $workDir 'CMakeLists.txt'
if (!$b1k.isfile($mainDep)) {
throw "Missing CMakeLists.txt in $workDir"
$mainDepChanged = $false
# A Windows file time is a 64-bit value that represents the number of 100-nanosecond
$tempFileItem = Get-Item $mainDep
$lastWriteTime = $tempFileItem.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUTC()
$tempFile = Join-Path $BUILD_DIR 'b1k_cache.txt'
$storeHash = 0
if ($b1k.isfile($tempFile)) {
$storeHash = Get-Content $tempFile -Raw
$hashValue = $b1k.hash("$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS#$lastWriteTime")
$mainDepChanged = "$storeHash" -ne "$hashValue"
$cmakeCachePath = $b1k.realpath("$BUILD_DIR/CMakeCache.txt")
if ($mainDepChanged -or !$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath) -or $forceConfig) {
if (!$is_wasm) {
# android gradle
# replace all cmake config options -DXXX to -P_1K_XXX
$xopts = @()
foreach ($opt in $options.xc) {
if ($opt.startsWith('-D')) {
$xopts += "-P_1K_$($opt.substring(2))"
elseif ($opt.startsWith('-P')) {
$xopts += $opt
} # ignore unknown option type
else {
emcmake cmake -B $BUILD_DIR $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
Set-Content $tempFile $hashValue -NoNewline
if (!$configOnly) {
if (!$is_engine) {
if (!$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath)) {
throw "The cmake generate incomplete, pelase add '-f' to re-generate again"
# step2. apply additional cross make options
if ($xopts.Count -gt 0) {
$b1k.println("Apply additional cross make options: $($xopts), Count={0}" -f $xopts.Count)
if (($TARGET_OS -eq 'android') -and $is_gradlew) {
$storedLocation = (Get-Location).Path
$build_tool = (Get-Command $options.xt).Source
$build_tool_dir = Split-Path $build_tool -Parent
Set-Location $build_tool_dir
if (!$configOnly) {
if ($optimize_flag -eq 'Debug') {
& $build_tool assembleDebug $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
else {
& $build_tool assembleRelease $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
# step4. build
# apply additional build options
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "--parallel"
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'linux') {
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "$(nproc)"
else {
& $build_tool tasks
if (($cmake_generator -eq 'Xcode') -and ($BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS.IndexOf('--verbose') -eq -1)) {
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--', '-quiet'
cmake --build $BUILD_DIR $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
Set-Location $storedLocation
else {
# step3. configure
$env:buildResult = ConvertTo-Json @{
buildDir = $BUILD_DIR
targetOS = $TARGET_OS
hostArch = $hostArch
isHostArch = $TARGET_ARCH -eq $hostArch
isHostTarget = $is_host_target
$workDir = $(Get-Location).Path
$mainDep = Join-Path $workDir 'CMakeLists.txt'
if (!$b1k.isfile($mainDep)) {
$b1k.println("Missing CMakeLists.txt in $workDir")
Set-Location $stored_cwd
$mainDepChanged = $false
# A Windows file time is a 64-bit value that represents the number of 100-nanosecond
$tempFileItem = Get-Item $mainDep
$lastWriteTime = $tempFileItem.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUTC()
$tempFile = Join-Path $BUILD_DIR 'b1k_cache.txt'
$storeHash = 0
if ($b1k.isfile($tempFile)) {
$storeHash = Get-Content $tempFile -Raw
$hashValue = $b1k.hash("$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS#$lastWriteTime")
$mainDepChanged = "$storeHash" -ne "$hashValue"
$cmakeCachePath = $b1k.realpath("$BUILD_DIR/CMakeCache.txt")
if ($mainDepChanged -or !$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath) -or $forceConfig) {
if (!$is_wasm) {
else {
emcmake cmake -B $BUILD_DIR $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
Set-Content $tempFile $hashValue -NoNewline
if (!$configOnly) {
if (!$is_engine) {
if (!$b1k.isfile($cmakeCachePath)) {
throw "The cmake generate incomplete, pelase add '-f' to re-generate again"
# step4. build
# apply additional build options
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "--parallel"
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'linux') {
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += "$(nproc)"
if (($cmake_generator -eq 'Xcode') -and ($BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS.IndexOf('--verbose') -eq -1)) {
$BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS += '--', '-quiet'
cmake --build $BUILD_DIR $BUILD_ALL_OPTIONS | Out-Host
$env:buildResult = ConvertTo-Json @{
buildDir = $BUILD_DIR
targetOS = $TARGET_OS
hostArch = $hostArch
isHostArch = $TARGET_ARCH -eq $hostArch
isHostTarget = $is_host_target
} else {
# google gn build system: only support vs2022 currently
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS = $options.xc
$is_winrt = $target_os -eq 'winrt'
if ($is_winrt) {
$CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS += 'target_os=\"winuwp\"'
$cmdStr="gn gen out/release --sln=angle-release --ide=vs2022 ""--args=target_cpu=\""$BUILD_ARCH\"" $CONFIG_ALL_OPTIONS"""
Write-Output "Executing command: {$cmdStr}"
cmd /c $cmdStr
# build
$cmdStr="autoninja -C out\release --verbose $(${options}.t)"
Write-Output "Executing command: {$cmdStr}"
cmd /c $cmdStr
Set-Location $stored_cwd
@ -116,9 +116,11 @@ endif()
# Set find path mode properly for cross-compiling
# refer to: https://discourse.cmake.org/t/find-package-stops-working-when-cmake-system-name-ios/4609/6
# BUT: CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is preferred for additional search directories when cross-compiling
# by default, we want find host program only when cross-compiling
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
- Add extension: Inspector by @iAndyHD3
- Add *experimental* WebSocket support for both wasm and native platforms
- Mark 32bit build deprecated, and will be removed in next release axmol-2.2.0
- Add extension: DrawNodeEx by @aismann
### BugFixs
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
- Fix UILayout crash problem by @aismann
- Fix replace scene missing nullcheck for next scene by @armanhossiny
- Fix a crash caused by missing android view nullcheck by @Arvant
- Fix shader cache leak by @@j-jorge
### Improvements
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@
- Make `FileUtils::openFileStream` a const method by @rh101
- Improve cmake scripts for managing 3rd libs
- Add `Get TMXTilesetInfo` by name support by @lich426
- Include hpp and c files in CMakeLists.txt of cpp template by @@lich426
### Break changes
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# This script easy to build win32, linux, winuwp, ios, tvos, osx, android depends on $myRoot/1k/build.ps1
# This script easy to build win32, linux, winuwp(winrt), ios, tvos, osx, android depends on $myRoot/1k/build.ps1
# usage: pwsh build.ps1 -p <targetPlatform> -a <arch>
# options
# -p: build target platform: win32,winuwp,linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,wasm
# -p: build target platform: win32,winuwp(winrt),linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,wasm
# for android: will search ndk in sdk_root which is specified by env:ANDROID_HOME first,
# if not found, by default will install ndk-r16b or can be specified by option: -cc 'ndk-r23c'
# -a: build arch: x86,x64,armv7,arm64; for android can be list by ';', i.e: 'arm64;x64'
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function axmol_build() {
function axmol_deploy() {
$sub_args = $args
. axmol_build @sub_args
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'winuwp') {
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'winrt') {
$appxManifestFile = Join-Path $BUILD_DIR "bin/$cmake_target/$optimize_flag/Appx/AppxManifest.xml"
# deploy by visual studio major program: devenv.exe
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function axmol_deploy() {
function axmol_run() {
$sub_args = $args
. axmol_deploy @sub_args
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'winuwp') {
if ($TARGET_OS -eq 'winrt') {
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\$appxPkgName!App
elseif($TARGET_OS -eq 'win32') {
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Build projects to binary.
-h: show this help message and exit
-p: build target platform, valid value are: win32,winuwp,linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,wasm
-p: build target platform, valid value are: win32,winuwp(winrt),linux,android,osx,ios,tvos,wasm
for android: will search ndk in sdk_root which is specified by env:ANDROID_HOME first,
if not found, by default will install ndk-r16b or can be specified by option: -cc 'ndk-r23c'
-a: build arch: x86,x64,armv7,arm64; for android can be list by ';', i.e: 'arm64;x64'
Reference in New Issue