add binary decode to armature

This commit is contained in:
geron-cn 2014-06-18 17:43:13 +08:00
parent 9398395de8
commit 5cfbd3a2bd
2 changed files with 861 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1687,4 +1687,843 @@ void DataReaderHelper::decodeNode(BaseData *node, const rapidjson::Value& json,
} }
void DataReaderHelper::addDataFromBinaryCache(const char *fileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo)
CocoLoader tCocoLoader;
if (tCocoLoader.ReadCocoBinBuff((char*)fileContent))
stExpCocoNode *tpRootCocoNode = tCocoLoader.GetRootCocoNode();
rapidjson::Type tType = tpRootCocoNode->GetType(&tCocoLoader);
if (rapidjson::kObjectType == tType)
stExpCocoNode *tpChildArray = tpRootCocoNode->GetChildArray();
int nCount = tpRootCocoNode->GetChildNum();
dataInfo->contentScale = 1.0f;
int length = 0;
std::string key;
stExpCocoNode* pDataArray;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
key = tpChildArray[i].GetName(&tCocoLoader);
if ( == 0)
std::string value = tpChildArray[i].GetValue();
dataInfo->contentScale = atof(value.c_str());
else if ( 0 ==
pDataArray = tpChildArray[i].GetChildArray();
length = tpChildArray[i].GetChildNum();
ArmatureData * armatureData;
for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ++ii)
armatureData = decodeArmature(&tCocoLoader, &pDataArray[ii], dataInfo);
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addArmatureData(armatureData->name.c_str(), armatureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str());
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
else if ( 0 ==
pDataArray = tpChildArray[i].GetChildArray();
length = tpChildArray[i].GetChildNum();
AnimationData *animationData;
for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ++i)
animationData = decodeAnimation(&tCocoLoader, &pDataArray[ii], dataInfo);
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addAnimationData(animationData->name.c_str(), animationData, dataInfo->filename.c_str());
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
else if ( == 0)
pDataArray = tpChildArray[i].GetChildArray();
length = tpChildArray[i].GetChildNum();
for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ++ii)
TextureData *textureData = decodeTexture(&tCocoLoader, &pDataArray[ii]);
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addTextureData(textureData->name.c_str(), textureData, dataInfo->filename.c_str());
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
// Auto losprite file
bool autoLoad = dataInfo->asyncStruct == NULL ? ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->isAutoLoadSpriteFile() : dataInfo->asyncStruct->autoLoadSpriteFile;
if (autoLoad)
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
key = tpChildArray[i].GetName(&tCocoLoader);
if( 0 !=
length = tpChildArray[i].GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pConfigFilePath = tpChildArray[i].GetChildArray();
for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ii++)
const char *path = pConfigFilePath[ii].GetValue();
if (path == NULL)
CCLOG("load CONFIG_FILE_PATH error.");
std::string filePath = path;
filePath = filePath.erase(filePath.find_last_of("."));
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
std::string plistPath = filePath + ".plist";
std::string pngPath = filePath + ".png";
ArmatureDataManager::getInstance()->addSpriteFrameFromFile((dataInfo->baseFilePath + plistPath).c_str(), (dataInfo->baseFilePath + pngPath).c_str(), dataInfo->filename.c_str());
ArmatureData* DataReaderHelper::decodeArmature(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
ArmatureData *armatureData = new ArmatureData();
stExpCocoNode *pAramtureDataArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *name = pAramtureDataArray[2].GetValue(); //DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(json, A_NAME);
if(name != NULL)
armatureData->name = name;
float version = atof(pAramtureDataArray[1].GetValue());
dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion = armatureData->dataVersion = version; //DICTOOL->getFloatValue_json(json, VERSION, 0.1f);
int length = pAramtureDataArray[3].GetChildNum(); //DICTOOL->getArrayCount_json(json, BONE_DATA, 0);
stExpCocoNode *pBoneChildren = pAramtureDataArray[3].GetChildArray();
stExpCocoNode* child;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
//const rapidjson::Value &dic = DICTOOL->getSubDictionary_json(json, BONE_DATA, i); //json[BONE_DATA][i];
child = &pBoneChildren[i];
BoneData *boneData = decodeBone(pCocoLoader, child, dataInfo);
return armatureData;
BoneData* DataReaderHelper::decodeBone(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
BoneData *boneData = new BoneData();
decodeNode(boneData, pCocoLoader, pCocoNode, dataInfo);
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pBoneChildren = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
stExpCocoNode* child;
const char *str = NULL;
std::string key;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
child = &pBoneChildren[i];
key = child->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = child->GetValue();
if ( == 0)
//DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(json, A_NAME);
if(str != NULL)
boneData->name = str;
else if ( == 0)
//DICTOOL->getStringValue_json(json, A_PARENT);
if(str != NULL)
boneData->parentName = str;
else if ( == 0)
int count = child->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pDisplayData = child->GetChildArray();
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
DisplayData *displayData = decodeBoneDisplay(pCocoLoader, &pDisplayData[ii], dataInfo);
if(displayData == NULL)
return boneData;
DisplayData* DataReaderHelper::decodeBoneDisplay(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
stExpCocoNode* children = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
stExpCocoNode* child = &children[1];
const char *str = NULL;
std::string key = child->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = child->GetValue();
DisplayData *displayData = NULL;
if ( == 0)
str = child->GetValue();
DisplayType displayType = (DisplayType)(atoi(str));
int length = 0;
switch (displayType)
displayData = new SpriteDisplayData();
const char *name = children[0].GetValue();
if(name != NULL)
((SpriteDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = name;
stExpCocoNode *pSkinDataArray = children[2].GetChildArray();
if (pSkinDataArray != NULL)
stExpCocoNode *pSkinData = &pSkinDataArray[0];
if (pSkinData != NULL)
SpriteDisplayData *sdd = (SpriteDisplayData *)displayData;
length = pSkinData->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *SkinDataValue = pSkinData->GetChildArray();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
key = SkinDataValue[i].GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = SkinDataValue[i].GetValue();
if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.x = atof(str) * s_PositionReadScale;
else if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.y = atof(str) * s_PositionReadScale;
else if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.scaleX = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.scaleY = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.skewX = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
sdd->skinData.skewY = atof(str);
sdd->skinData.x *= dataInfo->contentScale;
sdd->skinData.y *= dataInfo->contentScale;
displayData = new ArmatureDisplayData();
const char *name = pCocoNode[0].GetValue();
if(name != NULL)
((ArmatureDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = name;
displayData = new ParticleDisplayData();
length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pDisplayData = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
key = pDisplayData[i].GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = pDisplayData[i].GetValue();
if ( == 0)
const char *plist = str;
if(plist != NULL)
if (dataInfo->asyncStruct)
((ParticleDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = dataInfo->asyncStruct->baseFilePath + plist;
((ParticleDisplayData *)displayData)->displayName = dataInfo->baseFilePath + plist;
displayData = new SpriteDisplayData();
displayData->displayType = displayType;
return displayData;
AnimationData* DataReaderHelper::decodeAnimation(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
AnimationData *aniData = new AnimationData();
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pAnimationData = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
std::string key;
stExpCocoNode* child;
MovementData *movementData;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
child = &pAnimationData[i];
key = child->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = child->GetValue();
if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
aniData->name = str;
else if ( == 0)
int movcount = child->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode* movArray = child->GetChildArray();
for( int movnum =0; movnum <movcount; movnum++)
movementData = decodeMovement(pCocoLoader, &movArray[movnum], dataInfo);
return aniData;
MovementData* DataReaderHelper::decodeMovement(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
MovementData *movementData = new MovementData();
movementData->scale = 1.0f;
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pMoveDataArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
std::string key;
stExpCocoNode* child;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
child = &pMoveDataArray[i];
key = child->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = child->GetValue();
if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
movementData->name = str;
else if ( == 0)
movementData->loop = true;
if(str != NULL)
if (strcmp("1", str) != 0)
movementData->loop = false;
else if ( == 0)
movementData->durationTween = 0;
if(str != NULL)
movementData->durationTween = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
movementData->durationTo = 0;
if(str != NULL)
movementData->durationTo = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
movementData->duration = 0;
if(str != NULL)
movementData->duration = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
movementData->scale = 1.0;
if(str != NULL)
movementData->scale = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
movementData->tweenEasing = cocos2d::tweenfunc::Linear;
if(str != NULL)
movementData->tweenEasing = (TweenType)(atoi(str));
else if ( == 0)
int count = child->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pMoveBoneData = child->GetChildArray();
MovementBoneData *movementBoneData;
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
movementBoneData = decodeMovementBone(pCocoLoader, &pMoveBoneData[ii],dataInfo);
return movementData;
MovementBoneData* DataReaderHelper::decodeMovementBone(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
MovementBoneData *movementBoneData = new MovementBoneData();
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pMovementBoneDataArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
stExpCocoNode* movebonechild;
const char *str = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
movebonechild = &pMovementBoneDataArray[i];
std::string key = movebonechild->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = movebonechild->GetValue();
if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
movementBoneData->name = str;
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
movementBoneData->delay = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
int count =movebonechild->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pFrameDataArray = movebonechild->GetChildArray();
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
FrameData *frameData = decodeFrame(pCocoLoader, &pFrameDataArray[ii], dataInfo);
if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED)
frameData->frameID = movementBoneData->duration;
movementBoneData->duration += frameData->duration;
const ssize_t framesizemusone = movementBoneData->frameList.size()-1;
if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_CHANGE_ROTATION_RANGE)
//! Change rotation range from (-180 -- 180) to (-infinity -- infinity)
cocos2d::Vector<FrameData*> frames =movementBoneData->frameList;
ssize_t imusone =0;
ssize_t i =0;
for (i = framesizemusone; i >= 0; i--)
if (i > 0)
imusone = i-1;
float difSkewX =>skewX ->skewX;
float difSkewY =>skewY ->skewY;
if (difSkewX < -M_PI || difSkewX > M_PI)
{>skewX = difSkewX < 0 ?>skewX - 2 * M_PI :>skewX + 2 * M_PI;
if (difSkewY < -M_PI || difSkewY > M_PI)
{>skewY = difSkewY < 0 ?>skewY - 2 * M_PI :>skewY + 2 * M_PI;
if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED)
if (movementBoneData->frameList.size() > 0)
FrameData *frameData = new FrameData();
frameData = movementBoneData->;
frameData->frameID = movementBoneData->duration;
return movementBoneData;
FrameData* DataReaderHelper::decodeFrame(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
FrameData *frameData = new FrameData();
decodeNode(frameData, pCocoLoader, pCocoNode, dataInfo);
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pFrameDataArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
std::string key = pFrameDataArray[i].GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = pFrameDataArray[i].GetValue();
if ( == 0)
frameData->tweenEasing = cocos2d::tweenfunc::Linear;
if(str != NULL)
frameData->tweenEasing = (TweenType)(atoi(str));
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
frameData->displayIndex = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
frameData->blendFunc.src = (GLenum)(atoi(str));
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
frameData->blendFunc.dst = (GLenum)(atoi(str));
else if ( == 0)
frameData->isTween = true;
if(str != NULL)
if (strcmp("1", str) != 0)
frameData->isTween = false;
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
frameData->strEvent = str;
else if ( == 0)
if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COMBINED)
frameData->duration = 1;
if(str != NULL)
frameData->duration = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
if (dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion >= VERSION_COMBINED)
if(str != NULL)
frameData->frameID = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
int count = pFrameDataArray[i].GetChildNum();
if (count != 0 )
frameData->easingParams = new float[count];
stExpCocoNode *pFrameData = pFrameDataArray[i].GetChildArray();
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
str = pFrameData[ii].GetValue();
if (str != NULL)
frameData->easingParams[ii] = atof(str);
return frameData;
TextureData* DataReaderHelper::decodeTexture(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode)
TextureData *textureData = new TextureData();
if(pCocoNode == NULL)
return textureData;
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pTextureDataArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
std::string key = pTextureDataArray[i].GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = pTextureDataArray[i].GetValue();
if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
textureData->name = str;
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
textureData->width = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
textureData->height = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
textureData->pivotX = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
if(str != NULL)
textureData->pivotY = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
int count = pTextureDataArray[i].GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pContourArray = pTextureDataArray[i].GetChildArray();
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ++ii)
ContourData *contourData = decodeContour(pCocoLoader, &pContourArray[ii]);
return textureData;
ContourData* DataReaderHelper::decodeContour(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode)
ContourData *contourData = new ContourData();
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *verTexPointArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
std::string key = verTexPointArray[i].GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = verTexPointArray[i].GetValue();
if ( == 0)
int count = verTexPointArray[i].GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *pVerTexPointArray = verTexPointArray[i].GetChildArray();
stExpCocoNode *pVerTexPoint;
for (int ii = count - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
pVerTexPoint = pVerTexPointArray[ii].GetChildArray();
Vec2 vertex;
vertex.x = atof(pVerTexPoint[0].GetValue());
vertex.y = atof(pVerTexPoint[1].GetValue());
contourData->vertexList.push_back(vertex); }
return contourData;
void DataReaderHelper::decodeNode(BaseData *node, CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo)
int length = pCocoNode->GetChildNum();
stExpCocoNode *NodeArray = pCocoNode->GetChildArray();
const char *str = NULL;
bool isVersionL = dataInfo->cocoStudioVersion < VERSION_COLOR_READING;
stExpCocoNode* child;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
child = &NodeArray[i];
std::string key = child->GetName(pCocoLoader);
str = child->GetValue();
if ( == 0)
node->x = atof(str) * dataInfo->contentScale;
else if ( == 0)
node->y = atof(str) * dataInfo->contentScale;
else if ( == 0)
node->zOrder = atoi(str);
else if ( == 0)
node->skewX = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
node->skewY = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
node->scaleX = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
node->scaleY = atof(str);
else if ( == 0)
if (!isVersionL)
if (child->GetType(pCocoLoader) == rapidjson::kObjectType)
if(child->GetChildNum() == 4)
stExpCocoNode *ChildArray = child->GetChildArray();
node->a = atoi(ChildArray[0].GetValue());
node->r = atoi(ChildArray[1].GetValue());
node->g = atoi(ChildArray[2].GetValue());
node->b = atoi(ChildArray[3].GetValue());
node->isUseColorInfo = true;
if (isVersionL)
int colorcoount = NodeArray[0].GetChildNum();
if (NodeArray[0].GetType(pCocoLoader) == rapidjson::kObjectType)
if(NodeArray[0].GetChildNum() == 4)
stExpCocoNode *ChildArray = NodeArray[0].GetChildArray();
node->a = atoi(ChildArray[0].GetValue());
node->r = atoi(ChildArray[1].GetValue());
node->g = atoi(ChildArray[2].GetValue());
node->b = atoi(ChildArray[3].GetValue());
node->isUseColorInfo = true;
} }

View File

@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "cocostudio/CCArmature.h" #include "cocostudio/CCArmature.h"
#include "cocostudio/DictionaryHelper.h" #include "cocostudio/DictionaryHelper.h"
#include "json/document.h"
#include "Cocoloader.h"
#include "DictionaryHelper.h"
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <queue> #include <queue>
#include <list> #include <list>
@ -172,6 +176,23 @@ public:
static void decodeNode(BaseData *node, const rapidjson::Value& json, DataInfo *dataInfo); static void decodeNode(BaseData *node, const rapidjson::Value& json, DataInfo *dataInfo);
// for binary decode
static void addDataFromBinaryCache(const char *fileContent, DataInfo *dataInfo = NULL);
static ArmatureData *decodeArmature(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static BoneData *decodeBone(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static DisplayData *decodeBoneDisplay(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static AnimationData *decodeAnimation(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static MovementData *decodeMovement(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static MovementBoneData *decodeMovementBone(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static FrameData *decodeFrame(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
static TextureData *decodeTexture(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode);
static ContourData *decodeContour(CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode);
static void decodeNode(BaseData *node, CocoLoader *pCocoLoader, stExpCocoNode *pCocoNode, DataInfo *dataInfo);
protected: protected:
void loadData(); void loadData();