Merge branch 'develop' into carlomorgantinizynga-new_develop_merge

This commit is contained in:
James Chen 2013-08-05 10:09:15 +08:00
commit 5ee6e7d79a
72 changed files with 466 additions and 1652 deletions

View File

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@ cocos2d-x authors & contributors
(ordered by the join in time)
Core Developers:
Zhe Wang (Walzer)
Ricardo Quesada
XiaoMing Zhang (Minggo)
JianHua Chen (Dumganhar)
Zhe Wang (Walzer)
Qingkui Hu (samuele3hu)
Huabing Xu (dabingnn)
Bo Yu (boyu0)
Ricardo Quesada
Rolando Abarca
Javascript Binding and testjs
@ -549,6 +552,10 @@ Developers:
Port Cocos2D-X to Qt 5
Nako Sung (nakosung)
Fixing a bug that wrong logic when pass an empty std::vector to WebSocket::init.
Exposing cc.RemoveSelf to JS.
Retired Core Developers:
WenSheng Yang
@ -574,6 +581,7 @@ Retired Core Developers:
Project creator: use absolute path for json config files
Documentation fixes
A better way to locate project creator
Cocos2d-x can not grow so fast without the active community.

View File

@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ public:
@brief Pause all playing sound effect
@param nSoundId The return value of function playEffect
void pauseAllEffects();
@ -202,7 +201,6 @@ public:
@brief Resume all playing sound effect
@param nSoundId The return value of function playEffect
void resumeAllEffects();

View File

@ -6,154 +6,47 @@ LOCAL_MODULE := cocos2dx_static
CCConfiguration.cpp \
CCDeprecated.cpp \
CCScheduler.cpp \
CCCamera.cpp \
ccFPSImages.c \
ccTypes.cpp \
actions/CCAction.cpp \
actions/CCActionCamera.cpp \
actions/CCActionCatmullRom.cpp \
actions/CCActionEase.cpp \
actions/CCActionGrid.cpp \
actions/CCActionGrid3D.cpp \
actions/CCActionInstant.cpp \
actions/CCActionInterval.cpp \
actions/CCActionManager.cpp \
actions/CCActionPageTurn3D.cpp \
actions/CCActionProgressTimer.cpp \
actions/CCActionTiledGrid.cpp \
actions/CCActionTween.cpp \
base_nodes/CCAtlasNode.cpp \
base_nodes/CCNode.cpp \
cocoa/CCAffineTransform.cpp \
cocoa/CCGeometry.cpp \
cocoa/CCAutoreleasePool.cpp \
cocoa/CCDictionary.cpp \
cocoa/CCNS.cpp \
cocoa/CCObject.cpp \
cocoa/CCSet.cpp \
cocoa/CCString.cpp \
cocoa/CCArray.cpp \
cocoa/CCDataVisitor.cpp \
cocoa/CCData.cpp \
cocos2d.cpp \
CCDirector.cpp \
draw_nodes/CCDrawingPrimitives.cpp \
draw_nodes/CCDrawNode.cpp \
effects/CCGrabber.cpp \
effects/CCGrid.cpp \
kazmath/src/aabb.c \
kazmath/src/mat3.c \
kazmath/src/mat4.c \
kazmath/src/neon_matrix_impl.c \
kazmath/src/plane.c \
kazmath/src/quaternion.c \
kazmath/src/ray2.c \
kazmath/src/utility.c \
kazmath/src/vec2.c \
kazmath/src/vec3.c \
kazmath/src/vec4.c \
kazmath/src/GL/mat4stack.c \
kazmath/src/GL/matrix.c \
keypad_dispatcher/CCKeypadDelegate.cpp \
keypad_dispatcher/CCKeypadDispatcher.cpp \
keyboard_dispatcher/CCKeyboardDispatcher.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFont.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontAtlas.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontAtlasCache.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontAtlasFactory.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontCache.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontDefinition.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontFNT.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontFreeType.cpp \
label_nodes/CCFontRenderFreeType.cpp \
label_nodes/CCLabel.cpp \
label_nodes/CCLabelAtlas.cpp \
label_nodes/CCLabelBMFont.cpp \
label_nodes/CCLabelTTF.cpp \
label_nodes/CCLabelTextFormatter.cpp \
label_nodes/CCStringBMFont.cpp \
label_nodes/CCStringTTF.cpp \
label_nodes/CCTextImage.cpp \
layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCLayer.cpp \
layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCScene.cpp \
layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCTransitionPageTurn.cpp \
layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCTransition.cpp \
layers_scenes_transitions_nodes/CCTransitionProgress.cpp \
menu_nodes/CCMenu.cpp \
menu_nodes/CCMenuItem.cpp \
misc_nodes/CCClippingNode.cpp \
misc_nodes/CCMotionStreak.cpp \
misc_nodes/CCProgressTimer.cpp \
misc_nodes/CCRenderTexture.cpp \
particle_nodes/CCParticleExamples.cpp \
particle_nodes/CCParticleSystem.cpp \
particle_nodes/CCParticleBatchNode.cpp \
particle_nodes/CCParticleSystemQuad.cpp \
platform/CCSAXParser.cpp \
platform/CCThread.cpp \
platform/CCFileUtils.cpp \
platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp \
platform/android/CCDevice.cpp \
platform/android/CCEGLView.cpp \
platform/android/CCAccelerometer.cpp \
platform/android/CCApplication.cpp \
platform/android/CCCommon.cpp \
platform/android/CCFileUtilsAndroid.cpp \
platform/android/CCImage.cpp \
platform/android/jni/Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxBitmap.cpp \
platform/android/jni/Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxHelper.cpp \
platform/android/jni/Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxRenderer.cpp \
platform/android/jni/Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxAccelerometer.cpp \
platform/android/jni/JniHelper.cpp \
platform/android/jni/IMEJni.cpp \
platform/android/jni/TouchesJni.cpp \
platform/android/jni/DPIJni.cpp \
script_support/CCScriptSupport.cpp \
shaders/ccShaders.cpp \
shaders/CCGLProgram.cpp \
shaders/ccGLStateCache.cpp \
shaders/CCShaderCache.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCAnimation.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCAnimationCache.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCSprite.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCSpriteBatchNode.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCSpriteFrame.cpp \
sprite_nodes/CCSpriteFrameCache.cpp \
support/ccUTF8.cpp \
support/CCNotificationCenter.cpp \
support/CCProfiling.cpp \
support/TransformUtils.cpp \
support/user_default/CCUserDefaultAndroid.cpp \
support/base64.cpp \
support/ccUtils.cpp \
support/CCVertex.cpp \
support/data_support/ccCArray.cpp \
support/image_support/TGAlib.cpp \
support/tinyxml2/tinyxml2.cpp \
support/zip_support/ZipUtils.cpp \
support/zip_support/ioapi.cpp \
support/zip_support/unzip.cpp \
support/component/CCComponent.cpp \
support/component/CCComponentContainer.cpp \
text_input_node/CCIMEDispatcher.cpp \
text_input_node/CCTextFieldTTF.cpp \
textures/CCTexture2D.cpp \
textures/CCTextureAtlas.cpp \
textures/CCTextureCache.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCParallaxNode.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXLayer.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXObjectGroup.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXTiledMap.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXXMLParser.cpp \
tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTileMapAtlas.cpp \
touch_dispatcher/CCTouchDispatcher.cpp \
touch_dispatcher/CCTouchHandler.cpp \
# need to accureate control of directories, so not use 'find' to list all
cpp_dirs := $(LOCAL_PATH) \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/base_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/actions \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/cocoa \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/draw_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/effects \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/keyboard_dispatcher \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/keypad_dispatcher \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/label_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/layers_scenes_transitions_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/menu_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/misc_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/particle_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/platform \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/platform/third_party/common/etc \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/platform/android \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/platform/android/jni \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/script_support \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/shaders \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/sprite_nodes \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/component \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/data_support \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/image_support \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/tinyxml2 \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/user_default \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/support/zip_support \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/text_input_node \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/textures \
$(LOCAL_PATH)/tilemap_parallax_nodes \
c_dirs := $(LOCAL_PATH)\
$(LOCAL_PATH)/kazmath/src \
find_cpp_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
find_c_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(foreach dir, $(cpp_dirs), $(find_cpp_files))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES += $(foreach dir, $(c_dirs), $(find_c_files))
$(LOCAL_PATH)/include \

View File

@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ protected:
nextScene is a weak reference. */
Scene *_nextScene;
/* If YES, then "old" scene will receive the cleanup message */
/* If true, then "old" scene will receive the cleanup message */
bool _sendCleanupToScene;
/* scheduled scenes */

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
void update(float dt);
/** The scheduled method will be called every 'interval' seconds.
If paused is YES, then it won't be called until it is resumed.
If paused is true, then it won't be called until it is resumed.
If 'interval' is 0, it will be called every frame, but if so, it's recommended to use 'scheduleUpdateForTarget:' instead.
If the selector is already scheduled, then only the interval parameter will be updated without re-scheduling it again.
repeat let the action be repeated repeat + 1 times, use kRepeatForever to let the action run continuously
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public:
void unscheduleAllWithMinPriority(int nMinPriority);
/** The scheduled script callback will be called every 'interval' seconds.
If paused is YES, then it won't be called until it is resumed.
If paused is true, then it won't be called until it is resumed.
If 'interval' is 0, it will be called every frame.
return schedule script entry ID, used for unscheduleScriptFunc().

View File

@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ protected:
@brief Follow is an action that "follows" a node.
Instead of using Camera as a "follower", use this action instead.
@since v0.99.2
@ -204,10 +206,11 @@ public:
* Creates the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.
* @param followedNode The node to be followed.
* @param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
* with no boundary.
static Follow* create(Node *pFollowedNode, const Rect& rect = Rect::ZERO);
static Follow* create(Node *followedNode, const Rect& rect = Rect::ZERO);
: _followedNode(NULL)
@ -228,10 +231,11 @@ public:
* Initializes the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.
* @param followedNode The node to be followed.
* @param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
* with no boundary.
bool initWithTarget(Node *pFollowedNode, const Rect& rect = Rect::ZERO);
bool initWithTarget(Node *followedNode, const Rect& rect = Rect::ZERO);
// Override

View File

@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ public:
/** returns the tile that belongs to a certain position of the grid */
Quad3 getTile(const Point& position) const;
/** @deprecatd Use getTile() instead */
/** @deprecated Use getTile() instead */
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE Quad3 tile(const Point& position) { return getTile(position); }
/** returns the non-transformed tile that belongs to a certain position of the grid */
Quad3 getOriginalTile(const Point& position) const;
/** @deprecatd Use getOriginalTile() instead */
/** @deprecated Use getOriginalTile() instead */
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE Quad3 originalTile(const Point& position) { return getOriginalTile(position); }
/** sets a new tile to a certain position of the grid */

View File

@ -2201,8 +2201,11 @@ TargetedAction* TargetedAction::clone() const
TargetedAction* TargetedAction::reverse(void) const
// no reverse for this action, just clone it
return this->clone();
// just reverse the internal action
auto a = new TargetedAction();
a->initWithTarget(_forcedTarget, _action->reverse());
return a;
void TargetedAction::startWithTarget(Node *target)

View File

@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ public:
virtual JumpTo* reverse(void) const override;
/** @typedef bezier configuration structure
/** Bezier configuration structure
typedef struct _ccBezierConfig {
//! end position of the bezier

View File

@ -46,16 +46,18 @@ public:
ActionTween is an action that lets you update any property of an object.
For example, if you want to modify the "width" property of a target from 200 to 300 in 2 seconds, then:
id modifyWidth = [ActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"width" from:200 to:300];
[target runAction:modifyWidth];
auto modifyWidth = ActionTween::create(2, "width", 200, 300);
Another example: ScaleTo action could be rewritten using PropertyAction:
// scaleA and scaleB are equivalents
id scaleA = [ScaleTo actionWithDuration:2 scale:3];
id scaleB = [ActionTween actionWithDuration:2 key:@"scale" from:1 to:3];
// scaleA and scaleB are equivalents
auto scaleA = ScaleTo::create(2, 3); // (duration, to)
auto scaleB = ActionTween::create(2, "scale", 1, 3); // (duration, key, from, to)
@since v0.99.2

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public:
* The larger number it is, the later this node will be drawn in each message loop.
* Please refer to setVertexZ(float) for the difference.
* @param nZOrder Z order of this node.
* @param zOrder Z order of this node.
virtual void setZOrder(int zOrder);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public:
* @warning Use it at your own risk since it might break the cocos2d parent-children z order
* @param fVertexZ OpenGL Z vertex of this node.
* @param vertexZ OpenGL Z vertex of this node.
virtual void setVertexZ(float vertexZ);
@ -462,9 +462,9 @@ public:
* 0 is the default rotation angle.
* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
* @param fRotationX The X rotation in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
* @param rotationX The X rotation in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
virtual void setRotationX(float rotaionX);
virtual void setRotationX(float rotationX);
* Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew.
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ public:
* 0 is the default rotation angle.
* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
* @param fRotationY The Y rotation in degrees.
* @param rotationY The Y rotation in degrees.
virtual void setRotationY(float rotationY);
@ -1062,6 +1062,7 @@ public:
* this->schedule(schedule_selector(MyNode::TickMe), 0, 0, 0);
* @endcode
* @param selector The SEL_SCHEDULE selector to be scheduled.
* @param interval Tick interval in seconds. 0 means tick every frame. If interval = 0, it's recommended to use scheduleUpdate() instead.
* @param repeat The selector will be excuted (repeat + 1) times, you can use kRepeatForever for tick infinitely.
* @param delay The amount of time that the first tick will wait before execution.
@ -1072,7 +1073,7 @@ public:
* Schedules a custom selector with an interval time in seconds.
* @see schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE, float, unsigned int, float)
* @param selector A function wrapped as a selector
* @param selector The SEL_SCHEDULE selector to be scheduled.
* @param interval Callback interval time in seconds. 0 means tick every frame,
void schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float interval);
@ -1081,7 +1082,7 @@ public:
* Schedules a selector that runs only once, with a delay of 0 or larger
* @see schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE, float, unsigned int, float)
* @param selector A function wrapped as a selector
* @param selector The SEL_SCHEDULE selector to be scheduled.
* @param delay The amount of time that the first tick will wait before execution.
void scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, float delay);

View File

@ -246,24 +246,18 @@ public:
/** A general line-line intersection test
@param p1
is the startpoint for the first line P1 = (p1 - p2)
@param p2
is the endpoint for the first line P1 = (p1 - p2)
@param p3
is the startpoint for the second line P2 = (p3 - p4)
@param p4
is the endpoint for the second line P2 = (p3 - p4)
@param s
is the range for a hitpoint in P1 (pa = p1 + s*(p2 - p1))
@param t
is the range for a hitpoint in P3 (pa = p2 + t*(p4 - p3))
@return bool
indicating successful intersection of a line
note that to truly test intersection for segments we have to make
sure that s & t lie within [0..1] and for rays, make sure s & t > 0
the hit point is p3 + t * (p4 - p3);
the hit point also is p1 + s * (p2 - p1);
@param A the startpoint for the first line L1 = (A - B)
@param B the endpoint for the first line L1 = (A - B)
@param C the startpoint for the second line L2 = (C - D)
@param D the endpoint for the second line L2 = (C - D)
@param S the range for a hitpoint in L1 (p = A + S*(B - A))
@param T the range for a hitpoint in L2 (p = C + T*(D - C))
@returns whether these two lines interects.
Note that to truly test intersection for segments we have to make
sure that S & T lie within [0..1] and for rays, make sure S & T > 0
the hit point is C + T * (D - C);
the hit point also is A + S * (B - A);
@since 3.0
static bool isLineIntersect(const Point& A, const Point& B,
@ -271,7 +265,7 @@ public:
float *S, float *T);
returns YES if Segment A-B intersects with segment C-D
returns true if Segment A-B intersects with segment C-D
@since v3.0
static bool isSegmentIntersect(const Point& A, const Point& B, const Point& C, const Point& D);

View File

@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static inline bool ccpLineIntersect(const Point& p1, con
ccpSegmentIntersect returns YES if Segment A-B intersects with segment C-D
ccpSegmentIntersect returns true if Segment A-B intersects with segment C-D
@since v1.0.0
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static inline bool ccpSegmentIntersect(const Point& A, const Point& B, const Point& C, const Point& D)

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
* Changes the opacity.
* @param value Goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent.
* @param opacity Goes from 0 to 255, where 255 means fully opaque and 0 means fully transparent.
virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte opacity) = 0;
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ public:
* If thie property is set to true, then the rendered color will be affected by opacity.
* Normally, r = r * opacity/255, g = g * opacity/255, b = b * opacity/255.
* @param bValue true then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(R,G,B,opacity);
* false then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);
* @param value If true, then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(R,G,B,opacity);
* If false, then the opacity will be applied as: glColor(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity);
virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue) = 0;
virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool value) = 0;
* Returns whether or not the opacity will be applied using glColor(R,G,B,opacity)

View File

@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public:
bool initWithColor(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end, const Point& v);
/** Whether or not the interpolation will be compressed in order to display all the colors of the gradient both in canonical and non canonical vectors
Default: YES
Default: true
void setCompressedInterpolation(bool bCompressedInterpolation);
bool isCompressedInterpolation() const;
@ -385,11 +385,11 @@ public:
void addLayer(Layer* layer);
/** switches to a certain layer indexed by n.
The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup:YES'.
The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup=true'.
void switchTo(unsigned int n);
/** release the current layer and switches to another layer indexed by n.
The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup:YES'.
The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup=true'.
void switchToAndReleaseMe(unsigned int n);

View File

@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ public:
GLfloat getAlphaThreshold() const;
void setAlphaThreshold(GLfloat fAlphaThreshold);
/** Inverted. If this is set to YES,
/** Inverted. If this is set to true,
the stencil is inverted, so the content is drawn where the stencil is NOT drawn.
This default to NO.
This default to false.
bool isInverted() const;
void setInverted(bool bInverted);

View File

@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ public:
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE Image* newCCImage(bool flipImage = true) { return newImage(flipImage); };
/** saves the texture into a file using JPEG format. The file will be saved in the Documents folder.
Returns YES if the operation is successful.
Returns true if the operation is successful.
bool saveToFile(const char *szFilePath);
/** saves the texture into a file. The format could be JPG or PNG. The file will be saved in the Documents folder.
Returns YES if the operation is successful.
Returns true if the operation is successful.
bool saveToFile(const char *name, Image::Format format);
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
void listenToForeground(Object *obj);
/** Valid flags: GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT. They can be OR'ed. Valid when "autoDraw is YES. */
/** Valid flags: GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT. They can be OR'ed. Valid when "autoDraw" is true. */
inline unsigned int getClearFlags() const { return _clearFlags; };
inline void setClearFlags(unsigned int clearFlags) { _clearFlags = clearFlags; };
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ public:
inline const Color4F& getClearColor() const { return _clearColor; };
inline void setClearColor(const Color4F &clearColor) { _clearColor = clearColor; };
/** Value for clearDepth. Valid only when autoDraw is true. */
/** Value for clearDepth. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true. */
inline float getClearDepth() const { return _clearDepth; };
inline void setClearDepth(float clearDepth) { _clearDepth = clearDepth; };
/** Value for clear Stencil. Valid only when autoDraw is true */
/** Value for clear Stencil. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true */
inline int getClearStencil() const { return _clearStencil; };
inline void setClearStencil(int clearStencil) { _clearStencil = clearStencil; };

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
void initTexCoordsWithRect(const Rect& rect);
/** Sets a new SpriteFrame as particle.
WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTexture:withRect instead.
WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTextureWithRect instead.
@since v0.99.4
void setDisplayFrame(SpriteFrame *spriteFrame);

View File

@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ public:
virtual bool applicationDidFinishLaunching() = 0;
@brief The function be called when the application enter background
@param the pointer of the application
@brief This function will be called when the application enters background.
virtual void applicationDidEnterBackground() = 0;
@brief The function be called when the application enter foreground
@param the pointer of the application
@brief This function will be called when the application enters foreground.
virtual void applicationWillEnterForeground() = 0;
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
virtual void setAnimationInterval(double interval) = 0;

View File

@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ public:
* Gets resource file data from a zip file.
* @param[in] filename The resource file name which contains the relative path of the zip file.
* @param[out] pSize If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
* @param[out] size If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
* @return Upon success, a pointer to the data is returned, otherwise NULL.
* @warning Recall: you are responsible for calling delete[] on any Non-NULL pointer returned.
virtual unsigned char* getFileDataFromZip(const char* pszZipFilePath, const char* filename, unsigned long * pSize);
virtual unsigned char* getFileDataFromZip(const char* pszZipFilePath, const char* filename, unsigned long *size);
/** Returns the fullpath for a given filename.

View File

@ -102,15 +102,14 @@ public:
@brief Load the image from the specified path.
@param strPath the absolute file path.
@param imageType the type of image, currently only supporting two types.
@return true if loaded correctly.
@brief Load the image from the specified path.
@param path the absolute file path.
@return true if loaded correctly.
bool initWithImageFile(const char * strPath);
bool initWithImageFile(const char *path);
@brief Load image from stream buffer.
@brief Load image from stream buffer.
@param data stream buffer which holds the image data.
@param dataLen data length expressed in (number of) bytes.
@return true if loaded correctly.
@ -121,21 +120,21 @@ public:
bool initWithRawData(void *data, int dataLen, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBitsPerComponent = 8, bool bPreMulti = false);
@brief Create image with specified string.
@param pText the text the image will show (cannot be nil).
@param nWidth the image width, if 0, the width will match the text's width.
@param nHeight the image height, if 0, the height will match the text's height.
@param eAlignMask the test Alignment
@param pFontName the name of the font used to draw the text. If nil, use the default system font.
@param nSize the font size, if 0, use the system default size.
@brief Create image with specified string.
@param text the text the image will show (cannot be nil).
@param width the image width, if 0, the width will match the text's width.
@param height the image height, if 0, the height will match the text's height.
@param alignMask the test Alignment
@param fontName the name of the font used to draw the text. If nil, use the default system font.
@param size the font size, if 0, use the system default size.
bool initWithString(
const char * pText,
int nWidth = 0,
int nHeight = 0,
TextAlign eAlignMask = TextAlign::CENTER,
const char * pFontName = 0,
int nSize = 0);
const char * text,
int width = 0,
int height = 0,
TextAlign alignMask = TextAlign::CENTER,
const char * fontName = 0,
int size = 0);
@ -184,10 +183,10 @@ public:
@brief Save Image data to the specified file, with specified format.
@param pszFilePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix.
@param bIsToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format.
@param filePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix.
@param isToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format.
bool saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB = true);
bool saveToFile(const char *filePath, bool isToRGB = true);
bool initWithJpgData(void *data, int dataLen);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director to limit FPS.
@interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
virtual void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
virtual void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);

View File

@ -158,47 +158,47 @@ Application::getResourceRootPath()
return m_resourceRootPath;
return kTargetLinux;
return Platform::OS_LINUX;
QLocale locale;
switch (locale.language()) {
case QLocale::English:
return kLanguageEnglish;
return LanguageType::ENGLISH;
case QLocale::Chinese:
return kLanguageChinese;
return LanguageType::CHINESE;
case QLocale::French:
return kLanguageFrench;
return LanguageType::FRENCH;
case QLocale::Italian:
return kLanguageItalian;
return LanguageType::ITALIAN;
case QLocale::German:
return kLanguageGerman;
return LanguageType::GERMAN;
case QLocale::Spanish:
return kLanguageSpanish;
return LanguageType::SPANISH;
case QLocale::Russian:
return kLanguageRussian;
return LanguageType::RUSSIAN;
case QLocale::Korean:
return kLanguageKorean;
return LanguageType::KOREAN;
case QLocale::Japanese:
return kLanguageJapanese;
return LanguageType::JAPANESE;
case QLocale::Hungarian:
return kLanguageHungarian;
return LanguageType::HUNGARIAN;
case QLocale::Portuguese:
return kLanguagePortuguese;
return LanguageType::PORTUGUESE;
case QLocale::Arabic:
return kLanguageArabic;
return LanguageType::ARABIC;
return kLanguageEnglish;
return LanguageType::ENGLISH;

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Application : public ApplicationProtocol {
@brief Callback by Director for limit FPS.
@interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, which expressed in second in second, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class Application : public ApplicationProtocol {
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static Application* sharedApplication();
/* override functions */
virtual ccLanguageType getCurrentLanguage();
virtual LanguageType getCurrentLanguage();
* Sets the Resource root path.
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class Application : public ApplicationProtocol {
@brief Get target platform
virtual TargetPlatform getTargetPlatform();
virtual Platform getTargetPlatform();
QGuiApplication *m_application;

View File

@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ Cocos2DQt5OpenGLIntegration::Cocos2DQt5OpenGLIntegration(EGLView *view, int widt
resize(width, height);
m_context = new QOpenGLContext(this);

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
@brief Callback by Director to limit FPS.
@interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
@param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
void setAnimationInterval(double interval);
long getAnimationInterval();

View File

@ -29,34 +29,11 @@ using namespace std;
static char s_pszResourcePath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
#define CC_MAX_PATH 512
static void _checkPath()
if (! s_pszResourcePath[0])
WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
int nNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszPath,
GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(wszPath), wszPath),
s_pszResourcePath, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
s_pszResourcePath[nNum] = '\\';
// D:/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/abc.txt --> D:\aaa\bbb\ccc\ddd\abc.txt
static inline std::string convertPathFormatToWindowStyle(const std::string& path)
std::string ret = path;
int len = ret.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (ret[i] == '/')
ret[i] = '\\';
return ret;
// The root path of resources, the character encoding is UTF-8.
// UTF-8 is the only encoding supported by cocos2d-x API.
static std::string s_resourcePath = "";
// D:\aaa\bbb\ccc\ddd\abc.txt --> D:/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/abc.txt
static inline std::string convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(const std::string& path)
@ -73,6 +50,21 @@ static inline std::string convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(const std::string& path)
return ret;
static void _checkPath()
if (0 == s_resourcePath.length())
WCHAR utf16Path[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0};
GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(utf16Path)-1, utf16Path);
char utf8Path[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0};
int nNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, utf16Path, -1, utf8Path, sizeof(utf8Path), NULL, NULL);
s_resourcePath = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(utf8Path);
FileUtils* FileUtils::getInstance()
if (s_sharedFileUtils == NULL)
@ -95,7 +87,7 @@ FileUtilsWin32::FileUtilsWin32()
bool FileUtilsWin32::init()
_defaultResRootPath = s_pszResourcePath;
_defaultResRootPath = s_resourcePath;
return FileUtils::init();
@ -112,11 +104,10 @@ bool FileUtilsWin32::isFileExist(const std::string& strFilePath)
strPath.insert(0, _defaultResRootPath);
WCHAR wszBuf[MAX_PATH] = {0};
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strPath.c_str(), -1, wszBuf, sizeof(wszBuf));
WCHAR utf16Buf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0};
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strPath.c_str(), -1, utf16Buf, sizeof(utf16Buf));
return GetFileAttributesW(wszBuf) != -1 ? true : false;
return GetFileAttributesW(utf16Buf) != -1 ? true : false;
bool FileUtilsWin32::isAbsolutePath(const std::string& strPath)
@ -140,10 +131,9 @@ unsigned char* FileUtilsWin32::getFileData(const char* filename, const char* mod
// read the file from hardware
std::string fullPath = fullPathForFilename(filename);
WCHAR wszBuf[MAX_PATH] = {0};
WCHAR wszBuf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0};
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullPath.c_str(), -1, wszBuf, sizeof(wszBuf));
HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFileW(wszBuf, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, NULL);
@ -178,25 +168,25 @@ unsigned char* FileUtilsWin32::getFileData(const char* filename, const char* mod
std::string FileUtilsWin32::getPathForFilename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resolutionDirectory, const std::string& searchPath)
std::string unixFileName = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(filename);
std::string unixResolutionDirector = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(resolutionDirectory);
std::string unixResolutionDirectory = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(resolutionDirectory);
std::string unixSearchPath = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(searchPath);
return FileUtils::getPathForFilename(unixFileName, unixResolutionDirector, unixSearchPath);
return FileUtils::getPathForFilename(unixFileName, unixResolutionDirectory, unixSearchPath);
std::string FileUtilsWin32::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(const std::string& strDirectory, const std::string& strFilename)
std::string dosDirectory = convertPathFormatToWindowStyle(strDirectory);
std::string dosFilename = convertPathFormatToWindowStyle(strFilename);
std::string unixDirectory = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(strDirectory);
std::string unixFilename = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(strFilename);
return FileUtils::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(dosDirectory, dosFilename);
return FileUtils::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(unixDirectory, unixFilename);
string FileUtilsWin32::getWritablePath()
// Get full path of executable, e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\My Game Folder\MyGame.exe
char full_path[_MAX_PATH + 1];
::GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, full_path, _MAX_PATH + 1);
char full_path[CC_MAX_PATH + 1];
::GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, full_path, CC_MAX_PATH + 1);
// Debug app uses executable directory; Non-debug app uses local app data directory
#ifndef _DEBUG
@ -205,7 +195,7 @@ string FileUtilsWin32::getWritablePath()
char app_data_path[_MAX_PATH + 1];
char app_data_path[CC_MAX_PATH + 1];
// Get local app data directory, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data
@ -235,6 +225,8 @@ string FileUtilsWin32::getWritablePath()
// remove xxx.exe
ret = ret.substr(0, ret.rfind("\\") + 1);
ret = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(ret);
return ret;

View File

@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ protected:
* Gets resource file data
* @param[in] filename The resource file name which contains the path.
* @param[in] pszMode The read mode of the file.
* @param[out] pSize If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
* @param[in] filename The resource file name which contains the path.
* @param[in] mode The read mode of the file.
* @param[out] size If the file read operation succeeds, it will be the data size, otherwise 0.
* @return Upon success, a pointer to the data is returned, otherwise NULL.
* @warning Recall: you are responsible for calling delete[] on any Non-NULL pointer returned.
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ protected:
* @note Only iOS and Mac need to override this method since they are using
* `[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: ofType: inDirectory:]` to make a full path.
* Other platforms will use the default implementation of this method.
* @param strDirectory The directory contains the file we are looking for.
* @param strFilename The name of the file.
* @param directory The directory contains the file we are looking for.
* @param filename The name of the file.
* @return The full path of the file, if the file can't be found, it will return an empty string.
virtual std::string getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(const std::string& strDirectory, const std::string& strFilename) override;
virtual std::string getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(const std::string& directory, const std::string& filename) override;
// end of platform group

View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ SOURCES += ../actions/CCAction.cpp \
../particle_nodes/CCParticleBatchNode.cpp \
../platform/CCSAXParser.cpp \
../platform/CCThread.cpp \
../platform/CCImageCommonWebp.cpp \
../platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp \
../platform/CCFileUtils.cpp \
../platform/qt5/CCCommon.cpp \
@ -102,9 +101,7 @@ SOURCES += ../actions/CCAction.cpp \
../textures/CCTexture2D.cpp \
../textures/CCTextureAtlas.cpp \
../textures/CCTextureCache.cpp \
../textures/CCTextureETC.cpp \
../textures/CCTexturePVR.cpp \
../textures/etc/etc1.cpp \
../platform/third_party/common/etc/etc1.cpp \
../tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCParallaxNode.cpp \
../tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXLayer.cpp \
../tilemap_parallax_nodes/CCTMXObjectGroup.cpp \
@ -158,6 +155,7 @@ INCLUDEPATH += ../../extensions/GUI/CCControlExtension
INCLUDEPATH += ../../external/chipmunk/include/chipmunk
INCLUDEPATH += ../../extensions/network
INCLUDEPATH += ../../extensions/Components
INCLUDEPATH += ../platform/third_party/common/etc

View File

@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ DISABLED_WARNINGS = -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-psabi
# C++11 support (GCC 4.6; for newer versions, change to -std=c++11)
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Doverride= -std=c++0x
# C++11 support (Pick the first one if you have an old GCC version)
#QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Doverride= -std=c++0x
CONFIG += c++11
OS_TYPE = linux

View File

@ -111,7 +111,9 @@ protected:
The Animation object contains AnimationFrame objects, and a possible delay between the frames.
You can animate a Animation object by using the Animate action. Example:
[sprite runAction:[Animate actionWithAnimation:animation]];
class CC_DLL Animation : public Object, public Clonable

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
/** @deprecated Use getInstance() instead */
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static AnimationCache* sharedAnimationCache() { return AnimationCache::getInstance(); }
/** @deprecatd Use destroyInstance() instead */
/** @deprecated Use destroyInstance() instead */
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static void purgeSharedAnimationCache() { return AnimationCache::destroyInstance(); }
bool init(void);
@ -107,4 +107,4 @@ private:
#endif // __CC_ANIMATION_CACHE_H__
#endif // __CC_ANIMATION_CACHE_H__

View File

@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ public:
* Updates the texture rect of the Sprite in points.
* It will call setTextureRect:rotated:untrimmedSize with rotated = NO, and utrimmedSize = rect.size.
* It will call setTextureRect(const Rect& rect, bool rotated, const Size& untrimmedSize) with \p rotated = false, and \p utrimmedSize = rect.size.
virtual void setTextureRect(const Rect& rect);
@ -459,20 +459,20 @@ public:
virtual void setScaleX(float scaleX) override;
virtual void setScaleY(float scaleY) override;
virtual void setPosition(const Point& pos) override;
virtual void setRotation(float fRotation) override;
virtual void setRotationX(float fRotationX) override;
virtual void setRotationY(float fRotationY) override;
virtual void setRotation(float rotation) override;
virtual void setRotationX(float rotationX) override;
virtual void setRotationY(float rotationY) override;
virtual void setSkewX(float sx) override;
virtual void setSkewY(float sy) override;
virtual void removeChild(Node* child, bool bCleanup) override;
virtual void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool bCleanup) override;
virtual void removeChild(Node* child, bool cleanup) override;
virtual void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) override;
virtual void reorderChild(Node *child, int zOrder) override;
virtual void addChild(Node *child) override;
virtual void addChild(Node *child, int zOrder) override;
virtual void addChild(Node *child, int zOrder, int tag) override;
virtual void sortAllChildren() override;
virtual void setScale(float fScale) override;
virtual void setVertexZ(float fVertexZ) override;
virtual void setScale(float scale) override;
virtual void setVertexZ(float vertexZ) override;
virtual void setAnchorPoint(const Point& anchor) override;
virtual void ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool value) override;
virtual void setVisible(bool bVisible) override;

View File

@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ public:
/** Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
* A texture will be loaded automatically. The texture name will composed by replacing the .plist suffix with .png
* If you want to use another texture, you should use the addSpriteFramesWithFile:texture method.
* If you want to use another texture, you should use the addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *plist, const char *textureFileName) method.
void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist);
void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *plist);
/** Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames.
@since v0.99.5
@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ public:
void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char* plist, const char* textureFileName);
/** Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames. */
void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *pszPlist, Texture2D *pobTexture);
void addSpriteFramesWithFile(const char *plist, Texture2D *texture);
/** Adds an sprite frame with a given name.
If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.
void addSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame *pobFrame, const char *pszFrameName);
void addSpriteFrame(SpriteFrame *frame, const char *frameName);
/** Purges the dictionary of loaded sprite frames.
* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
void removeUnusedSpriteFrames(void);
/** Deletes an sprite frame from the sprite frame cache. */
void removeSpriteFrameByName(const char *pszName);
void removeSpriteFrameByName(const char *name);
/** Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
/*Adds multiple Sprite Frames with a dictionary. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames.
void addSpriteFramesWithDictionary(Dictionary* pobDictionary, Texture2D *pobTexture);
void addSpriteFramesWithDictionary(Dictionary* dictionary, Texture2D *texture);
/** Removes multiple Sprite Frames from Dictionary.
* @since v0.99.5

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ using namespace std;
//#pragma mark - Profiling Categories
/* set to NO the categories that you don't want to profile */
/* set to false the categories that you don't want to profile */
bool kProfilerCategorySprite = false;
bool kProfilerCategoryBatchSprite = false;
bool kProfilerCategoryParticles = false;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ NS_CC_BEGIN
* @{
/** @file Vertex.h */
/** @file CCVertex.h */
/** converts a line to a polygon */
void CC_DLL ccVertexLineToPolygon(Point *points, float stroke, Vertex2F *vertices, unsigned int offset, unsigned int nuPoints);

View File

@ -17,74 +17,66 @@ CC_DLL int cc_wcslen(const unsigned short* str);
CC_DLL void cc_utf8_trim_ws(std::vector<unsigned short>* str);
* @ch is the unicode character whitespace?
* Whether the character is a whitespace character.
* Reference:
* @param ch the unicode character
* @returns whether the character is a white space character.
* Return value: weather the character is a whitespace character.
* @see
* */
CC_DLL bool isspace_unicode(unsigned short ch);
* cc_utf8_strlen:
* @p: pointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string.
* @max: the maximum number of bytes to examine. If @max
* is less than 0, then the string is assumed to be
* null-terminated. If @max is 0, @p will not be examined and
* may be %NULL.
* Returns the length of the string in characters.
* Return value: the length of the string in characters
* @param p pointer to the start of a UTF-8 encoded string.
* @param max the maximum number of bytes to examine. If \p max is less than
* 0, then the string is assumed to be null-terminated. If \p max
* is 0, \p p will not be examined and my be %NULL.
* @returns the length of the string in characters
CC_DLL long
cc_utf8_strlen (const char * p, int max);
* @str: the string to search through.
* @c: the character to not look for.
* Find the last character that is not equal to the character given.
* Return value: the index of the last character that is not c.
* @param str the string to be searched.
* @param c the character to be searched for.
* @returns the index of the last character that is not \p c.
* */
CC_DLL unsigned int cc_utf8_find_last_not_char(std::vector<unsigned short> str, unsigned short c);
CC_DLL std::vector<unsigned short> cc_utf16_vec_from_utf16_str(const unsigned short* str);
* cc_utf8_to_utf16:
* @str_old: pointer to the start of a C string.
* Creates a utf8 string from a cstring.
* Return value: the newly created utf8 string.
* @param str_old pointer to the start of a C string.
* @returns the newly created utf8 string.
* */
CC_DLL unsigned short* cc_utf8_to_utf16(const char* str_old, int length = -1, int* rUtf16Size = NULL);
* cc_utf16_to_utf8:
* @str: a UTF-16 encoded string
* @len: the maximum length of @str to use. If @len < 0, then
* the string is terminated with a 0 character.
* @items_read: location to store number of words read, or %NULL.
* returned in case @str contains a trailing partial
* character. If an error occurs then the index of the
* invalid input is stored here.
* @items_written: location to store number of bytes written, or %NULL.
* The value stored here does not include the trailing
* 0 byte.
* @error: location to store the error occuring, or %NULL to ignore
* errors. Any of the errors in #GConvertError other than
* Convert a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8. The result will be null terminated.
* Convert a string from UTF-16 to UTF-8. The result will be
* terminated with a 0 byte.
* @param str a UTF-16 encoded string
* @param len the maximum length of \p str to use. If \p len < 0, then the
* string is null terminated.
* @param items_read location to store number of words read, or %NULL.
* returned in case \p str contains a trailing partial
* character. If an error occurs then the index of the
* invalid input is stored here.
* @param items_written location to store number of bytes written, or %NULL.
* The value stored here does not include the trailing null.
* Return value: a pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string.
* This value must be freed with free(). If an
* error occurs, %NULL will be returned and
* @error set.
* @returns a pointer to a newly allocated UTF-8 string. This value must be
* freed with free(). If an error occurs, %NULL will be returned.
CC_DLL char *
cc_utf16_to_utf8 (const unsigned short *str,

View File

@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ public:
/** resize the capacity of the TextureAtlas.
* The new capacity can be lower or higher than the current one
* It returns YES if the resize was successful.
* If it fails to resize the capacity it will return NO with a new capacity of 0.
* It returns true if the resize was successful.
* If it fails to resize the capacity it will return false with a new capacity of 0.
bool resizeCapacity(int capacity);

View File

@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2011 Jirka Fajfr for cocos2d-x
Copyright (c) 2010-2012
Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "CCTexture2D.h"
#include "CCTexturePVR.h"
#include "ccMacros.h"
#include "CCConfiguration.h"
#include "support/ccUtils.h"
#include "CCStdC.h"
#include "platform/CCFileUtils.h"
#include "support/zip_support/ZipUtils.h"
#include "shaders/ccGLStateCache.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <cctype>
static const ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo PVRTableFormats[] = {
// 0: BGRA_8888
{GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 32, false, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888},
// 1: RGBA_8888
{GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 32, false, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888},
// 2: RGBA_4444
{GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, 16, false, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA4444},
// 3: RGBA_5551
{GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, 16, false, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB5A1},
// 4: RGB_565
{GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, 16, false, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB565},
// 5: RGB_888
{GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 24, false, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGB888},
// 6: A_8
{GL_ALPHA, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 8, false, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::A8},
// 7: L_8
{GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 8, false, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::I8},
// 8: LA_88
{GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 16, false, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::AI88},
// Not all platforms include GLES/gl2ext.h so these PVRTC enums are not always
// available.
{GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 2, true, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::PRVTC2},
{GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 2, true, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::PRVTC2},
{GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 4, true, false, Texture2D::PixelFormat::PRVTC4},
{GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 4, true, true, Texture2D::PixelFormat::PRVTC4},
struct _pixel_formathash {
uint64_t pixelFormat;
const ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo * pixelFormatInfo;
// Values taken from PVRTexture.h from
enum {
kPVR2TextureFlagMipmap = (1<<8), // has mip map levels
kPVR2TextureFlagTwiddle = (1<<9), // is twiddled
kPVR2TextureFlagBumpmap = (1<<10), // has normals encoded for a bump map
kPVR2TextureFlagTiling = (1<<11), // is bordered for tiled pvr
kPVR2TextureFlagCubemap = (1<<12), // is a cubemap/skybox
kPVR2TextureFlagFalseMipCol = (1<<13), // are there false colored MIP levels
kPVR2TextureFlagVolume = (1<<14), // is this a volume texture
kPVR2TextureFlagAlpha = (1<<15), // v2.1 is there transparency info in the texture
kPVR2TextureFlagVerticalFlip = (1<<16), // v2.1 is the texture vertically flipped
enum {
kPVR3TextureFlagPremultipliedAlpha = (1<<1) // has premultiplied alpha
static char gPVRTexIdentifier[5] = "PVR!";
// v2
typedef enum
kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_4444= 0x10,
kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGB_555, // unsupported
} ccPVR2TexturePixelFormat;
// v3
/* supported predefined formats */
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGB 0
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA 1
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGB 2
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA 3
/* supported channel type formats */
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_BGRA_8888 0x0808080861726762ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_8888 0x0808080861626772ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_4444 0x0404040461626772ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_5551 0x0105050561626772ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGB_565 0x0005060500626772ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGB_888 0x0008080800626772ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_A_8 0x0000000800000061ULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_L_8 0x000000080000006cULL
#define kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_LA_88 0x000008080000616cULL
// v2
static struct _pixel_formathash v2_pixel_formathash[] = {
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_BGRA_8888, &PVRTableFormats[0] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_8888, &PVRTableFormats[1] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_4444, &PVRTableFormats[2] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_5551, &PVRTableFormats[3] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGB_565, &PVRTableFormats[4] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_RGB_888, &PVRTableFormats[5] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_A_8, &PVRTableFormats[6] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_I_8, &PVRTableFormats[7] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_AI_88, &PVRTableFormats[8] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA, &PVRTableFormats[10] },
{ kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA, &PVRTableFormats[12] },
#define PVR2_MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS (sizeof(v2_pixel_formathash) / sizeof(v2_pixel_formathash[0]))
// v3
struct _pixel_formathash v3_pixel_formathash[] = {
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_BGRA_8888, &PVRTableFormats[0] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_8888, &PVRTableFormats[1] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_4444, &PVRTableFormats[2] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGBA_5551, &PVRTableFormats[3] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGB_565, &PVRTableFormats[4] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_RGB_888, &PVRTableFormats[5] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_A_8, &PVRTableFormats[6] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_L_8, &PVRTableFormats[7] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_LA_88, &PVRTableFormats[8] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGB, &PVRTableFormats[9] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA, &PVRTableFormats[10] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGB, &PVRTableFormats[11] },
{kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA, &PVRTableFormats[12] },
//Tells How large is tableFormats
#define PVR3_MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS (sizeof(v3_pixel_formathash) / sizeof(v3_pixel_formathash[0]))
typedef struct _PVRTexHeader
unsigned int headerLength;
unsigned int height;
unsigned int width;
unsigned int numMipmaps;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int dataLength;
unsigned int bpp;
unsigned int bitmaskRed;
unsigned int bitmaskGreen;
unsigned int bitmaskBlue;
unsigned int bitmaskAlpha;
unsigned int pvrTag;
unsigned int numSurfs;
} ccPVRv2TexHeader;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t flags;
uint64_t pixelFormat;
uint32_t colorSpace;
uint32_t channelType;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t depth;
uint32_t numberOfSurfaces;
uint32_t numberOfFaces;
uint32_t numberOfMipmaps;
uint32_t metadataLength;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
} ccPVRv3TexHeader;
#pragma pack(pop)
} __attribute__((packed)) ccPVRv3TexHeader;
: _numberOfMipmaps(0)
, _width(0)
, _height(0)
, _name(0)
, _hasAlpha(false)
, _hasPremultipliedAlpha(false)
, _forcePremultipliedAlpha(false)
, _retainName(false)
, _format(Texture2D::PixelFormat::DEFAULT)
, _pixelFormatInfo(NULL)
CCLOGINFO( "cocos2d: deallocing TexturePVR: %p", this );
if (_name != 0 && ! _retainName)
bool TexturePVR::unpackPVRv2Data(unsigned char* data, unsigned int len)
bool success = false;
ccPVRv2TexHeader *header = NULL;
unsigned int flags, pvrTag;
unsigned int dataLength = 0, dataOffset = 0, dataSize = 0;
unsigned int blockSize = 0, widthBlocks = 0, heightBlocks = 0;
unsigned int width = 0, height = 0, bpp = 4;
unsigned char *bytes = NULL;
unsigned int formatFlags;
//Cast first sizeof(PVRTexHeader) bytes of data stream as PVRTexHeader
header = (ccPVRv2TexHeader *)data;
//Make sure that tag is in correct formatting
pvrTag = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->pvrTag);
if (gPVRTexIdentifier[0] != (char)(((pvrTag >> 0) & 0xff)) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[1] != (char)(((pvrTag >> 8) & 0xff)) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[2] != (char)(((pvrTag >> 16) & 0xff)) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[3] != (char)(((pvrTag >> 24) & 0xff)))
return false;
Configuration *configuration = Configuration::getInstance();
flags = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->flags);
formatFlags = flags & PVR_TEXTURE_FLAG_TYPE_MASK;
bool flipped = (flags & kPVR2TextureFlagVerticalFlip) ? true : false;
if (flipped)
CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: Image is flipped. Regenerate it using PVRTexTool");
if (! configuration->supportsNPOT() &&
(header->width != ccNextPOT(header->width) || header->height != ccNextPOT(header->height)))
CCLOG("cocos2d: ERROR: Loading an NPOT texture (%dx%d) but is not supported on this device", header->width, header->height);
return false;
unsigned int pvr2TableElements = PVR2_MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS;
if (! Configuration::getInstance()->supportsPVRTC())
pvr2TableElements = 9;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pvr2TableElements; i++)
//Does image format in table fits to the one parsed from header?
if (v2_pixel_formathash[i].pixelFormat == formatFlags)
_pixelFormatInfo = v2_pixel_formathash[i].pixelFormatInfo;
//Reset num of mipmaps
_numberOfMipmaps = 0;
//Get size of mipmap
_width = width = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->width);
_height = height = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->height);
//Do we use alpha ?
if (CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->bitmaskAlpha))
_hasAlpha = true;
_hasAlpha = false;
//Get ptr to where data starts..
dataLength = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->dataLength);
//Move by size of header
bytes = ((unsigned char *)data) + sizeof(ccPVRv2TexHeader);
_format = _pixelFormatInfo->ccPixelFormat;
bpp = _pixelFormatInfo->bpp;
// Calculate the data size for each texture level and respect the minimum number of blocks
while (dataOffset < dataLength)
switch (formatFlags) {
case kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA:
blockSize = 8 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 2bpp
widthBlocks = width / 8;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
case kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA:
blockSize = 4 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 4bpp
widthBlocks = width / 4;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
case kPVR2TexturePixelFormat_BGRA_8888:
if (Configuration::getInstance()->supportsBGRA8888() == false)
CCLOG("cocos2d: TexturePVR. BGRA8888 not supported on this device");
return false;
blockSize = 1;
widthBlocks = width;
heightBlocks = height;
// Clamp to minimum number of blocks
if (widthBlocks < 2)
widthBlocks = 2;
if (heightBlocks < 2)
heightBlocks = 2;
dataSize = widthBlocks * heightBlocks * ((blockSize * bpp) / 8);
unsigned int packetLength = (dataLength - dataOffset);
packetLength = packetLength > dataSize ? dataSize : packetLength;
//Make record to the mipmaps array and increment counter
_asMipmaps[_numberOfMipmaps].address = bytes + dataOffset;
_asMipmaps[_numberOfMipmaps].len = packetLength;
//Check that we didn't overflow
"TexturePVR: Maximum number of mipmaps reached. Increase the CC_PVRMIPMAP_MAX value");
dataOffset += packetLength;
//Update width and height to the next lower power of two
width = MAX(width >> 1, 1);
height = MAX(height >> 1, 1);
//Mark pass as success
success = true;
if (! success)
CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: Unsupported PVR Pixel Format: 0x%2x. Re-encode it with a OpenGL pixel format variant", formatFlags);
return success;
bool TexturePVR::unpackPVRv3Data(unsigned char* dataPointer, unsigned int dataLength)
if (dataLength < sizeof(ccPVRv3TexHeader))
return false;
ccPVRv3TexHeader *header = (ccPVRv3TexHeader *)dataPointer;
// validate version
if (CC_SWAP_INT32_BIG_TO_HOST(header->version) != 0x50565203)
CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: pvr file version mismatch");
return false;
// parse pixel format
uint64_t pixelFormat = header->pixelFormat;
bool infoValid = false;
unsigned int pvr3TableElements = PVR3_MAX_TABLE_ELEMENTS;
if (! Configuration::getInstance()->supportsPVRTC())
pvr3TableElements = 9;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pvr3TableElements; i++)
if( v3_pixel_formathash[i].pixelFormat == pixelFormat )
_pixelFormatInfo = v3_pixel_formathash[i].pixelFormatInfo;
_format = _pixelFormatInfo->ccPixelFormat;
_hasAlpha = _pixelFormatInfo->alpha;
infoValid = true;
// unsupported / bad pixel format
if (! infoValid)
CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: unsupported pvr pixelformat: %lx", (unsigned long)pixelFormat );
return false;
// flags
uint32_t flags = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->flags);
// PVRv3 specifies premultiply alpha in a flag -- should always respect this in PVRv3 files
_forcePremultipliedAlpha = true;
if (flags & kPVR3TextureFlagPremultipliedAlpha)
_hasPremultipliedAlpha = true;
// sizing
uint32_t width = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->width);
uint32_t height = CC_SWAP_INT32_LITTLE_TO_HOST(header->height);
_width = width;
_height = height;
uint32_t dataOffset = 0, dataSize = 0;
uint32_t blockSize = 0, widthBlocks = 0, heightBlocks = 0;
uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
dataOffset = (sizeof(ccPVRv3TexHeader) + header->metadataLength);
bytes = dataPointer;
_numberOfMipmaps = header->numberOfMipmaps;
CCASSERT(_numberOfMipmaps < CC_PVRMIPMAP_MAX, "TexturePVR: Maximum number of mimpaps reached. Increate the CC_PVRMIPMAP_MAX value");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numberOfMipmaps; i++)
switch (pixelFormat)
case kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGB :
case kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_2BPP_RGBA :
blockSize = 8 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 2bpp
widthBlocks = width / 8;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
case kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGB :
case kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_PVRTC_4BPP_RGBA :
blockSize = 4 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 4bpp
widthBlocks = width / 4;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
case kPVR3TexturePixelFormat_BGRA_8888:
if( ! Configuration::getInstance()->supportsBGRA8888())
CCLOG("cocos2d: TexturePVR. BGRA8888 not supported on this device");
return false;
blockSize = 1;
widthBlocks = width;
heightBlocks = height;
// Clamp to minimum number of blocks
if (widthBlocks < 2)
widthBlocks = 2;
if (heightBlocks < 2)
heightBlocks = 2;
dataSize = widthBlocks * heightBlocks * ((blockSize * _pixelFormatInfo->bpp) / 8);
unsigned int packetLength = ((unsigned int)dataLength-dataOffset);
packetLength = packetLength > dataSize ? dataSize : packetLength;
_asMipmaps[i].address = bytes+dataOffset;
_asMipmaps[i].len = packetLength;
dataOffset += packetLength;
CCASSERT(dataOffset <= dataLength, "CCTexurePVR: Invalid lenght");
width = MAX(width >> 1, 1);
height = MAX(height >> 1, 1);
return true;
bool TexturePVR::createGLTexture()
unsigned int width = _width;
unsigned int height = _height;
GLenum err;
if (_numberOfMipmaps > 0)
if (_name != 0)
// From PVR sources: "PVR files are never row aligned."
glGenTextures(1, &_name);
// Default: Anti alias.
if (_numberOfMipmaps == 1)
CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG(); // clean possible GL error
GLenum internalFormat = _pixelFormatInfo->internalFormat;
GLenum format = _pixelFormatInfo->format;
GLenum type = _pixelFormatInfo->type;
bool compressed = _pixelFormatInfo->compressed;
// Generate textures with mipmaps
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numberOfMipmaps; ++i)
if (compressed && ! Configuration::getInstance()->supportsPVRTC())
CCLOG("cocos2d: WARNING: PVRTC images are not supported");
return false;
unsigned char *data = _asMipmaps[i].address;
GLsizei datalen = _asMipmaps[i].len;
if (compressed)
glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, internalFormat, width, height, 0, datalen, data);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, internalFormat, width, height, 0, format, type, data);
if (i > 0 && (width != height || ccNextPOT(width) != width ))
CCLOG("cocos2d: TexturePVR. WARNING. Mipmap level %u is not squared. Texture won't render correctly. width=%u != height=%u", i, width, height);
err = glGetError();
if (err != GL_NO_ERROR)
CCLOG("cocos2d: TexturePVR: Error uploading compressed texture level: %u . glError: 0x%04X", i, err);
return false;
width = MAX(width >> 1, 1);
height = MAX(height >> 1, 1);
return true;
bool TexturePVR::initWithContentsOfFile(const char* path)
unsigned char* pvrdata = NULL;
int pvrlen = 0;
std::string lowerCase(path);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lowerCase.length(); ++i)
lowerCase[i] = tolower(lowerCase[i]);
if (lowerCase.find(".ccz") != std::string::npos)
pvrlen = ZipUtils::ccInflateCCZFile(path, &pvrdata);
else if (lowerCase.find(".gz") != std::string::npos)
pvrlen = ZipUtils::ccInflateGZipFile(path, &pvrdata);
pvrdata = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(path, "rb", (unsigned long *)(&pvrlen));
if (pvrlen < 0)
return false;
_numberOfMipmaps = 0;
_name = 0;
_width = _height = 0;
_pixelFormatInfo = NULL;
_hasAlpha = false;
_forcePremultipliedAlpha = false;
_hasPremultipliedAlpha = false;
_retainName = false; // cocos2d integration
if (! ((unpackPVRv2Data(pvrdata, pvrlen) || unpackPVRv3Data(pvrdata, pvrlen)) && createGLTexture()) )
return false;
return true;
TexturePVR * TexturePVR::create(const char* path)
TexturePVR * texture = new TexturePVR();
if (texture)
if (texture->initWithContentsOfFile(path))
delete texture;
texture = NULL;
return texture;

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2011 Jirka Fajfr for cocos2d-x
Copyright (c) 2010
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __CCPVRTEXTURE_H__
#define __CCPVRTEXTURE_H__
#include "CCStdC.h"
#include "CCGL.h"
#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"
#include "cocoa/CCArray.h"
* @addtogroup textures
* @{
@brief Structure which can tell where mipmap begins and how long is it
struct CCPVRMipmap {
unsigned char *address;
unsigned int len;
typedef struct _ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo {
GLenum internalFormat;
GLenum format;
GLenum type;
uint32_t bpp;
bool compressed;
bool alpha;
Texture2D::PixelFormat ccPixelFormat;
} ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo;
@brief Determine how many mipmaps can we have.
Its same as define but it respects namespaces
enum {
/** TexturePVR
Object that loads PVR images.
Supported PVR formats:
- RGBA8888
- BGRA8888
- RGBA4444
- RGBA5551
- RGB565
- A8
- I8
- AI88
Pre-generated mipmaps, such as PVR textures with mipmap levels embedded in file,
are only supported if all individual sprites are of _square_ size.
To use mipmaps with non-square textures, instead call Texture2D#generateMipmap on the sheet texture itself
(and to save space, save the PVR sprite sheet without mip maps included).
class TexturePVR : public Object
/** creates and initializes a TexturePVR with a path */
static TexturePVR* create(const char* path);
virtual ~TexturePVR();
/** initializes a TexturePVR with a path */
bool initWithContentsOfFile(const char* path);
// properties
/** texture id name */
inline unsigned int getName() const { return _name; }
/** texture width */
inline unsigned int getWidth() const { return _width; }
/** texture height */
inline unsigned int getHeight() const { return _height; }
/** whether or not the texture has alpha */
inline bool hasAlpha() const { return _hasAlpha; }
/** whether or not the texture has premultiplied alpha */
inline bool hasPremultipliedAlpha() const { return _hasPremultipliedAlpha; }
/** whether or not the texture should use hasPremultipliedAlpha instead of global default */
inline bool isForcePremultipliedAlpha() const { return _forcePremultipliedAlpha; }
/** how many mipmaps the texture has. 1 means one level (level 0 */
inline unsigned int getNumberOfMipmaps() const { return _numberOfMipmaps; }
inline Texture2D::PixelFormat getFormat() const { return _format; }
inline bool isRetainName() const { return _retainName; }
inline void setRetainName(bool retainName) { _retainName = retainName; }
bool unpackPVRv2Data(unsigned char* data, unsigned int len);
bool unpackPVRv3Data(unsigned char* dataPointer, unsigned int dataLength);
bool createGLTexture();
struct CCPVRMipmap _asMipmaps[CC_PVRMIPMAP_MAX]; // pointer to mipmap images
unsigned int _numberOfMipmaps; // number of mipmap used
unsigned int _width, _height;
GLuint _name;
bool _hasAlpha;
bool _hasPremultipliedAlpha;
bool _forcePremultipliedAlpha;
// cocos2d integration
bool _retainName;
Texture2D::PixelFormat _format;
const ccPVRTexturePixelFormatInfo *_pixelFormatInfo;
// end of textures group
/// @}
#endif //__CCPVRTEXTURE_H__

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
Using this type of delegate results in two benefits:
- 1. You don't need to deal with Sets, the dispatcher does the job of splitting
them. You get exactly one UITouch per call.
- 2. You can *claim* a UITouch by returning YES in ccTouchBegan. Updates of claimed
- 2. You can *claim* a UITouch by returning true in ccTouchBegan. Updates of claimed
touches are sent only to the delegate(s) that claimed them. So if you get a move/
ended/canceled update you're sure it's your touch. This frees you from doing a
lot of checks when doing multi-touch.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
class CC_DLL TargetedTouchDelegate : public TouchDelegate
/** Return YES to claim the touch.
/** Return true to claim the touch.
@since v0
virtual bool ccTouchBegan(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent) { CC_UNUSED_PARAM(pTouch); CC_UNUSED_PARAM(pEvent);return false;};

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#! /usr/bin/evn python
#! /usr/bin/env python
# filename =
import os
from tools.project_creator import create_project
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
os.chdir(os.path.join(root, 'tools/project_creator/'))

View File

@ -5,105 +5,10 @@ LOCAL_MODULE := cocos_extension_static
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := AssetsManager/AssetsManager.cpp \
CCArmature/CCArmature.cpp \
CCArmature/CCBone.cpp \
CCArmature/animation/CCArmatureAnimation.cpp \
CCArmature/animation/CCProcessBase.cpp \
CCArmature/animation/CCTween.cpp \
CCArmature/datas/CCDatas.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCBatchNode.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCDecorativeDisplay.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCDisplayFactory.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCDisplayManager.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCShaderNode.cpp \
CCArmature/display/CCSkin.cpp \
CCArmature/external_tool/GLES-Render.cpp \
CCArmature/external_tool/Json/CSContentJsonDictionary.cpp \
CCArmature/external_tool/Json/lib_json/json_value.cpp \
CCArmature/external_tool/Json/lib_json/json_reader.cpp \
CCArmature/external_tool/Json/lib_json/json_writer.cpp \
CCArmature/physics/CCColliderDetector.cpp \
CCArmature/physics/CCPhysicsWorld.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCArmatureDataManager.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCDataReaderHelper.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCSpriteFrameCacheHelper.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCTransformHelp.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCTweenFunction.cpp \
CCArmature/utils/CCUtilMath.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBFileLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBReader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCControlButtonLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCControlLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCLabelBMFontLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCLabelTTFLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCLayerColorLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCLayerGradientLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCLayerLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCMenuItemImageLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCMenuItemLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCNodeLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCNodeLoaderLibrary.cpp \
CCBReader/CCParticleSystemQuadLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCScale9SpriteLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCScrollViewLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCSpriteLoader.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBAnimationManager.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBKeyframe.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBSequence.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBSequenceProperty.cpp \
CCBReader/CCBValue.cpp \
CCBReader/CCNode+CCBRelativePositioning.cpp \
Components/CCComAttribute.cpp \
Components/CCComAudio.cpp \
Components/CCComController.cpp \
Components/CCInputDelegate.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControl.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlButton.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlColourPicker.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlHuePicker.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlSlider.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlSwitch.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlUtils.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCInvocation.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCScale9Sprite.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlPotentiometer.cpp \
GUI/CCControlExtension/CCControlStepper.cpp \
GUI/CCScrollView/CCScrollView.cpp \
GUI/CCScrollView/CCTableView.cpp \
GUI/CCScrollView/CCTableViewCell.cpp \
GUI/CCScrollView/CCSorting.cpp \
GUI/CCEditBox/CCEditBox.cpp \
GUI/CCEditBox/CCEditBoxImplAndroid.cpp \
network/HttpClient.cpp \
network/WebSocket.cpp \
network/SocketIO.cpp \
physics_nodes/CCPhysicsDebugNode.cpp \
physics_nodes/CCPhysicsSprite.cpp \
LocalStorage/LocalStorageAndroid.cpp \
spine/Animation.cpp \
spine/AnimationState.cpp \
spine/AnimationStateData.cpp \
spine/Atlas.cpp \
spine/AtlasAttachmentLoader.cpp \
spine/Attachment.cpp \
spine/AttachmentLoader.cpp \
spine/Bone.cpp \
spine/BoneData.cpp \
spine/Json.cpp \
spine/RegionAttachment.cpp \
spine/Skeleton.cpp \
spine/SkeletonData.cpp \
spine/SkeletonJson.cpp \
spine/Skin.cpp \
spine/Slot.cpp \
spine/SlotData.cpp \
spine/extension.cpp \
spine/CCSkeletonAnimation.cpp \
spine/CCSkeleton.cpp \
spine/spine-cocos2dx.cpp \
dirs := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH) -type d -print)
find_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(find_files))
LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocosdenshion_static

View File

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public:
virtual void onError(AssetsManager::ErrorCode errorCode) {};
/** @brief Call back function for recording downloading percent
@param percent How much percent downloaded
@warn This call back function just for recording downloading percent.
@warning This call back function just for recording downloading percent.
AssetsManager will do some other thing after downloading, you should
write code in onSuccess() after downloading.

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
* @param displayData it include the display information, like DisplayType.
* If you want to create a sprite display, then create a SpriteDisplayData param
* @param _index the index of the display you want to replace or add to
* @param index the index of the display you want to replace or add to
* -1 : append display from back
void addDisplay(DisplayData *displayData, int index);
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ public:
* Add a child to this bone, and it will let this child call setParent(Bone *_parent) function to set self to it's parent
* @param _child the child you want to add
* @param child The child you want to add.
void addChildBone(Bone *_child);
void addChildBone(Bone *child);
* Set parent bone.
@ -106,13 +106,13 @@ public:
* Remove itself from its parent Bone.
* @param recursion whether or not remove Child display
* @param recursion Whether to remove Child display
void removeFromParent(bool recursion);
* Removes a child Bone
* @param bone the bone you want to remove
* @param bone The bone you want to remove.
void removeChildBone(Bone *bone, bool recursion);

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
* Play animation by index, the other param is the same to play.
* @param _animationIndex the animation index you want to play
* @param animationIndex the animation index you want to play
void playByIndex(int animationIndex, int durationTo = -1, int durationTween = -1, int loop = -1, int tweenEasing = TWEEN_EASING_MAX);

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
* You should never call this function, unless you know what you do
* Update the Process, include current process, current frame and son on
* @param The duration since last update
* @param dt The duration since last update
virtual void update(float dt);

View File

@ -31,28 +31,28 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#define CS_CREATE_NO_PARAM_NO_INIT(varType)\
public: \
static inline varType *create(void){ \
varType *var = new varType();\
if (var)\
static inline varType *create(void){ \
varType *var = new varType();\
if (var)\
return var;\
return var;\
return NULL;\
return NULL;\
#define CS_CREATE_NO_PARAM(varType)\
public: \
static inline varType *create(void){ \
varType *var = new varType();\
if (var && var->init())\
static inline varType *create(void){ \
varType *var = new varType();\
if (var && var->init())\
return var;\
return var;\
return NULL;\
return NULL;\
namespace cocos2d { namespace extension { namespace armature {
@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ public:
* Copy datas from node
* @param node A BaseData to copy datas
virtual void copy(const BaseData *_node);
virtual void copy(const BaseData *node);
* Calculate two BaseData's between value(_to - _from) and set to self
* Calculate two BaseData's between value(to - from) and set to self
* @param from from BaseData
* @param to to BaseData
virtual void subtract(BaseData *_from, BaseData *_to);
virtual void subtract(BaseData *from, BaseData *to);
float x; //! position x attribute
float y; //! position y attribute
int zOrder; //! zorder attribute, used to order the Bone's depth order
float x; //! position x attribute
float y; //! position y attribute
int zOrder; //! zorder attribute, used to order the Bone's depth order
* x y skewX skewY scaleX scaleY used to calculate transform matrix
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ public:
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
float tweenRotate; //! SkewX, SkewY, and TweenRotate effect the rotation
float tweenRotate; //! SkewX, SkewY, and TweenRotate effect the rotation
bool isUseColorInfo; //! Whether or not this frame have the color changed Info
bool isUseColorInfo; //! Whether or not this frame have the color changed Info
int a, r, g, b;
@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ public:
void addDisplayData(DisplayData *displayData);
DisplayData *getDisplayData(int index);
std::string name; //! the bone's name
std::string parentName; //! the bone parent's name
Array displayDataList; //! save DisplayData informations for the Bone
std::string name; //! the bone's name
std::string parentName; //! the bone parent's name
Array displayDataList; //! save DisplayData informations for the Bone
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ public:
void addFrameData(FrameData *frameData);
FrameData *getFrameData(int index);
float delay; //! movement delay percent, this value can produce a delay effect
float scale; //! scale this movement
float duration; //! this Bone in this movement will last _duration frames
std::string name; //! bone name
float delay; //! movement delay percent, this value can produce a delay effect
float scale; //! scale this movement
float duration; //! this Bone in this movement will last _duration frames
std::string name; //! bone name
Array frameList;
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ public:
int durationTween;
bool loop; //! whether the movement is looped
bool loop; //! whether the movement is looped
* Which tween easing effect the movement use
@ -360,10 +360,9 @@ public:
TweenType tweenEasing;
* @brief save movment bone datas
* @key std::string
* @value MovementBoneData *
* Dictionary to save movment bone data.
* Key type is std::string, value type is MovementBoneData *.
Dictionary movBoneDataDic;
@ -442,13 +441,13 @@ public:
ContourData *getContourData(int index);
float height; //! The texture's width, height
float width;
float height; //! The texture's width, height
float width;
float pivotX; //! The texture's anchor point
float pivotX; //! The texture's anchor point
float pivotY;
std::string name; //! The texture's name
std::string name; //! The texture's name
Array contourDataList;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
namespace cocos2d { namespace extension { namespace armature {
* @brief format and manage armature configuration and armature animation
* @brief format and manage armature configuration and armature animation
class ArmatureDataManager : public Object
@ -45,105 +45,101 @@ private:
* Init ArmatureDataManager
virtual bool init();
* Add armature data
* @param id The id of the armature data
* @param armatureData ArmatureData *
* @brief Add armature data.
* @param id The id of the armature data.
* @param armatureData The armature data to be added.
void addArmatureData(const char *id, ArmatureData *armatureData);
* @brief get armature data
* @brief Get armature data.
* @param id the id of the armature data you want to get
* @return ArmatureData *
* @param id The id of the armature data you want to get.
* @return The ArmatureData whose id is @p id.
ArmatureData *getArmatureData(const char *id);
* @brief add animation data
* @brief Add animation data.
* @param id the id of the animation data
* @return AnimationData *
* @param id The id of the animation data.
* @param animationData The animation data to be added.
void addAnimationData(const char *id, AnimationData *animationData);
* @brief get animation data from _animationDatas(Dictionary)
* @brief Get animation data.
* @param id the id of the animation data you want to get
* @return AnimationData *
* @param id The id of the animation data you want to get.
* @return The AnimationData whose id is @p id.
AnimationData *getAnimationData(const char *id);
* @brief add texture data
* @brief Add texture data.
* @param id the id of the texture data
* @return TextureData *
* @param id The id of the texture data.
* @param textureData The texture data to be added.
void addTextureData(const char *id, TextureData *textureData);
* @brief get texture data
* @brief Get texture data.
* @param _id the id of the texture data you want to get
* @return TextureData *
* @param id The id of the texture data you want to get.
* @return The TextureData whose id is @p id.
TextureData *getTextureData(const char *id);
* @brief Add ArmatureFileInfo, it is managed by ArmatureDataManager.
* @brief Add ArmatureFileInfo, it is managed by ArmatureDataManager.
void addArmatureFileInfo(const char *armatureName, const char *useExistFileInfo, const char *imagePath, const char *plistPath, const char *configFilePath);
* @brief Add ArmatureFileInfo, it is managed by ArmatureDataManager.
void addArmatureFileInfo(const char *imagePath, const char *plistPath, const char *configFilePath);
void addArmatureFileInfo(const char *armatureName, const char *useExistFileInfo, const char *imagePath, const char *plistPath, const char *configFilePath);
* @brief Add sprite frame to SpriteFrameCache, it will save display name and it's relative image name
* @brief Add ArmatureFileInfo, it is managed by ArmatureDataManager.
void addArmatureFileInfo(const char *imagePath, const char *plistPath, const char *configFilePath);
* @brief Add sprite frame to SpriteFrameCache, it will save display name and it's relative image name
void addSpriteFrameFromFile(const char *plistPath, const char *imagePath);
* @brief Clear the data in the _armarureDatas and _animationDatas, and set _armarureDatas and _animationDatas to NULL
* @brief Clear the data in the _armarureDatas and _animationDatas, and set _armarureDatas and _animationDatas to NULL
void removeAll();
* @brief save amature datas
* @key std::string
* @value ArmatureData *
* Dictionary to save amature data.
* Key type is std::string, value type is ArmatureData *.
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _armarureDatas, ArmarureDatas);
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _armarureDatas, ArmarureDatas);
* @brief save animation datas
* @key std::string
* @value AnimationData *
* Dictionary to save animation data.
* Key type is std::string, value type is AnimationData *.
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _animationDatas, AnimationDatas);
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _animationDatas, AnimationDatas);
* @brief save texture datas
* @key std::string
* @value TextureData *
* Dictionary to save texture data.
* Key type is std::string, value type is TextureData *.
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _textureDatas, TextureDatas);
CC_SYNTHESIZE_READONLY(Dictionary *, _textureDatas, TextureDatas);

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
* Translate XML export from Dragon Bone flash tool to datas, and save them.
* When you add a new xml, the data already saved will be keeped.
* @param xmlPath Path of pak file
* @param xmlPakPath Path of pak file
static void addDataFromXMLPak(const char *xmlPakPath);
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ public:
* Translate XML export from Dragon Bone flash tool to datas, and save them.
* When you add a new xml, the data already saved will be keeped.
* @param xmlPath The cache of the xml
* @param fileContent The cache of the xml
static void addDataFromCache(const char *pFileContent);
static void addDataFromCache(const char *fileContent);

View File

@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ class CCBMemberVariableAssigner {
* The callback function of assigning member variable.
* @note The member variable must be Node or its subclass.
* @param pTarget The custom class.
* @param pMemberVariableName The name of the member variable.
* @param pNode The member variable.
* @param target The custom class.
* @param memberVariableName The name of the member variable.
* @param node The member variable.
* @return Whether the assignment was successful.
virtual bool onAssignCCBMemberVariable(Object* pTarget, const char* pMemberVariableName, Node* pNode) = 0;
virtual bool onAssignCCBMemberVariable(Object* target, const char* memberVariableName, Node* node) = 0;
* The callback function of assigning custom properties.
* @note The member variable must be Integer, Float, Boolean or String.
* @param pTarget The custom class.
* @param pMemberVariableName The name of the member variable.
* @param pValue The value of the property.
* @param target The custom class.
* @param memberVariableName The name of the member variable.
* @param value The value of the property.
* @return Whether the assignment was successful.
virtual bool onAssignCCBCustomProperty(Object* pTarget, const char* pMemberVariableName, CCBValue* pCCBValue) { return false; };
virtual bool onAssignCCBCustomProperty(Object* target, const char* memberVariableName, CCBValue* value) { return false; };

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public:
* If a property is not specified for a state, the default is to use
* the ButtonStateNormal value.
* @param title The title label to use for the specified state.
* @param label The title label to use for the specified state.
* @param state The state that uses the specified title. The values are described
* in "CCControlState".
@ -243,4 +243,4 @@ protected:

View File

@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public:
* Initializes a potentiometer with a track sprite and a progress bar.
* @param trackSprite Sprite, that is used as a background.
* @param progressSprite ProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar.
* @param trackSprite Sprite, that is used as a background.
* @param progressTimer ProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar.
bool initWithTrackSprite_ProgressTimer_ThumbSprite(Sprite* trackSprite, ProgressTimer* progressTimer, Sprite* thumbSprite);

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public:
* @param backgroundSprite Sprite, that is used as a background.
* @param progressSprite Sprite, that is used as a progress bar.
* @param thumbItem Sprite, that is used as a thumb.
* @param thumbSprite Sprite, that is used as a thumb.
virtual bool initWithSprites(Sprite * backgroundSprite, Sprite* progressSprite, Sprite* thumbSprite);
@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ protected:

View File

@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ public:
* Returns an autoreleased scroll view object.
* @param size view size
* @param container parent object
* @return autoreleased scroll view object
static ScrollView* create();
@ -97,8 +95,8 @@ public:
* Sets a new content offset. It ignores max/min offset. It just sets what's given. (just like UIKit's UIScrollView)
* @param offset new offset
* @param If YES, the view scrolls to the new offset
* @param offset The new offset.
* @param animated If true, the view will scroll to the new offset.
void setContentOffset(Point offset, bool animated = false);
Point getContentOffset();
@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ public:
* Sets a new content offset. It ignores max/min offset. It just sets what's given. (just like UIKit's UIScrollView)
* You can override the animation duration with this method.
* @param offset new offset
* @param animation duration
* @param offset The new offset.
* @param dt The animation duration.
void setContentOffsetInDuration(Point offset, float dt);
@ -115,8 +113,8 @@ public:
* Sets a new scale and does that for a predefined duration.
* @param s a new scale vale
* @param animated if YES, scaling is animated
* @param s The new scale vale
* @param animated If true, scaling is animated
void setZoomScale(float s, bool animated);
@ -125,8 +123,8 @@ public:
* Sets a new scale for container in a given duration.
* @param s a new scale value
* @param animation duration
* @param s The new scale value
* @param dt The animation duration
void setZoomScaleInDuration(float s, float dt);
@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ public:
* Determines if a given node's bounding box is in visible bounds
* @return YES if it is in visible bounds
* @returns true if it is in visible bounds
bool isNodeVisible(Node * node);
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ protected:
* Relocates the container at the proper offset, in bounds of max/min offsets.
* @param animated If YES, relocation is animated
* @param animated If true, relocation is animated
void relocateContainer(bool animated);

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
* If the compare message does not result NSComparisonResult, sorting behavior
* is not defined. It ignores duplicate entries and inserts next to it.
* @param object to insert
* @param object The object to be inserted.
void insertSortedObject(SortableObject* object);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
* Removes an object with given key and value. If no object is found in array
* with the key and value, no action is taken.
* @param value to remove
* @param object The object to be removed.
void removeSortedObject(SortableObject* object);
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ public:
* keep consistency of being sorted. If it is changed externally, it must be
* sorted completely again.
* @param value to set
* @param object the object which has the value
* @param tag The value to be set to.
* @param object The object which has the value.
void setObjectID_ofSortedObject(unsigned int tag, SortableObject* object);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
* Returns an object with given key and value. If no object is found,
* it returns nil.
* @param value to locate object
* @param tag The value to locate object
* @return object found or nil.
SortableObject* getObjectWithObjectID(unsigned int tag);
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ public:
* would have been located. If object must be located at the end of array,
* it returns the length of the array, which is out of bound.
* @param value to locate object
* @return index of an object found
* @param obj The object
* @return index of the object
unsigned int indexOfSortedObject(SortableObject* obj);

View File

@ -59,22 +59,19 @@ public:
* Add a get request to task queue
* @param request a HttpRequest object, which includes url, response callback etc.
please make sure request->_requestData is clear before calling "send" here.
* @return NULL
void send(HttpRequest* request);
* Change the connect timeout
* @param timeout
* @return NULL
* @param value The desired timeout.
inline void setTimeoutForConnect(int value) {_timeoutForConnect = value;};
* Get connect timeout
* @return int
inline int getTimeoutForConnect() {return _timeoutForConnect;}
@ -82,7 +79,6 @@ public:
* Change the download timeout
* @param value
* @return NULL
inline void setTimeoutForRead(int value) {_timeoutForRead = value;};

View File

@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ bool WebSocket::init(const Delegate& delegate,
_wsProtocols = new libwebsocket_protocols[protocolCount+1];
memset(_wsProtocols, 0, sizeof(libwebsocket_protocols)*(protocolCount+1));
if (protocols)
if (protocols && protocols->size() > 0)
int i = 0;
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = protocols->begin(); iter != protocols->end(); ++iter, ++i)

View File

@ -6,52 +6,10 @@ LOCAL_MODULE := box2d_static
Collision/Shapes/b2ChainShape.cpp \
Collision/Shapes/b2CircleShape.cpp \
Collision/Shapes/b2EdgeShape.cpp \
Collision/Shapes/b2PolygonShape.cpp \
Collision/b2BroadPhase.cpp \
Collision/b2CollideCircle.cpp \
Collision/b2CollideEdge.cpp \
Collision/b2CollidePolygon.cpp \
Collision/b2Collision.cpp \
Collision/b2Distance.cpp \
Collision/b2DynamicTree.cpp \
Collision/b2TimeOfImpact.cpp \
Common/b2BlockAllocator.cpp \
Common/b2Draw.cpp \
Common/b2Math.cpp \
Common/b2Settings.cpp \
Common/b2StackAllocator.cpp \
Common/b2Timer.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2ChainAndCircleContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2ChainAndPolygonContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2CircleContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2Contact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2ContactSolver.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2EdgeAndCircleContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2EdgeAndPolygonContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolygonAndCircleContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Contacts/b2PolygonContact.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2DistanceJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2FrictionJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2GearJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2Joint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2MouseJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2PrismaticJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2PulleyJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2RevoluteJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2RopeJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2WeldJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/Joints/b2WheelJoint.cpp \
Dynamics/b2Body.cpp \
Dynamics/b2ContactManager.cpp \
Dynamics/b2Fixture.cpp \
Dynamics/b2Island.cpp \
Dynamics/b2World.cpp \
Dynamics/b2WorldCallbacks.cpp \
dirs := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH) -type d -print)
find_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(find_files))

View File

@ -6,36 +6,10 @@ LOCAL_MODULE := chipmunk_static
src/chipmunk.c \
src/constraints/cpConstraint.c \
src/constraints/cpDampedRotarySpring.c \
src/constraints/cpDampedSpring.c \
src/constraints/cpGearJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpGrooveJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpPinJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpPivotJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpRatchetJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpRotaryLimitJoint.c \
src/constraints/cpSimpleMotor.c \
src/constraints/cpSlideJoint.c \
src/cpArbiter.c \
src/cpArray.c \
src/cpBB.c \
src/cpBBTree.c \
src/cpBody.c \
src/cpCollision.c \
src/cpHashSet.c \
src/cpPolyShape.c \
src/cpShape.c \
src/cpSpace.c \
src/cpSpaceComponent.c \
src/cpSpaceHash.c \
src/cpSpaceQuery.c \
src/cpSpaceStep.c \
src/cpSpatialIndex.c \
src/cpSweep1D.c \
dirs := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH) -type d -print)
find_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(find_files))

View File

@ -6,111 +6,10 @@ LOCAL_MODULE := cocos_testcpp_common
LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := libtestcppcommon
Classes/AccelerometerTest/AccelerometerTest.cpp \
Classes/ActionManagerTest/ActionManagerTest.cpp \
Classes/ActionsTest/ActionsTest.cpp \
Classes/ActionsEaseTest/ActionsEaseTest.cpp \
Classes/ActionsProgressTest/ActionsProgressTest.cpp \
Classes/Box2DTest/Box2dTest.cpp \
Classes/Box2DTestBed/Box2dView.cpp \
Classes/Box2DTestBed/GLES-Render.cpp \
Classes/Box2DTestBed/Test.cpp \
Classes/Box2DTestBed/TestEntries.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-1159.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-1174.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-350.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-422.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-624.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-886.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-899.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-914.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/BugsTest.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-458/Bug-458.cpp \
Classes/BugsTest/Bug-458/QuestionContainerSprite.cpp \
Classes/ChipmunkTest/ChipmunkTest.cpp \
Classes/ClickAndMoveTest/ClickAndMoveTest.cpp \
Classes/ClippingNodeTest/ClippingNodeTest.cpp \
Classes/CocosDenshionTest/CocosDenshionTest.cpp \
Classes/CurlTest/CurlTest.cpp \
Classes/CurrentLanguageTest/CurrentLanguageTest.cpp \
Classes/DrawPrimitivesTest/DrawPrimitivesTest.cpp \
Classes/EffectsAdvancedTest/EffectsAdvancedTest.cpp \
Classes/EffectsTest/EffectsTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ArmatureTest/ArmatureScene.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ExtensionsTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/NotificationCenterTest/NotificationCenterTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlScene.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlSceneManager.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlButtonTest/CCControlButtonTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlColourPicker/CCControlColourPickerTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlPotentiometerTest/CCControlPotentiometerTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlSliderTest/CCControlSliderTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlStepperTest/CCControlStepperTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ControlExtensionTest/CCControlSwitchTest/CCControlSwitchTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/CocosBuilderTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/HelloCocosBuilder/HelloCocosBuilderLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/TestHeader/TestHeaderLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/ButtonTest/ButtonTestLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/MenuTest/MenuTestLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/AnimationsTest/AnimationsTestLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/CocosBuilderTest/TimelineCallbackTest/TimelineCallbackTestLayer.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/ComponentsTestScene.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/EnemyController.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/GameOverScene.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/PlayerController.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/ProjectileController.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/ComponentsTest/SceneController.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/HttpClientTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/WebSocketTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/SocketIOTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/EditBoxTest/EditBoxTest.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/TableViewTest/TableViewTestScene.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/TableViewTest/CustomTableViewCell.cpp \
Classes/ExtensionsTest/Scale9SpriteTest/Scale9SpriteTest.cpp \
Classes/FontTest/FontTest.cpp \
Classes/IntervalTest/IntervalTest.cpp \
Classes/KeypadTest/KeypadTest.cpp \
Classes/LabelTest/LabelTest.cpp \
Classes/LayerTest/LayerTest.cpp \
Classes/NodeTest/NodeTest.cpp \
Classes/TextInputTest/TextInputTest.cpp \
Classes/MenuTest/MenuTest.cpp \
Classes/MotionStreakTest/MotionStreakTest.cpp \
Classes/MutiTouchTest/MutiTouchTest.cpp \
Classes/ParallaxTest/ParallaxTest.cpp \
Classes/ParticleTest/ParticleTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceNodeChildrenTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceParticleTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceSpriteTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceTextureTest.cpp \
Classes/PerformanceTest/PerformanceTouchesTest.cpp \
Classes/RenderTextureTest/RenderTextureTest.cpp \
Classes/RotateWorldTest/RotateWorldTest.cpp \
Classes/SceneTest/SceneTest.cpp \
Classes/SchedulerTest/SchedulerTest.cpp \
Classes/ShaderTest/ShaderTest.cpp \
Classes/SpineTest/SpineTest.cpp \
Classes/SpriteTest/SpriteTest.cpp \
Classes/TextureCacheTest/TextureCacheTest.cpp \
Classes/Texture2dTest/Texture2dTest.cpp \
Classes/TexturePackerEncryptionTest/TextureAtlasEncryptionTest.cpp \
Classes/TileMapTest/TileMapTest.cpp \
Classes/TouchesTest/Ball.cpp \
Classes/TouchesTest/Paddle.cpp \
Classes/TouchesTest/TouchesTest.cpp \
Classes/TransitionsTest/TransitionsTest.cpp \
Classes/UserDefaultTest/UserDefaultTest.cpp \
Classes/ZwoptexTest/ZwoptexTest.cpp \
Classes/FileUtilsTest/FileUtilsTest.cpp \
Classes/DataVisitorTest/DataVisitorTest.cpp \
Classes/ConfigurationTest/ConfigurationTest.cpp \
Classes/controller.cpp \
Classes/testBasic.cpp \
Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
Classes/BaseTest.cpp \
dirs := $(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH)/Classes -type d -print)
find_files = $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp))
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(foreach dir, $(dirs), $(find_files))

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ static std::function<Layer*()> createFunctions[] = {
@ -1335,6 +1336,37 @@ std::string ActionTargeted::subtitle()
return "Action that runs on another target. Useful for sequences";
void ActionTargetedReverse::onEnter()
auto jump1 = JumpBy::create(2,Point::ZERO,100,3);
auto jump2 = jump1->clone();
auto rot1 = RotateBy::create(1, 360);
auto rot2 = rot1->clone();
auto t1 = TargetedAction::create(_kathia, jump2);
auto t2 = TargetedAction::create(_kathia, rot2);
auto seq = Sequence::create(jump1, t1->reverse(), rot1, t2->reverse(), NULL);
auto always = RepeatForever::create(seq);
std::string ActionTargetedReverse::title()
return "ActionTargetedReverse";
std::string ActionTargetedReverse::subtitle()
return "Action that runs reversely on another target. Useful for sequences";
//#pragma mark - ActionStacked
void ActionStacked::onEnter()

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@ -289,6 +289,14 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle();
class ActionTargetedReverse : public ActionsDemo
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
class ActionStacked : public ActionsDemo

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 14bfdc37af1e2c28ec6f8568d9034bc747478ec5
Subproject commit 57b1444dc0f2b4176d9709e6d026ac3da76be1a2

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
@brief Remove Object from lua state
@param object to remove
virtual void removeScriptObjectByObject(Object* pObj);
virtual void removeScriptObjectByObject(Object* object);
@brief Remove Lua function reference

View File

@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ public:
@brief Remove Object from lua state
@param object to remove
@param object The object to be removed.
virtual void removeScriptObjectByObject(Object* pObj);
virtual void removeScriptObjectByObject(Object* object);
@brief Remove Lua function reference

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ headers = %(cocosdir)s/cocos2dx/include/cocos2d.h %(cocosdir)s/CocosDenshion/inc
# what classes to produce code for. You can use regular expressions here. When testing the regular
# expression, it will be enclosed in "^$", like this: "^Menu*$".
classes = Sprite.* Scene Node.* Director Layer.* Menu.* Touch .*Action.* Move.* Rotate.* Blink.* Tint.* Sequence Repeat.* Fade.* Ease.* Scale.* Transition.* Spawn Animat.* Flip.* Delay.* Skew.* Jump.* Place.* Show.* Progress.* PointArray ToggleVisibility.* Hide Particle.* Label.* Atlas.* TextureCache.* Texture2D Cardinal.* CatmullRom.* ParallaxNode TileMap.* TMX.* CallFunc RenderTexture GridAction Grid3DAction GridBase$ .+Grid Shaky3D Waves3D FlipX3D FlipY3D Speed ActionManager Set Data SimpleAudioEngine Scheduler Timer Orbit.* Follow.* Bezier.* CardinalSpline.* Camera.* DrawNode .*3D$ Liquid$ Waves$ ShuffleTiles$ TurnOffTiles$ Split.* Twirl$ FileUtils$ GLProgram ShaderCache Application ClippingNode MotionStreak
classes = Sprite.* Scene Node.* Director Layer.* Menu.* Touch .*Action.* Move.* Rotate.* Blink.* Tint.* Sequence Repeat.* Fade.* Ease.* Scale.* Transition.* Spawn Animat.* Flip.* Delay.* Skew.* Jump.* Place.* Show.* Progress.* PointArray ToggleVisibility.* RemoveSelf Hide Particle.* Label.* Atlas.* TextureCache.* Texture2D Cardinal.* CatmullRom.* ParallaxNode TileMap.* TMX.* CallFunc RenderTexture GridAction Grid3DAction GridBase$ .+Grid Shaky3D Waves3D FlipX3D FlipY3D Speed ActionManager Set Data SimpleAudioEngine Scheduler Timer Orbit.* Follow.* Bezier.* CardinalSpline.* Camera.* DrawNode .*3D$ Liquid$ Waves$ ShuffleTiles$ TurnOffTiles$ Split.* Twirl$ FileUtils$ GLProgram ShaderCache Application ClippingNode MotionStreak
# what should we skip? in the format ClassName::[function function]
# ClassName is a regular expression, but will be used like this: "^ClassName$" functions are also