Add HSV support and remove frame compensation.

This commit is contained in:
DelinWorks 2022-05-26 14:00:33 +03:00
parent 1e2467e6dd
commit 726f40cda8
5 changed files with 992 additions and 265 deletions

View File

@ -98,18 +98,23 @@ inline void normalize_point(float x, float y, particle_point* out)
A more effect random number getter function, get from ejoy2d.
A more effective random number generator function that fixes strafing for position variance, made by kiss rng.
inline static float RANDOM_M11(unsigned int* seed)
inline static float RANDOM_KISS(void)
*seed = *seed * 134775813 + 1;
uint32_t d;
float f;
} u;
u.d = (((uint32_t)(*seed) & 0x7fff) << 8) | 0x40000000;
return u.f - 3.0f;
#define kiss_znew(z) (z = 36969 * (z & 65535) + (z >> 16))
#define kiss_wnew(w) (w = 18000 * (w & 65535) + (w >> 16))
#define kiss_MWC(z, w) ((kiss_znew(z) << 16) + kiss_wnew(w))
#define kiss_SHR3(jsr) (jsr ^= (jsr << 17), jsr ^= (jsr >> 13), jsr ^= (jsr << 5))
#define kiss_CONG(jc) (jc = 69069 * jc + 1234567)
#define kiss_KISS(z, w, jc, jsr) ((kiss_MWC(z, w) ^ kiss_CONG(jc)) + kiss_SHR3(jsr))
static unsigned kiss_z = rand(), kiss_w = rand(), kiss_jsr = rand(), kiss_jcong = rand();
// Generate two random floats and add them to get a total of 2.0 and then subtract 1.0
// to get a random number between -1.0 and 1.0 INCLUSIVE.
return -1.0F + ((kiss_KISS(kiss_z, kiss_w, kiss_jcong, kiss_jsr) / 4294967296.0) +
(kiss_KISS(kiss_z, kiss_w, kiss_jcong, kiss_jsr) / 4294967296.0));
@ -121,24 +126,33 @@ bool ParticleData::init(int count)
maxCount = count;
posx = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
posy = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
startPosX = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
startPosY = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
size = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaSize = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
rotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaRotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
timeToLive = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
atlasIndex = (unsigned int*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned int));
posx = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
posy = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
startPosX = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
startPosY = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
colorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorR = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorG = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorB = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaColorA = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
hue = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
sat = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
val = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
size = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaSize = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
rotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
staticRotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
deltaRotation = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
totalTimeToLive = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
timeToLive = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
animTimeLength = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
animTimeDelta = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
animIndex = (unsigned short*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned short));
animCellIndex = (unsigned short*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned short));
atlasIndex = (unsigned int*)malloc(count * sizeof(unsigned int));
modeA.dirX = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
modeA.dirY = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
@ -150,10 +164,11 @@ bool ParticleData::init(int count)
modeB.deltaRadius = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
modeB.radius = (float*)malloc(count * sizeof(float));
return posx && posy && startPosY && startPosX && colorR && colorG && colorB && colorA && deltaColorR &&
deltaColorG && deltaColorB && deltaColorA && size && deltaSize && rotation && deltaRotation && timeToLive &&
atlasIndex && modeA.dirX && modeA.dirY && modeA.radialAccel && modeA.tangentialAccel && modeB.angle &&
modeB.degreesPerSecond && modeB.deltaRadius && modeB.radius;
return posx && posy && startPosX && startPosY && colorR && colorG && colorB && colorA && deltaColorR &&
deltaColorG && deltaColorB && deltaColorA && hue && sat && val && size && deltaSize && rotation &&
staticRotation && deltaRotation && totalTimeToLive && timeToLive && animTimeLength && animTimeDelta &&
animIndex && animCellIndex && atlasIndex && modeA.dirX && modeA.dirY && modeA.radialAccel &&
modeA.tangentialAccel && modeB.angle && modeB.degreesPerSecond && modeB.deltaRadius && modeB.radius;
void ParticleData::release()
@ -170,11 +185,20 @@ void ParticleData::release()
@ -218,14 +242,29 @@ ParticleSystem::ParticleSystem()
, _startSpinVar(0)
, _endSpin(0)
, _endSpinVar(0)
, _spawnAngle(0)
, _spawnAngleVar(0)
, _hsv(0, 1, 1)
, _hsvVar(0, 0, 0)
, _emissionRate(0)
, _totalParticles(0)
, _texture(nullptr)
, _blendFunc(BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED)
, _opacityModifyRGB(false)
, _isLifeAnimated(false)
, _isEmitterAnimated(false)
, _isLoopAnimated(false)
, _animIndexCount(0)
, _isAnimationReversed(false)
, _undefinedIndexRect({0,0,0,0})
, _animationTimescaleInd(false)
, _yCoordFlipped(1)
, _positionType(PositionType::FREE)
, _paused(false)
, _updatePaused(false)
, _timeScale(1)
, _fixedFPS(0)
, _fixedFPSDelta(0)
, _sourcePositionCompatible(true) // In the furture this member's default value maybe false or be removed.
@ -604,14 +643,20 @@ ParticleSystem::~ParticleSystem()
// it is not needed to call "unscheduleUpdate" here. In fact, it will be called in "cleanup"
// unscheduleUpdate();
void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count, int animationCellIndex, int animationIndex)
if (_paused)
uint32_t RANDSEED = rand();
// Try to add as many particles as you can without overflowing.
count = MIN(int(_totalParticles * __totalParticleCountFactor) - _particleCount, count);
animationCellIndex = MIN(animationCellIndex, _animIndexCount - 1);
animationIndex = MIN(animationIndex, _animIndexCount - 1);
int start = _particleCount;
_particleCount += count;
@ -619,26 +664,70 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
// life
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float theLife = _life + _lifeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.timeToLive[i] = MAX(0, theLife);
float particleLife = _life + _lifeVar * RANDOM_KISS();
_particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] = MAX(0, particleLife);
_particleData.timeToLive[i] = MAX(0, particleLife);
// position
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.posx[i] = _sourcePosition.x + _posVar.x * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
auto f = RANDOM_KISS();
_particleData.posx[i] = _sourcePosition.x + _posVar.x * RANDOM_KISS();
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.posy[i] = _sourcePosition.y + _posVar.y * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.posy[i] = _sourcePosition.y + _posVar.y * RANDOM_KISS();
if (animationCellIndex == -1 && _isEmitterAnimated)
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
int rand0 = abs(RANDOM_KISS() * _animIndexCount);
_particleData.animCellIndex[i] = MIN(rand0, _animIndexCount - 1);
if (animationCellIndex != -1)
std::fill_n(_particleData.animCellIndex + start, _particleCount - start, animationCellIndex);
if (animationIndex == -1 && !_animations.empty())
if (_randomAnimations.empty())
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
int rand0 = abs(RANDOM_KISS() * _randomAnimations.size());
int index = MIN(rand0, _randomAnimations.size() - 1);
_particleData.animIndex[i] = _randomAnimations[index];
auto& descriptor =[i]);
_particleData.animTimeLength[i] =
descriptor.animationSpeed + descriptor.animationSpeedVariance * RANDOM_KISS();
if (_isEmitterAnimated || _isLoopAnimated)
std::fill_n(_particleData.animTimeDelta + start, _particleCount - start, 0);
if (animationIndex != -1)
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.animIndex[i] = animationIndex;
auto& descriptor =;
_particleData.animTimeLength[i] =
descriptor.animationSpeed + descriptor.animationSpeedVariance * RANDOM_KISS();
// color
#define SET_COLOR(c, b, v) \
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i) \
{ \
c[i] = clampf(b + v * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED), 0, 1); \
c[i] = clampf(b + v * RANDOM_KISS(), 0, 1); \
SET_COLOR(_particleData.colorR, _startColor.r, _startColorVar.r);
@ -662,10 +751,28 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorB, _particleData.deltaColorB);
SET_DELTA_COLOR(_particleData.colorA, _particleData.deltaColorA);
// hue saturation value color
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.hue[i] = _hsv.h + _hsvVar.h * RANDOM_KISS();
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.sat[i] = _hsv.s + _hsvVar.s * RANDOM_KISS();
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.val[i] = _hsv.v + _hsvVar.v * RANDOM_KISS();
// size
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.size[i] = _startSize + _startSizeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.size[i] = _startSize + _startSizeVar * RANDOM_KISS();
_particleData.size[i] = MAX(0, _particleData.size[i]);
@ -673,30 +780,31 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float endSize = _endSize + _endSizeVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
float endSize = _endSize + _endSizeVar * RANDOM_KISS();
endSize = MAX(0, endSize);
_particleData.deltaSize[i] = (endSize - _particleData.size[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i];
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.deltaSize[i] = 0.0f;
std::fill_n(_particleData.deltaSize + start, _particleCount - start, 0.0F);
// rotation
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.rotation[i] = _startSpin + _startSpinVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.rotation[i] = _startSpin + _startSpinVar * RANDOM_KISS();
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float endA = _endSpin + _endSpinVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
float endA = _endSpin + _endSpinVar * RANDOM_KISS();
_particleData.deltaRotation[i] = (endA - _particleData.rotation[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i];
// static rotation
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.staticRotation[i] = _spawnAngle + _spawnAngleVar * RANDOM_KISS();
// position
Vec2 pos;
if (_positionType == PositionType::FREE)
@ -707,14 +815,8 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
pos = _position;
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.startPosX[i] = pos.x;
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.startPosY[i] = pos.y;
std::fill_n(_particleData.startPosX + start, _particleCount - start, pos.x);
std::fill_n(_particleData.startPosY + start, _particleCount - start, pos.y);
// Mode Gravity: A
if (_emitterMode == Mode::GRAVITY)
@ -723,14 +825,14 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
// radial accel
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeA.radialAccel[i] = modeA.radialAccel + modeA.radialAccelVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.modeA.radialAccel[i] = modeA.radialAccel + modeA.radialAccelVar * RANDOM_KISS();
// tangential accel
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeA.tangentialAccel[i] =
modeA.tangentialAccel + modeA.tangentialAccelVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
modeA.tangentialAccel + modeA.tangentialAccelVar * RANDOM_KISS();
// rotation is dir
@ -738,9 +840,9 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED));
float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_KISS());
Vec2 v(cosf(a), sinf(a));
float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_KISS();
Vec2 dir = v * s;
_particleData.modeA.dirX[i] = dir.x; // v * s ;
_particleData.modeA.dirY[i] = dir.y;
@ -751,9 +853,9 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED));
float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_KISS());
Vec2 v(cosf(a), sinf(a));
float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
float s = modeA.speed + modeA.speedVar * RANDOM_KISS();
Vec2 dir = v * s;
_particleData.modeA.dirX[i] = dir.x; // v * s ;
_particleData.modeA.dirY[i] = dir.y;
@ -768,32 +870,27 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
// Set the default diameter of the particle from the source position
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeB.radius[i] = modeB.startRadius + modeB.startRadiusVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
_particleData.modeB.radius[i] = modeB.startRadius + modeB.startRadiusVar * RANDOM_KISS();
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeB.angle[i] = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED));
_particleData.modeB.angle[i] = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_angle + _angleVar * RANDOM_KISS());
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeB.degreesPerSecond[i] =
CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(modeB.rotatePerSecond + modeB.rotatePerSecondVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED));
CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(modeB.rotatePerSecond + modeB.rotatePerSecondVar * RANDOM_KISS());
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeB.deltaRadius[i] = 0.0f;
std::fill_n(_particleData.modeB.deltaRadius + start, _particleCount - start, 0.0F);
for (int i = start; i < _particleCount; ++i)
float endRadius = modeB.endRadius + modeB.endRadiusVar * RANDOM_M11(&RANDSEED);
float endRadius = modeB.endRadius + modeB.endRadiusVar * RANDOM_KISS();
_particleData.modeB.deltaRadius[i] =
(endRadius - _particleData.modeB.radius[i]) / _particleData.timeToLive[i];
@ -801,6 +898,181 @@ void ParticleSystem::addParticles(int count)
void ParticleSystem::setAnimationDescriptor(unsigned short indexOfDescriptor,
float time,
float timeVariance,
const std::vector<unsigned short> &indices,
bool reverse)
auto iter = _animations.find(indexOfDescriptor);
if (iter == _animations.end())
iter = _animations.emplace(indexOfDescriptor, ParticleAnimationDescriptor{}).first;
auto& desc = iter->second;
desc.animationSpeed = time;
desc.animationSpeedVariance = timeVariance;
desc.animationIndices = std::move(indices);
desc.reverseIndices = reverse;
void ParticleSystem::resetAnimationIndices()
_animIndexCount = 0;
void ParticleSystem::resetAnimationDescriptors()
void ParticleSystem::setMultiAnimationRandom()
for (auto& a : _animations)
void ParticleSystem::setAnimationIndicesAtlas()
if (_texture->getPixelsHigh() > _texture->getPixelsWide())
if (_texture->getPixelsWide() > _texture->getPixelsHigh())
CCASSERT(false, "Couldn't figure out the atlas size and direction.");
void ParticleSystem::setAnimationIndicesAtlas(unsigned int unifiedCellSize, TexAnimDir direction)
CCASSERT(unifiedCellSize > 0, "A cell cannot have a size of zero.");
auto texWidth = _texture->getPixelsWide();
auto texHeight = _texture->getPixelsHigh();
switch (direction)
case TexAnimDir::VERTICAL:
for (short i = 0; i < short(texHeight / unifiedCellSize); i++)
Rect frame{};
frame.origin.x = 0;
frame.origin.y = unifiedCellSize * i;
frame.size.x = texWidth;
frame.size.y = unifiedCellSize;
addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount++, frame);
case TexAnimDir::HORIZONTAL:
for (short i = 0; i < short(texWidth / unifiedCellSize); i++)
Rect frame{};
frame.origin.x = unifiedCellSize * i;
frame.origin.y = 0;
frame.size.x = unifiedCellSize;
frame.size.y = texHeight;
addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount++, frame);
bool ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(std::string_view frameName)
return addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount, frameName);
bool ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, std::string_view frameName)
auto frame = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(frameName);
if (frame)
return addAnimationIndex(index, frame);
return false;
bool ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame)
return addAnimationIndex(_animIndexCount, frame);
bool ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame)
if (frame)
return addAnimationIndex(index, frame->getRect(), frame->isRotated());
return false;
bool ParticleSystem::addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, cocos2d::Rect rect, bool rotated)
auto iter = _animationIndices.find(index);
if (iter == _animationIndices.end())
iter = _animationIndices.emplace(index, ParticleFrameDescriptor{}).first;
auto& desc = iter->second;
desc.rect = rect;
desc.isRotated = rotated;
return true;
void ParticleSystem::simulate(float seconds, float frameRate)
auto l_updatePaused = _updatePaused;
_updatePaused = false;
getLife() + getLifeVar() : seconds;
1.0F / Director::getInstance()->getAnimationInterval() : frameRate;
auto delta = 1.0F / frameRate;
if (seconds > delta)
while (seconds > 0.0F)
seconds -= delta;
_updatePaused = l_updatePaused;
void ParticleSystem::resimulate(float seconds, float frameRate)
this->simulate(seconds, frameRate);
void ParticleSystem::onEnter()
@ -834,10 +1106,7 @@ void ParticleSystem::resetSystem()
_isActive = true;
_elapsed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.timeToLive[i] = 0.0f;
std::fill_n(_particleData.timeToLive, _particleCount, 0.0F);
bool ParticleSystem::isFull()
@ -848,8 +1117,29 @@ bool ParticleSystem::isFull()
// ParticleSystem - MainLoop
void ParticleSystem::update(float dt)
// don't process particles nor update gl buffer when this node is invisible.
if (!_visible || _updatePaused)
CC_PROFILER_START_CATEGORY(kProfilerCategoryParticles, "CCParticleSystem - update");
if (_componentContainer && !_componentContainer->isEmpty())
if (_fixedFPS != 0)
_fixedFPSDelta += dt;
if (_fixedFPSDelta < 1.0F / _fixedFPS)
dt = _fixedFPSDelta;
_fixedFPSDelta = 0.0F;
float pureDt = dt;
dt *= _timeScale;
if (_isActive && _emissionRate)
float rate = 1.0f / _emissionRate;
@ -859,8 +1149,7 @@ void ParticleSystem::update(float dt)
if (_particleCount < totalParticles)
_emitCounter += dt;
if (_emitCounter < 0.f)
_emitCounter = 0.f;
_emitCounter = MAX(0.0F, _emitCounter);
int emitCount = MIN(totalParticles - _particleCount, _emitCounter / rate);
@ -876,10 +1165,65 @@ void ParticleSystem::update(float dt)
// The reason for using for-loops separately for every property is because
// When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in memory,
// it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cpu's cache.
// And wether if every property's memory of the particle system is continuous,
// for the purpose of improving cache hit rate, we should process only one property in one for-loop.
// It was proved to be effective especially for low-end devices.
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.timeToLive[i] -= dt;
if (_isEmitterAnimated && !_animations.empty())
_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] += (_animationTimescaleInd ? pureDt : dt);
if (_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] > _particleData.animTimeLength[i])
auto& anim =[i]);
float percent = abs(RANDOM_KISS());
percent = anim.reverseIndices ? 1.0F - percent : percent;
_particleData.animCellIndex[i] = anim.animationIndices[MIN(
percent * anim.animationIndices.size(), anim.animationIndices.size() - 1)];
_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] = 0;
if (_isLifeAnimated && _animations.empty())
float percent = (_particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] - _particleData.timeToLive[i]) / _particleData.totalTimeToLive[i];
percent = _isAnimationReversed ? 1.0F - percent : percent;
_particleData.animCellIndex[i] = (unsigned short)MIN(percent * _animIndexCount, _animIndexCount - 1);
if (_isLifeAnimated && !_animations.empty())
auto& anim =[i]);
float percent =
(_particleData.totalTimeToLive[i] - _particleData.timeToLive[i]) / _particleData.totalTimeToLive[i];
percent = (!!_isAnimationReversed != !!anim.reverseIndices) ? 1.0F - percent : percent;
percent = MAX(0.0F, percent);
_particleData.animCellIndex[i] = anim.animationIndices[MIN(percent * anim.animationIndices.size(),
anim.animationIndices.size() - 1)];
if (_isLoopAnimated && !_animations.empty())
auto& anim =[i]);
_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] += (_animationTimescaleInd ? pureDt : dt);
if (_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] >= _particleData.animTimeLength[i])
_particleData.animTimeDelta[i] = 0;
float percent = _particleData.animTimeDelta[i] / _particleData.animTimeLength[i];
percent = anim.reverseIndices ? 1.0F - percent : percent;
percent = MAX(0.0F, percent);
_particleData.animCellIndex[i] = anim.animationIndices[MIN(percent * anim.animationIndices.size(),
anim.animationIndices.size() - 1)];
if (_isLoopAnimated && _animations.empty())
std::fill_n(_particleData.animTimeDelta, _particleCount, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i)
@ -952,12 +1296,6 @@ void ParticleSystem::update(float dt)
// Why use so many for-loop separately instead of putting them together?
// When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in memory,
// it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cache.
// And every property's memory of the particle system is continuous,
// for the purpose of improving cache hit rate, we should process only one property in one for-loop AFAP.
// It was proved to be effective especially for low-end machine.
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i)
_particleData.modeB.angle[i] += _particleData.modeB.degreesPerSecond[i] * dt;
@ -1015,7 +1353,7 @@ void ParticleSystem::update(float dt)
_transformSystemDirty = false;
// only update gl buffer when visible
// update and send gl buffer only when this node is visible.
if (_visible && !_batchNode)
@ -1386,4 +1724,39 @@ void ParticleSystem::resumeEmissions()
_paused = false;
bool ParticleSystem::isUpdatePaused() const
return _updatePaused;
void ParticleSystem::pauseUpdate()
_updatePaused = true;
void ParticleSystem::resumeUpdate()
_updatePaused = false;
float ParticleSystem::getFixedFPS()
return _fixedFPS;
void ParticleSystem::setFixedFPS(float frameRate)
_fixedFPS = frameRate;
float ParticleSystem::getTimeScale()
return _timeScale;
void ParticleSystem::setTimeScale(float scale)
_timeScale = scale;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "base/CCProtocols.h"
#include "2d/CCNode.h"
#include "base/CCValue.h"
#include "2d/CCSpriteFrame.h"
#include "2d/CCSpriteFrameCache.h"
@ -52,6 +54,26 @@ struct particle_point
float y;
/** @struct ParticleAnimationDescriptor
Structure that contains animation description
struct ParticleAnimationDescriptor
float animationSpeed;
float animationSpeedVariance;
std::vector<unsigned short> animationIndices;
bool reverseIndices;
/** @struct ParticleFrameDescriptor
Structure that contains frame description
struct ParticleFrameDescriptor
cocos2d::Rect rect;
bool isRotated;
class CC_DLL ParticleData
@ -70,11 +92,21 @@ public:
float* deltaColorB;
float* deltaColorA;
float* hue;
float* sat;
float* val;
float* size;
float* deltaSize;
float* rotation;
float* staticRotation;
float* deltaRotation;
float* totalTimeToLive;
float* timeToLive;
float* animTimeDelta;
float* animTimeLength;
unsigned short* animIndex;
unsigned short* animCellIndex;
unsigned int* atlasIndex;
//! Mode A: gravity, direction, radial accel, tangential accel
@ -118,15 +150,24 @@ public:
deltaColorB[p1] = deltaColorB[p2];
deltaColorA[p1] = deltaColorA[p2];
size[p1] = size[p2];
deltaSize[p1] = deltaSize[p2];
hue[p1] = hue[p2];
sat[p1] = sat[p2];
val[p1] = val[p2];
rotation[p1] = rotation[p2];
deltaRotation[p1] = deltaRotation[p2];
size[p1] = size[p2];
deltaSize[p1] = deltaSize[p2];
rotation[p1] = rotation[p2];
staticRotation[p1] = staticRotation[p2];
deltaRotation[p1] = deltaRotation[p2];
timeToLive[p1] = timeToLive[p2];
totalTimeToLive[p1] = totalTimeToLive[p2];
timeToLive[p1] = timeToLive[p2];
animTimeDelta[p1] = animTimeDelta[p2];
animTimeLength[p1] = animTimeLength[p2];
atlasIndex[p1] = atlasIndex[p2];
animIndex[p1] = animIndex[p2];
animCellIndex[p1] = animCellIndex[p2];
atlasIndex[p1] = atlasIndex[p2];
modeA.dirX[p1] = modeA.dirX[p2];
modeA.dirY[p1] = modeA.dirY[p2];
@ -202,7 +243,7 @@ public:
/** PositionType
Possible types of particle positions.
Types of particle positioning.
* @js cc.ParticleSystem.TYPE_FREE
enum class PositionType
@ -216,6 +257,17 @@ public:
/** TexAnimDir
Texture animation direction for the particles.
enum class TexAnimDir
VERTICAL, /** texture coordinates are read top to bottom within the texture */
HORIZONTAL, /** texture coordinates are read left to right within the texture */
//* @enum
@ -227,6 +279,12 @@ public:
/** The starting radius of the particle is equal to the ending radius. */
/** The simulation's seconds are set to the particles' lifetime specified inclusive of variant. */
/** The simulation's framerate is set to the animation interval specified in director. */
/** Creates an initializes a ParticleSystem from a plist file.
@ -252,7 +310,7 @@ public:
static Vector<ParticleSystem*>& getAllParticleSystems();
void addParticles(int count);
void addParticles(int count, int animationCellIndex = -1, int animationIndex = -1);
void stopSystem();
/** Kill all living particles.
@ -658,6 +716,58 @@ public:
void setEndColorVar(const Color4F& color) { _endColorVar = color; }
/** Sets wether to use HSV color system.
* WARNING: becareful when using HSV with too many particles because it's expensive.
* @param hsv Use HSV color system.
void useHSV(bool hsv) { _isHsv = hsv; };
bool isHSV() { return _isHsv; };
/** Gets the hue of each particle.
* @return The hue of each particle.
float getHue() const { return _hsv.h; }
/** Sets the hue of each particle.
* @param hsv The hue color of each particle.
void setHue(float hue) { _hsv.h = hue; }
/** Gets the hue variance of each particle.
* @return The hue variance of each particle.
float getHueVar() const { return _hsvVar.h; }
/** Sets the hue variance of each particle.
* @param hsv The hue variance color of each particle.
void setHueVar(float hue) { _hsvVar.h = hue; }
/** Gets the HSV color of each particle.
* @return The HSV color of each particle.
const HSV& getHSV() const { return _hsv; }
/** Sets the HSV color of each particle.
* @param hsv The HSV color of each particle.
void setHSV(const HSV& hsv) { _hsv = hsv; }
/** Gets the HSV color variance of each particle.
* @return The HSV color variance of each particle.
const HSV& getHSVVar() const { return _hsvVar; }
/** Sets the HSV color variance of each particle.
* @param hsv The HSV color variance of each particle.
void setHSVVar(const HSV& hsv) { _hsvVar = hsv; }
/** Gets the start spin of each particle.
* @return The start spin of each particle.
@ -702,6 +812,28 @@ public:
void setEndSpinVar(float endSpinVar) { _endSpinVar = endSpinVar; }
/** Gets the spawn angle of each particle
* @return The angle in degrees of each particle.
float getSpawnAngle() { return _spawnAngle; }
/** Sets the spawn angle of each particle
* @param angle The angle in degrees of each particle.
void setSpawnAngle(float angle) { _spawnAngle = angle; }
/** Sets the spawn angle variance of each particle.
* @return The angle variance in degrees of each particle.
float getSpawnAngleVar() { return _spawnAngleVar; }
/** Sets the spawn angle variance of each particle.
* @param angle The angle variance in degrees of each particle.
void setSpawnAngleVar(float angle) { _spawnAngleVar = angle; }
/** Gets the emission rate of the particles.
* @return The emission rate of the particles.
@ -728,6 +860,160 @@ public:
void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool opacityModifyRGB) override { _opacityModifyRGB = opacityModifyRGB; }
bool isOpacityModifyRGB() const override { return _opacityModifyRGB; }
/** Enables or disables tex coord animations that are set based on particle life. */
void setLifeAnimation(bool enabled)
_isLifeAnimated = enabled;
_isEmitterAnimated = false;
_isLoopAnimated = false;
/** Enables or disables tex coord animations that are set by the emitter randomly when a particle is emitted. */
void setEmitterAnimation(bool enabled)
_isEmitterAnimated = enabled;
_isLifeAnimated = false;
_isLoopAnimated = false;
/** Enables or disables tex coord animations that are used to make particles play a sequence forever until they die */
void setLoopAnimation(bool enabled)
_isLoopAnimated = enabled;
_isEmitterAnimated = false;
_isLifeAnimated = false;
bool isLifeAnimated() { return _isLifeAnimated; }
bool isEmitterAnimated() { return _isEmitterAnimated; }
bool isLoopAnimated() { return _isLoopAnimated; }
/** Gets the total number of indices.
* @return The size of the list holding animation indices.
int getTotalAnimationIndices() { return _animIndexCount; }
/** Sets wether to start from first cell and go forwards (normal) or last cell and go backwards (reversed) */
void setAnimationReverse(bool reverse) { _isAnimationReversed = reverse; }
bool isAnimationReversed() { return _isAnimationReversed; }
/** Resets the count of indices to 0 and empties the animation index array */
void resetAnimationIndices();
/** Empties the container of animation descriptors */
void resetAnimationDescriptors();
/** Choose what animation descriptors are to be selected at random for particles.
* This function should be called after you've inserted/overwritten any animation descriptors.
* @param animations Array of specific indices of animations to play at random
void setMultiAnimationRandomSpecific(const std::vector<unsigned short> &animations) { _randomAnimations = animations; };
/** Choose ALL animation descriptors to be selected at random for particles.
* This function should be called after you've inserted/overwritten any animation descriptors.
void setMultiAnimationRandom();
/** Add all particle animation indices based on cells size and direction spicified using a texture atlas.
* will erase the array and add new indices from the atlas.
* This function will automatically figure out your atlas cell size and direction for you! thank her later :) */
void setAnimationIndicesAtlas();
/** Add all particle animation indices based on cell size and direction spicified if the method of rendering preferred is texture atlas.
* will erase the array and add new indices from the atlas.
* @param unifiedCellSize The size of cell unified.
* @param direction What direction is the atlas
void setAnimationIndicesAtlas(unsigned int unifiedCellSize, TexAnimDir direction = TexAnimDir::HORIZONTAL);
/** Add a particle animation index based on tex coords spicified using a sprite frame.
* The index is automatically incremented on each addition.
* @param frameName SpriteFrame name to search for
* @return Returns true of the index was successfully found and added. Otherwise, false
bool addAnimationIndex(std::string_view frameName);
/** Add a particle animation index based on tex coords spicified using a sprite frame.
* @param index Index id to add the frame to or override it with the new frame
* @param frameName SpriteFrame name to search for
* @return Returns true of the index was successfully found and added. Otherwise, false
bool addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, std::string_view frameName);
/** Add a particle animation index based on tex coords spicified using a sprite frame.
* The index is automatically incremented on each addition.
* @param frame SpriteFrame containting data about tex coords
* @return Returns true of the index was successfully found and added. Otherwise, false
bool addAnimationIndex(cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame);
/** Add a particle animation index based on tex coords spicified using a sprite frame.
* you can specify which index you want to override in this function
* @param index Index id to add the frame to or override it with the new frame
* @param frame SpriteFrame containting data about tex coords
* @return Returns true of the index was successfully found and added. Otherwise, false
bool addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, cocos2d::SpriteFrame* frame);
/** Add a particle animation index based on tex coords spicified.
* you can specify which index you want to override in this function
* @param index Index id to add the frame to or override it with the new rect
* @param rect Rect containting data about tex coords in pixels
* @param rotated Not implemented.
* @return Returns true of the index was successfully found and added. Otherwise, false
bool addAnimationIndex(unsigned short index, cocos2d::Rect rect, bool rotated = false);
/** You can specify what rect is used if an index in an animation descriptor wasn't found.
* @param rect Rect containting data about tex coords in pixels
void setRectForUndefinedIndices(cocos2d::Rect rect) { _undefinedIndexRect = rect; };
/** Add a particle animation descriptor with an index.
* @param indexOfDescriptor Index of the animation to be added, adding to the same index will just override the pervious animation descriptor
* @param time length of the animation in seconds
* @param timeVariance Time randomly selected for each different particle added on the animation length
* @param indices An array of the indicies
* @param reverse Should the animation indicies be played backwards? (default: false)
void setAnimationDescriptor(unsigned short indexOfDescriptor,
float time,
float timeVariance,
const std::vector<unsigned short> &indices,
bool reverse = false);
/** Add a particle animation descriptor with the index 0.
* @param indices An array of the indicies
* @param reverse Should the animation indicies be played backwards? (default: false)
void setAnimationDescriptor(const std::vector<unsigned short> &indices, bool reverse = false)
setAnimationDescriptor(0, 0, 0, indices, reverse);
/** Sets wether the animation descriptors should follow the time scale of the system or not.
* @param independent Should the animation descriptor speeds be played independently? (default: false)
void setAnimationSpeedTimescaleIndependent(bool independent) { _animationTimescaleInd = independent; };
bool isAnimationSpeedTimescaleIndependent() { return _animationTimescaleInd; };
/** Gets the particles movement type: Free or Grouped.
@since v0.8
@ -741,6 +1027,23 @@ public:
void setPositionType(PositionType type) { _positionType = type; }
/** Advance the particle system and make it seem like it ran for this many seconds.
* @param seconds Seconds to advance. value of -1 means (SIMULATION_USE_PARTICLE_LIFETIME)
* @param frameRate Frame rate to run the simulation with (preferred: 30.0) The higher this value is the more accurate the simulation will be at the cost of performance. value of -1 means (SIMULATION_USE_GAME_ANIMATION_INTERVAL)
void simulate(float seconds = SIMULATION_USE_PARTICLE_LIFETIME,
/** Resets the particle system and then advances the particle system and make it seem like it ran for this many
* seconds. The frame rate used for simulation accuracy is the screens refresh rate.
* @param seconds Seconds to advance. value of -1 means (SIMULATION_USE_PARTICLE_LIFETIME)
* @param frameRate Frame rate to run the simulation with (preferred: 30.0) The higher this value is the more accurate the simulation will be at the cost of performance. value of -1 means (SIMULATION_USE_GAME_ANIMATION_INTERVAL)
void resimulate(float seconds = SIMULATION_USE_PARTICLE_LIFETIME,
// Overrides
virtual void onEnter() override;
virtual void onExit() override;
@ -812,12 +1115,43 @@ public:
virtual bool isPaused() const;
/* Pause the emissions*/
/* Pause the emissions */
virtual void pauseEmissions();
/* UnPause the emissions*/
/* Unpause the emissions */
virtual void resumeEmissions();
/** Is system update paused
@return True if the emissions are paused, else false
virtual bool isUpdatePaused() const;
/* Pause the particles from being updated */
virtual void pauseUpdate();
/* Unpause the particles from being updated */
virtual void resumeUpdate();
/** Gets the fixed frame rate count of the particle system.
@return Fixed frame rate count of the particle system.
virtual float getFixedFPS();
/** Sets the fixed frame rate count of the particle system.
@param Fixed frame rate count of the particle system. (default: 0.0)
virtual void setFixedFPS(float frameRate = 0.0F);
/** Gets the time scale of the particle system.
@return Time scale of the particle system.
virtual float getTimeScale();
/** Gets the time scale of the particle system.
@param Time scale of the particle system. (default: 1.0)
virtual void setTimeScale(float scale = 1.0F);
virtual void updateBlendFunc();
@ -957,6 +1291,12 @@ protected:
Color4F _endColor;
/** end color variance of each particle */
Color4F _endColorVar;
//* Is the hsv system used or not.
bool _isHsv;
/** hsv color of each particle */
HSV _hsv;
/** hsv color variance of each particle */
HSV _hsvVar;
//* initial angle of each particle
float _startSpin;
//* initial angle of each particle
@ -965,6 +1305,10 @@ protected:
float _endSpin;
//* initial angle of each particle
float _endSpinVar;
//* initial rotation of each particle
float _spawnAngle;
//* initial rotation of each particle
float _spawnAngleVar;
/** emission rate of the particles */
float _emissionRate;
/** maximum particles of the system */
@ -975,6 +1319,26 @@ protected:
BlendFunc _blendFunc;
/** does the alpha value modify color */
bool _opacityModifyRGB;
/** is the particle system animated */
bool _isLifeAnimated;
/** is the emitter particle system animated */
bool _isEmitterAnimated;
/** is the emitter particle system animated */
bool _isLoopAnimated;
/** variable keeping count of sprite frames or atlas indices added */
int _animIndexCount;
/** wether to start from first or last when using life animation */
bool _isAnimationReversed;
/** A map that stores particle animation index coords */
std::unordered_map<unsigned short, ParticleFrameDescriptor> _animationIndices;
/** A map that stores particle animation descriptors */
std::unordered_map<unsigned short, ParticleAnimationDescriptor> _animations;
/** A vector that stores ids of animation descriptors that are choosen at random */
std::vector<unsigned short> _randomAnimations;
/** Wether the animation goes with the time scale of the system or is independent. */
bool _animationTimescaleInd;
/** A rect that is used instead when an index is not found */
cocos2d::Rect _undefinedIndexRect;
/** does FlippedY variance of each particle */
int _yCoordFlipped;
@ -986,6 +1350,18 @@ protected:
/** is the emitter paused */
bool _paused;
/** is particle system update paused */
bool _updatePaused;
/** time scale of the particle system */
float _timeScale;
/** Fixed frame rate of the particle system */
float _fixedFPS;
/** Fixed frame rate delta (internal) */
float _fixedFPSDelta;
/** is sourcePosition compatible */
bool _sourcePositionCompatible;

View File

@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ ParticleSystemQuad* ParticleSystemQuad::create(std::string_view filename)
ParticleSystemQuad* ParticleSystemQuad::createWithTotalParticles(int numberOfParticles)
CCASSERT(numberOfParticles <= 10000, "Adding more than 10000 particles will crash the renderer, the mesh generated has an index format of U_SHORT (uint16_t)");
ParticleSystemQuad* ret = new ParticleSystemQuad();
if (ret->initWithTotalParticles(numberOfParticles))
@ -273,7 +275,11 @@ void ParticleSystemQuad::initIndices()
inline void updatePosWithParticle(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, const Vec2& newPosition, float size, float rotation)
inline void updatePosWithParticle(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad,
const Vec2& newPosition,
float size,
float rotation,
float staticRotation)
// vertices
float size_2 = size / 2;
@ -285,7 +291,7 @@ inline void updatePosWithParticle(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, const Vec2& newPositio
float x = newPosition.x;
float y = newPosition.y;
float r = (float)-CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(rotation);
float r = (float)-CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(rotation + staticRotation);
float cr = cosf(r);
float sr = sinf(r);
float ax = x1 * cr - y1 * sr + x;
@ -351,14 +357,15 @@ void ParticleSystemQuad::updateParticleQuads()
Vec3 p2;
Vec2 newPos;
float* startX = _particleData.startPosX;
float* startY = _particleData.startPosY;
float* x = _particleData.posx;
float* y = _particleData.posy;
float* s = _particleData.size;
float* r = _particleData.rotation;
float* startX = _particleData.startPosX;
float* startY = _particleData.startPosY;
float* x = _particleData.posx;
float* y = _particleData.posy;
float* s = _particleData.size;
float* r = _particleData.rotation;
float* sr = _particleData.staticRotation;
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quadStart = startQuad;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r)
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r, ++sr)
p2.set(*startX, *startY, 0);
@ -366,7 +373,7 @@ void ParticleSystemQuad::updateParticleQuads()
p2 = p1 - p2;
newPos.x -= p2.x - pos.x;
newPos.y -= p2.y - pos.y;
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r);
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r, *sr);
else if (_positionType == PositionType::RELATIVE)
@ -378,14 +385,15 @@ void ParticleSystemQuad::updateParticleQuads()
float* y = _particleData.posy;
float* s = _particleData.size;
float* r = _particleData.rotation;
float* sr = _particleData.staticRotation;
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quadStart = startQuad;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r)
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r, ++sr)
newPos.set(*x, *y);
newPos.x = *x - (currentPosition.x - *startX);
newPos.y = *y - (currentPosition.y - *startY);
newPos += pos;
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r);
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r, *sr);
@ -397,53 +405,146 @@ void ParticleSystemQuad::updateParticleQuads()
float* y = _particleData.posy;
float* s = _particleData.size;
float* r = _particleData.rotation;
float* sr = _particleData.staticRotation;
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quadStart = startQuad;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r)
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++startX, ++startY, ++x, ++y, ++quadStart, ++s, ++r, ++sr)
newPos.set(*x + pos.x, *y + pos.y);
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r);
updatePosWithParticle(quadStart, newPos, *s, *r, *sr);
// set color
if (_opacityModifyRGB)
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = startQuad;
float* r = _particleData.colorR;
float* g = _particleData.colorG;
float* b = _particleData.colorB;
float* a = _particleData.colorA;
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = startQuad;
float* r = _particleData.colorR;
float* g = _particleData.colorG;
float* b = _particleData.colorB;
float* a = _particleData.colorA;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a)
// HSV calculation is expensive, so we should skip it if it's not enabled.
if (_isHsv)
float* hue = _particleData.hue;
float* sat = _particleData.sat;
float* val = _particleData.val;
if (_opacityModifyRGB)
uint8_t colorR = *r * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorG = *g * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorB = *b * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorA = *a * 255;
quad->bl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->br.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tr.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
auto hsv = HSV();
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a, ++hue, ++sat, ++val)
float colorR = *r * *a;
float colorG = *g * *a;
float colorB = *b * *a;
float colorA = *a;
hsv.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
hsv.h += *hue;
hsv.s = abs(*sat);
hsv.v = abs(*val);
auto col = hsv.toColor4B();
quad->bl.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->br.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->tl.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->tr.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
auto hsv = HSV();
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a, ++hue, ++sat, ++val)
float colorR = *r;
float colorG = *g;
float colorB = *b;
float colorA = *a;
hsv.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
hsv.h += *hue;
hsv.s = abs(*sat);
hsv.v = abs(*val);
auto col = hsv.toColor4B();
quad->bl.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->br.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->tl.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
quad->tr.colors.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = startQuad;
float* r = _particleData.colorR;
float* g = _particleData.colorG;
float* b = _particleData.colorB;
float* a = _particleData.colorA;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a)
// set color
if (_opacityModifyRGB)
uint8_t colorR = *r * 255;
uint8_t colorG = *g * 255;
uint8_t colorB = *b * 255;
uint8_t colorA = *a * 255;
quad->bl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->br.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tr.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a)
uint8_t colorR = *r * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorG = *g * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorB = *b * *a * 255;
uint8_t colorA = *a * 255;
quad->bl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->br.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tr.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++r, ++g, ++b, ++a)
uint8_t colorR = *r * 255;
uint8_t colorG = *g * 255;
uint8_t colorB = *b * 255;
uint8_t colorA = *a * 255;
quad->bl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->br.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tl.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
quad->tr.colors.set(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA);
// The reason for using for-loops separately for every property is because
// When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in memory,
// it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cpu's cache.
// And wether if every property's memory of the particle system is continuous,
// for the purpose of improving cache hit rate, we should process only one property in one for-loop.
// It was proved to be effective especially for low-end devices.
if (_isLifeAnimated || _isEmitterAnimated || _isLoopAnimated)
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = startQuad;
unsigned short* cellIndex = _particleData.animCellIndex;
ParticleFrameDescriptor index;
for (int i = 0; i < _particleCount; ++i, ++quad, ++cellIndex)
float left = 0.0F, bottom = 0.0F, top = 1.0F, right = 1.0F;
// TODO: index.isRotated should be treated accordingly
auto iter = _animationIndices.find(*cellIndex);
if (iter == _animationIndices.end())
index.rect = _undefinedIndexRect;
index = iter->second;
auto texWidth = _texture->getPixelsWide();
auto texHeight = _texture->getPixelsHigh();
left = index.rect.origin.x / texWidth;
right = (index.rect.origin.x + index.rect.size.x) / texWidth;
top = index.rect.origin.y / texHeight;
bottom = (index.rect.origin.y + index.rect.size.y) / texHeight;
quad->bl.texCoords.u = left;
quad->bl.texCoords.v = bottom;
quad->br.texCoords.u = right;
quad->br.texCoords.v = bottom;
quad->tl.texCoords.u = left;
quad->tl.texCoords.v = top;
quad->tr.texCoords.u = right;
quad->tr.texCoords.v = top;

View File

@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ SpriteTests::SpriteTests()
@ -362,118 +361,6 @@ std::string SpriteColorOpacity::subtitle() const
return "Color & Opacity";
// SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL
auto sprite1 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite2 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite3 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite4 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite5 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite6 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite7 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto sprite8 = Sprite::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", Rect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
auto s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
sprite1->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 1, (s.height / 3) * 1));
sprite2->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 2, (s.height / 3) * 1));
sprite3->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 3, (s.height / 3) * 1));
sprite4->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 4, (s.height / 3) * 1));
sprite5->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 1, (s.height / 3) * 2));
sprite6->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 2, (s.height / 3) * 2));
sprite7->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 3, (s.height / 3) * 2));
sprite8->setPosition(Vec2((s.width / 5) * 4, (s.height / 3) * 2));
auto action = FadeIn::create(2);
auto action_back = action->reverse();
auto fade = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(action, action_back, nullptr));
auto col = HSV(0, 1, 1, 1).toColor3B();
auto tintred = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
auto tintred_back = tintred->reverse();
auto red = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintred, tintred_back, nullptr));
col = HSV(120, 1, 1, 1).toColor3B();
auto tintgreen = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
auto tintgreen_back = tintgreen->reverse();
auto green = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintgreen, tintgreen_back, nullptr));
col = HSV(240, 1, 1, 1).toColor3B();
auto tintblue = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
auto tintblue_back = tintblue->reverse();
auto blue = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintblue, tintblue_back, nullptr));
action = FadeIn::create(2);
action_back = action->reverse();
fade = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(action, action_back, nullptr));
col = HSL(0, 1, .7, 1).toColor3B();
tintred = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
tintred_back = tintred->reverse();
red = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintred, tintred_back, nullptr));
col = HSL(120, 1, .7, 1).toColor3B();
tintgreen = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
tintgreen_back = tintgreen->reverse();
green = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintgreen, tintgreen_back, nullptr));
col = HSL(240, 1, .7, 1).toColor3B();
tintblue = TintBy::create(2, col.r, col.g, col.b);
tintblue_back = tintblue->reverse();
blue = RepeatForever::create(Sequence::create(tintblue, tintblue_back, nullptr));
// late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition
addChild(sprite1, 0, kTagSprite1);
addChild(sprite2, 0, kTagSprite2);
addChild(sprite3, 0, kTagSprite3);
addChild(sprite4, 0, kTagSprite4);
addChild(sprite5, 0, kTagSprite5);
addChild(sprite6, 0, kTagSprite6);
addChild(sprite7, 0, kTagSprite7);
addChild(sprite8, 0, kTagSprite8);
schedule(CC_CALLBACK_1(SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL::removeAndAddSprite, this), 2, "remove_add_key");
// this function test if remove and add works as expected:
// color array and vertex array should be reindexed
void SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL::removeAndAddSprite(float dt)
auto sprite = static_cast<Sprite*>(getChildByTag(kTagSprite5));
removeChild(sprite, false);
addChild(sprite, 0, kTagSprite5);
std::string SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL::title() const
return "Testing Sprite";
std::string SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL::subtitle() const
return "Color & Opacity using HSV/HSL";
// SpriteBatchNodeColorOpacity

View File

@ -73,16 +73,6 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle() const override;
class SpriteColorOpacityHSVHSL : public SpriteTestDemo
void removeAndAddSprite(float dt);
virtual std::string title() const override;
virtual std::string subtitle() const override;
class SpriteBatchNodeColorOpacity : public SpriteTestDemo