Fix genbindings ci can't commit modified files

This commit is contained in:
halx99 2024-01-30 21:27:32 +08:00
parent fb9977328d
commit 7838d7f861
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Push-Location $AX_ROOT
if ($env:GITHUB_ACTIONS -eq 'true') {
$git_status = "$(git status)"
$no_changes = $git_status.IndexOf('modified:') -eq -1 -or $git_status.IndexOf('deleted:') -eq -1 -or $git_status.IndexOf('Untracked', [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) -eq -1
$no_changes = $git_status.IndexOf('modified:') -eq -1 # -and $git_status.IndexOf('deleted:') -eq -1 -and $git_status.IndexOf('Untracked', [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) -eq -1
if ($no_changes) {
echo "BINDING_NO_CHANGES=true" >> ${env:GITHUB_ENV}
} else {

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ classes = New.* Sprite.* Scene Node.* Director Layer.* Menu.* Touch .*Action.* M
# will apply to all class names. This is a convenience wildcard to be able to skip similar named
# functions from all classes.
skip = Node::[setGLServerState description getUserObject .*UserData getGLServerState .*schedule getPosition$ setContentSize setAnchorPoint enumerateChildren getonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback getOnEnterCallback getOnExitCallback getonExitTransitionDidStartCallback setAdditionalTransform setRotationQuat getRotationQuat sortNodes],
skip = Node::[setGLServerState description _setLocalZOrder getUserObject .*UserData getGLServerState .*schedule getPosition$ setContentSize setAnchorPoint enumerateChildren getonEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback getOnEnterCallback getOnExitCallback getonExitTransitionDidStartCallback setAdditionalTransform setRotationQuat getRotationQuat sortNodes],
Sprite::[getQuad ^setPosition$ ^create$ setPolygonInfo initWithPolygon getPolygonInfo],
SpriteFrame::[setPolygonInfo getPolygonInfo hasPolygonInfo],