issue #2790: Reverts comments in CCDictionary.h

This commit is contained in:
James Chen 2013-12-12 09:53:50 +08:00
parent b2e8bdce1e
commit 92a7aa03de
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ public:
* Dictionary* pDict = Dictionary::create();
* // Insert objects to dictionary
* __String* pValue1 = __String::create("100");
* __String* pValue2 = __String::create("120");
* String* pValue1 = String::create("100");
* String* pValue2 = String::create("120");
* Integer* pValue3 = Integer::create(200);
* pDict->setObject(pValue1, "key1");
* pDict->setObject(pValue2, "key2");
* pDict->setObject(pValue3, "key3");
* // Get the object for key
* __String* pStr1 = (__String*)pDict->objectForKey("key1");
* log("{ key1: %s }", pStr1->getC__String());
* Integer* pInteger = (Integer*)pDict->objectForKey("key3");
* String* pStr1 = static_cast<String*>(pDict->objectForKey("key1"));
* log("{ key1: %s }", pStr1->getCString());
* Integer* pInteger = static_cast<Integer*>(pDict->objectForKey("key3"));
* log("{ key3: %d }", pInteger->getValue());
* @endcode
@ -224,11 +224,11 @@ public:
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @return The object matches the key. You need to force convert it to the type you know.
* @code
* // Assume that the elements are __String* pointers. Convert it by following code.
* __String* pStr = (__String*)pDict->objectForKey("key1");
* // Assume that the elements are String* pointers. Convert it by following code.
* String* pStr = static_cast<String*>(pDict->objectForKey("key1"));
* // Do something about pStr.
* // If you don't know the object type, properly you need to use dynamic_cast<SomeType*> to check it.
* __String* pStr2 = dynamic_cast<__String*>(pDict->objectForKey("key1"));
* String* pStr2 = dynamic_cast<String*>(pDict->objectForKey("key1"));
* if (pStr2 != NULL) {
* // Do something about pStr2
* }
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public:
* @note Be careful to use this function since it assumes the objects in the dictionary are __String pointer.
* @param key The string key for searching
* @return An instance of __String.
* @return An instance of String.
* It will return an empty string if the objects aren't __String pointer or the key wasn't found.
* @see valueForKey(intptr_t)
* @js NA
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public:
* @note Be careful to use this function since it assumes the objects in the dictionary are __String pointer.
* @param key The string key for searching.
* @return An instance of __String.
* @return An instance of String.
* It will return an empty string if the objects aren't __String pointer or the key wasn't found.
* @see valueForKey(intptr_t)
* @js NA
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public:
* Remove objects by an array of keys.
* @param pKey__Array The array contains keys to be removed.
* @param pKeyArray The array contains keys to be removed.
* @see removeObjectForKey(const std::string&), removeObjectForKey(intptr_t),
* removeObjectForElememt(DictElement*), removeAllObjects().
* @js NA