mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Updated some files.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "CCAtlasNode.h"
#include "CCTextureAtlas.h"
#include "CCDirector.h"
#include "CCGLProgram.h"
#include "CCShaderCache.h"
#include "ccGLStateCache.h"
#include "CCDirector.h"
#include "support/TransformUtils.h"
// external
#include "CCGLProgram.h"
#include "CCShaderCache.h"
#include "ccGLStateCache.h"
#include "CCDirector.h"
#include "support/TransformUtils.h"
// external
#include "kazmath/GL/matrix.h"
namespace cocos2d {
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ bool CCAtlasNode::initWithTileFile(const char *tile, unsigned int tileWidth, uns
m_tBlendFunc.src = CC_BLEND_SRC;
m_tBlendFunc.dst = CC_BLEND_DST;
// double retain to avoid the autorelease pool
// also, using: self.textureAtlas supports re-initialization without leaking
this->m_pTextureAtlas = new CCTextureAtlas();
m_pTextureAtlas->initWithFile(tile, itemsToRender);
CCTextureAtlas* pNewAtlas= new CCTextureAtlas();
pNewAtlas->initWithFile(tile, itemsToRender);
if (! m_pTextureAtlas)
CCLOG("cocos2d: Could not initialize CCAtlasNode. Invalid Texture.");
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ bool CCAtlasNode::initWithTileFile(const char *tile, unsigned int tileWidth, uns
m_uQuadsToDraw = itemsToRender;
// shader stuff
// shader stuff
m_nUniformColor = glGetUniformLocation( getShaderProgram()->getProgram(), "u_color");
return true;
@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ void CCAtlasNode::updateAtlasValues()
// CCAtlasNode - draw
void CCAtlasNode::draw(void)
ccGLBlendFunc( m_tBlendFunc.src, m_tBlendFunc.dst );
GLfloat colors[4] = {m_tColor.r / 255.0f, m_tColor.g / 255.0f, m_tColor.b / 255.0f, m_cOpacity / 255.0f};
getShaderProgram()->setUniformLocationWith4fv(m_nUniformColor, colors, 1);
ccGLBlendFunc( m_tBlendFunc.src, m_tBlendFunc.dst );
GLfloat colors[4] = {m_tColor.r / 255.0f, m_tColor.g / 255.0f, m_tColor.b / 255.0f, m_cOpacity / 255.0f};
getShaderProgram()->setUniformLocationWith4fv(m_nUniformColor, colors, 1);
m_pTextureAtlas->drawNumberOfQuads(m_uQuadsToDraw, 0);
@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ void CCAtlasNode::setTextureAtlas(CCTextureAtlas* var)
m_pTextureAtlas = var;
CCTextureAtlas * CCAtlasNode::getTextureAtlas()
return m_pTextureAtlas;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "CCActionManager.h"
#include "CCScriptSupport.h"
#include "CCGLProgram.h"
// externals
// externals
#include "kazmath/GL/matrix.h"
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
namespace cocos2d {
// XXX: Yes, nodes might have a sort problem once every 15 days if the game runs at 60 FPS and each frame sprites are reordered.
// XXX: Yes, nodes might have a sort problem once every 15 days if the game runs at 60 FPS and each frame sprites are reordered.
static int s_globalOrderOfArrival = 1;
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ CCNode::CCNode(void)
, m_glServerState(CC_GL_BLEND)
, m_bReorderChildDirty(false)
// set default scheduler and actionManager
CCDirector *director = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
m_pActionManager = director->getActionManager();
// set default scheduler and actionManager
CCDirector *director = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
m_pActionManager = director->getActionManager();
m_pScheduler = director->getScheduler();
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ CCNode::~CCNode(void)
CCLOGINFO( "cocos2d: deallocing" );
// attributes
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ void CCNode::_setZOrder(int z)
void CCNode::setZOrder(int z)
if (m_pParent)
if (m_pParent)
m_pParent->reorderChild(this, z);
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void CCNode::setUserData(void *var)
CCRect CCNode::boundingBox()
CCRect rect = CCRectMake(0, 0, m_tContentSize.width, m_tContentSize.height);
CCRect rect = CCRectMake(0, 0, m_tContentSize.width, m_tContentSize.height);
return CCRectApplyAffineTransform(rect, nodeToParentTransform());
@ -637,34 +637,34 @@ void CCNode::reorderChild(CCNode *child, int zOrder)
void CCNode::sortAllChildren()
if (m_bReorderChildDirty)
int i,j,length = m_pChildren->data->num;
CCNode ** x = (CCNode**)m_pChildren->data->arr;
CCNode *tempItem;
// insertion sort
for(i=1; i<length; i++)
tempItem = x[i];
j = i-1;
//continue moving element downwards while zOrder is smaller or when zOrder is the same but mutatedIndex is smaller
while(j>=0 && ( tempItem->m_nZOrder < x[j]->m_nZOrder || ( tempItem->m_nZOrder== x[j]->m_nZOrder && tempItem->m_nOrderOfArrival < x[j]->m_nOrderOfArrival ) ) )
x[j+1] = x[j];
j = j-1;
x[j+1] = tempItem;
//don't need to check children recursively, that's done in visit of each child
m_bReorderChildDirty = false;
void CCNode::sortAllChildren()
if (m_bReorderChildDirty)
int i,j,length = m_pChildren->data->num;
CCNode ** x = (CCNode**)m_pChildren->data->arr;
CCNode *tempItem;
// insertion sort
for(i=1; i<length; i++)
tempItem = x[i];
j = i-1;
//continue moving element downwards while zOrder is smaller or when zOrder is the same but mutatedIndex is smaller
while(j>=0 && ( tempItem->m_nZOrder < x[j]->m_nZOrder || ( tempItem->m_nZOrder== x[j]->m_nZOrder && tempItem->m_nOrderOfArrival < x[j]->m_nOrderOfArrival ) ) )
x[j+1] = x[j];
j = j-1;
x[j+1] = tempItem;
//don't need to check children recursively, that's done in visit of each child
m_bReorderChildDirty = false;
void CCNode::draw()
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ void CCNode::visit()
// reset for next frame
// reset for next frame
m_nOrderOfArrival = 0;
if (m_pGrid && m_pGrid->isActive())
@ -751,30 +751,30 @@ void CCNode::transformAncestors()
void CCNode::transform()
kmMat4 transfrom4x4;
// Convert 3x3 into 4x4 matrix
CCAffineTransform tmpAffine = this->nodeToParentTransform();
CGAffineToGL(&tmpAffine, transfrom4x4.mat);
// Update Z vertex manually
transfrom4x4.mat[14] = m_fVertexZ;
kmGLMultMatrix( &transfrom4x4 );
// XXX: Expensive calls. Camera should be integrated into the cached affine matrix
if ( m_pCamera != NULL && !(m_pGrid != NULL && m_pGrid->isActive()) )
bool translate = (m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x != 0.0f || m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y != 0.0f);
if( translate )
kmGLTranslatef(RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x), RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y), 0 );
if( translate )
kmGLTranslatef(RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x), RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y), 0 );
kmMat4 transfrom4x4;
// Convert 3x3 into 4x4 matrix
CCAffineTransform tmpAffine = this->nodeToParentTransform();
CGAffineToGL(&tmpAffine, transfrom4x4.mat);
// Update Z vertex manually
transfrom4x4.mat[14] = m_fVertexZ;
kmGLMultMatrix( &transfrom4x4 );
// XXX: Expensive calls. Camera should be integrated into the cached affine matrix
if ( m_pCamera != NULL && !(m_pGrid != NULL && m_pGrid->isActive()) )
bool translate = (m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x != 0.0f || m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y != 0.0f);
if( translate )
kmGLTranslatef(RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x), RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y), 0 );
if( translate )
kmGLTranslatef(RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x), RENDER_IN_SUBPIXEL(-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y), 0 );
@ -799,9 +799,9 @@ void CCNode::onEnterTransitionDidFinish()
arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(m_pChildren, onEnterTransitionDidFinish, CCNode*);
void CCNode::onExitTransitionDidStart()
arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(m_pChildren, onExitTransitionDidStart, CCNode*);
void CCNode::onExitTransitionDidStart()
arrayMakeObjectsPerformSelector(m_pChildren, onExitTransitionDidStart, CCNode*);
void CCNode::onExit()
@ -835,19 +835,19 @@ void CCNode::unregisterScriptHandler(void)
void CCNode::setActionManager(CCActionManager* actionManager)
if( actionManager != m_pActionManager ) {
m_pActionManager = actionManager;
CCActionManager* CCNode::getActionManager()
return m_pActionManager;
void CCNode::setActionManager(CCActionManager* actionManager)
if( actionManager != m_pActionManager ) {
m_pActionManager = actionManager;
CCActionManager* CCNode::getActionManager()
return m_pActionManager;
CCAction * CCNode::runAction(CCAction* action)
@ -886,20 +886,20 @@ unsigned int CCNode::numberOfRunningActions()
// CCNode - Callbacks
void CCNode::setScheduler(CCScheduler* scheduler)
if( scheduler != m_pScheduler ) {
m_pScheduler = scheduler;
CCScheduler* CCNode::getScheduler()
return m_pScheduler;
void CCNode::setScheduler(CCScheduler* scheduler)
if( scheduler != m_pScheduler ) {
m_pScheduler = scheduler;
CCScheduler* CCNode::getScheduler()
return m_pScheduler;
void CCNode::scheduleUpdate()
@ -921,9 +921,9 @@ void CCNode::schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector)
this->schedule(selector, 0.0f, kCCRepeatForever, 0.0f);
void CCNode::schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime interval)
this->schedule(selector, interval, kCCRepeatForever, 0.0f);
void CCNode::schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime interval)
this->schedule(selector, interval, kCCRepeatForever, 0.0f);
void CCNode::schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime interval, unsigned int repeat, ccTime delay)
@ -934,9 +934,9 @@ void CCNode::schedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime interval, unsigned int repea
m_pScheduler->scheduleSelector(selector, this, interval, !m_bIsRunning, repeat, delay);
void CCNode::scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime delay)
this->schedule(selector, 0.0f, 0, delay);
void CCNode::scheduleOnce(SEL_SCHEDULE selector, ccTime delay)
this->schedule(selector, 0.0f, 0, delay);
void CCNode::unschedule(SEL_SCHEDULE selector)
@ -967,57 +967,57 @@ void CCNode::pauseSchedulerAndActions()
CCAffineTransform CCNode::nodeToParentTransform(void)
if ( m_bIsTransformDirty ) {
// Translate values
float x = m_tPosition.x;
float y = m_tPosition.y;
if ( !m_bIsRelativeAnchorPoint ) {
x += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x;
y += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;
// Rotation values
float c = 1, s = 0;
if( m_fRotation ) {
float radians = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotation);
c = cosf(radians);
s = sinf(radians);
bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );
// optimization:
// inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
if( !needsSkewMatrix && !CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPoints, CCPointZero) ) {
x += c * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -s * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
y += s * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + c * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
// Build Transform Matrix
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX, s * m_fScaleX,
-s * m_fScaleY, c * m_fScaleY,
x, y );
// XXX: Try to inline skew
// If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
if( needsSkewMatrix ) {
CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f );
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_tTransform);
// adjust anchor point
if( ! CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPoints, CCPointZero) )
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_tTransform, -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y);
m_bIsTransformDirty = false;
if ( m_bIsTransformDirty ) {
// Translate values
float x = m_tPosition.x;
float y = m_tPosition.y;
if ( !m_bIsRelativeAnchorPoint ) {
x += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x;
y += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;
// Rotation values
float c = 1, s = 0;
if( m_fRotation ) {
float radians = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotation);
c = cosf(radians);
s = sinf(radians);
bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );
// optimization:
// inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
if( !needsSkewMatrix && !CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPoints, CCPointZero) ) {
x += c * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -s * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
y += s * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + c * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
// Build Transform Matrix
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX, s * m_fScaleX,
-s * m_fScaleY, c * m_fScaleY,
x, y );
// XXX: Try to inline skew
// If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
if( needsSkewMatrix ) {
CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f );
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_tTransform);
// adjust anchor point
if( ! CCPoint::CCPointEqualToPoint(m_tAnchorPointInPoints, CCPointZero) )
m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_tTransform, -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y);
m_bIsTransformDirty = false;
return m_tTransform;
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "vec3.h"
#include "utility.h"
@ -42,9 +43,9 @@ typedef struct kmAABB {
kmVec3 max; /** The min corner of the box */
} kmAABB;
const int kmAABBContainsPoint(const kmVec3* pPoint, const kmAABB* pBox);
kmAABB* const kmAABBAssign(kmAABB* pOut, const kmAABB* pIn);
kmAABB* const kmAABBScale(kmAABB* pOut, const kmAABB* pIn, kmScalar s);
CC_DLL const int kmAABBContainsPoint(const kmVec3* pPoint, const kmAABB* pBox);
CC_DLL kmAABB* const kmAABBAssign(kmAABB* pOut, const kmAABB* pIn);
CC_DLL kmAABB* const kmAABBScale(kmAABB* pOut, const kmAABB* pIn, kmScalar s);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
struct kmVec3;
@ -40,33 +41,33 @@ typedef struct kmMat3{
extern "C" {
kmMat3* const kmMat3Fill(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar* pMat);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Adjugate(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Identity(kmMat3* pOut);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Inverse(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar pDeterminate, const kmMat3* pM);
const int kmMat3IsIdentity(const kmMat3* pIn);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Transpose(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
const kmScalar kmMat3Determinant(const kmMat3* pIn);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Multiply(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pM1, const kmMat3* pM2);
kmMat3* const kmMat3ScalarMultiply(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pM, const kmScalar pFactor);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Fill(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar* pMat);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Adjugate(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Identity(kmMat3* pOut);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Inverse(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar pDeterminate, const kmMat3* pM);
CC_DLL const int kmMat3IsIdentity(const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Transpose(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL const kmScalar kmMat3Determinant(const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Multiply(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pM1, const kmMat3* pM2);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3ScalarMultiply(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pM, const kmScalar pFactor);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationAxisAngle(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat3RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationAxisAngle(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat3RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat3* pIn);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Assign(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
const int kmMat3AreEqual(const kmMat3* pM1, const kmMat3* pM2);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Assign(kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL const int kmMat3AreEqual(const kmMat3* pM1, const kmMat3* pM2);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationX(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationY(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationZ(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationX(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationY(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationZ(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Rotation(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Scaling(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y);
kmMat3* const kmMat3Translation(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Rotation(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Scaling(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3Translation(kmMat3* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationQuaternion(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmQuaternion* pIn);
kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationAxisAngle(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat3RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationQuaternion(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat3* const kmMat3RotationAxisAngle(kmMat3* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat3RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat3* pIn);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
struct kmVec3;
@ -50,43 +51,43 @@ typedef struct kmMat4 {
kmScalar mat[16];
} kmMat4;
kmMat4* const kmMat4Fill(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar* pMat);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Fill(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar* pMat);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Identity(kmMat4* pOut);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Identity(kmMat4* pOut);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Inverse(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pM);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Inverse(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pM);
const int kmMat4IsIdentity(const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL const int kmMat4IsIdentity(const kmMat4* pIn);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Transpose(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Multiply(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pM1, const kmMat4* pM2);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Transpose(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Multiply(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pM1, const kmMat4* pM2);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Assign(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
const int kmMat4AreEqual(const kmMat4* pM1, const kmMat4* pM2);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Assign(kmMat4* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL const int kmMat4AreEqual(const kmMat4* pM1, const kmMat4* pM2);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationX(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationY(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationZ(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar pitch, const kmScalar yaw, const kmScalar roll);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationQuaternion(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmQuaternion* pQ);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationTranslation(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmMat3* rotation, const struct kmVec3* translation);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Scaling(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y, const kmScalar z);
kmMat4* const kmMat4Translation(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y, const kmScalar z);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationX(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationY(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationZ(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationPitchYawRoll(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar pitch, const kmScalar yaw, const kmScalar roll);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationQuaternion(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmQuaternion* pQ);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationTranslation(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmMat3* rotation, const struct kmVec3* translation);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Scaling(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y, const kmScalar z);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4Translation(kmMat4* pOut, const kmScalar x, const kmScalar y, const kmScalar z);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetUpVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetRightVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetForwardVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetUpVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetRightVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat4GetForwardVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
kmMat4* const kmMat4PerspectiveProjection(kmMat4* pOut, kmScalar fovY, kmScalar aspect, kmScalar zNear, kmScalar zFar);
kmMat4* const kmMat4OrthographicProjection(kmMat4* pOut, kmScalar left, kmScalar right, kmScalar bottom, kmScalar top, kmScalar nearVal, kmScalar farVal);
kmMat4* const kmMat4LookAt(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pEye, const struct kmVec3* pCenter, const struct kmVec3* pUp);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4PerspectiveProjection(kmMat4* pOut, kmScalar fovY, kmScalar aspect, kmScalar zNear, kmScalar zFar);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4OrthographicProjection(kmMat4* pOut, kmScalar left, kmScalar right, kmScalar bottom, kmScalar top, kmScalar nearVal, kmScalar farVal);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4LookAt(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pEye, const struct kmVec3* pCenter, const struct kmVec3* pUp);
kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationAxisAngle(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
struct kmMat3* const kmMat4ExtractRotation(struct kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
struct kmPlane* const kmMat4ExtractPlane(struct kmPlane* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn, const kmEnum plane);
struct kmVec3* const kmMat4RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL kmMat4* const kmMat4RotationAxisAngle(kmMat4* pOut, const struct kmVec3* axis, kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL struct kmMat3* const kmMat4ExtractRotation(struct kmMat3* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn);
CC_DLL struct kmPlane* const kmMat4ExtractPlane(struct kmPlane* pOut, const kmMat4* pIn, const kmEnum plane);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* const kmMat4RotationToAxisAngle(struct kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* radians, const kmMat4* pIn);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define KM_PLANE_NEAR 4
#define KM_PLANE_FAR 5
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
struct kmVec3;
@ -53,15 +54,15 @@ typedef enum POINT_CLASSIFICATION {
const kmScalar kmPlaneDot(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec4* pV);
const kmScalar kmPlaneDotCoord(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV);
const kmScalar kmPlaneDotNormal(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV);
kmPlane* const kmPlaneFromPointNormal(kmPlane* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pPoint, const struct kmVec3* pNormal);
kmPlane* const kmPlaneFromPoints(kmPlane* pOut, const struct kmVec3* p1, const struct kmVec3* p2, const struct kmVec3* p3);
kmVec3* const kmPlaneIntersectLine(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV1, const struct kmVec3* pV2);
kmPlane* const kmPlaneNormalize(kmPlane* pOut, const kmPlane* pP);
kmPlane* const kmPlaneScale(kmPlane* pOut, const kmPlane* pP, kmScalar s);
const POINT_CLASSIFICATION kmPlaneClassifyPoint(const kmPlane* pIn, const kmVec3* pP); /** Classifys a point against a plane */
CC_DLL const kmScalar kmPlaneDot(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec4* pV);
CC_DLL const kmScalar kmPlaneDotCoord(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV);
CC_DLL const kmScalar kmPlaneDotNormal(const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV);
CC_DLL kmPlane* const kmPlaneFromPointNormal(kmPlane* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pPoint, const struct kmVec3* pNormal);
CC_DLL kmPlane* const kmPlaneFromPoints(kmPlane* pOut, const struct kmVec3* p1, const struct kmVec3* p2, const struct kmVec3* p3);
CC_DLL kmVec3* const kmPlaneIntersectLine(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmPlane* pP, const struct kmVec3* pV1, const struct kmVec3* pV2);
CC_DLL kmPlane* const kmPlaneNormalize(kmPlane* pOut, const kmPlane* pP);
CC_DLL kmPlane* const kmPlaneScale(kmPlane* pOut, const kmPlane* pP, kmScalar s);
CC_DLL const POINT_CLASSIFICATION kmPlaneClassifyPoint(const kmPlane* pIn, const kmVec3* pP); /** Classifys a point against a plane */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
struct kmMat4;
@ -43,68 +44,68 @@ typedef struct kmQuaternion {
kmScalar w;
} kmQuaternion;
kmQuaternion* const kmQuaternionConjugate(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn); ///< Returns pOut, sets pOut to the conjugate of pIn
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* const kmQuaternionConjugate(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn); ///< Returns pOut, sets pOut to the conjugate of pIn
const kmScalar kmQuaternionDot(const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2); ///< Returns the dot product of the 2 quaternions
CC_DLL const kmScalar kmQuaternionDot(const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2); ///< Returns the dot product of the 2 quaternions
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionExp(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn); ///< Returns the exponential of the quaternion
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionExp(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn); ///< Returns the exponential of the quaternion
///< Makes the passed quaternion an identity quaternion
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionIdentity(kmQuaternion* pOut);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionIdentity(kmQuaternion* pOut);
///< Returns the inverse of the passed Quaternion
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionInverse(kmQuaternion* pOut,
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionInverse(kmQuaternion* pOut,
const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Returns true if the quaternion is an identity quaternion
int kmQuaternionIsIdentity(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL int kmQuaternionIsIdentity(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Returns the length of the quaternion
kmScalar kmQuaternionLength(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmQuaternionLength(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Returns the length of the quaternion squared (prevents a sqrt)
kmScalar kmQuaternionLengthSq(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmQuaternionLengthSq(const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Returns the natural logarithm
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionLn(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionLn(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Multiplies 2 quaternions together
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionMultiply(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionMultiply(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2);
///< Normalizes a quaternion
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionNormalize(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionNormalize(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
///< Rotates a quaternion around an axis
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationAxis(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pV, kmScalar angle);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationAxis(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmVec3* pV, kmScalar angle);
///< Creates a quaternion from a rotation matrix
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationMatrix(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmMat3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationMatrix(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmMat3* pIn);
///< Create a quaternion from yaw, pitch and roll
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(kmQuaternion* pOut, kmScalar yaw, kmScalar pitch, kmScalar roll);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(kmQuaternion* pOut, kmScalar yaw, kmScalar pitch, kmScalar roll);
///< Interpolate between 2 quaternions
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionSlerp(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2, kmScalar t);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionSlerp(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q1, const kmQuaternion* q2, kmScalar t);
///< Get the axis and angle of rotation from a quaternion
void kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(const kmQuaternion* pIn, struct kmVec3* pVector, kmScalar* pAngle);
CC_DLL void kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(const kmQuaternion* pIn, struct kmVec3* pVector, kmScalar* pAngle);
///< Scale a quaternion
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionScale(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn, kmScalar s);
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionAssign(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionAdd(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pQ1, const kmQuaternion* pQ2);
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationBetweenVec3(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmVec3* vec1, const struct kmVec3* vec2, const struct kmVec3* fallback);
struct kmVec3* kmQuaternionMultiplyVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q, const struct kmVec3* v);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionScale(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn, kmScalar s);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionAssign(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pIn);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionAdd(kmQuaternion* pOut, const kmQuaternion* pQ1, const kmQuaternion* pQ2);
CC_DLL kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionRotationBetweenVec3(kmQuaternion* pOut, const struct kmVec3* vec1, const struct kmVec3* vec2, const struct kmVec3* fallback);
CC_DLL struct kmVec3* kmQuaternionMultiplyVec3(struct kmVec3* pOut, const kmQuaternion* q, const struct kmVec3* v);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifndef RAY_2_H
#define RAY_2_H
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "vec2.h"
@ -38,10 +39,10 @@ typedef struct kmRay2 {
kmVec2 dir;
} kmRay2;
void kmRay2Fill(kmRay2* ray, kmScalar px, kmScalar py, kmScalar vx, kmScalar vy);
kmBool kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, kmVec2* intersection);
kmBool kmRay2IntersectTriangle(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, const kmVec2* p3, kmVec2* intersection, kmVec2* normal_out);
kmBool kmRay2IntersectCircle(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2 centre, const kmScalar radius, kmVec2* intersection);
CC_DLL void kmRay2Fill(kmRay2* ray, kmScalar px, kmScalar py, kmScalar vx, kmScalar vy);
CC_DLL kmBool kmRay2IntersectLineSegment(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, kmVec2* intersection);
CC_DLL kmBool kmRay2IntersectTriangle(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2, const kmVec2* p3, kmVec2* intersection, kmVec2* normal_out);
CC_DLL kmBool kmRay2IntersectCircle(const kmRay2* ray, const kmVec2 centre, const kmScalar radius, kmVec2* intersection);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include <math.h>
#ifndef kmScalar
extern "C" {
extern kmScalar kmSQR(kmScalar s);
extern kmScalar kmDegreesToRadians(kmScalar degrees);
extern kmScalar kmRadiansToDegrees(kmScalar radians);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmSQR(kmScalar s);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmDegreesToRadians(kmScalar degrees);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmRadiansToDegrees(kmScalar radians);
extern kmScalar kmMin(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
extern kmScalar kmMax(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
extern kmBool kmAlmostEqual(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmMin(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmMax(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
CC_DLL kmBool kmAlmostEqual(kmScalar lhs, kmScalar rhs);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
struct kmMat3;
#ifndef kmScalar
@ -44,17 +46,17 @@ typedef struct kmVec2 {
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
kmVec2* kmVec2Fill(kmVec2* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y);
kmScalar kmVec2Length(const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the length of the vector
kmScalar kmVec2LengthSq(const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the square of the length of the vector
kmVec2* kmVec2Normalize(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the vector passed in set to unit length
kmVec2* kmVec2Add(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); ///< Adds 2 vectors and returns the result
kmScalar kmVec2Dot(const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); /** Returns the Dot product which is the cosine of the angle between the two vectors multiplied by their lengths */
kmVec2* kmVec2Subtract(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); ///< Subtracts 2 vectors and returns the result
kmVec2* kmVec2Transform(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const struct kmMat3* pM); /** Transform the Vector */
kmVec2* kmVec2TransformCoord(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV, const struct kmMat3* pM); ///<Transforms a 2D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1.
kmVec2* kmVec2Scale(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pIn, const kmScalar s); ///< Scales a vector to length s
int kmVec2AreEqual(const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2); ///< Returns 1 if both vectors are equal
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Fill(kmVec2* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec2Length(const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the length of the vector
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec2LengthSq(const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the square of the length of the vector
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Normalize(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pIn); ///< Returns the vector passed in set to unit length
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Add(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); ///< Adds 2 vectors and returns the result
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec2Dot(const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); /** Returns the Dot product which is the cosine of the angle between the two vectors multiplied by their lengths */
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Subtract(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const kmVec2* pV2); ///< Subtracts 2 vectors and returns the result
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Transform(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV1, const struct kmMat3* pM); /** Transform the Vector */
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2TransformCoord(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pV, const struct kmMat3* pM); ///<Transforms a 2D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1.
CC_DLL kmVec2* kmVec2Scale(kmVec2* pOut, const kmVec2* pIn, const kmScalar s); ///< Scales a vector to length s
CC_DLL int kmVec2AreEqual(const kmVec2* p1, const kmVec2* p2); ///< Returns 1 if both vectors are equal
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include <assert.h>
#ifndef kmScalar
@ -44,23 +45,23 @@ typedef struct kmVec3 {
extern "C" {
kmVec3* kmVec3Fill(kmVec3* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y, kmScalar z);
kmScalar kmVec3Length(const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the length of the vector */
kmScalar kmVec3LengthSq(const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the square of the length of the vector */
kmVec3* kmVec3Normalize(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the vector passed in set to unit length */
kmVec3* kmVec3Cross(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Returns a vector perpendicular to 2 other vectors */
kmScalar kmVec3Dot(const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Returns the cosine of the angle between 2 vectors */
kmVec3* kmVec3Add(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Adds 2 vectors and returns the result */
kmVec3* kmVec3Subtract(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Subtracts 2 vectors and returns the result */
kmVec3* kmVec3Transform(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const struct kmMat4* pM); /** Transforms a vector (assuming w=1) by a given matrix */
kmVec3* kmVec3TransformNormal(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);/**Transforms a 3D normal by a given matrix */
kmVec3* kmVec3TransformCoord(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM); /**Transforms a 3D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1. */
kmVec3* kmVec3Scale(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn, const kmScalar s); /** Scales a vector to length s */
int kmVec3AreEqual(const kmVec3* p1, const kmVec3* p2);
kmVec3* kmVec3InverseTransform(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);
kmVec3* kmVec3InverseTransformNormal(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pVect, const struct kmMat4* pM);
kmVec3* kmVec3Assign(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn);
kmVec3* kmVec3Zero(kmVec3* pOut);
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Fill(kmVec3* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y, kmScalar z);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec3Length(const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the length of the vector */
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec3LengthSq(const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the square of the length of the vector */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Normalize(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn); /** Returns the vector passed in set to unit length */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Cross(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Returns a vector perpendicular to 2 other vectors */
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec3Dot(const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Returns the cosine of the angle between 2 vectors */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Add(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Adds 2 vectors and returns the result */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Subtract(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const kmVec3* pV2); /** Subtracts 2 vectors and returns the result */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Transform(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV1, const struct kmMat4* pM); /** Transforms a vector (assuming w=1) by a given matrix */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3TransformNormal(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);/**Transforms a 3D normal by a given matrix */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3TransformCoord(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM); /**Transforms a 3D vector by a given matrix, projecting the result back into w = 1. */
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Scale(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn, const kmScalar s); /** Scales a vector to length s */
CC_DLL int kmVec3AreEqual(const kmVec3* p1, const kmVec3* p2);
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3InverseTransform(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3InverseTransformNormal(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pVect, const struct kmMat4* pM);
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Assign(kmVec3* pOut, const kmVec3* pIn);
CC_DLL kmVec3* kmVec3Zero(kmVec3* pOut);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include "utility.h"
struct kmMat4;
@ -46,20 +47,20 @@ typedef struct kmVec4 {
extern "C" {
kmVec4* kmVec4Fill(kmVec4* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y, kmScalar z, kmScalar w);
kmVec4* kmVec4Add(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
kmScalar kmVec4Dot(const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
kmScalar kmVec4Length(const kmVec4* pIn);
kmScalar kmVec4LengthSq(const kmVec4* pIn);
kmVec4* kmVec4Lerp(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2, kmScalar t);
kmVec4* kmVec4Normalize(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn);
kmVec4* kmVec4Scale(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn, const kmScalar s); ///< Scales a vector to length s
kmVec4* kmVec4Subtract(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
kmVec4* kmVec4Transform(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);
kmVec4* kmVec4TransformArray(kmVec4* pOut, unsigned int outStride,
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Fill(kmVec4* pOut, kmScalar x, kmScalar y, kmScalar z, kmScalar w);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Add(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec4Dot(const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec4Length(const kmVec4* pIn);
CC_DLL kmScalar kmVec4LengthSq(const kmVec4* pIn);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Lerp(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2, kmScalar t);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Normalize(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Scale(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn, const kmScalar s); ///< Scales a vector to length s
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Subtract(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV1, const kmVec4* pV2);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Transform(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pV, const struct kmMat4* pM);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4TransformArray(kmVec4* pOut, unsigned int outStride,
const kmVec4* pV, unsigned int vStride, const struct kmMat4* pM, unsigned int count);
int kmVec4AreEqual(const kmVec4* p1, const kmVec4* p2);
kmVec4* kmVec4Assign(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn);
CC_DLL int kmVec4AreEqual(const kmVec4* p1, const kmVec4* p2);
CC_DLL kmVec4* kmVec4Assign(kmVec4* pOut, const kmVec4* pIn);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -481,7 +481,9 @@ void CCParticleBatchNode::insertChild(CCParticleSystem* pSystem, unsigned int in
// make room for quads, not necessary for last child
if (pSystem->getAtlasIndex() + pSystem->getTotalParticles() != m_pTextureAtlas->getTotalQuads())
m_pTextureAtlas->moveQuadsFromIndex(index, index+pSystem->getTotalParticles());
// increase totalParticles here for new particles, update method of particlesystem will fill the quads
@ -301,8 +301,12 @@ void CCParticleSystemQuad::draw()
glBindVertexArray( m_uVAOname );
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_pBuffersVBO[1]);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, (GLsizei) m_uParticleIdx*6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
glBindVertexArray( 0 );
@ -486,8 +486,9 @@ void CCTextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(unsigned int oldIndex, unsigned int amou
CCAssert(oldIndex < m_uTotalQuads, "insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
if( oldIndex == newIndex )
//create buffer
size_t quadSize = sizeof(ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad);
ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* tempQuads = (ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad*)malloc( quadSize * amount);
@ -519,12 +520,13 @@ void CCTextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(unsigned int index, unsigned int newInde
void CCTextureAtlas::fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(unsigned int index, unsigned int amount)
ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad = (ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad*)calloc(1,sizeof(ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad));
ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad;
memset(&quad, 0, sizeof(quad));
unsigned int to = index + amount;
for (int i = index ; i < to ; i++)
m_pQuads[i] = *quad;
m_pQuads[i] = quad;
@ -552,25 +554,25 @@ void CCTextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(unsigned int n, unsigned int start)
// XXX: update is done in draw... perhaps it should be done in a timer
if (m_bDirty) {
if (m_bDirty)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_pBuffersVBO[0]);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(m_pQuads[0])*start, sizeof(m_pQuads[0]) * n , &m_pQuads[start] );
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
m_bDirty = false;
glBindVertexArray( m_uVAOname );
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_pBuffersVBO[1]);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, (GLsizei) n*6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLvoid*) (start*6*sizeof(m_pIndices[0])) );
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, (GLsizei) n*6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (GLvoid*) (start*6*sizeof(m_pIndices[0])) );
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# set params
# try to get global variable
if [ $NDK_ROOT"aaa" != "aaa" ]; then
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
#include "../testBasic.h"
////----#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "../testBasic.h"
////----#include "cocos2d.h"
// #include "touch_dispatcher/CCTouch.h"
// #include "CCParticleExample.h"
class ParticleTestScene : public TestScene
virtual void runThisTest();
class ParticleTestScene : public TestScene
virtual void runThisTest();
class ParticleDemo : public CCLayerColor
CCParticleSystem* m_emitter;
CCSprite* m_background;
virtual void onEnter(void);
virtual void onEnter(void);
virtual std::string title();
@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ public:
virtual std::string title();
class DemoParticleFromFile : public ParticleDemo
std::string m_title;
DemoParticleFromFile(const char *file)
m_title = file;
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title()
return m_title;
class DemoParticleFromFile : public ParticleDemo
std::string m_title;
DemoParticleFromFile(const char *file)
m_title = file;
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title()
return m_title;
class RadiusMode1 : public ParticleDemo
@ -173,22 +173,22 @@ public:
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
class RadiusMode2 : public ParticleDemo
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
class Issue704 : public ParticleDemo
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
class Issue870 : public ParticleDemo
@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ public:
int m_nIndex;
class Issue1201 : public ParticleDemo
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
class ParticleBatchHybrid : public ParticleDemo
@ -217,18 +217,18 @@ public:
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
CCNode* m_pParent1;
CCNode* m_pParent1;
CCNode* m_pParent2;
class ParticleBatchMultipleEmitters : public ParticleDemo
virtual void onEnter();
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
class ParticleReorder : public ParticleDemo
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle();
unsigned int m_nOrder;
class MultipleParticleSystems : public ParticleDemo
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ public:
virtual std::string title();
virtual std::string subtitle();
virtual void update(ccTime dt);
class MultipleParticleSystemsBatched : public ParticleDemo
@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle();
CCParticleBatchNode* m_pBatchNode;
class AddAndDeleteParticleSystems : public ParticleDemo
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle();
CCParticleBatchNode* m_pBatchNode;
class ReorderParticleSystems : public ParticleDemo
@ -282,6 +282,6 @@ public:
virtual std::string subtitle();
CCParticleBatchNode* m_pBatchNode;
Reference in New Issue