closed #3580: FileUtilsTest->TextWritePlist crashes

This commit is contained in:
James Chen 2014-01-04 14:59:24 +08:00
parent e860d659a4
commit b2dc16c065
1 changed files with 95 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
#include "CCString.h"
#include "CCInteger.h"
#include "platform/CCFileUtils.h"
#include "CCString.h"
#include "CCBool.h"
#include "CCInteger.h"
#include "CCFloat.h"
#include "CCDouble.h"
#include "CCArray.h"
using namespace std;
@ -461,15 +467,97 @@ __Dictionary* __Dictionary::createWithContentsOfFile(const char *pFileName)
return ret;
static ValueMap ccdictionary_to_valuemap(__Dictionary* dict);
static ValueVector ccarray_to_valuevector(__Array* arr)
ValueVector ret;
Object* obj;
Value arrElement;
__String* strVal = nullptr;
__Dictionary* dictVal = nullptr;
__Array* arrVal = nullptr;
__Double* doubleVal = nullptr;
__Bool* boolVal = nullptr;
__Float* floatVal = nullptr;
__Integer* intVal = nullptr;
if ((strVal = dynamic_cast<__String *>(obj))) {
arrElement = Value(strVal->getCString());
} else if ((dictVal = dynamic_cast<__Dictionary*>(obj))) {
arrElement = ccdictionary_to_valuemap(dictVal);
} else if ((arrVal = dynamic_cast<__Array*>(obj))) {
arrElement = ccarray_to_valuevector(arrVal);
} else if ((doubleVal = dynamic_cast<__Double*>(obj))) {
arrElement = Value(doubleVal->getValue());
} else if ((floatVal = dynamic_cast<__Float*>(obj))) {
arrElement = Value(floatVal->getValue());
} else if ((intVal = dynamic_cast<__Integer*>(obj))) {
arrElement = Value(intVal->getValue());
} else if ((boolVal = dynamic_cast<__Bool*>(obj))) {
arrElement = boolVal->getValue() ? Value(true) : Value(false);
} else {
CCASSERT(false, "the type isn't suppored.");
return ret;
static ValueMap ccdictionary_to_valuemap(__Dictionary* dict)
ValueMap ret;
DictElement* pElement = nullptr;
CCDICT_FOREACH(dict, pElement)
Object* obj = pElement->getObject();
__String* strVal = nullptr;
__Dictionary* dictVal = nullptr;
__Array* arrVal = nullptr;
__Double* doubleVal = nullptr;
__Bool* boolVal = nullptr;
__Float* floatVal = nullptr;
__Integer* intVal = nullptr;
Value dictElement;
if ((strVal = dynamic_cast<__String *>(obj))) {
dictElement = Value(strVal->getCString());
} else if ((dictVal = dynamic_cast<__Dictionary*>(obj))) {
dictElement = ccdictionary_to_valuemap(dictVal);
} else if ((arrVal = dynamic_cast<__Array*>(obj))) {
dictElement = ccarray_to_valuevector(arrVal);
} else if ((doubleVal = dynamic_cast<__Double*>(obj))) {
dictElement = Value(doubleVal->getValue());
} else if ((floatVal = dynamic_cast<__Float*>(obj))) {
dictElement = Value(floatVal->getValue());
} else if ((intVal = dynamic_cast<__Integer*>(obj))) {
dictElement = Value(intVal->getValue());
} else if ((boolVal = dynamic_cast<__Bool*>(obj))) {
dictElement = boolVal->getValue() ? Value(true) : Value(false);
} else {
CCASSERT(false, "the type isn't suppored.");
const char* key = pElement->getStrKey();
if (key && strlen(key) > 0)
ret[key] = dictElement;
return ret;
bool __Dictionary::writeToFile(const char *fullPath)
ValueMap dict;
DictElement* element = nullptr;
CCDICT_FOREACH(this, element)
dict[element->getStrKey()] = Value(static_cast<__String*>(element->getObject())->getCString());
ValueMap dict = ccdictionary_to_valuemap(this);
return FileUtils::getInstance()->writeToFile(dict, fullPath);