issue #3956:Add the conversional functions which are used in the templates of lua binding-generator

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samuele3hu 2014-02-10 15:03:53 +08:00
parent 3ff127cf92
commit ba73217667
1 changed files with 56 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -194,6 +194,23 @@ extern bool luaval_to_ccvaluemap(lua_State* L, int lo, cocos2d::ValueMap* ret);
extern bool luaval_to_ccvaluemapintkey(lua_State* L, int lo, cocos2d::ValueMapIntKey* ret);
extern bool luaval_to_ccvaluevector(lua_State* L, int lo, cocos2d::ValueVector* ret);
template <class T>
bool luaval_to_object(lua_State* L, int lo, const char* type, T** ret)
if(nullptr == L || lua_gettop(L) < lo)
return false;
if (!luaval_is_usertype(L, lo, type, 0))
return false;
*ret = static_cast<T*>(tolua_tousertype(L, lo, 0));
if (nullptr == ret)
LUA_PRECONDITION(ret, "Invalid Native Object");
return true;
// from native
extern void point_to_luaval(lua_State* L,const Point& pt);
@ -276,4 +293,43 @@ void ccvalue_to_luaval(lua_State* L,const cocos2d::Value& inValue);
void ccvaluemap_to_luaval(lua_State* L,const cocos2d::ValueMap& inValue);
void ccvaluemapintkey_to_luaval(lua_State* L, const cocos2d::ValueMapIntKey& inValue);
void ccvaluevector_to_luaval(lua_State* L, const cocos2d::ValueVector& inValue);
template <class T>
void object_to_luaval(lua_State* L,const char* type, T* ret)
if(nullptr != ret)
Because all override functions wouldn't be bound,so we must use `typeid` to get the real class name
std::string hashName = typeid(*ret).name();
auto iter = g_luaType.find(hashName);
std::string className = "";
if(g_luaType.end() != iter)
className = iter->second.c_str();
className = type;
cocos2d::Object* dynObject = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::Object *>(ret);
if (nullptr != dynObject)
int ID = (int)(dynObject->_ID) ;
int* luaID = &(dynObject->_luaID);
toluafix_pushusertype_ccobject(L,ID, luaID, (void*)ret,className.c_str());