mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Fixes some compiler warnings
The warnings are related to: * 64-to-32-bit conversion * shadow variables
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void Font::setCurrentGlyphCollection(GlyphCollection glyphs, const char *customG
if (customGlyphs)
int lenght = strlen(customGlyphs);
size_t lenght = strlen(customGlyphs);
_customGlyphs = new char [lenght + 2];
memcpy(_customGlyphs, customGlyphs, lenght);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ bool Label::setText(const char *stringToRender, float lineWidth, TextHAlignment
if (_commonLineHeight <= 0)
return false;
int numLetter = 0;
// int numLetter = 0;
unsigned short* utf16String = cc_utf8_to_utf16(stringToRender);
return false;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ bool LabelAtlas::initWithString(const char *theString, const char *fntFile)
//CCLabelAtlas - Atlas generation
void LabelAtlas::updateAtlasValues()
int n = _string.length();
size_t n = _string.length();
const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*)_string.c_str();
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ void LabelAtlas::updateAtlasValues()
//CCLabelAtlas - LabelProtocol
void LabelAtlas::setString(const char *label)
int len = strlen(label);
size_t len = strlen(label);
if (len > _textureAtlas->getTotalQuads())
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ std::set<unsigned int>* CCBMFontConfiguration::parseConfigFile(const char *contr
std::string strLeft = contents->getCString();
while (strLeft.length() > 0)
int pos = strLeft.find('\n');
size_t pos = strLeft.find('\n');
if (pos != (int)std::string::npos)
@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ void CCBMFontConfiguration::parseImageFileName(std::string line, const char *fnt
// page ID. Sanity check
int index = line.find('=')+1;
int index2 = line.find(' ', index);
long index = line.find('=')+1;
long index2 = line.find(' ', index);
std::string value = line.substr(index, index2-index);
CCASSERT(atoi(value.c_str()) == 0, "LabelBMFont file could not be found");
// file
@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ void CCBMFontConfiguration::parseInfoArguments(std::string line)
// padding
int index = line.find("padding=");
int index2 = line.find(' ', index);
long index = line.find("padding=");
long index2 = line.find(' ', index);
std::string value = line.substr(index, index2-index);
sscanf(value.c_str(), "padding=%d,%d,%d,%d", &_padding.top, &_padding.right, &_padding.bottom, &_padding.left);
CCLOG("cocos2d: padding: %d,%d,%d,%d", _padding.left, _padding.top, _padding.right, _padding.bottom);
@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ void CCBMFontConfiguration::parseCommonArguments(std::string line)
// Height
int index = line.find("lineHeight=");
int index2 = line.find(' ', index);
long index = line.find("lineHeight=");
long index2 = line.find(' ', index);
std::string value = line.substr(index, index2-index);
sscanf(value.c_str(), "lineHeight=%d", &_commonHeight);
// scaleW. sanity check
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ void CCBMFontConfiguration::parseCharacterDefinition(std::string line, ccBMFontD
// Character ID
int index = line.find("id=");
int index2 = line.find(' ', index);
long index = line.find("id=");
long index2 = line.find(' ', index);
std::string value = line.substr(index, index2-index);
sscanf(value.c_str(), "id=%u", &characterDefinition->charID);
@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ void CCBMFontConfiguration::parseKerningEntry(std::string line)
// first
int first;
int index = line.find("first=");
int index2 = line.find(' ', index);
long index = line.find("first=");
long index2 = line.find(' ', index);
std::string value = line.substr(index, index2-index);
sscanf(value.c_str(), "first=%d", &first);
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void Node::setPositionY(float y)
setPosition(Point(_position.x, y));
unsigned int Node::getChildrenCount() const
long Node::getChildrenCount() const
return _children ? _children->count() : 0;
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ void Node::removeChild(Node* child, bool cleanup /* = true */)
int index = _children->getIndexOfObject(child);
long index = _children->getIndexOfObject(child);
if( index != CC_INVALID_INDEX )
this->detachChild( child, index, cleanup );
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ void Node::removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup)
void Node::detachChild(Node *child, int childIndex, bool doCleanup)
void Node::detachChild(Node *child, long childIndex, bool doCleanup)
// -1st do onExit
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ public:
* @return The amount of children.
unsigned int getChildrenCount() const;
long getChildrenCount() const;
* Sets the parent node
@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ protected:
void insertChild(Node* child, int z);
/// Removes a child, call child->onExit(), do cleanup, remove it from children array.
void detachChild(Node *child, int index, bool doCleanup);
void detachChild(Node *child, long index, bool doCleanup);
/// Convert cocos2d coordinates to UI windows coordinate.
Point convertToWindowSpace(const Point& nodePoint) const;
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ bool ParticleSystem::initWithDictionary(Dictionary *dictionary, const char *dirn
const char *textureData = dictionary->valueForKey("textureImageData")->getCString();
CCASSERT(textureData, "");
int dataLen = strlen(textureData);
long dataLen = strlen(textureData);
if(dataLen != 0)
// if it fails, try to get it from the base64-gzipped data
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void ProfilingEndTimingBlock(const char *timerName)
CCASSERT(timer, "CCProfilingTimer not found");
int duration = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(now - timer->_startTime).count();
long duration = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(now - timer->_startTime).count();
timer->totalTime += duration;
timer->_averageTime1 = (timer->_averageTime1 + duration) / 2.0f;
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ public:
std::string _nameStr;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _startTime;
int _averageTime1;
int _averageTime2;
int minTime;
int maxTime;
long long totalTime;
int numberOfCalls;
long _averageTime1;
long _averageTime2;
long minTime;
long maxTime;
long totalTime;
long numberOfCalls;
extern void ProfilingBeginTimingBlock(const char *timerName);
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ bool RenderTexture::initWithWidthAndHeight(int w, int h, Texture2D::PixelFormat
// textures must be power of two squared
unsigned int powW = 0;
unsigned int powH = 0;
long powW = 0;
long powH = 0;
if (Configuration::getInstance()->supportsNPOT())
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ bool RenderTexture::initWithWidthAndHeight(int w, int h, Texture2D::PixelFormat
powH = ccNextPOT(h);
int dataLen = (int)(powW * powH * 4);
long dataLen = (long)(powW * powH * 4);
data = malloc(dataLen);
CC_BREAK_IF(! data);
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::createWithTexture(Texture2D* tex, int capacity
* creation with File Image
SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::create(const char *fileImage, int capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/)
SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::create(const char *fileImage, long capacity/* = DEFAULT_CAPACITY*/)
SpriteBatchNode *batchNode = new SpriteBatchNode();
batchNode->initWithFile(fileImage, capacity);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ SpriteBatchNode* SpriteBatchNode::create(const char *fileImage, int capacity/* =
* init with Texture2D
bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, int capacity)
bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Capacity must be >= 0");
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ bool SpriteBatchNode::init()
* init with FileImage
bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithFile(const char* fileImage, int capacity)
bool SpriteBatchNode::initWithFile(const char* fileImage, long capacity)
Texture2D *texture2D = TextureCache::getInstance()->addImage(fileImage);
return initWithTexture(texture2D, capacity);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it run out of space.
The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
static SpriteBatchNode* create(const char* fileImage, int capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
static SpriteBatchNode* create(const char* fileImage, long capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
* @js ctor
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ public:
/** initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a texture2d and capacity of children.
The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it run out of space.
bool initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, int capacity);
bool initWithTexture(Texture2D *tex, long capacity);
/** initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc) and a capacity of children.
The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it run out of space.
The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
* @js init
* @lua init
bool initWithFile(const char* fileImage, int capacity);
bool initWithFile(const char* fileImage, long capacity);
bool init();
/** returns the TextureAtlas object */
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static bool _PVRHaveAlphaPremultiplied = false;
//conventer function
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i=0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsign
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, un
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsign
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, un
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsign
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertI8ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertI8ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertI8ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToA8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 1; i < dataLen; i += 2)
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertAI88ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 1; i < l; i += 2)
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertAI88ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen,
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen,
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, un
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen,
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsign
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToA8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen -3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsi
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, un
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen,
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 3; i < l; i += 4)
@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
for (long i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 3)
*out16++ = (data[i] & 0x00F8) << 8 //R
| (data[i + 1] & 0x00F8) << 3 //G
@ -404,10 +404,10 @@ void Texture2D::convertRGB888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, un
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
void Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData)
unsigned short* out16 = (unsigned short*)outData;
for (int i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 4)
for (long i = 0, l = dataLen - 2; i < l; i += 4)
*out16++ = (data[i] & 0x00F8) << 8 //R
| (data[i + 1] & 0x00F8) << 3 //G
@ -451,12 +451,12 @@ Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::getPixelFormat() const
return _pixelFormat;
unsigned int Texture2D::getPixelsWide() const
long Texture2D::getPixelsWide() const
return _pixelsWide;
unsigned int Texture2D::getPixelsHigh() const
long Texture2D::getPixelsHigh() const
return _pixelsHigh;
@ -529,8 +529,10 @@ bool Texture2D::hasPremultipliedAlpha() const
return _hasPremultipliedAlpha;
bool Texture2D::initWithData(const void *data, int dataLen, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned int pixelsWide, unsigned int pixelsHigh, const Size& contentSize)
bool Texture2D::initWithData(const void *data, long dataLen, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, long pixelsWide, long pixelsHigh, const Size& contentSize)
CCASSERT(dataLen>0 && pixelsWide>0 && pixelsHigh>0, "Invalid size");
//if data has no mipmaps, we will consider it has only one mipmap
MipmapInfo mipmap;
mipmap.address = (unsigned char*)data;
@ -544,10 +546,11 @@ bool Texture2D::initWithData(const void *data, int dataLen, Texture2D::PixelForm
bool Texture2D::initWithMipmaps(MipmapInfo* mipmaps, int mipmapsNum, PixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned int pixelsWide, unsigned int pixelsHigh)
bool Texture2D::initWithMipmaps(MipmapInfo* mipmaps, int mipmapsNum, PixelFormat pixelFormat, long pixelsWide, long pixelsHigh)
//the pixelFormat must be a certain value
CCAssert(pixelFormat != PixelFormat::NONE && pixelFormat != PixelFormat::AUTO, "the \"pixelFormat\" param must be a certain value!");
CCASSERT(pixelFormat != PixelFormat::NONE && pixelFormat != PixelFormat::AUTO, "the \"pixelFormat\" param must be a certain value!");
CCASSERT(pixelsWide>0 && pixelsHigh>0, "Invalid size");
if (mipmapsNum <= 0)
@ -670,7 +673,7 @@ bool Texture2D::initWithMipmaps(MipmapInfo* mipmaps, int mipmapsNum, PixelFormat
const char* Texture2D::description(void) const
return String::createWithFormat("<Texture2D | Name = %u | Dimensions = %u x %u | Coordinates = (%.2f, %.2f)>", _name, _pixelsWide, _pixelsHigh, _maxS, _maxT)->getCString();
return String::createWithFormat("<Texture2D | Name = %u | Dimensions = %ld x %ld | Coordinates = (%.2f, %.2f)>", _name, (long)_pixelsWide, (long)_pixelsHigh, _maxS, _maxT)->getCString();
// implementation Texture2D (Image)
@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ bool Texture2D::initWithImage(Image *image, PixelFormat format)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertI8ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertI8ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
switch (format)
@ -820,7 +823,7 @@ Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertI8ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, i
return format;
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertAI88ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertAI88ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
switch (format)
@ -875,7 +878,7 @@ Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertAI88ToFormat(const unsigned char* data,
return format;
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertRGB888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertRGB888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
switch (format)
@ -923,7 +926,7 @@ Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertRGB888ToFormat(const unsigned char* dat
return format;
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertRGBA8888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
switch (format)
@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ rgb(2) -> 1235678
rgba(1) -> 12345678
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertDataToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat originFormat, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
Texture2D::PixelFormat Texture2D::convertDataToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat originFormat, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen)
switch (originFormat)
@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ public:
struct PixelFormatInfo {
PixelFormatInfo(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum format, GLenum type, int bpp, bool compressed, bool alpha)
: internalFormat(internalFormat)
, format(format)
, type(type)
, bpp(bpp)
, compressed(compressed)
, alpha(alpha)
PixelFormatInfo(GLenum anInternalFormat, GLenum aFormat, GLenum aType, int aBpp, bool aCompressed, bool anAlpha)
: internalFormat(anInternalFormat)
, format(aFormat)
, type(aType)
, bpp(aBpp)
, compressed(aCompressed)
, alpha(anAlpha)
GLenum internalFormat;
@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ public:
* @js NA
* @lua NA
bool initWithData(const void *data, int dataLen, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned int pixelsWide, unsigned int pixelsHigh, const Size& contentSize);
bool initWithData(const void *data, long dataLen, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, long pixelsWide, long pixelsHigh, const Size& contentSize);
/** Initializes with mipmaps */
bool initWithMipmaps(MipmapInfo* mipmaps, int mipmapsNum, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned int pixelsWide, unsigned int pixelsHigh);
bool initWithMipmaps(MipmapInfo* mipmaps, int mipmapsNum, Texture2D::PixelFormat pixelFormat, long pixelsWide, long pixelsHigh);
Drawing extensions to make it easy to draw basic quads using a Texture2D object.
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ public:
Texture2D::PixelFormat getPixelFormat() const;
/** Gets the width of the texture in pixels */
unsigned int getPixelsWide() const;
long getPixelsWide() const;
/** Gets the height of the texture in pixels */
unsigned int getPixelsHigh() const;
long getPixelsHigh() const;
/** Gets the texture name */
GLuint getName() const;
@ -360,56 +360,56 @@ private:
Convert the format to the format param you specified, if the format is PixelFormat::Automatic, it will detect it automatically and convert to the closest format for you.
It will return the converted format to you. if the outData != data, you must delete it manually.
static PixelFormat convertDataToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat originFormat, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertDataToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat originFormat, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertI8ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertAI88ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertRGB888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertRGBA8888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertI8ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertAI88ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertRGB888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
static PixelFormat convertRGBA8888ToFormat(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, PixelFormat format, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataLen);
//I8 to XXX
static void convertI8ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertI8ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
//AI88 to XXX
static void convertAI88ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToA8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertAI88ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
//RGB888 to XXX
static void convertRGB888ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGBA8888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGB888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
//RGBA8888 to XXX
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToA8(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, int dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB888(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB565(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToI8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToA8(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToAI88(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGBA4444(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
static void convertRGBA8888ToRGB5A1(const unsigned char* data, long dataLen, unsigned char* outData);
/** pixel format of the texture */
Texture2D::PixelFormat _pixelFormat;
/** width in pixels */
unsigned int _pixelsWide;
long _pixelsWide;
/** height in pixels */
unsigned int _pixelsHigh;
long _pixelsHigh;
/** texture name */
GLuint _name;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::setQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads)
// TextureAtlas - alloc & init
TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::create(const char* file, int capacity)
TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::create(const char* file, long capacity)
TextureAtlas * textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas();
if(textureAtlas && textureAtlas->initWithFile(file, capacity))
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::create(const char* file, int capacity)
return NULL;
TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, int capacity)
TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, long capacity)
TextureAtlas * textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas();
if (textureAtlas && textureAtlas->initWithTexture(texture, capacity))
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ TextureAtlas * TextureAtlas::createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, int capacity)
return NULL;
bool TextureAtlas::initWithFile(const char * file, int capacity)
bool TextureAtlas::initWithFile(const char * file, long capacity)
// retained in property
Texture2D *texture = TextureCache::getInstance()->addImage(file);
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ bool TextureAtlas::initWithFile(const char * file, int capacity)
bool TextureAtlas::initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, int capacity)
bool TextureAtlas::initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Capacity must be >= 0");
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::mapBuffers()
// TextureAtlas - Update, Insert, Move & Remove
void TextureAtlas::updateQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, int index)
void TextureAtlas::updateQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, long index)
CCASSERT( index >= 0 && index < _capacity, "updateQuadWithTexture: Invalid index");
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::updateQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, int index)
void TextureAtlas::insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, int index)
void TextureAtlas::insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, long index)
CCASSERT( index>=0 && index<_capacity, "insertQuadWithTexture: Invalid index");
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad, int index)
void TextureAtlas::insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads, int index, int amount)
void TextureAtlas::insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads, long index, long amount)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && amount>=0 && index+amount<=_capacity, "insertQuadWithTexture: Invalid index + amount");
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads, int index, int amount)
_dirty = true;
void TextureAtlas::insertQuadFromIndex(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
void TextureAtlas::insertQuadFromIndex(long oldIndex, long newIndex)
CCASSERT( newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < _totalQuads, "insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
CCASSERT( oldIndex >= 0 && oldIndex < _totalQuads, "insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::insertQuadFromIndex(int oldIndex, int newIndex)
_dirty = true;
void TextureAtlas::removeQuadAtIndex(int index)
void TextureAtlas::removeQuadAtIndex(long index)
CCASSERT( index>=0 && index<_totalQuads, "removeQuadAtIndex: Invalid index");
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::removeQuadAtIndex(int index)
_dirty = true;
void TextureAtlas::removeQuadsAtIndex(int index, int amount)
void TextureAtlas::removeQuadsAtIndex(long index, long amount)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && amount>=0 && index+amount<=_totalQuads, "removeQuadAtIndex: index + amount out of bounds");
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::removeAllQuads()
// TextureAtlas - Resize
bool TextureAtlas::resizeCapacity(int newCapacity)
bool TextureAtlas::resizeCapacity(long newCapacity)
CCASSERT(newCapacity>=0, "capacity >= 0");
if( newCapacity == _capacity )
@ -522,13 +522,13 @@ bool TextureAtlas::resizeCapacity(int newCapacity)
return true;
void TextureAtlas::increaseTotalQuadsWith(int amount)
void TextureAtlas::increaseTotalQuadsWith(long amount)
CCASSERT(amount>=0, "amount >= 0");
_totalQuads += amount;
void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(int oldIndex, int amount, int newIndex)
void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(long oldIndex, long amount, long newIndex)
CCASSERT(oldIndex>=0 && amount>=0 && newIndex>=0, "values must be >= 0");
CCASSERT(newIndex + amount <= _totalQuads, "insertQuadFromIndex:atIndex: Invalid index");
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(int oldIndex, int amount, int newIndex)
_dirty = true;
void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(int index, int newIndex)
void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(long index, long newIndex)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && newIndex>=0, "values must be >= 0");
CCASSERT(newIndex + (_totalQuads - index) <= _capacity, "moveQuadsFromIndex move is out of bounds");
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ void TextureAtlas::moveQuadsFromIndex(int index, int newIndex)
memmove(_quads + newIndex,_quads + index, (_totalQuads - index) * sizeof(_quads[0]));
void TextureAtlas::fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(int index, int amount)
void TextureAtlas::fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(long index, long amount)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && amount>=0, "values must be >= 0");
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad;
@ -588,13 +588,13 @@ void TextureAtlas::drawQuads()
this->drawNumberOfQuads(_totalQuads, 0);
void TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(int numberOfQuads)
void TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(long numberOfQuads)
CCASSERT(numberOfQuads>=0, "numberOfQuads must be >= 0");
this->drawNumberOfQuads(numberOfQuads, 0);
void TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(int numberOfQuads, int start)
void TextureAtlas::drawNumberOfQuads(long numberOfQuads, long start)
CCASSERT(numberOfQuads>=0 && start>=0, "numberOfQuads and start must be >= 0");
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ public:
/** creates a TextureAtlas with an filename and with an initial capacity for Quads.
* The TextureAtlas capacity can be increased in runtime.
static TextureAtlas* create(const char* file , int capacity);
static TextureAtlas* create(const char* file , long capacity);
/** creates a TextureAtlas with a previously initialized Texture2D object, and
* with an initial capacity for n Quads.
* The TextureAtlas capacity can be increased in runtime.
static TextureAtlas* createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, int capacity);
static TextureAtlas* createWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, long capacity);
* @js ctor
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
* WARNING: Do not reinitialize the TextureAtlas because it will leak memory (issue #706)
bool initWithFile(const char* file, int capacity);
bool initWithFile(const char* file, long capacity);
/** initializes a TextureAtlas with a previously initialized Texture2D object, and
* with an initial capacity for Quads.
@ -89,43 +89,43 @@ public:
* WARNING: Do not reinitialize the TextureAtlas because it will leak memory (issue #706)
bool initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, int capacity);
bool initWithTexture(Texture2D *texture, long capacity);
/** updates a Quad (texture, vertex and color) at a certain index
* index must be between 0 and the atlas capacity - 1
@since v0.8
void updateQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, int index);
void updateQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, long index);
/** Inserts a Quad (texture, vertex and color) at a certain index
index must be between 0 and the atlas capacity - 1
@since v0.8
void insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, int index);
void insertQuad(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quad, long index);
/** Inserts a c array of quads at a given index
index must be between 0 and the atlas capacity - 1
this method doesn't enlarge the array when amount + index > totalQuads
@since v1.1
void insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads, int index, int amount);
void insertQuads(V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad* quads, long index, long amount);
/** Removes the quad that is located at a certain index and inserts it at a new index
This operation is faster than removing and inserting in a quad in 2 different steps
@since v0.7.2
void insertQuadFromIndex(int fromIndex, int newIndex);
void insertQuadFromIndex(long fromIndex, long newIndex);
/** removes a quad at a given index number.
The capacity remains the same, but the total number of quads to be drawn is reduced in 1
@since v0.7.2
void removeQuadAtIndex(int index);
void removeQuadAtIndex(long index);
/** removes a amount of quads starting from index
@since 1.1
void removeQuadsAtIndex(int index, int amount);
void removeQuadsAtIndex(long index, long amount);
/** removes all Quads.
The TextureAtlas capacity remains untouched. No memory is freed.
The total number of quads to be drawn will be 0
@ -138,19 +138,19 @@ public:
* It returns true if the resize was successful.
* If it fails to resize the capacity it will return false with a new capacity of 0.
bool resizeCapacity(int capacity);
bool resizeCapacity(long capacity);
Used internally by ParticleBatchNode
don't use this unless you know what you're doing
@since 1.1
void increaseTotalQuadsWith(int amount);
void increaseTotalQuadsWith(long amount);
/** Moves an amount of quads from oldIndex at newIndex
@since v1.1
void moveQuadsFromIndex(int oldIndex, int amount, int newIndex);
void moveQuadsFromIndex(long oldIndex, long amount, long newIndex);
Moves quads from index till totalQuads to the newIndex
@ -158,26 +158,26 @@ public:
This method doesn't enlarge the array if newIndex + quads to be moved > capacity
@since 1.1
void moveQuadsFromIndex(int index, int newIndex);
void moveQuadsFromIndex(long index, long newIndex);
Ensures that after a realloc quads are still empty
Used internally by ParticleBatchNode
@since 1.1
void fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(int index, int amount);
void fillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(long index, long amount);
/** draws n quads
* n can't be greater than the capacity of the Atlas
void drawNumberOfQuads(int n);
void drawNumberOfQuads(long n);
/** draws n quads from an index (offset).
n + start can't be greater than the capacity of the atlas
@since v1.0
void drawNumberOfQuads(int numberOfQuads, int start);
void drawNumberOfQuads(long numberOfQuads, long start);
/** draws all the Atlas's Quads
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
const int CC_INVALID_INDEX = -1;
const long CC_INVALID_INDEX = -1;
/** Allocates and initializes a new array with specified capacity */
ccArray* ccArrayNew(int capacity)
ccArray* ccArrayNew(long capacity)
if (capacity == 0)
capacity = 7;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ void ccArrayDoubleCapacity(ccArray *arr)
arr->arr = newArr;
void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, int extra)
void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, long extra)
while (arr->max < arr->num + extra)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, int extra)
void ccArrayShrink(ccArray *arr)
int newSize = 0;
long newSize = 0;
//only resize when necessary
if (arr->max > arr->num && !(arr->num==0 && arr->max==1))
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ void ccArrayShrink(ccArray *arr)
/** Returns index of first occurrence of object, CC_INVALID_INDEX if object not found. */
int ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object)
long ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object)
const int arrNum = arr->num;
const long arrNum = arr->num;
Object** ptr = arr->arr;
for(int i = 0; i < arrNum; ++i, ++ptr)
for(long i = 0; i < arrNum; ++i, ++ptr)
if( *ptr == object )
return i;
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void ccArrayAppendObjectWithResize(ccArray *arr, Object* object)
enough capacity. */
void ccArrayAppendArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr)
for(int i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++)
for(long i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++)
ccArrayAppendObject(arr, plusArr->arr[i]);
@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ void ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr)
/** Inserts an object at index */
void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, int index)
void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, long index)
CCASSERT(index<=arr->num, "Invalid index. Out of bounds");
CCASSERT(object != NULL, "Invalid parameter!");
ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(arr, 1);
int remaining = arr->num - index;
long remaining = arr->num - index;
if( remaining > 0)
memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index+1], (void *)&arr->arr[index], sizeof(Object*) * remaining );
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, int index)
/** Swaps two objects */
void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(ccArray *arr, int index1, int index2)
void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(ccArray *arr, long index1, long index2)
CCASSERT(index1>=0 && index1 < arr->num, "(1) Invalid index. Out of bounds");
CCASSERT(index2>=0 && index2 < arr->num, "(2) Invalid index. Out of bounds");
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(ccArray *arr)
/** Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects.
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */
void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index, bool bReleaseObj/* = true*/)
void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, long index, bool bReleaseObj/* = true*/)
CCASSERT(arr && arr->num > 0 && index>=0 && index < arr->num, "Invalid index. Out of bounds");
if (bReleaseObj)
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index, bool bReleaseObj/* = tr
int remaining = arr->num - index;
long remaining = arr->num - index;
memmove((void *)&arr->arr[index], (void *)&arr->arr[index+1], remaining * sizeof(Object*));
@ -218,16 +218,16 @@ void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index, bool bReleaseObj/* = tr
/** Removes object at specified index and fills the gap with the last object,
thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent objects.
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */
void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index)
void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, long index)
int last = --arr->num;
long last = --arr->num;
arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[last];
void ccArrayFastRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object)
int index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object);
long index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object);
if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX)
ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr, index);
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void ccArrayFastRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object)
found the function has no effect. */
void ccArrayRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object, bool bReleaseObj/* = true*/)
int index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object);
long index = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(arr, object);
if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX)
ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(arr, index, bReleaseObj);
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ void ccArrayRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object, bool bReleaseObj/* = true
first matching instance in arr will be removed. */
void ccArrayRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
for(int i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++)
for(long i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++)
ccArrayRemoveObject(arr, minusArr->arr[i]);
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ void ccArrayRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
matching instances in arr will be removed. */
void ccArrayFullRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
int back = 0;
int i = 0;
long back = 0;
long i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < arr->num; i++)
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void ccArrayFullRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr)
// #pragma mark ccCArray for Values (c structures)
/** Allocates and initializes a new C array with specified capacity */
ccCArray* ccCArrayNew(int capacity)
ccCArray* ccCArrayNew(long capacity)
if (capacity == 0)
@ -317,15 +317,15 @@ void ccCArrayDoubleCapacity(ccCArray *arr)
/** Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. */
void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccCArray *arr, int extra)
void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccCArray *arr, long extra)
/** Returns index of first occurrence of value, CC_INVALID_INDEX if value not found. */
int ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
long ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
for( int i = 0; i < arr->num; i++)
for(long i = 0; i < arr->num; i++)
if( arr->arr[i] == value )
return i;
@ -340,11 +340,11 @@ bool ccCArrayContainsValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
/** Inserts a value at a certain position. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity */
void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex( ccCArray *arr, void* value, int index)
void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex( ccCArray *arr, void* value, long index)
CCASSERT( index < arr->max, "ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex: invalid index");
int remaining = arr->num - index;
long remaining = arr->num - index;
// make sure it has enough capacity
if (arr->num + 1 == arr->max)
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void ccCArrayAppendValueWithResize(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
enough capacity. */
void ccCArrayAppendArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *plusArr)
for( int i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++)
for( long i = 0; i < plusArr->num; i++)
ccCArrayAppendValue(arr, plusArr->arr[i]);
@ -408,9 +408,9 @@ void ccCArrayRemoveAllValues(ccCArray *arr)
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].
@since v0.99.4
void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index)
void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, long index)
for( int last = --arr->num; index < last; index++)
for( long last = --arr->num; index < last; index++)
arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[index + 1];
@ -421,9 +421,9 @@ void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index)
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].
@since v0.99.4
void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index)
void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, long index)
int last = --arr->num;
long last = --arr->num;
arr->arr[index] = arr->arr[last];
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index)
void ccCArrayRemoveValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
int index = ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value);
long index = ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value);
if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX)
ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(arr, index);
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void ccCArrayRemoveValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
void ccCArrayRemoveArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr)
for(int i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++)
for(long i = 0; i < minusArr->num; i++)
ccCArrayRemoveValue(arr, minusArr->arr[i]);
@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ void ccCArrayRemoveArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr)
void ccCArrayFullRemoveArray(ccCArray *arr, ccCArray *minusArr)
int back = 0;
long back = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < arr->num; i++)
for(long i = 0; i < arr->num; i++)
if( ccCArrayContainsValue(minusArr, arr->arr[i]) )
@ -51,20 +51,20 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
extern const int CC_INVALID_INDEX;
extern const long CC_INVALID_INDEX;
// Easy integration
#define CCARRAYDATA_FOREACH(__array__, __object__) \
__object__=__array__->arr[0]; for(int i=0, num=__array__->num; i<num; i++, __object__=__array__->arr[i]) \
__object__=__array__->arr[0]; for(long i=0, num=__array__->num; i<num; i++, __object__=__array__->arr[i]) \
typedef struct _ccArray {
int num, max;
long num, max;
Object** arr;
} ccArray;
/** Allocates and initializes a new array with specified capacity */
ccArray* ccArrayNew(int capacity);
ccArray* ccArrayNew(long capacity);
/** Frees array after removing all remaining objects. Silently ignores nil arr. */
void ccArrayFree(ccArray*& arr);
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ void ccArrayFree(ccArray*& arr);
void ccArrayDoubleCapacity(ccArray *arr);
/** Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. */
void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, int extra);
void ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccArray *arr, long extra);
/** shrinks the array so the memory footprint corresponds with the number of items */
void ccArrayShrink(ccArray *arr);
/** Returns index of first occurrence of object, NSNotFound if object not found. */
int ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object);
long ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object);
/** Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether object is present in array. */
bool ccArrayContainsObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object);
@ -98,22 +98,22 @@ void ccArrayAppendArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr);
void ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize(ccArray *arr, ccArray *plusArr);
/** Inserts an object at index */
void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, int index);
void ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, Object* object, long index);
/** Swaps two objects */
void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(ccArray *arr, int index1, int index2);
void ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(ccArray *arr, long index1, long index2);
/** Removes all objects from arr */
void ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(ccArray *arr);
/** Removes object at specified index and pushes back all subsequent objects.
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */
void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index, bool bReleaseObj = true);
void ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, long index, bool bReleaseObj = true);
/** Removes object at specified index and fills the gap with the last object,
thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent objects.
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1]. */
void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, int index);
void ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(ccArray *arr, long index);
void ccArrayFastRemoveObject(ccArray *arr, Object* object);
@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ void ccArrayFullRemoveArray(ccArray *arr, ccArray *minusArr);
// #pragma mark ccCArray for Values (c structures)
typedef struct _ccCArray {
int num, max;
long num, max;
void** arr;
} ccCArray;
/** Allocates and initializes a new C array with specified capacity */
ccCArray* ccCArrayNew(int capacity);
ccCArray* ccCArrayNew(long capacity);
/** Frees C array after removing all remaining values. Silently ignores nil arr. */
void ccCArrayFree(ccCArray *arr);
@ -147,16 +147,16 @@ void ccCArrayFree(ccCArray *arr);
void ccCArrayDoubleCapacity(ccCArray *arr);
/** Increases array capacity such that max >= num + extra. */
void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccCArray *arr, int extra);
void ccCArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(ccCArray *arr, long extra);
/** Returns index of first occurrence of value, NSNotFound if value not found. */
int ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value);
long ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value);
/** Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether value is present in the C array. */
bool ccCArrayContainsValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value);
/** Inserts a value at a certain position. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity */
void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex( ccCArray *arr, void* value, int index);
void ccCArrayInsertValueAtIndex( ccCArray *arr, void* value, long index);
/** Appends an value. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity. */
void ccCArrayAppendValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value);
@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ void ccCArrayRemoveAllValues(ccCArray *arr);
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].
@since v0.99.4
void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index);
void ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, long index);
/** Removes value at specified index and fills the gap with the last value,
thereby avoiding the need to push back subsequent values.
Behavior undefined if index outside [0, num-1].
@since v0.99.4
void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, int index);
void ccCArrayFastRemoveValueAtIndex(ccCArray *arr, long index);
/** Searches for the first occurrence of value and removes it. If value is not found the function has no effect.
@since v0.99.4
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace {
static Touch* g_touches[EventTouch::MAX_TOUCHES] = { NULL };
static unsigned int g_indexBitsUsed = 0;
// System touch pointer ID (It may not be ascending order number) <-> Ascending order number from 0
static std::map<void*, int> g_touchIdReorderMap;
static std::map<long, int> g_touchIdReorderMap;
static int getUnUsedIndex()
@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ const char* EGLViewProtocol::getViewName()
return _viewName;
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesBegin(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesBegin(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void* id = nullptr;
long id = 0;
float x = 0.0f;
float y = 0.0f;
int nUnusedIndex = 0;
@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesBegin(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesMove(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesMove(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void* id = 0;
long id = 0;
float x = 0.0f;
float y = 0.0f;
EventTouch touchEvent;
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesMove(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float
// It is error, should return.
CCLOG("Moving touches with id: %p error", id);
CCLOG("Moving touches with id: %ld error", id);
@ -299,9 +299,9 @@ void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesMove(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode, int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode, int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void* id = 0;
long id = 0;
float x = 0.0f;
float y = 0.0f;
EventTouch touchEvent;
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode
CCLOG("Ending touches with id: %d error", id);
CCLOG("Ending touches with id: %ld error", id);
@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesEnd(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesEnd(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode::ENDED, num, ids, xs, ys);
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesCancel(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
void EGLViewProtocol::handleTouchesCancel(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[])
handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode::CANCELLED, num, ids, xs, ys);
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ public:
const char* getViewName();
/** Touch events are handled by default; if you want to customize your handlers, please override these functions: */
virtual void handleTouchesBegin(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesMove(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesEnd(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesCancel(int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesBegin(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesMove(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesEnd(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
virtual void handleTouchesCancel(int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
* Get the opengl view port rectangle.
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public:
float getScaleY() const;
void handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode, int num, void* ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
void handleTouchesOfEndOrCancel(EventTouch::EventCode eventCode, int num, long ids[], float xs[], float ys[]);
EGLTouchDelegate* _delegate;
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ NS_CC_BEGIN
/* The subclass FileUtilsApple should override these two method. */
Dictionary* FileUtils::createDictionaryWithContentsOfFile(const std::string& filename) {return NULL;}
bool FileUtils::writeToFile(cocos2d::Dictionary *dict, const std::string &fullPath) {return NULL;}
bool FileUtils::writeToFile(cocos2d::Dictionary *dict, const std::string &fullPath) {return false;}
Array* FileUtils::createArrayWithContentsOfFile(const std::string& filename) {return NULL;}
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
static CCEAGLView *__view = 0;
@interface CCEAGLView (Private)
- (BOOL) setupSurfaceWithSharegroup:(EAGLSharegroup*)sharegroup;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
+ (id) sharedEGLView
return view;
return __view;
- (id) initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
view = self;
__view = self;
originalRect_ = self.frame;
self.keyboardShowNotification = nil;
if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(setContentScaleFactor:)])
if ([__view respondsToSelector:@selector(setContentScaleFactor:)])
view.contentScaleFactor = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
__view.contentScaleFactor = [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale];
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
view = self;
__view = self;
return self;
@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
-(int) getWidth
CGSize bound = [self bounds].size;
return bound.width * self.contentScaleFactor;
return (int)bound.width * self.contentScaleFactor;
-(int) getHeight
CGSize bound = [self bounds].size;
return bound.height * self.contentScaleFactor;
return (int)bound.height * self.contentScaleFactor;
@ -406,11 +406,11 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
int i = 0;
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
ids[i] = touch;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesBegin(i, (void**)ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesBegin(i, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
int i = 0;
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
ids[i] = touch;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesMove(i, (void**)ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesMove(i, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
int i = 0;
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
ids[i] = touch;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesEnd(i, (void**)ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesEnd(i, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
@ -468,11 +468,11 @@ static CCEAGLView *view = 0;
int i = 0;
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
ids[i] = touch;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;;
xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * __view.contentScaleFactor;;
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesCancel(i, (void**)ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::EGLView::getInstance()->handleTouchesCancel(i, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
#pragma mark -
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void EGLViewEventHandler::OnGLFWMouseCallBack(GLFWwindow* window, int button, in
s_captured = true;
if (eglView->getViewPortRect().equals(Rect::ZERO) || eglView->getViewPortRect().containsPoint(Point(s_mouseX,s_mouseY)))
int id = 0;
long id = 0;
eglView->handleTouchesBegin(1, &id, &s_mouseX, &s_mouseY);
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void EGLViewEventHandler::OnGLFWMouseCallBack(GLFWwindow* window, int button, in
s_captured = false;
if (eglView->getViewPortRect().equals(Rect::ZERO) || eglView->getViewPortRect().containsPoint(Point(s_mouseX,s_mouseY)))
int id = 0;
long id = 0;
eglView->handleTouchesEnd(1, &id, &s_mouseX, &s_mouseY);
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ void EGLViewEventHandler::OnGLFWMouseMoveCallBack(GLFWwindow* window, double x,
if (eglView->getViewPortRect().equals(Rect::ZERO) || eglView->getViewPortRect().containsPoint(Point(s_mouseX,eglView->getFrameSize().height - s_mouseY)))
int id = 0;
long id = 0;
eglView->handleTouchesMove(1, &id, &s_mouseX, &s_mouseY);
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
float x = local_point.x;
float y = [self getHeight] - local_point.y;
int ids[1] = {0};
NSInteger ids[1] = {0};
float xs[1] = {0.0f};
float ys[1] = {0.0f};
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
xs[0] = x / frameZoomFactor_;
ys[0] = y / frameZoomFactor_;
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesBegin(1, ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesBegin(1, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
float x = local_point.x;
float y = [self getHeight] - local_point.y;
int ids[1] = {0};
NSInteger ids[1] = {0};
float xs[1] = {0.0f};
float ys[1] = {0.0f};
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
xs[0] = x / frameZoomFactor_;
ys[0] = y / frameZoomFactor_;
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesMove(1, ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesMove(1, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
float x = local_point.x;
float y = [self getHeight] - local_point.y;
int ids[1] = {0};
NSInteger ids[1] = {0};
float xs[1] = {0.0f};
float ys[1] = {0.0f};
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ static CCEAGLView *view;
xs[0] = x / frameZoomFactor_;
ys[0] = y / frameZoomFactor_;
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesEnd(1, ids, xs, ys);
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView()->handleTouchesEnd(1, (long*)ids, xs, ys);
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Array* Array::createWithArray(Array* otherArray)
return otherArray->clone();
Array* Array::createWithCapacity(int capacity)
Array* Array::createWithCapacity(long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Invalid capacity");
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ bool Array::initWithObjects(Object* object, ...)
return ret;
bool Array::initWithCapacity(int capacity)
bool Array::initWithCapacity(long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Invalid capacity");
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int Array::getIndexOfObject(Object* object) const
auto it = data.begin();
for (int i = 0; it != data.end(); ++it, ++i)
for (long i = 0; it != data.end(); ++it, ++i)
if (it->get() == object)
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ bool Array::containsObject(Object* object) const
bool Array::isEqualToArray(Array* otherArray)
for (int i = 0; i< this->count(); i++)
for (long i = 0; i< this->count(); i++)
if (!this->getObjectAtIndex(i)->isEqual(otherArray->getObjectAtIndex(i)))
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void Array::removeObject(Object* object, bool releaseObj /* ignored */)
data.erase( std::remove( data.begin(), data.end(), object ) );
void Array::removeObjectAtIndex(int index, bool releaseObj /* ignored */)
void Array::removeObjectAtIndex(long index, bool releaseObj /* ignored */)
auto obj = data[index];
data.erase( data.begin() + index );
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ void Array::removeAllObjects()
data.erase(std::begin(data), std::end(data));
void Array::fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(int index)
void Array::fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(long index)
@ -315,12 +315,12 @@ void Array::exchangeObject(Object* object1, Object* object2)
std::swap( data[idx1], data[idx2] );
void Array::exchangeObjectAtIndex(int index1, int index2)
void Array::exchangeObjectAtIndex(long index1, long index2)
std::swap( data[index1], data[index2] );
void Array::replaceObjectAtIndex(int index, Object* object, bool releaseObject /* ignored */)
void Array::replaceObjectAtIndex(long index, Object* object, bool releaseObject /* ignored */)
data[index] = object;
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ Array* Array::createWithArray(Array* otherArray)
return otherArray->clone();
Array* Array::createWithCapacity(int capacity)
Array* Array::createWithCapacity(long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0, "Invalid capacity");
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ bool Array::initWithObjects(Object* object, ...)
return ret;
bool Array::initWithCapacity(int capacity)
bool Array::initWithCapacity(long capacity)
CCASSERT(capacity>=0 && !data, "Array cannot be re-initialized");
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ bool Array::initWithArray(Array* otherArray)
return ret;
int Array::getIndexOfObject(Object* object) const
long Array::getIndexOfObject(Object* object) const
return ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(data, object);
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ Object* Array::getRandomObject()
r = 0;
return data->arr[(int)(data->num * r)];
return data->arr[(long)(data->num * r)];
bool Array::containsObject(Object* object) const
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ bool Array::containsObject(Object* object) const
bool Array::isEqualToArray(Array* otherArray)
for (int i = 0; i< this->count(); i++)
for (long i = 0; i< this->count(); i++)
if (!this->getObjectAtIndex(i)->isEqual(otherArray->getObjectAtIndex(i)))
@ -606,13 +606,13 @@ void Array::addObjectsFromArray(Array* otherArray)
ccArrayAppendArrayWithResize(data, otherArray->data);
void Array::insertObject(Object* object, int index)
void Array::insertObject(Object* object, long index)
CCASSERT(data, "Array not initialized");
ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(data, object, index);
void Array::setObject(Object* object, int index)
void Array::setObject(Object* object, long index)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && index < count(), "Invalid index");
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ void Array::removeObject(Object* object, bool releaseObj/* = true*/)
ccArrayRemoveObject(data, object, releaseObj);
void Array::removeObjectAtIndex(int index, bool releaseObj)
void Array::removeObjectAtIndex(long index, bool releaseObj)
ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(data, index, releaseObj);
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ void Array::removeAllObjects()
void Array::fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(int index)
void Array::fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(long index)
ccArrayFastRemoveObjectAtIndex(data, index);
@ -662,14 +662,14 @@ void Array::fastRemoveObject(Object* object)
void Array::exchangeObject(Object* object1, Object* object2)
int index1 = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(data, object1);
if (index1 == UINT_MAX)
long index1 = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(data, object1);
if (index1 == CC_INVALID_INDEX)
int index2 = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(data, object2);
if (index2 == UINT_MAX)
long index2 = ccArrayGetIndexOfObject(data, object2);
if (index2 == CC_INVALID_INDEX)
@ -677,12 +677,12 @@ void Array::exchangeObject(Object* object1, Object* object2)
ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(data, index1, index2);
void Array::exchangeObjectAtIndex(int index1, int index2)
void Array::exchangeObjectAtIndex(long index1, long index2)
ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(data, index1, index2);
void Array::replaceObjectAtIndex(int index, Object* object, bool releaseObject/* = true*/)
void Array::replaceObjectAtIndex(long index, Object* object, bool releaseObject/* = true*/)
ccArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(data, object, index);
ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(data, index+1);
@ -693,10 +693,10 @@ void Array::reverseObjects()
if (data->num > 1)
// floorf(), since in the case of an even number, the number of swaps stays the same
int count = (int) floorf(data->num/2.f);
int maxIndex = data->num - 1;
long count = (long) floorf(data->num/2.f);
long maxIndex = data->num - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
for (long i = 0; i < count ; i++)
ccArraySwapObjectsAtIndexes(data, i, maxIndex);
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public:
/** Create an array with a default capacity
* @js NA
static Array* createWithCapacity(int capacity);
static Array* createWithCapacity(long capacity);
/** Create an array with from an existing array
* @js NA
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public:
* @js NA
* @lua NA
bool initWithCapacity(int capacity);
bool initWithCapacity(long capacity);
/** Initializes an array with an existing array
* @js NA
* @lua NA
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ public:
/** Returns element count of the array
* @js NA
int count() const
long count() const
return data.size();
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public:
/** Returns capacity of the array
* @js NA
int capacity() const
long capacity() const
return data.capacity();
@ -330,17 +330,17 @@ public:
* @js NA
* @lua NA
int getIndexOfObject(Object* object) const;
long getIndexOfObject(Object* object) const;
* @js NA
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE int indexOfObject(Object* object) const { return getIndexOfObject(object); }
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE long indexOfObject(Object* object) const { return getIndexOfObject(object); }
/** Returns an element with a certain index
* @js NA
* @lua NA
Object* getObjectAtIndex(int index)
Object* getObjectAtIndex(long index)
CCASSERT(index>=0 && index < count(), "index out of range in getObjectAtIndex()");
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public:
return data->arr[index];
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE Object* objectAtIndex(int index) { return getObjectAtIndex(index); }
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE Object* objectAtIndex(long index) { return getObjectAtIndex(index); }
/** Returns the last element of the array
* @js NA
@ -401,17 +401,17 @@ public:
/** Insert a certain object at a certain index
* @js NA
void insertObject(Object* object, int index);
void insertObject(Object* object, long index);
/** sets a certain object at a certain index
* @js NA
* @lua NA
void setObject(Object* object, int index);
void setObject(Object* object, long index);
/** sets a certain object at a certain index without retaining. Use it with caution
* @js NA
* @lua NA
void fastSetObject(Object* object, int index)
void fastSetObject(Object* object, long index)
setObject(object, index);
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ public:
* @js NA
* @lua NA
void swap( int indexOne, int indexTwo )
void swap( long indexOne, long indexTwo )
CCASSERT(indexOne >=0 && indexOne < count() && indexTwo >= 0 && indexTwo < count(), "Invalid indices");
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public:
/** Remove an element with a certain index
* @js NA
void removeObjectAtIndex(int index, bool releaseObj = true);
void removeObjectAtIndex(long index, bool releaseObj = true);
/** Remove all elements
* @js NA
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ public:
/** Fast way to remove an element with a certain index
* @js NA
void fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(int index);
void fastRemoveObjectAtIndex(long index);
// Rearranging Content
@ -474,12 +474,12 @@ public:
/** Swap two elements with certain indexes
* @js NA
void exchangeObjectAtIndex(int index1, int index2);
void exchangeObjectAtIndex(long index1, long index2);
/** Replace object at index with another object.
* @js NA
void replaceObjectAtIndex(int index, Object* object, bool releaseObject = true);
void replaceObjectAtIndex(long index, Object* object, bool releaseObject = true);
/** Revers the array
* @js NA
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ bool ActionNode::updateActionToTimeLine(float fTime)
bool bFindFrame = false;
ActionFrame* srcFrame = NULL;
ActionFrame* destFrame = NULL;
// ActionFrame* destFrame = NULL;
for (int n = 0; n < _frameArrayNum; n++)
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ Point* PhysicsShapePolygon::getPoints(Point* points) const
return PhysicsHelper::cpvs2points(((cpPolyShape*)shape)->verts, points, ((cpPolyShape*)shape)->numVerts);
int PhysicsShapePolygon::getPointsCount() const
long PhysicsShapePolygon::getPointsCount() const
return ((cpPolyShape*)_info->shapes.front())->numVerts;
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ Point PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon::getCenter()
return _center;
int PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon::getPointsCount() const
long PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon::getPointsCount() const
return _info->shapes.size() + 1;
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ Point PhysicsShapeEdgeChain::getCenter()
return _center;
int PhysicsShapeEdgeChain::getPointsCount() const
long PhysicsShapeEdgeChain::getPointsCount() const
return _info->shapes.size() + 1;
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ typedef struct PhysicsMaterial
, friction(0.0f)
PhysicsMaterial(float density, float restitution, float friction)
: density(density)
, restitution(restitution)
, friction(friction)
PhysicsMaterial(float aDensity, float aRestitution, float aFriction)
: density(aDensity)
, restitution(aRestitution)
, friction(aFriction)
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public:
float calculateDefaultMoment() override;
Point* getPoints(Point* points) const;
int getPointsCount() const;
long getPointsCount() const;
Point getCenter() override;
bool init(Point* points, int count, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ public:
static PhysicsShapeEdgeBox* create(Size size, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 0, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
Point getOffset() override { return _offset; }
Point* getPoints(Point* points) const;
int getPointsCount() const;
long getPointsCount() const;
bool init(Size size, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 1, Point offset = Point(0, 0));
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public:
static PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon* create(Point* points, int count, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 1);
Point getCenter() override;
Point* getPoints(Point* points) const;
int getPointsCount() const;
long getPointsCount() const;
bool init(Point* points, int count, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 1);
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ public:
static PhysicsShapeEdgeChain* create(Point* points, int count, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 1);
Point getCenter() override;
Point* getPoints(Point* points) const;
int getPointsCount() const;
long getPointsCount() const;
bool init(Point* points, int count, PhysicsMaterial material = PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT, float border = 1);
@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ void PhysicsWorld::debugDraw()
void PhysicsWorld::drawWithJoint(DrawNode* node, PhysicsJoint* joint)
void PhysicsWorld::drawWithJoint(DrawNode* node, PhysicsJoint* joints)
for (auto it = joint->_info->joints.begin(); it != joint->_info->joints.end(); ++it)
for (auto it = joints->_info->joints.begin(); it != joints->_info->joints.end(); ++it)
cpConstraint *constraint = *it;
@ -526,9 +526,9 @@ void PhysicsWorld::drawWithJoint(DrawNode* node, PhysicsJoint* joint)
void PhysicsWorld::drawWithShape(DrawNode* node, PhysicsShape* shape)
void PhysicsWorld::drawWithShape(DrawNode* node, PhysicsShape* shapes)
for (auto it = shape->_info->shapes.begin(); it != shape->_info->shapes.end(); ++it)
for (auto it = shapes->_info->shapes.begin(); it != shapes->_info->shapes.end(); ++it)
cpShape *shape = *it;
Reference in New Issue