use quad command for tile map rendering

This commit is contained in:
Huabing.Xu 2014-06-20 18:10:18 +08:00
parent f82be936b5
commit bb4128036c
2 changed files with 41 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "base/CCConfiguration.h"
#include "renderer/CCRenderer.h"
#include "deprecated/CCString.h"
#include "renderer/CCGLProgramStateCache.h"
@ -129,70 +130,42 @@ FastTMXLayer::~FastTMXLayer()
void FastTMXLayer::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags)
_customCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(FastTMXLayer::onDraw, this, transform, flags);
void FastTMXLayer::onDraw(const Mat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated)
GL::bindTexture2D( _texture->getName() );
// tex coords + indices
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _buffersVBO[0]);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, _buffersVBO[1]);
if( transformUpdated || _dirty )
if( flags != 0 || _dirty )
Size s = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
auto rect = Rect(0, 0, s.width, s.height);
Mat4 inv = transform;
rect = RectApplyTransform(rect, inv);
_verticesToDraw = updateTiles(rect);
_verticesToDraw = updateTiles(rect, renderer);
if (_quads.size() > 0 && _indices.size() > 0 && _verticesToDraw > 0)
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(_quads[0]) * _quads.size() , &_quads[0], GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(_indices[0]) * _quads.size() * 6 , &_indices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// don't draw more than 65535 vertices since we are using GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT for indices
_verticesToDraw = std::min(_verticesToDraw, 65535);
_dirty = false;
if(_verticesToDraw > 0) {
// vertices
glVertexAttribPointer(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(V3F_T2F), (GLvoid*) offsetof(V3F_T2F, vertices));
// tex coords
glVertexAttribPointer(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORDS, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(V3F_T2F), (GLvoid*) offsetof(V3F_T2F, texCoords));
// color
glVertexAttrib4f(GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR, _displayedColor.r/255.0f, _displayedColor.g/255.0f, _displayedColor.b/255.0f, _displayedOpacity/255.0f);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, _verticesToDraw, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, nullptr);
// cleanup
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
auto glprogramState = GLProgramState::getOrCreateWithGLProgramName(GLProgram::SHADER_NAME_POSITION_TEXTURE_COLOR_NO_MVP);
for( int index = 0; index < _verticesToDraw/6; ++index)
float z = _quads[index].bl.vertices.z;
_renderCommands[index].init(z, _texture->getName(), glprogramState, BlendFunc::ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED, &_quads[index], 1, transform);
// _customCommand.init(_globalZOrder);
// _customCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(FastTMXLayer::onDraw, this, transform, flags);
// renderer->addCommand(&_customCommand);
int FastTMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect)
void FastTMXLayer::onDraw(const Mat4 &transform, bool transformUpdated)
int FastTMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect, Renderer* renderer)
int tilesUsed = 0;
@ -237,15 +210,13 @@ int FastTMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect)
// doesn't support VBO
int quadsNeed = std::min(static_cast<int>((visibleTiles.size.width + tilesOverX) * (visibleTiles.size.height + tilesOverY)), MAX_QUADS_COUNT);
int quadsNeed = std::min(static_cast<int>((visibleTiles.size.width + 2 *tilesOverX) * (visibleTiles.size.height + 2 * tilesOverY)), MAX_QUADS_COUNT);
if (_quads.size() < quadsNeed)
_indices.resize(quadsNeed * 6);
V3F_T2F_Quad* quadsTmp = &_quads[0];
GLushort* indicesTmp = &_indices[0];
Size texSize = _tileSet->_imageSize;
for (int y = visibleTiles.origin.y - tilesOverY; y < visibleTiles.origin.y + visibleTiles.size.height + tilesOverY; ++y)
@ -263,7 +234,7 @@ int FastTMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect)
V3F_T2F_Quad *quad = &quadsTmp[tilesUsed];
V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad *quad = &_quads[tilesUsed];
Vec3 nodePos(static_cast<float>(x), static_cast<float>(y), 0);
@ -340,18 +311,20 @@ int FastTMXLayer::updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect)
quad->tl.texCoords.v = top;
quad->tr.texCoords.u = right;
quad->tr.texCoords.v = top;
GLushort *idxbase = indicesTmp + tilesUsed * 6;
quad->bl.colors = Color4B::WHITE;
quad->br.colors = Color4B::WHITE;
quad->tl.colors = Color4B::WHITE;
quad->tr.colors = Color4B::WHITE;
int vertexbase = tilesUsed * 4;
idxbase[0] = vertexbase;
idxbase[1] = vertexbase + 1;
idxbase[2] = vertexbase + 2;
idxbase[3] = vertexbase + 3;
idxbase[4] = vertexbase + 2;
idxbase[5] = vertexbase + 1;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 0] = vertexbase;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 1] = vertexbase + 1;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 2] = vertexbase + 2;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 3] = vertexbase + 3;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 4] = vertexbase + 2;
_indices[tilesUsed * 6 + 5]= vertexbase + 1;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
#include "CCTMXXMLParser.h"
#include "CCNode.h"
#include "renderer/CCCustomCommand.h"
#include "renderer/CCQuadCommand.h"
#include <map>
@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ public:
bool initWithTilesetInfo(TMXTilesetInfo *tilesetInfo, TMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, TMXMapInfo *mapInfo);
int updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect);
int updateTiles(const Rect& culledRect, Renderer* renderer);
void setupVBO();
Vec2 calculateLayerOffset(const Vec2& offset);
@ -242,7 +243,8 @@ protected:
/** tile coordinate to node coordinate transform */
Mat4 _tileToNodeTransform;
/** quads to be rendered */
std::vector<V3F_T2F_Quad> _quads;
std::vector<V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad> _quads;
std::vector<QuadCommand> _renderCommands;
/** indices */
std::vector<GLushort> _indices;
bool _dirty;