mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Delete unused binding generator
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
# the names of the functions - we use this to generate the code and to register the functions in
# the javascript class
ifunction: "js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}_${func_name}"
sfunction: "js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}_${func_name}"
constructor: "js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}_constructor"
ctor: "js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}_ctor"
public_field: "js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}"
# some times you want to use a special native type when converting from spidermonkey to native
# the most common case would be from JS-boolean to bool. Using "bool" will fail here since we
# pass the address to the conversion method, and a JSBool is defined as an integer in spidermonkey
float: "double"
short: "int32_t"
"unsigned char": "uint16_t"
"char": "int32_t"
"cocos2d::extension::": "cc."
"cocos2d::ui::": "ccui."
"cocos2d::": "cc."
"spine::": "sp."
"cocostudio::": "ccs."
"cocosbuilder::": "cc."
"CocosDenshion::": "cc."
# jsval to int
int32_t: "ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, ${in_value}, (int32_t *)&${out_value})"
int: "ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, ${in_value}, (int32_t *)&${out_value})"
"unsigned int": "ok &= jsval_to_uint32(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"unsigned char": "ok &= jsval_to_uint16(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
short: "ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"unsigned short": "ok &= jsval_to_ushort(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
char: "ok &= jsval_to_int32(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
bool: "${out_value} = JS::ToBoolean(${in_value})"
float: "ok &= JS::ToNumber( cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value}) && !std::isnan(${out_value})"
double: "ok &= JS::ToNumber( cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value}) && !std::isnan(${out_value})"
long: "ok &= jsval_to_long(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"unsigned long": "ok &= jsval_to_ulong(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"ssize_t": "ok &= jsval_to_ssize(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"size_t": "ok &= jsval_to_size(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
# jsval has to be a TypedArray, a UInt32Array with 2 elements
"long long": "ok &= jsval_to_long_long(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"string": "ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"char*": "std::string ${out_value}_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value}_tmp); ${out_value} = ${out_value}_tmp.c_str()"
"Point": "ok &= jsval_to_ccpoint(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Rect": "ok &= jsval_to_ccrect(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Size": "ok &= jsval_to_ccsize(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Color4B": "ok &= jsval_to_cccolor4b(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Color4F": "ok &= jsval_to_cccolor4f(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Color3B": "ok &= jsval_to_cccolor3b(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Array*": "ok &= jsval_to_ccarray(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Dictionary*": "ok &= jsval_to_ccdictionary(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"AffineTransform": "ok &= jsval_to_ccaffinetransform(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"FontDefinition": "ok &= jsval_to_FontDefinition(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"String*": "std::string ${out_value}_tmp; ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value}_tmp); ${out_value} = cocos2d::String::create(${out_value}_tmp)"
"@Vector<.*>": "ok &= jsval_to_ccvector(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"@Map<std::string.*>": "ok &= jsval_to_ccmap_string_key(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"@map<std::string.*,\\s*std::string.*>": "ok &= jsval_to_std_map_string_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Value": "ok &= jsval_to_ccvalue(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"ValueMap": "ok &= jsval_to_ccvaluemap(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"ValueMapIntKey": "ok &= jsval_to_ccvaluemapintkey(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"ValueVector": "ok &= jsval_to_ccvaluevector(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"@vector<std::string.*>": "ok &= jsval_to_std_vector_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"@vector<int.*>": "ok &= jsval_to_std_vector_int(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Acceleration": "ok &= jsval_to_ccacceleration(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Mat4": "ok &= jsval_to_matrix(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Vec2": "ok &= jsval_to_vector2(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Vec3": "ok &= jsval_to_vector3(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Vec2*": "std::vector<cocos2d::Vec2> tempData;ok &= jsval_to_vector_vec2(cx, ${in_value}, &tempData);${out_value}=tempData.data()"
"BlendFunc": "ok &= jsval_to_blendfunc(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"AnimationInfo": "ok &= jsval_to_animationInfo(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Quaternion": "ok &= jsval_to_quaternion(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Ray": "ok &= jsval_to_ray(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"NavMeshAgentParam": "ok &= jsval_to_NavMeshAgentParam(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"Physics3DRigidBodyDes*": "cocos2d::Physics3DRigidBodyDes tempObj;${out_value}=&tempObj;ok &= jsval_to_physics3DRigidBodyDes(cx, ${in_value}, ${out_value})"
"TerrainData": "ok &= jsval_to_TerrainData(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"TMXTileFlags_": "ok &= jsval_to_uint32(cx, ${in_value}, (uint32_t *)&${out_value})"
"TMXTileFlags_*": "uint32_t tempData;${out_value}=(cocos2d::TMXTileFlags_*)&tempData;ok &= jsval_to_uint32(cx, ${in_value}, (uint32_t *)&${out_value})"
"ResourceData": "ok &= jsval_to_resourcedata(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"ListenerID": "ok &= jsval_to_std_string(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
"DownloaderHints": "ok &= jsval_to_DownloaderHints(cx, ${in_value}, &${out_value})"
object: |
do {
${($level + 1) * ' '}if (${in_value}.isNull()) { ${out_value} = nullptr; break; }
${($level + 1) * ' '}if (!${in_value}.isObject()) { ok = false; break; }
${($level + 1) * ' '}js_proxy_t *jsProxy;
${($level + 1) * ' '}JS::RootedObject tmpObj(cx, ${in_value}.toObjectOrNull());
${($level + 1) * ' '}jsProxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(tmpObj);
${($level + 1) * ' '}${out_value} = (${ntype})(jsProxy ? jsProxy->ptr : NULL);
${($level + 1) * ' '}JSB_PRECONDITION2( ${out_value}, cx, false, "Invalid Native Object");
${($level + 0) * ' '}} while (0)
# int to jsval
int32_t: "${out_value} = int32_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
int: "${out_value} = int32_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"unsigned int": "${out_value} = uint32_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"unsigned short": "${out_value} = ushort_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"unsigned char": "${out_value} = uint32_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"long long": "${out_value} = long_long_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"string": "${out_value} = std_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"string&": "${out_value} = std_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"char*": "${out_value} = c_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
bool: "${out_value} = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(${in_value})"
float: "${out_value} = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(${in_value})"
double: "${out_value} = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(${in_value})"
long: "${out_value} = long_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"unsigned long": "${out_value} = ulong_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"ssize_t": "${out_value} = ssize_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"size_t": "${out_value} = size_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Point": "${out_value} = ccpoint_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Rect": "${out_value} = ccrect_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Size": "${out_value} = ccsize_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Color4B": "${out_value} = cccolor4b_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Color4F": "${out_value} = cccolor4f_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Color3B": "${out_value} = cccolor3b_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Array*": "${out_value} = ccarray_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Dictionary*": "${out_value} = ccdictionary_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"AffineTransform": "${out_value} = ccaffinetransform_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"FontDefinition": "${out_value} = FontDefinition_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"String*": "${out_value} = std_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value}->getCString())"
"@Vector<.*>": "${out_value} = ccvector_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"@Map<std::string.*>": "${out_value} = ccmap_string_key_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"@map<std::string.*,\\s*std::string.*>": "${out_value} = std_map_string_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Value": "${out_value} = ccvalue_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"ValueMap": "${out_value} = ccvaluemap_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"ValueMapIntKey": "${out_value} = ccvaluemapintkey_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"ValueVector": "${out_value} = ccvaluevector_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"vector<std::string>": "${out_value} = std_vector_string_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"vector<int>": "${out_value} = std_vector_int_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Acceleration*": "${out_value} = ccacceleration_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"Mat4": "${out_value} = matrix_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Vec2": "${out_value} = vector2_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Vec3": "${out_value} = vector3_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"BlendFunc": "${out_value} = blendfunc_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"AnimationInfo": "${out_value} = animationInfo_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"spEventData*": "${out_value} = speventdata_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spEvent*": "${out_value} = spevent_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spBoneData*": "${out_value} = spbonedata_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spBone*": "${out_value} = spbone_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spSkeleton*": "${out_value} = spskeleton_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spAttachment*": "${out_value} = spattachment_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spSlotData*": "${out_value} = spslotdata_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spColor*": "${out_value} = spColor_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spSlot*": "${out_value} = spslot_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spTimeline*": "${out_value} = sptimeline_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spAnimationState*": "${out_value} = spanimationstate_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spAnimation*": "${out_value} = spanimation_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"spTrackEntry*": "${out_value} = sptrackentry_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
"Quaternion": "${out_value} = quaternion_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"OffMeshLinkData": "${out_value} = offMeshLinkData_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"Uniform*": "${out_value} = uniform_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"ResourceData": "${out_value} = resourcedata_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"TouchEventType": "${out_value} = int32_to_jsval(cx, (int)${in_value})"
"EventType": "${out_value} = int32_to_jsval(cx, (int)${in_value})"
"ManifestAsset": "${out_value} = asset_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"@DownloadTask.*": "${out_value} = downloadTask_to_jsval(cx, ${in_value})"
"@shared_ptr<.*DownloadTask.*": "${out_value} = downloadTask_to_jsval(cx, *${in_value})"
object: |
if (${in_value}) {
${($level + 1) * ' '}${out_value} = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(js_get_or_create_jsobject<${ntype.replace("*", "").replace("const ", "")}>(cx, (${ntype.replace("const ", "")})${in_value}));
${($level ) * ' '}} else {
${($level + 1) * ' '}${out_value} = JSVAL_NULL;
${($level ) * ' '}}
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#set generator = $current_class.generator
* @class ${current_class.class_name}
#if $generator.target_ns
${generator.target_ns}.${current_class.target_class_name} = {
${current_class.target_class_name} = {
#end if
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
* @method ${func_name}
#if $is_constructor
* @constructor
#end if
#if $min_args > 0
#set $count = 0
#for $arg in $arguments
#set $argValue = "arg" + str(count)
* @param {$generator.js_typename_from_natve($arg.namespaced_name)} $argValue
#set $count = $count + 1
#end for
#end if
#if str($ret_type) != "void"
* @return {$generator.js_typename_from_natve($ret_type.namespaced_name)}
#end if
${func_name} : function (
#if $min_args > 0
#set $length = len($arguments)
#set $index = 0
#for $arg in $arguments
#set $argname = $arg.name.replace("*", "").replace("const ", "")
#if $index < $length - 1
#end if
#set $index = $index + 1
#end for
#end if
#if str($ret_type) != "void"
#set $is_enum = $ret_type.is_enum
#set $ret = $ret_type.namespaced_name.replace("*", "").replace("const ", "")
return $generator.js_ret_name_from_native($ret,$is_enum);
#end if
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
* @method ${func_name}
#if $is_constructor
* @constructor
#end if
#set $max_count = 0
#set $func_count = len($implementations)
#set $func_index = 0
#for func in $implementations
#if len($func.arguments) >= $max_count
#set $max_count = len($func.arguments)
#end if
#set $func_index = $func_index + 1
#end for
#if $max_count > 0
#set $arg_idx = 0
#while $arg_idx < $max_count
#set $tip = "@param {"
#set $sub_tip = ""
#set $is_sub_tip_set = False
#set $func_index = 0
#for func in $implementations
#set $loop_index = 0
#set $is_find = False
#for $arg in $func.arguments
#if $loop_index < len($func.arguments)
#if $loop_index == $arg_idx
#set $tip = $tip + $generator.js_typename_from_natve($arg.namespaced_name)
#set $is_find = True
#if $is_sub_tip_set == False
#set $is_sub_tip_set = True
#set $sub_tip = $generator.api_param_name_from_native($arg.name.replace("*", "").replace("const ", ""))
#end if
#end if
#set $loop_index = $loop_index + 1
#end if
#end for
#if $func_index < $func_count - 1
#if $is_find == True
#set $tip = $tip + "|"
#end if
#end if
#set $func_index = $func_index + 1
#end for
#if $tip.endswith('|')
#set $tip = $tip[:-1]
#end if
#set $tip = $tip + "} " + $sub_tip
* $tip
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
#end while
#end if
#set $ret_tip = "{"
#set $func_index = 0
#set $have_ret = False
#for func in $implementations
#if str($func.ret_type) != "void"
#set $ret_tip = $ret_tip + $generator.js_typename_from_natve($func.ret_type.namespaced_name) + "|"
#set $have_ret = True
#end if
#set $func_index = $func_index + 1
#end for
#if $ret_tip.endswith('|')
#set $ret_tip = $ret_tip[:-1] + "}"
#end if
#if $have_ret
* @return $ret_tip
#end if
#set $max_count = 0
#set $func_count = len($implementations)
#set $func_index = 0
#set $max_index = 0
#set $selected_func = 0
#for func in $implementations
#if len($func.arguments) >= $max_count
#set $max_count = len($func.arguments)
#set $max_index = $func_index
#set $selected_func = func
#end if
#set $func_index = $func_index + 1
#end for
${func_name} : function(
#set $arg_idx = 0
#for $arg in $selected_func.arguments
#set $argname = $arg.name.replace("*", "").replace("const ", "")
#if $arg_idx < $max_count - 1
#end if
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
#end for
#if str($selected_func.ret_type) != "void"
#set $is_enum = $selected_func.ret_type.is_enum
#set $ret = $selected_func.ret_type.namespaced_name.replace("*", "").replace("const ", "")
return $generator.js_ret_name_from_native($ret,$is_enum);
#end if
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#if $target_ns
#if $prefix
* @module ${prefix}
* @module ${target_ns}
#end if
var ${target_ns} = ${target_ns} || {};
#end if
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
## ===== constructor function implementation template
bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
bool ok = true;
#if len($arguments) >= $min_args
#set arg_count = len($arguments)
#set arg_idx = $min_args
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count};
#end if
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#set $count = 0
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 2,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str(count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#if $arg_idx > 0
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "${signature_name} : Error processing arguments");
#end if
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = new (std::nothrow) ${namespaced_class_name}($arg_list);
js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<${namespaced_class_name}>(cobj);
// link the native object with the javascript object
#if $is_ref_class
JS::RootedObject jsobj(cx, jsb_ref_create_jsobject(cx, cobj, typeClass, "${namespaced_class_name}"));
JS::RootedObject jsobj(cx, jsb_create_weak_jsobject(cx, cobj, typeClass, "${namespaced_class_name}"));
#end if
if (JS_HasProperty(cx, jsobj, "_ctor", &ok) && ok)
ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(jsobj), "_ctor", args);
return true;
#end if
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
## ===== ctor function implementation template
static bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
#if len($arguments) >= $min_args
#set arg_count = len($arguments)
#set arg_idx = $min_args
#set $count = 0
#if $arg_idx > 0
bool ok = true;
#end if
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count};
#end if
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#set $count = 0
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 2,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str(count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#if $arg_idx > 0
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "js_${underlined_class_name}_ctor : Error processing arguments");
#end if
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
${namespaced_class_name} *nobj = new (std::nothrow) ${namespaced_class_name}($arg_list);
js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(nobj, obj);
#if $is_ref_class
jsb_ref_init(cx, &p->obj, nobj, "${namespaced_class_name}");
AddNamedObjectRoot(cx, &p->obj, "${namespaced_class_name}");
#end if
bool isFound = false;
if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &isFound) && isFound)
ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", args);
return true;
#end if
@ -1 +0,0 @@
bool js_${generator.prefix}_${class_name}_${func_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp);
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
## ===== instance function implementation template
bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
#if len($arguments) > 0
bool ok = true;
#end if
#if not $is_constructor
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
js_proxy_t *proxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(obj);
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = (${namespaced_class_name} *)(proxy ? proxy->ptr : NULL);
JSB_PRECONDITION2( cobj, cx, false, "${signature_name} : Invalid Native Object");
#end if
#if len($arguments) >= $min_args
#set arg_count = len($arguments)
#set arg_idx = $min_args
#while $arg_idx <= $arg_count
if (argc == ${arg_idx}) {
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count};
#end if
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#set $count = 0
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 2,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str(count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#if $arg_idx > 0
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "${signature_name} : Error processing arguments");
#end if
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
#if $is_constructor
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = new (std::nothrow) ${namespaced_class_name}($arg_list);
js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<${namespaced_class_name}>(cobj);
JS::RootedObject jsobj(cx, jsb_ref_create_jsobject(cx, cobj, typeClass, "${namespaced_class_name}"));
#if $ret_type.name != "void"
#if $ret_type.is_enum
int ret = (int)cobj->${func_name}($arg_list);
${ret_type.get_whole_name($generator)} ret = cobj->${func_name}($arg_list);
#end if
JS::RootedValue jsret(cx);
${ret_type.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "ret",
"out_value": "jsret",
"ntype": str($ret_type),
"level": 2})};
#end if
#end if
return true;
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
#end while
#end if
JS_ReportError(cx, "${signature_name} : wrong number of arguments: %d, was expecting %d", argc, ${min_args});
return false;
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
## ===== instance function implementation template - for overloaded functions
bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
bool ok = true;
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = nullptr;
#if not $is_ctor
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx);
#end if
#if $is_ctor
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject obj(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
#end if
#if not $is_constructor
js_proxy_t *proxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(obj);
cobj = (${namespaced_class_name} *)(proxy ? proxy->ptr : nullptr);
JSB_PRECONDITION2( cobj, cx, false, "${signature_name} : Invalid Native Object");
#end if
#for func in $implementations
#if len($func.arguments) >= $func.min_args
#set arg_count = len($func.arguments)
#set arg_idx = $func.min_args
#while $arg_idx <= $arg_count
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
do {
#if $func.min_args >= 0
if (argc == $arg_idx) {
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $func.arguments[$count]
#set $arg_type = arg.to_string($generator)
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg_type} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg_type} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg_type} arg${count};
#end if
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 3,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str(count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#if $arg_idx > 0 and arg_type != "bool"
if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
#end if
#end while
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
#end if
#if $is_constructor
cobj = new (std::nothrow) ${namespaced_class_name}(${arg_list});
#if not $is_ctor
js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<${namespaced_class_name}>(cobj);
JS::RootedObject proto(cx, typeClass->proto.ref());
JS::RootedObject parent(cx, typeClass->parentProto.ref());
obj = JS_NewObject(cx, typeClass->jsclass, proto, parent);
#end if
js_proxy_t* p = jsb_new_proxy(cobj, obj);
#if $is_ref_class
jsb_ref_init(cx, &p->obj, cobj, "${namespaced_class_name}");
jsb_non_ref_init(cx, &p->obj, cobj, "${namespaced_class_name}");
#end if
#if str($func.ret_type) != "void"
#if $func.ret_type.is_enum
int ret = (int)cobj->${func.func_name}($arg_list);
${func.ret_type.get_whole_name($generator)} ret = cobj->${func.func_name}($arg_list);
#end if
jsval jsret = JSVAL_NULL;
${func.ret_type.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "ret",
"out_value": "jsret",
"ntype": str($func.ret_type),
"level": 2})};
#end if
return true;
#end if
} while(0);
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
#end while
#end if
#end for
#if $is_constructor
if (cobj) {
if (JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "_ctor", &ok) && ok)
ScriptingCore::getInstance()->executeFunctionWithOwner(OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj), "_ctor", args);
return true;
#end if
JS_ReportError(cx, "${signature_name} : wrong number of arguments");
return false;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
do {
if(JS_TypeOfValue(cx, ${in_value}) == JSTYPE_FUNCTION)
JS::RootedObject jstarget(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
std::shared_ptr<JSFunctionWrapper> func(new JSFunctionWrapper(cx, jstarget, ${in_value}, args.thisv()));
auto lambda = [=](${lambda_parameters}) -> ${ret_type.name} {
#set arg_count = len($param_types)
#if $arg_count > 0
jsval largv[${arg_count}];
#end if
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_count
#set $arg = $param_types[$count]
${arg.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "larg" + str(count),
"out_value": "largv[" + str(count) + "]",
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 2,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
JS::RootedValue rval(cx);
#if $arg_count > 0
bool succeed = func->invoke(${arg_count}, &largv[0], &rval);
bool succeed = func->invoke(${arg_count}, nullptr, &rval);
#end if
if (!succeed && JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)) {
#if $ret_type.name != "void"
bool ok = true;
${ret_type.get_whole_name($generator)} ret;
${ret_type.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "rval",
"out_value": "ret",
"ntype": str($ret_type),
"level": 2})};
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "lambda function : Error processing return value with type ${ret_type.name}");
return ret;
#end if
${out_value} = lambda;
${out_value} = nullptr;
} while(0)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
void register_all_${prefix}(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj) {
#if $target_ns
// Get the ns
JS::RootedObject ns(cx);
get_or_create_js_obj(cx, obj, "${target_ns}", &ns);
// Get the global ns
JS::RootedObject ns(cx, ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalObject());
#end if
#for jsclass in $sorted_classes
#if $in_listed_classes(jsclass)
js_register_${prefix}_${jsclass}(cx, ns);
#end if
#end for
#if $macro_judgement
\#endif //$macro_judgement
#end if
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\#endif // __${prefix}_h__
#if $macro_judgement
\#endif //$macro_judgement
#end if
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
\#include "scripting/js-bindings/auto/${out_file}.hpp"
#if $macro_judgement
#end if
\#include "scripting/js-bindings/manual/cocos2d_specifics.hpp"
#for header in $headers
#set include_header = os.path.basename(header)
#if $replace_headers.has_key(include_header)
\#include "${replace_headers[include_header]}"
#set relative = os.path.relpath(header, $search_path)
#if not '..' in relative
\#include "${relative.replace(os.path.sep, '/')}"
\#include "${include_header}"
#end if
#end if
#end for
#if $cpp_headers
#for header in $cpp_headers
\#include "${header}"
#end for
#end if
template<class T>
static bool dummy_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS_ReportError(cx, "Constructor for the requested class is not available, please refer to the API reference.");
return false;
static bool empty_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp) {
return false;
static bool js_is_native_obj(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
\#include "base/ccConfig.h"
#if $macro_judgement
#end if
\#ifndef __${prefix}_h__
\#define __${prefix}_h__
\#include "jsapi.h"
\#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#if $hpp_headers
#for header in $hpp_headers
\#include "${header}"
#end for
#end if
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#set generator = $current_class.generator
JSClass *jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class;
JSObject *jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_prototype;
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#set generator = $current_class.generator
extern JSClass *jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class;
extern JSObject *jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_prototype;
bool js_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}_constructor(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp);
void js_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);
void js_register_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject global);
void register_all_${generator.prefix}(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj);
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
## ===== member implementation template
bool ${signature_name}_get_${name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject jsthis(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
js_proxy_t *proxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(jsthis);
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = (${namespaced_class_name} *)(proxy ? proxy->ptr : NULL);
JSB_PRECONDITION2( cobj, cx, false, "${signature_name}_get_${name} : Invalid Native Object");
JS::RootedValue jsret(cx);
#if $ntype.is_object and not $ntype.object_can_convert($generator, False)
${ntype.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"type_name": $ntype.namespaced_name.replace("*", ""),
"ntype": $ntype.get_whole_name($generator),
"level": 2,
"in_value": "cobj->" + $pretty_name,
"out_value": "jsret"
${ntype.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"type_name": $ntype.namespaced_name.replace("*", ""),
"ntype": $ntype.get_whole_name($generator),
"level": 2,
"scriptname": $generator.scriptname_from_native($ntype.namespaced_name, $ntype.namespace_name),
"in_value":"cobj->" + $pretty_name,
"out_value": "jsret"
#end if
return true;
bool ${signature_name}_set_${name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS::RootedObject jsthis(cx, args.thisv().toObjectOrNull());
js_proxy_t *proxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(jsthis);
${namespaced_class_name}* cobj = (${namespaced_class_name} *)(proxy ? proxy->ptr : NULL);
JSB_PRECONDITION2( cobj, cx, false, "${signature_name}_set_${name} : Invalid Native Object");
bool ok = true;
#if $ntype.is_numeric
${ntype.to_string($generator)} arg0 = 0;
#elif $ntype.is_pointer
${ntype.to_string($generator)} arg0 = nullptr;
${ntype.to_string($generator)} arg0;
#end if
#if $ntype.is_object and not $ntype.object_can_convert($generator)
${ntype.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"arg_idx": 2,
"ntype": $ntype.get_whole_name($generator),
"in_value": "args.get(0)",
"out_value": "arg0",
"func_name": $name,
"level": 2,
${ntype.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"arg_idx": 2,
"in_value": "args.get(0)",
"out_value": "arg0",
"func_name": $name,
"scriptname": $generator.scriptname_from_native($ntype.namespaced_name, $ntype.namespace_name),
"level": 2,
#end if
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "${signature_name}_set_${name} : Error processing new value");
cobj->$pretty_name = arg0;
return true;
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
#set has_constructor = False
#if $current_class.methods.has_key('constructor')
#set has_constructor = True
#set constructor = $current_class.methods.constructor
#end if
#set generator = $current_class.generator
#set methods = $current_class.methods_clean()
#set st_methods = $current_class.static_methods_clean()
#set public_fields = $current_class.public_fields
#if len($current_class.parents) > 0
extern JSObject *jsb_${current_class.parents[0].underlined_class_name}_prototype;
#end if
#if (not $current_class.is_ref_class and $has_constructor)
void js_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_finalize(JSFreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj) {
CCLOGINFO("jsbindings: finalizing JS object %p (${current_class.class_name})", obj);
js_proxy_t* nproxy;
js_proxy_t* jsproxy;
JSContext *cx = ScriptingCore::getInstance()->getGlobalContext();
JS::RootedObject jsobj(cx, obj);
jsproxy = jsb_get_js_proxy(jsobj);
if (jsproxy) {
${current_class.namespaced_class_name} *nobj = static_cast<${current_class.namespaced_class_name} *>(jsproxy->ptr);
nproxy = jsb_get_native_proxy(jsproxy->ptr);
if (nobj) {
jsb_remove_proxy(nproxy, jsproxy);
JS::RootedValue flagValue(cx);
JS_GetProperty(cx, jsobj, "__cppCreated", &flagValue);
if (flagValue.isNullOrUndefined()){
delete nobj;
jsb_remove_proxy(nullptr, jsproxy);
#end if
#if $generator.in_listed_extend_classed($current_class.class_name) and $has_constructor
#if not $constructor.is_overloaded
${constructor.generate_code($current_class, None, False, True)}
${constructor.generate_code($current_class, False, True)}
#end if
#end if
void js_register_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}(JSContext *cx, JS::HandleObject global) {
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class = (JSClass *)calloc(1, sizeof(JSClass));
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->name = "${current_class.target_class_name}";
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->addProperty = JS_PropertyStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->delProperty = JS_DeletePropertyStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->getProperty = JS_PropertyStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->setProperty = JS_StrictPropertyStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->enumerate = JS_EnumerateStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->resolve = JS_ResolveStub;
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->convert = JS_ConvertStub;
#if (not $current_class.is_ref_class and $has_constructor)
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->finalize = js_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_finalize;
#end if
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class->flags = JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(2);
static JSPropertySpec properties[] = {
#for m in public_fields
#if $generator.should_bind_field($current_class.class_name, m.name)
JS_PSGS("${m.name}", ${m.signature_name}_get_${m.name}, ${m.signature_name}_set_${m.name}, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
#end if
#end for
static JSFunctionSpec funcs[] = {
#for m in methods
#set fn = m['impl']
JS_FN("${m['name']}", ${fn.signature_name}, ${fn.min_args}, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
#end for
#if $generator.in_listed_extend_classed($current_class.class_name) and $has_constructor
JS_FN("ctor", js_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}_ctor, 0, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
#end if
#if len(st_methods) > 0
static JSFunctionSpec st_funcs[] = {
#for m in st_methods
#set fn = m['impl']
JS_FN("${m['name']}", ${fn.signature_name}, ${fn.min_args}, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
#end for
JSFunctionSpec *st_funcs = NULL;
#end if
#if len($current_class.parents) > 0
JS::RootedObject parent_proto(cx, jsb_${current_class.parents[0].underlined_class_name}_prototype);
#end if
jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_prototype = JS_InitClass(
cx, global,
#if len($current_class.parents) > 0
#end if
#if has_constructor
js_${generator.prefix}_${current_class.class_name}_constructor, 0, // constructor
#else if $current_class.is_abstract
empty_constructor, 0,
dummy_constructor<${current_class.namespaced_class_name}>, 0, // no constructor
#end if
NULL, // no static properties
JS::RootedObject proto(cx, jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_prototype);
JS::RootedValue className(cx, std_string_to_jsval(cx, "${current_class.class_name}"));
JS_SetProperty(cx, proto, "_className", className);
JS_SetProperty(cx, proto, "__nativeObj", JS::TrueHandleValue);
#if $current_class.is_ref_class
JS_SetProperty(cx, proto, "__is_ref", JS::TrueHandleValue);
JS_SetProperty(cx, proto, "__is_ref", JS::FalseHandleValue);
#end if
// add the proto and JSClass to the type->js info hash table
#if len($current_class.parents) > 0
jsb_register_class<${current_class.namespaced_class_name}>(cx, jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class, proto, parent_proto);
jsb_register_class<${current_class.namespaced_class_name}>(cx, jsb_${current_class.underlined_class_name}_class, proto, JS::NullPtr());
#end if
#if $generator.in_listed_extend_classed($current_class.class_name) and not $current_class.is_abstract
anonEvaluate(cx, global, "(function () { ${generator.target_ns}.${current_class.target_class_name}.extend = cc.Class.extend; })()");
#end if
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
## ===== static function implementation template
bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
#if len($arguments) > 0
bool ok = true;
#end if
#if len($arguments) >= $min_args
#set arg_count = len($arguments)
#set arg_idx = $min_args
#while $arg_idx <= $arg_count
if (argc == ${arg_idx}) {
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count};
#end if
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#set $count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $arguments[$count]
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 2,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str($count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#end while
#if $arg_idx > 0
JSB_PRECONDITION2(ok, cx, false, "${signature_name} : Error processing arguments");
#end if
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
#if str($ret_type) != "void"
#if $func_name.startswith("create") and $is_ref_class
auto ret = ${namespaced_class_name}::${func_name}($arg_list);
js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<${namespaced_class_name}>(ret);
JS::RootedObject jsret(cx, jsb_ref_autoreleased_create_jsobject(cx, ret, typeClass, "${namespaced_class_name}"));
#elif $func_name.startswith("getInstance") and $is_ref_class
auto ret = ${namespaced_class_name}::${func_name}($arg_list);
js_type_class_t *typeClass = js_get_type_from_native<${namespaced_class_name}>(ret);
JS::RootedObject jsret(cx, jsb_ref_get_or_create_jsobject(cx, ret, typeClass, "${namespaced_class_name}"));
#if $ret_type.is_enum
int ret = (int)${namespaced_class_name}::${func_name}($arg_list);
${ret_type.get_whole_name($generator)} ret = ${namespaced_class_name}::${func_name}($arg_list);
#end if
jsval jsret = JSVAL_NULL;
${ret_type.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "ret",
"out_value": "jsret",
"ntype": str($ret_type),
"level": 1})};
#end if
#end if
return true;
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
#end while
#end if
JS_ReportError(cx, "${signature_name} : wrong number of arguments");
return false;
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
## ===== static function implementation template - for overloaded functions
bool ${signature_name}(JSContext *cx, uint32_t argc, jsval *vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
bool ok = true;
#for func in $implementations
#if len($func.arguments) >= $func.min_args
#set arg_count = len($func.arguments)
#set arg_idx = $func.min_args
#while $arg_idx <= $arg_count
do {
if (argc == ${arg_idx}) {
#set arg_list = ""
#set arg_array = []
#set count = 0
#while $count < $arg_idx
#set $arg = $func.arguments[$count]
#if $arg.is_numeric
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = 0;
#elif $arg.is_pointer
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count} = nullptr;
${arg.to_string($generator)} arg${count};
#end if
${arg.to_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "args.get(" + str(count) + ")",
"out_value": "arg" + str(count),
"class_name": $class_name,
"level": 3,
"ntype": str($arg)})};
#set $arg_array += ["arg"+str(count)]
#set $count = $count + 1
#if $arg_idx > 0
if (!ok) { ok = true; break; }
#end if
#end while
#set $arg_list = ", ".join($arg_array)
#if str($func.ret_type) != "void"
#if $func.ret_type.is_enum
int ret = (int)${namespaced_class_name}::${func.func_name}($arg_list);
${func.ret_type.get_whole_name($generator)} ret = ${namespaced_class_name}::${func.func_name}($arg_list);
#end if
jsval jsret = JSVAL_NULL;
${func.ret_type.from_native({"generator": $generator,
"in_value": "ret",
"out_value": "jsret",
"ntype": str($func.ret_type),
"level": 3})};
#end if
return true;
#set $arg_idx = $arg_idx + 1
} while (0);
#end while
#end if
#end for
JS_ReportError(cx, "${signature_name} : wrong number of arguments");
return false;
Reference in New Issue