for test close project in

This commit is contained in:
shujunqiao 2014-03-21 14:15:59 +08:00
parent 686ed5dfa1
commit d18ee12678
1 changed files with 43 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -5,31 +5,33 @@
import os
import sys
import json
import time
# get payload argvs
console_param = '[console create]'
console_param = '[console run]'
# payload = ''
if os.environ.has_key('payload'):
payload_str = os.environ['payload']
payload = json.loads(payload_str)
if payload.has_key('console'):
console_param = payload['console']
console_param = console_param[1:len(strConsole)-1]
console_param = console_param[1:len(console_param)-1]
print 'console_param:',console_param
console_param_arr = console_param.split(' ')
project_types = ['cpp', 'lua']
# project_types = ['cpp', 'lua']
project_types = ['cpp']
phonePlats = ['mac','ios','android']
# phonePlats = ['mac','ios','android']
phonePlats = ['ios']
#need use console's position, perhaps should be set an env-param
cocos_console_dir = 'tools/cocos2d-console/bin/'
#now cocos2d-console suport different run on Platforms, e.g: only run android on win
runSupport = {
'darwin' : [1, 1, 1],
'darwin' : [1, 1, 0],
'win' : [0, 0, 1],
'linux' : [0, 0, 1]
@ -56,6 +58,36 @@ def create_project():
print proj,'cmd:',cmd
info_create = os.system(cmd) #call cmd on win is diff
print 'create project',proj,' is:', not info_create
def getAppPID(name):
cmd = 'ps -eo pid,comm | grep '+name
output = os.popen(cmd)
result =
arrProcess = result.split('\n')
print 'arrProcess:', arrProcess
def getProcessId(proInfo):
if len(proInfo) > 0:
arrInfo = proInfo.split(' ')
return int(arrInfo[0])
return -1
arrProIdx = []
for content in arrProcess:
idx = getProcessId(content)
if idx > 0:
return arrProIdx
def close_proj(proj):
print 'close running project'
if curPlat == 'darwin':
print 'will close proj:',proj,', on',curPlat
arrPids = getAppPID(proj+PROJ_SUFFIX)
print 'arrPids:', arrPids
for pid in arrPids:
cmd = 'kill '
cmd += str(pid)
print 'cmd:',cmd
def build_run():
print 'will build and run'
for proj in project_types:
@ -66,6 +98,10 @@ def build_run():
if runSupport[curPlat][idx]:
info_run = os.system(cmd)
print 'run project', proj, 'is:', not info_run
if info_run == 0:
idx += 1
def main():
@ -73,6 +109,7 @@ def main():
if console_param_arr.count('run'):
# close_proj('cpp')
# -------------- main --------------
if __name__ == '__main__':