mirror of https://github.com/axmolengine/axmol.git
Fixed missing ui::EditBox functionalities on Win32
1. There was 100-byte input limit at ui::EditBoxImplWin::openKeyboard() 2. Implemented MaxLength as LengthFilter, not ByteFilter. (same as Android's InputFilter - LengthFilter) 3. Users can input unicode characters that is not supported by CP_ACP.
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ struct WIN32INPUTBOX_PARAM
IN LPCSTR szTitle, szPrompt;
// Return buffer
OUT LPSTR szResult;
IN DWORD nResultSize;
std::string* pstrResult;
IN DWORD nMaxLength;
// Owner window
HWND hwndOwner;
@ -100,13 +101,10 @@ public:
static INT_PTR InputBox(
LPCSTR szTitle,
LPCSTR szPrompt,
LPSTR szResult,
DWORD nResultSize,
std::string* pstrResult,
DWORD nMaxLength,
bool bMultiLine = false,
HWND hwndParent = 0);
static std::string AnsiToUtf8(std::string strAnsi);
static std::string Utf8ToAnsi(std::string strUTF8);
xPos = yPos = -1;
szResult = 0;
nResultSize = 0;
pstrResult = nullptr;
nMaxLength = (DWORD) -1;
CWin32InputBox::CWin32InputBox(WIN32INPUTBOX_PARAM *param)
@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ WIN32INPUTBOX_PARAM *CWin32InputBox::GetParam()
INT_PTR CWin32InputBox::InputBoxEx(WIN32INPUTBOX_PARAM *param)
// Check mandatory parameters
if (param->szResult == 0)
if (param->pstrResult == nullptr)
return 0;
@ -304,7 +302,7 @@ INT_PTR CWin32InputBox::InputBoxEx(WIN32INPUTBOX_PARAM *param)
INT_PTR CWin32InputBox::InputBox(
LPCSTR szTitle,
LPCSTR szPrompt,
LPSTR szResult,
std::string* pstrResult,
DWORD nResultSize,
bool bMultiLine,
HWND hwndParent)
@ -313,8 +311,8 @@ INT_PTR CWin32InputBox::InputBox(
param.szTitle = szTitle;
param.szPrompt = szPrompt;
param.szResult = szResult;
param.nResultSize = nResultSize;
param.pstrResult = pstrResult;
param.nMaxLength = nResultSize;
param.bMultiline = bMultiLine;
param.hwndOwner = hwndParent;
return InputBoxEx(¶m);
@ -327,8 +325,13 @@ void CWin32InputBox::InitDialog()
::SetDlgItemText(_param->hDlg, (int)definputbox_buttonids[i], definputbox_buttonnames[i]);
// Set other controls
::SetWindowTextA(_param->hDlg, Utf8ToAnsi(_param->szTitle).c_str());
::SetDlgItemTextA(_param->hDlg, definputbox_id_prompt, Utf8ToAnsi(_param->szPrompt).c_str());
std::u16string utf16Title;
cocos2d::StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(_param->szTitle, utf16Title);
::SetWindowTextW(_param->hDlg, (LPCWSTR) utf16Title.c_str());
std::u16string utf16Prompt;
cocos2d::StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(_param->szTitle, utf16Prompt);
::SetDlgItemTextW(_param->hDlg, definputbox_id_prompt, (LPCWSTR) utf16Prompt.c_str());
HWND hwndEdit1 = ::GetDlgItem(_param->hDlg, definputbox_id_edit1);
HWND hwndEdit2 = ::GetDlgItem(_param->hDlg, definputbox_id_edit2);
@ -338,7 +341,9 @@ void CWin32InputBox::InitDialog()
_hwndEditCtrl = hwndEdit1;
::SetWindowTextA(_hwndEditCtrl, Utf8ToAnsi(_param->szResult).c_str());
std::u16string utf16Result;
cocos2d::StringUtils::UTF8ToUTF16(_param->pstrResult->c_str(), utf16Result);
::SetWindowTextW(_hwndEditCtrl, (LPCWSTR) utf16Result.c_str());
RECT rectDlg, rectEdit1, rectEdit2;
@ -416,15 +421,40 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK CWin32InputBox::DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
if (buttonId == definputbox_buttonids[i])
std::u16string wstrResult;
std::string utf8Result;
int inputLength = ::GetWindowTextLengthW(_this->_hwndEditCtrl);
(LPWSTR) const_cast<char16_t*>(wstrResult.c_str()),
std::string strUtf8 = AnsiToUtf8(_this->_param->szResult);
bool conversionResult = cocos2d::StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8(wstrResult, utf8Result);
if (conversionResult)
if((_this->_param->nMaxLength > 0) && (_this->_param->nMaxLength < (DWORD) cocos2d::StringUtils::getCharacterCountInUTF8String(utf8Result)))
// LengthFilter
for(size_t pos=0; pos < _this->_param->nMaxLength; pos++)
std::string utf8Bytes;
std::u16string utf16Character(1, wstrResult[pos]);
memset(_this->_param->szResult, 0, _this->_param->nResultSize);
strncpy(_this->_param->szResult, strUtf8.c_str(), _this->_param->nResultSize - 1);
if(cocos2d::StringUtils::UTF16ToUTF8(utf16Character, utf8Bytes))
*(_this->_param->pstrResult) = utf8Result;
::EndDialog(hDlg, buttonId);
return TRUE;
@ -437,55 +467,6 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK CWin32InputBox::DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
std::string CWin32InputBox::AnsiToUtf8(std::string strAnsi)
std::string ret;
if (strAnsi.length() > 0)
int nWideStrLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strAnsi.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0);
WCHAR* pwszBuf = (WCHAR*)malloc((nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
memset(pwszBuf, 0, (nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strAnsi.c_str(), -1, pwszBuf, (nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
int nUtf8Length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pwszBuf, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, FALSE);
char* pszUtf8Buf = (char*)malloc((nUtf8Length + 1)*sizeof(char));
memset(pszUtf8Buf, 0, (nUtf8Length + 1)*sizeof(char));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, pwszBuf, -1, pszUtf8Buf, (nUtf8Length + 1)*sizeof(char), nullptr, FALSE);
ret = pszUtf8Buf;
return ret;
std::string CWin32InputBox::Utf8ToAnsi(std::string strUTF8)
std::string ret;
if (strUTF8.length() > 0)
int nWideStrLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0);
WCHAR* pwszBuf = (WCHAR*)malloc((nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
memset(pwszBuf, 0, (nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strUTF8.c_str(), -1, pwszBuf, (nWideStrLength + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
int nAnsiStrLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszBuf, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, FALSE);
char* pszAnsiBuf = (char*)malloc((nAnsiStrLength + 1)*sizeof(char));
memset(pszAnsiBuf, 0, (nAnsiStrLength + 1)*sizeof(char));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszBuf, -1, pszAnsiBuf, (nAnsiStrLength + 1)*sizeof(char), nullptr, FALSE);
ret = pszAnsiBuf;
return ret;
namespace ui {
@ -714,16 +695,13 @@ void EditBoxImplWin::openKeyboard()
if (placeHolder.length() == 0)
placeHolder = "Enter value";
char pText[100]= {0};
std::string text = getText();
if (text.length())
strncpy(pText, text.c_str(), 100);
auto glView = Director::getInstance()->getOpenGLView();
HWND hwnd = glView->getWin32Window();
bool didChange = CWin32InputBox::InputBox("Input", placeHolder.c_str(), pText, 100, false, hwnd) == IDOK;
bool didChange = CWin32InputBox::InputBox("Input", placeHolder.c_str(), &text, _maxLength, false, hwnd) == IDOK;
if (didChange)
if (_delegate != nullptr) {
if (didChange)
Reference in New Issue