This commit is contained in:
halx99 2022-05-07 20:21:22 +08:00
parent 77bd96afb0
commit eb5c7758cc
3 changed files with 145 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ HRESULT MFMediaPlayer::Invoke(IMFAsyncResult* pResult)
// if (!m_hwndEvent)
// HandleEvent((WPARAM)pEvent.Get());
// else
// PostMessage(m_hwndEvent, WM_APP_PLAYER_EVENT, (WPARAM)pEvent.Get(), (LPARAM)0);
@ -1562,12 +1562,9 @@ HRESULT MFMediaPlayer::CreateOutputNode(IMFStreamDescriptor* pSourceSD, IMFTopol
GUID SubType;
CHECK_HR(hr = InputType->GetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, &SubType));
TComPtr<IMFMediaType> OutputType;
CHECK_HR(hr = ::MFCreateMediaType(&OutputType));
CHECK_HR(hr = OutputType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video));
m_bIsH264 = SubType == MFVideoFormat_H264 || SubType == MFVideoFormat_H264_ES;
GUID VideoOutputFormat = {};
GUID VideoOutputFormat;
if ((SubType == MFVideoFormat_HEVC) || (SubType == MFVideoFormat_HEVC_ES) || (SubType == MFVideoFormat_NV12) ||
(SubType == MFVideoFormat_IYUV))
@ -1582,6 +1579,10 @@ HRESULT MFMediaPlayer::CreateOutputNode(IMFStreamDescriptor* pSourceSD, IMFTopol
VideoOutputFormat = Uncompressed ? MFVideoFormat_RGB32 : MFVideoFormat_YUY2;
TComPtr<IMFMediaType> OutputType;
CHECK_HR(hr = ::MFCreateMediaType(&OutputType));
CHECK_HR(hr = OutputType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Video));
CHECK_HR(hr = OutputType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, VideoOutputFormat));
CHECK_HR(hr = ::MFCreateSampleGrabberSinkActivate(OutputType.Get(), Sampler.Get(), &pRendererActivate));

View File

@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ public:
HRESULT Pause();
BOOL IsH264() const { return m_bIsH264; }
HRESULT SetPositionInternal(const MFTIME& hnsPosition);
HRESULT StartPlayback(const MFTIME* hnsPosition);
@ -231,5 +233,6 @@ protected:
BOOL m_bLooping = FALSE;
BOOL m_bPlayOnOpen = TRUE;
BOOL m_bIsH264 = FALSE;
GUID m_VideoOutputFormat{};

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
# include "yasio/detail/byte_buffer.hpp"
# include "ntcvt/ntcvt.hpp"
# include "ui/LayoutHelper.h"
# include "yasio/detail/sz.hpp"
@ -58,6 +58,19 @@ using namespace cocos2d::ui;
* refer to:
// Converting 8-bit YUV to RGB888
static const float3x3 YUVtoRGBCoeffMatrix =
1.164383, 1.164383, 1.164383,
0.000000, -0.391762, 2.017232,
1.596027, -0.812968, 0.000000
// refer to:
std::string_view NV12_FRAG = R"(
#ifdef GL_ES
varying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor;
@ -69,28 +82,59 @@ varying vec2 v_texCoord;
uniform sampler2D u_texture; // Y sample
uniform sampler2D u_texture1; // UV sample
uniform vec2 uv_scale;
uniform float out_w;
const mat3 YUVtoRGBCoeff = mat3(
1.16438356, 1.16438356, 1.16438356,
0.00000000, -0.213237017, 2.11241937,
1.79265225, -0.533004045, 0.00000000
const vec3 YUVOffsets = vec3(0.0627451017, 0.501960814, 0.501960814);
vec3 YuvToRgb(vec3 YUV)
YUV -= YUVOffsets;
return YUVtoRGBCoeff * YUV;
void main()
// refer to:
// a.
// b.
// c.
vec3 YUV;
float cy = v_texCoord.y + 0.01625; // why needs adjust?
vec4 uvColor = texture2D(u_texture1, vec2(v_texCoord.x, cy));
vec3 yuv = vec3(texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).r, uvColor.r - 0.5, uvColor.a - 0.5);
/* For dual sampler */
vec2 tXY = v_texCoord;
YUV.x = texture2D(u_texture, tXY).x;
tXY.y += 0.015625; // why needs adjust 1.0/64 ?
YUV.yz = texture2D(u_texture1, tXY).xw;
vec3 rgb = mat3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
0, -0.39465, 2.03211,
1.13983, -0.58060, 0 ) * yuv;
/* For single sampler */
//vec2 tXY = v_texCoord * uv_scale;
//YUV.x = texture2D(u_texture, tXY).x;
//tXY.y *= 0.5;
//tXY.y += 2.0 / 3.0;
//float UVOffs = floor(v_texCoord.x * out_w / 2.0) * 2;
//float UPos = ((UVOffs * uv_scale.x) + 0.5) / out_w;
//float VPos = ((UVOffs * uv_scale.x) + 1.5) / out_w;
//YUV.y = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(UPos, tXY.y)).x;
//YUV.z = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(VPos, tXY.y)).x;
gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * vec4(rgb, 1.0);
/* Convert YUV to RGB */
vec4 OutColor; = YuvToRgb(YUV);
OutColor.w = 1.0;
gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * OutColor;
// refer to:
std::string_view YUY2_FRAG = R"(
// refer to:
#ifdef GL_ES
varying lowp vec4 v_fragmentColor;
@ -101,97 +145,47 @@ varying vec2 v_texCoord;
uniform sampler2D u_texture; // Y sample
uniform float tex_w; // texture width
uniform float tex_h; // texture height
uniform sampler2D u_texture1; // UV sample
uniform vec2 uv_scale;
uniform float out_w; // texture width
vec4 inYUY2(vec4 tempyuv, float isOdd)
const mat3 YUVtoRGBCoeff = mat3(
1.16438356, 1.16438356, 1.16438356,
0.00000000, -0.213237017, 2.11241937,
1.79265225, -0.533004045, 0.00000000
const vec3 YUVOffsets = vec3(0.0627451017, 0.501960814, 0.501960814);
vec3 YuvToRgb(vec3 YUV)
if (isOdd > 0.0)
return vec4(tempyuv.b, tempyuv.g, tempyuv.a, 255.0);
return vec4(tempyuv.r, tempyuv.g, tempyuv.a, 255.0);
vec4 limitedYCbCrToComputerRGBNormalized(vec4 yuv)
vec4 rgb = vec4(0.0);
float scale = 1.0 / 256.0;
yuv = yuv * 255.0;
yuv.r -= 16.0;
yuv.g -= 128.0;
yuv.b -= 128.0;
rgb.r = scale * ((298.082 * yuv.r) + (458.942 * yuv.b));
rgb.g = scale * ((298.082 * yuv.r) + (-54.592 * yuv.g) + (-136.425 * yuv.b));
rgb.b = scale * ((298.082 * yuv.r) + (540.775 * yuv.g));
rgb.a = 255.0;
rgb = rgb / 255.0;
return rgb;
vec4 convertLimitedYUY2toComputerRGB()
vec4 tempyuv = vec4(0.0);
vec2 textureRealSize = vec2(tex_w, tex_h);
vec2 pixelPos = vec2(textureRealSize.x * v_texCoord.x, textureRealSize.y * v_texCoord.y);
float isOdd = floor(mod(pixelPos.x, 2.0));
vec2 packedCoor = vec2(v_texCoord.x/2.0, v_texCoord.y);
tempyuv = inYUY2(texture2D(u_texture, packedCoor), isOdd);
return limitedYCbCrToComputerRGBNormalized(tempyuv);
vec4 fullYCbCrToComputerRGBNormalized(vec4 yuv)
vec4 rgb = vec4(0.0);
float scale = 1.0 / 256.0;
yuv = yuv * 255.0;
yuv.g -= 128.0;
yuv.b -= 128.0;
rgb.r = scale * ((256.0 * yuv.r) + (403.1488 * yuv.b));
rgb.g = scale * ((256.0 * yuv.r) + (-47.954944 * yuv.g) + (-119.839744 * yuv.b));
rgb.b = scale * ((256.0 * yuv.r) + (475.0336 * yuv.g));
rgb.a = 255.0;
rgb = rgb / 255.0;
return rgb;
vec4 convertFullYUY2toComputerRGB()
vec4 tempyuv = vec4(0.0);
// vec2 textureRealSize = textureSize(u_texture, 0);
vec2 textureRealSize = vec2(tex_w, tex_h);
vec2 pixelPos = vec2(textureRealSize.x * v_texCoord.x, textureRealSize.y * v_texCoord.y);
float isOdd = floor(mod(pixelPos.x, 2.0));
vec2 packedCoor = vec2(v_texCoord.x/2.0, v_texCoord.y);
tempyuv = inYUY2(texture2D(u_texture, packedCoor), isOdd);
return fullYCbCrToComputerRGBNormalized(tempyuv);
YUV -= YUVOffsets;
return YUVtoRGBCoeff * YUV;
void main()
vec4 color = convertFullYUY2toComputerRGB();
gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);
vec2 tXY = v_texCoord * uv_scale;
vec3 YUV;
/* For dual sampler */
YUV.yz = texture2D(u_texture1, tXY).yw;
YUV.x = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).x;
/* For single sampler */
//YUV.yz = texture2D(u_texture, tXY).yw;
//vec4 YUY2P = texture2D(u_texture, tXY);
//float Pos = v_texCoord.x * out_w;
//YUV.x = floor(mod(Pos, 2.0)) == 0.0 ? YUY2P.z : YUY2P.x;
/* Convert YUV to RGB */
vec4 OutColor; = YuvToRgb(YUV);
OutColor.w = 1.0;
gl_FragColor = v_fragmentColor * OutColor;
@ -244,7 +238,8 @@ struct PrivateVideoDescriptor
const Vec2 originalScale{1.0f, _sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::YUY2 ? 2.0f : 1.0f};
const Vec2 originalScale{static_cast<float>(_videoWidth) / _vtexture->getPixelsWide(),
static_cast<float>(_videoHeight) / _vtexture->getPixelsHigh()};
const auto aspectRatio =
(std::min)(viewSize.x / videoSize.x, viewSize.y / (videoSize.y * originalScale.y));
@ -409,13 +404,16 @@ void VideoPlayer::draw(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lck(pvd->_sampleBufferMtx);
uint8_t* sampleData = pvd->;
size_t sampleDataLen = pvd->_sampleBuffer.size();
auto w = pvd->_videoWidth = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoWidth();
auto h = pvd->_videoHeight = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoHeight();
auto rWidth = pvd->_videoWidth = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoWidth();
auto rHeight = pvd->_videoHeight = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoHeight();
Vec2 uvScale{1.0f, 1.0f};
bool needsInit = !pvd->_vtexture;
if (!pvd->_vtexture)
pvd->_vtexture = new Texture2D();
pvd->_vtexture = new Texture2D();
auto programCache = backend::ProgramCache::getInstance();
auto& sampleOutFormat = pvd->_vplayer->GetVideoOutputFormat();
@ -434,7 +432,7 @@ void VideoPlayer::draw(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags
VIDEO_PROGRAM_ID, positionTextureColor_vert,
std::string{pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::YUY2 ? YUY2_FRAG : NV12_FRAG});
std::string{pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::NV12 ? NV12_FRAG : YUY2_FRAG});
auto program = programCache->getCustomProgram(VIDEO_PROGRAM_ID);
pvd->_vrender->setProgramState(new backend::ProgramState(program), false);
@ -445,22 +443,43 @@ void VideoPlayer::draw(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags
switch (pvd->_sampleFormat)
case VideoSampleFormat::YUY2:
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8, w,
h / 2, false, 0);
case VideoSampleFormat::NV12:
const size_t ySampleSize = w * h;
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, ySampleSize, PixelFormat::L8, PixelFormat::L8, w, h, false,
/* For single sampler */
// int texelWidth = YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rWidth, 16);
// int texelHeight = pvd->_vplayer->IsH264() ? YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rHeight, 16) * 3 / 2 : rHeight * 3 / 2;
// uvScale.x = rWidth / (float)texelWidth;
// uvScale.y = rHeight / (float)texelHeight;
// pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::L8, PixelFormat::L8, texelWidth,
// texelHeight, false);
/* For dual sampler */
const int ySampleSize = rWidth * rHeight;
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, ySampleSize, PixelFormat::L8, PixelFormat::L8, rWidth,
rHeight, false, 0);
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData + ySampleSize, sampleDataLen - ySampleSize, PixelFormat::LA8,
PixelFormat::LA8, w >> 1, h >> 1, false, 1);
PixelFormat::LA8, rWidth >> 1, rHeight >> 1, false, 1);
case VideoSampleFormat::YUY2:
int texelWidth = pvd->_vplayer->IsH264() ? (YASIO_SZ_ALIGN(rWidth, 16)) : (rWidth);
uvScale.x = (float)rWidth / texelWidth;
/* For single sampler */
// pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8,
// texelWidth >> 1, rHeight, false, 0);
/* For dual sampler */
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::LA8, PixelFormat::LA8,
texelWidth, rHeight, false, 0);
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8,
texelWidth >> 1, rHeight, false, 1);
case VideoSampleFormat::RGB32:
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8, w, h,
false, 0);
pvd->_vtexture->updateWithData(sampleData, sampleDataLen, PixelFormat::RGBA8, PixelFormat::RGBA8,
rWidth, rHeight, false, 0);
@ -468,11 +487,11 @@ void VideoPlayer::draw(Renderer* renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags
if (pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::YUY2)
if (pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::NV12 || pvd->_sampleFormat == VideoSampleFormat::YUY2)
auto ps = pvd->_vrender->getProgramState();
PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "tex_w", (float)w);
PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "tex_h", (float)h);
PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "out_w", (float)rWidth);
PS_SET_UNIFORM(ps, "uv_scale", uvScale);
pvd->_scaleDirty = true;