[cmake] Deletes .icf files.

This commit is contained in:
James Chen 2013-11-04 18:48:59 +08:00
parent 733197fa65
commit edb1fc7822
11 changed files with 0 additions and 673 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Settings ICF file automatically generated by S3E development environment
AccelEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioAAC = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioAACPlus = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioMIDI = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioMP3 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioPCM = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioQCP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
BacklightTimeout = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=120000.000000, Default="10000", Value = "10000"
CompassEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
ContactsFromAddrBook = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceAdvanceSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Left", Value = "Bottom Left"
DeviceArch = Type=string, Allowed="<Use Native Architecture>" "ARM4T" "ARM4" "ARM5T" "ARM5TE" "ARM5TEJ" "ARM6" "ARM6K" "ARM6T2" "ARM6Z" "X86" "PPC" "AMD64" "ARM7", Default="<Use Native Architecture>", Value = "<Use Native Architecture>"
DeviceBackSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Right", Value = "Bottom Right"
DeviceBatteryLevel = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=100.000000, Default="50", Value = "50"
DeviceFPU = Type=string, Allowed="None" "VFP Present", Default="VFP Present", Value = "VFP Present"
DeviceFreeRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceIDInt = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DeviceIDString = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceIMSI = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_IMSI", Value = "SIMULATOR_IMSI"
DeviceLSKIsBack = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceMainsPower = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceName = Type=string, Default="My Computer", Value = "My Computer"
DeviceOSVersion = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceOSVersionNumber = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DevicePhoneNumber = Type=string, Default="0044123456789", Value = "0044123456789"
DeviceTimezone = Type=string, Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
DeviceTotalRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceUniqueID = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_ID", Value = "SIMULATOR_ID"
DeviceUniqueIDInt = Type=int, Default="01234567890", Value = "01234567890"
FileTotalStorageSize = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2147483648.000000, Default="67108864", Value = "67108864"
FileUseSeparateRomRam = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
FileUseTotalStorageSize = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLAPI = Type=string, Allowed="None" "GLES 1.0 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.0 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 ANGLE", Default="Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting", Value = "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting"
GLDontUseHiddenWindow = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLTerminateOnSuspend = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLUsePVRVFrame = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
KeyboardHasAlpha = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasDirection = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasKeypad = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardNumpadRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
LicenseExpiryDate = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=999999995904.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseMinutesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseUsesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationAltitude = Type=float, Min=-2000.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="60.0", Value = "60.0"
LocationAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
LocationHeading = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=359.000000, Default="0.0", Value = "0.0"
LocationHorizontalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="20.0", Value = "20.0"
LocationLatitude = Type=float, Min=-90.000000, Max=90.000000, Default="51.511791", Value = "51.511791"
LocationLongitude = Type=float, Min=-180.000000, Max=180.000000, Default="-0.191084", Value = "-0.191084"
LocationSpeed = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=10000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationVerticalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="100.0", Value = "100.0"
MacOSSimulatorCustomSettings = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
MacOSSimulatorDevices_ANDROID = Type=string, Allowed="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512" "HTC Sensation XL:480x800:768" "Samsung Galaxy Note:800x1280:1024" "Motorola Droid Razr:540x960:1024" "Kindle Fire:1024x600:512" "Samsung Galaxy Tab:1024x600:512", Default="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_IPHONE = Type=string, Allowed="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256" "iPhone 4:640x960:512" "iPhone 5:640x1136:1024" "iPad:768x1024:256" "iPad 2:768x1024:512" "iPad 3:1536x2048:1024", Default="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256", Value = "iPhone 3GS:320x480:256"
MacOSSimulatorPlatforms = Type=string, Allowed="IPHONE" "ANDROID", Default="IPHONE", Value = "IPHONE"
MacOSSimulatorUseCustomSettings = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoison = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoisonAlloc = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="170", Value = "170"
MemoryPoisonFree = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="221", Value = "221"
MemoryPoisonInit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="204", Value = "204"
PointerAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
PointerMultiSimulationMode = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerMultiTouchAvailable = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerStylusType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "STYLUS" "FINGER", Default="INVALID", Value = "INVALID"
PointerType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "MOUSE" "STYLUS", Default="MOUSE", Value = "MOUSE"
SMSEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SMSReceiveEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketDNSDelay = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=30000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketHTTPProxy = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketHostName = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketNetworkAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketNetworkLoss = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SocketNetworkType = Type=string, Allowed="NONE" "UNKNOWN" "LAN" "WLAN" "GPRS" "UMTS" "EVDO" "CDMA2000" "HSDPA" "WIMAX" "BLUETOOTH" "EDGE" "CDMA" "IDEN" "LTE" "EHRPD" "HSPAPLUS", Default="LAN", Value = "LAN"
SocketRecvLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketSendLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SoundEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundRecordEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundSampleRate = Type=int, Allowed="8192" "11025" "16000" "22050" "44100", Default="22050", Value = "22050"
SoundStereo = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
SurfaceDisableWhenGLIsActive = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceDoubleBuffer = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceHeight = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="480", Value = "320"
SurfacePitch = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=8192.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SurfacePixelType = Type=string, Allowed="RGB444" "RGB555" "RGB565" "RGB666" "RGB888" "BGR444" "BGR555" "BGR565" "BGR666" "BGR888", Default="RGB565", Value = "RGB565"
SurfacePredefinedResolution = Type=string, Allowed="176x200" "176x208" "240x320 (QVGA Portrait)" "240x400" "320x240 (QVGA Landscape)" "320x400" "320x480 (iPhone Portrait)" "400x240" "480x320 (iPhone Landscape)" "360x640 (qHD Portrait)" "640x360 (qHD Landscape)" "480x640 (VGA Portrait)" "480x800 (WVGA Portrait)" "640x480 (VGA Landscape)" "800x400" "800x480 (WVGA Landscape)" "640x960 (iPhone 4 Portrait)" "960x640 (iPhone 4 Landscape)" "640x1136 (iPhone 5 Portrait)" "1136x640 (iPhone 5 Landscape)" "1024x600 (Playbook Landscape)" "600x1024 (Playbook Portrait)" "768x1024 (iPad Portrait)" "1024x768 (iPad Landscape)" "2048x1536 (iPad Retina Landscape)" "1536x2048 (iPad Retina Portrait)", Default="320x480 (iPhone Portrait)", Value = "176x200"
SurfaceRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
SurfaceUnalign = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceUseMultiBuffers = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceWidth = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="320", Value = "480"
SymbianSoundLatency = Type=int, Min=20.000000, Max=1400.000000, Default="120", Value = "120"
ThreadEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
TimerAccuracy = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
TimerHiRes = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
TimerLocaltimeOffsetHours = Type=string, Allowed="-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7" "-6" "-5" "-4" "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "+1" "+2" "+3" "+4" "+5" "+6" "+7" "+8" "+9" "+10" "+11" "+12" "+13" "SYSTEM", Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
VibraEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
Video3GPP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
VideoJPEG = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoMPEG4 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Settings ICF file automatically generated by S3E development environment
AccelEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioAAC = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioAACPlus = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioMIDI = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioMP3 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioPCM = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioQCP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
BacklightTimeout = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=120000.000000, Default="10000", Value = "10000"
CompassEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
ContactsFromAddrBook = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceAdvanceSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Left", Value = "Bottom Left"
DeviceArch = Type=string, Allowed="<Use Native Architecture>" "ARM4T" "ARM4" "ARM5T" "ARM5TE" "ARM5TEJ" "ARM6" "ARM6K" "ARM6T2" "ARM6Z" "X86" "PPC" "AMD64" "ARM7", Default="<Use Native Architecture>", Value = "<Use Native Architecture>"
DeviceBackSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Right", Value = "Bottom Right"
DeviceBatteryLevel = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=100.000000, Default="50", Value = "50"
DeviceFPU = Type=string, Allowed="None" "VFP Present", Default="VFP Present", Value = "VFP Present"
DeviceFreeRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceIDInt = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DeviceIDString = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceIMSI = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_IMSI", Value = "SIMULATOR_IMSI"
DeviceLSKIsBack = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceMainsPower = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceName = Type=string, Default="My Computer", Value = "My Computer"
DeviceOSVersion = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceOSVersionNumber = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DevicePhoneNumber = Type=string, Default="0044123456789", Value = "0044123456789"
DeviceTimezone = Type=string, Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
DeviceTotalRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceUniqueID = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_ID", Value = "SIMULATOR_ID"
DeviceUniqueIDInt = Type=int, Default="01234567890", Value = "01234567890"
FileTotalStorageSize = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2147483648.000000, Default="67108864", Value = "67108864"
FileUseSeparateRomRam = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
FileUseTotalStorageSize = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLAPI = Type=string, Allowed="None" "GLES 1.0 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.0 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 ANGLE", Default="Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting", Value = "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting"
GLDontUseHiddenWindow = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLTerminateOnSuspend = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLUsePVRVFrame = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
KeyboardHasAlpha = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasDirection = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasKeypad = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardNumpadRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
LicenseExpiryDate = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=999999995904.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseMinutesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseUsesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationAltitude = Type=float, Min=-2000.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="60.0", Value = "60.0"
LocationAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
LocationHeading = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=359.000000, Default="0.0", Value = "0.0"
LocationHorizontalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="20.0", Value = "20.0"
LocationLatitude = Type=float, Min=-90.000000, Max=90.000000, Default="51.511791", Value = "51.511791"
LocationLongitude = Type=float, Min=-180.000000, Max=180.000000, Default="-0.191084", Value = "-0.191084"
LocationSpeed = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=10000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationVerticalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="100.0", Value = "100.0"
MacOSSimulatorCustomSettings = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
MacOSSimulatorDevices_ANDROID = Type=string, Allowed="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512" "HTC Sensation XL:480x800:768" "Samsung Galaxy Note:800x1280:1024" "Motorola Droid Razr:540x960:1024" "Kindle Fire:1024x600:512" "Samsung Galaxy Tab:1024x600:512", Default="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_IPHONE = Type=string, Allowed="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256" "iPhone 4:640x960:512" "iPhone 5:640x1136:1024" "iPad:768x1024:256" "iPad 2:768x1024:512" "iPad 3:1536x2048:1024", Default="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256", Value = "iPhone 3GS:320x480:256"
MacOSSimulatorPlatforms = Type=string, Allowed="IPHONE" "ANDROID", Default="IPHONE", Value = "IPHONE"
MacOSSimulatorUseCustomSettings = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoison = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoisonAlloc = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="170", Value = "170"
MemoryPoisonFree = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="221", Value = "221"
MemoryPoisonInit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="204", Value = "204"
PointerAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
PointerMultiSimulationMode = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerMultiTouchAvailable = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerStylusType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "STYLUS" "FINGER", Default="INVALID", Value = "INVALID"
PointerType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "MOUSE" "STYLUS", Default="MOUSE", Value = "MOUSE"
SMSEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SMSReceiveEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketDNSDelay = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=30000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketHTTPProxy = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketHostName = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketNetworkAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketNetworkLoss = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SocketNetworkType = Type=string, Allowed="NONE" "UNKNOWN" "LAN" "WLAN" "GPRS" "UMTS" "EVDO" "CDMA2000" "HSDPA" "WIMAX" "BLUETOOTH" "EDGE" "CDMA" "IDEN" "LTE" "EHRPD" "HSPAPLUS", Default="LAN", Value = "LAN"
SocketRecvLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketSendLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SoundEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundRecordEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundSampleRate = Type=int, Allowed="8192" "11025" "16000" "22050" "44100", Default="22050", Value = "22050"
SoundStereo = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
SurfaceDisableWhenGLIsActive = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceDoubleBuffer = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceHeight = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="480", Value = "640"
SurfacePitch = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=8192.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SurfacePixelType = Type=string, Allowed="RGB444" "RGB555" "RGB565" "RGB666" "RGB888" "BGR444" "BGR555" "BGR565" "BGR666" "BGR888", Default="RGB565", Value = "RGB565"
SurfacePredefinedResolution = Type=string, Allowed="176x200" "176x208" "240x320 (QVGA Portrait)" "240x400" "320x240 (QVGA Landscape)" "320x400" "320x480 (iPhone Portrait)" "400x240" "480x320 (iPhone Landscape)" "360x640 (qHD Portrait)" "640x360 (qHD Landscape)" "480x640 (VGA Portrait)" "480x800 (WVGA Portrait)" "640x480 (VGA Landscape)" "800x400" "800x480 (WVGA Landscape)" "640x960 (iPhone 4 Portrait)" "960x640 (iPhone 4 Landscape)" "640x1136 (iPhone 5 Portrait)" "1136x640 (iPhone 5 Landscape)" "1024x600 (Playbook Landscape)" "600x1024 (Playbook Portrait)" "768x1024 (iPad Portrait)" "1024x768 (iPad Landscape)" "2048x1536 (iPad Retina Landscape)" "1536x2048 (iPad Retina Portrait)", Default="320x480 (iPhone Portrait)", Value = "176x200"
SurfaceRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
SurfaceUnalign = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceUseMultiBuffers = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceWidth = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="320", Value = "960"
SymbianSoundLatency = Type=int, Min=20.000000, Max=1400.000000, Default="120", Value = "120"
ThreadEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
TimerAccuracy = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
TimerHiRes = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
TimerLocaltimeOffsetHours = Type=string, Allowed="-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7" "-6" "-5" "-4" "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "+1" "+2" "+3" "+4" "+5" "+6" "+7" "+8" "+9" "+10" "+11" "+12" "+13" "SYSTEM", Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
VibraEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
Video3GPP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
VideoJPEG = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoMPEG4 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.
MemSize = 10000000
# Sample only compatible with 480x320 display resolution

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.
MemSize = 100000000
# Sample only compatible with 480x320 display resolution

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Settings ICF file automatically generated by S3E development environment
AccelEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioAAC = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioAACPlus = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioMIDI = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioMP3 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioPCM = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioQCP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
BacklightTimeout = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=120000.000000, Default="10000", Value = "10000"
CompassEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
ContactsFromAddrBook = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceAdvanceSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Left", Value = "Bottom Left"
DeviceArch = Type=string, Allowed="<Use Native Architecture>" "ARM4T" "ARM4" "ARM5T" "ARM5TE" "ARM5TEJ" "ARM6" "ARM6K" "ARM6T2" "ARM6Z" "X86" "PPC" "AMD64" "ARM7", Default="<Use Native Architecture>", Value = "<Use Native Architecture>"
DeviceBackSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Right", Value = "Bottom Right"
DeviceBatteryLevel = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=100.000000, Default="50", Value = "50"
DeviceFPU = Type=string, Allowed="None" "VFP Present", Default="VFP Present", Value = "VFP Present"
DeviceFreeRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceIDInt = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DeviceIDString = Type=string, Default="", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S"
DeviceIMSI = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_IMSI", Value = "SIMULATOR_IMSI"
DeviceLSKIsBack = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceMainsPower = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceName = Type=string, Default="My Computer", Value = "My Computer"
DeviceOSVersion = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceOSVersionNumber = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DevicePhoneNumber = Type=string, Default="0044123456789", Value = "0044123456789"
DeviceTimezone = Type=string, Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
DeviceTotalRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceUniqueID = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_ID", Value = "SIMULATOR_ID"
DeviceUniqueIDInt = Type=int, Default="01234567890", Value = "01234567890"
FileTotalStorageSize = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2147483648.000000, Default="67108864", Value = "67108864"
FileUseSeparateRomRam = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
FileUseTotalStorageSize = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLAPI = Type=string, Allowed="None" "GLES 1.0 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.0 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 ANGLE", Default="Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting", Value = "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting"
GLDontUseHiddenWindow = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLTerminateOnSuspend = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLUsePVRVFrame = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
KeyboardHasAlpha = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasDirection = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasKeypad = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardNumpadRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
LicenseExpiryDate = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=999999995904.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseMinutesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseUsesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationAltitude = Type=float, Min=-2000.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="60.0", Value = "60.0"
LocationAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
LocationHeading = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=359.000000, Default="0.0", Value = "0.0"
LocationHorizontalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="20.0", Value = "20.0"
LocationLatitude = Type=float, Min=-90.000000, Max=90.000000, Default="51.511791", Value = "51.511791"
LocationLongitude = Type=float, Min=-180.000000, Max=180.000000, Default="-0.191084", Value = "-0.191084"
LocationSpeed = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=10000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationVerticalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="100.0", Value = "100.0"
MacOSSimulatorCustomSettings = Type=string, Default="", Value = "NONE:OSX:480x320"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_ANDROID = Type=string, Allowed="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512" "HTC Sensation XL:480x800:768" "Samsung Galaxy Note:800x1280:1024" "Motorola Droid Razr:540x960:1024" "Kindle Fire:1024x600:512" "Samsung Galaxy Tab:1024x600:512", Default="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_IPHONE = Type=string, Allowed="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256" "iPhone 4:640x960:512" "iPhone 5:640x1136:1024" "iPad:768x1024:256" "iPad 2:768x1024:512" "iPad 3:1536x2048:1024", Default="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256", Value = "iPhone 3GS:320x480:256"
MacOSSimulatorPlatforms = Type=string, Allowed="IPHONE" "ANDROID", Default="IPHONE", Value = "ANDROID"
MacOSSimulatorUseCustomSettings = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "false"
MemoryPoison = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoisonAlloc = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="170", Value = "170"
MemoryPoisonFree = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="221", Value = "221"
MemoryPoisonInit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="204", Value = "204"
PointerAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
PointerMultiSimulationMode = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerMultiTouchAvailable = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerStylusType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "STYLUS" "FINGER", Default="INVALID", Value = "INVALID"
PointerType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "MOUSE" "STYLUS", Default="MOUSE", Value = "MOUSE"
SMSEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SMSReceiveEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketDNSDelay = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=30000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketHTTPProxy = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketHostName = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketNetworkAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketNetworkLoss = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SocketNetworkType = Type=string, Allowed="NONE" "UNKNOWN" "LAN" "WLAN" "GPRS" "UMTS" "EVDO" "CDMA2000" "HSDPA" "WIMAX" "BLUETOOTH" "EDGE" "CDMA" "IDEN" "LTE" "EHRPD" "HSPAPLUS", Default="LAN", Value = "LAN"
SocketRecvLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketSendLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SoundEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundRecordEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundSampleRate = Type=int, Allowed="8192" "11025" "16000" "22050" "44100", Default="22050", Value = "22050"
SoundStereo = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
SurfaceDisableWhenGLIsActive = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceDoubleBuffer = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceHeight = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="480", Value = "800"
SurfacePitch = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=8192.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SurfacePixelType = Type=string, Allowed="RGB444" "RGB555" "RGB565" "RGB666" "RGB888" "BGR444" "BGR555" "BGR565" "BGR666" "BGR888", Default="RGB565", Value = "RGB565"
SurfacePredefinedResolution = Type=string, Allowed="176x200" "176x208" "240x320 (QVGA Portrait)" "240x400" "320x240 (QVGA Landscape)" "320x400" "320x480 (iPhone Portrait)" "400x240" "480x320 (iPhone Landscape)" "360x640 (qHD Portrait)" "640x360 (qHD Landscape)" "480x640 (VGA Portrait)" "480x800 (WVGA Portrait)" "640x480 (VGA Landscape)" "800x400" "800x480 (WVGA Landscape)" "640x960 (iPhone 4 Portrait)" "960x640 (iPhone 4 Landscape)" "640x1136 (iPhone 5 Portrait)" "1136x640 (iPhone 5 Landscape)" "1024x600 (Playbook Landscape)" "600x1024 (Playbook Portrait)" "768x1024 (iPad Portrait)" "1024x768 (iPad Landscape)" "2048x1536 (iPad Retina Landscape)" "1536x2048 (iPad Retina Portrait)", Default="320x480 (iPhone Portrait)", Value = "176x200"
SurfaceRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot90"
SurfaceUnalign = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceUseMultiBuffers = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceWidth = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="320", Value = "480"
SymbianSoundLatency = Type=int, Min=20.000000, Max=1400.000000, Default="120", Value = "120"
ThreadEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
TimerAccuracy = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
TimerHiRes = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
TimerLocaltimeOffsetHours = Type=string, Allowed="-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7" "-6" "-5" "-4" "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "+1" "+2" "+3" "+4" "+5" "+6" "+7" "+8" "+9" "+10" "+11" "+12" "+13" "SYSTEM", Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
VibraEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
Video3GPP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
VideoJPEG = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoMPEG4 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.
MemSize = 10000000

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Settings ICF file automatically generated by S3E development environment
AccelEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioAAC = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioAACPlus = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioMIDI = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioMP3 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioPCM = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioQCP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
BacklightTimeout = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=120000.000000, Default="10000", Value = "10000"
CompassEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
ContactsFromAddrBook = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceAdvanceSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Left", Value = "Bottom Left"
DeviceArch = Type=string, Allowed="<Use Native Architecture>" "ARM4T" "ARM4" "ARM5T" "ARM5TE" "ARM5TEJ" "ARM6" "ARM6K" "ARM6T2" "ARM6Z" "X86" "PPC" "AMD64" "ARM7", Default="<Use Native Architecture>", Value = "<Use Native Architecture>"
DeviceBackSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Right", Value = "Bottom Right"
DeviceBatteryLevel = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=100.000000, Default="50", Value = "50"
DeviceFPU = Type=string, Allowed="None" "VFP Present", Default="VFP Present", Value = "VFP Present"
DeviceFreeRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceIDInt = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DeviceIDString = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceIMSI = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_IMSI", Value = "SIMULATOR_IMSI"
DeviceLSKIsBack = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceMainsPower = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceName = Type=string, Default="My Computer", Value = "My Computer"
DeviceOSVersion = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceOSVersionNumber = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DevicePhoneNumber = Type=string, Default="0044123456789", Value = "0044123456789"
DeviceTimezone = Type=string, Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
DeviceTotalRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceUniqueID = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_ID", Value = "SIMULATOR_ID"
DeviceUniqueIDInt = Type=int, Default="01234567890", Value = "01234567890"
FileTotalStorageSize = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2147483648.000000, Default="67108864", Value = "67108864"
FileUseSeparateRomRam = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
FileUseTotalStorageSize = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLAPI = Type=string, Allowed="None" "GLES 1.0 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.0 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 ANGLE", Default="Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting", Value = "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting"
GLDontUseHiddenWindow = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLTerminateOnSuspend = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLUsePVRVFrame = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
KeyboardHasAlpha = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasDirection = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasKeypad = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardNumpadRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
LicenseExpiryDate = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=999999995904.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseMinutesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseUsesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationAltitude = Type=float, Min=-2000.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="60.0", Value = "60.0"
LocationAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
LocationHeading = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=359.000000, Default="0.0", Value = "0.0"
LocationHorizontalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="20.0", Value = "20.0"
LocationLatitude = Type=float, Min=-90.000000, Max=90.000000, Default="51.511791", Value = "51.511791"
LocationLongitude = Type=float, Min=-180.000000, Max=180.000000, Default="-0.191084", Value = "-0.191084"
LocationSpeed = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=10000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationVerticalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="100.0", Value = "100.0"
MacOSSimulatorCustomSettings = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
MacOSSimulatorDevices_ANDROID = Type=string, Allowed="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512" "HTC Sensation XL:480x800:768" "Samsung Galaxy Note:800x1280:1024" "Motorola Droid Razr:540x960:1024" "Kindle Fire:1024x600:512" "Samsung Galaxy Tab:1024x600:512", Default="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_IPHONE = Type=string, Allowed="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256" "iPhone 4:640x960:512" "iPhone 5:640x1136:1024" "iPad:768x1024:256" "iPad 2:768x1024:512" "iPad 3:1536x2048:1024", Default="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256", Value = "iPhone 3GS:320x480:256"
MacOSSimulatorPlatforms = Type=string, Allowed="IPHONE" "ANDROID", Default="IPHONE", Value = "IPHONE"
MacOSSimulatorUseCustomSettings = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoison = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoisonAlloc = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="170", Value = "170"
MemoryPoisonFree = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="221", Value = "221"
MemoryPoisonInit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="204", Value = "204"
PointerAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
PointerMultiSimulationMode = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerMultiTouchAvailable = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerStylusType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "STYLUS" "FINGER", Default="INVALID", Value = "INVALID"
PointerType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "MOUSE" "STYLUS", Default="MOUSE", Value = "MOUSE"
SMSEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SMSReceiveEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketDNSDelay = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=30000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketHTTPProxy = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketHostName = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketNetworkAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketNetworkLoss = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SocketNetworkType = Type=string, Allowed="NONE" "UNKNOWN" "LAN" "WLAN" "GPRS" "UMTS" "EVDO" "CDMA2000" "HSDPA" "WIMAX" "BLUETOOTH" "EDGE" "CDMA" "IDEN" "LTE" "EHRPD" "HSPAPLUS", Default="LAN", Value = "LAN"
SocketRecvLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketSendLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SoundEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundRecordEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundSampleRate = Type=int, Allowed="8192" "11025" "16000" "22050" "44100", Default="22050", Value = "22050"
SoundStereo = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
SurfaceDisableWhenGLIsActive = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceDoubleBuffer = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceHeight = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="480", Value = "320"
SurfacePitch = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=8192.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SurfacePixelType = Type=string, Allowed="RGB444" "RGB555" "RGB565" "RGB666" "RGB888" "BGR444" "BGR555" "BGR565" "BGR666" "BGR888", Default="RGB565", Value = "RGB565"
SurfacePredefinedResolution = Type=string, Allowed="176x200" "176x208" "240x320 (QVGA Portrait)" "240x400" "320x240 (QVGA Landscape)" "320x400" "320x480 (iPhone Portrait)" "400x240" "480x320 (iPhone Landscape)" "360x640 (qHD Portrait)" "640x360 (qHD Landscape)" "480x640 (VGA Portrait)" "480x800 (WVGA Portrait)" "640x480 (VGA Landscape)" "800x400" "800x480 (WVGA Landscape)" "640x960 (iPhone 4 Portrait)" "960x640 (iPhone 4 Landscape)" "640x1136 (iPhone 5 Portrait)" "1136x640 (iPhone 5 Landscape)" "1024x600 (Playbook Landscape)" "600x1024 (Playbook Portrait)" "768x1024 (iPad Portrait)" "1024x768 (iPad Landscape)" "2048x1536 (iPad Retina Landscape)" "1536x2048 (iPad Retina Portrait)", Default="320x480 (iPhone Portrait)", Value = "176x200"
SurfaceRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
SurfaceUnalign = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceUseMultiBuffers = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceWidth = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="320", Value = "480"
SymbianSoundLatency = Type=int, Min=20.000000, Max=1400.000000, Default="120", Value = "120"
ThreadEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
TimerAccuracy = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
TimerHiRes = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
TimerLocaltimeOffsetHours = Type=string, Allowed="-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7" "-6" "-5" "-4" "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "+1" "+2" "+3" "+4" "+5" "+6" "+7" "+8" "+9" "+10" "+11" "+12" "+13" "SYSTEM", Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
VibraEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
Video3GPP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
VideoJPEG = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoMPEG4 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# This file is for configuration settings for your
# application.
# The syntax is similar to windows .ini files ie
# [GroupName]
# Setting = Value
# Which can be read by your application using
# e.g s3eConfigGetString("GroupName", "Setting", string)
# All settings must be documented in .config.txt files.
# New settings specific to this application should be
# documented in app.config.txt
# Some conditional operations are also permitted, see the
# S3E documentation for details.
MemSize = 10000000
# Sample only compatible with 480x320 display resolution

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Settings ICF file automatically generated by S3E development environment
AccelEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioAAC = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioAACPlus = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioMIDI = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioMP3 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioPCM = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
AudioQCP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
AudioVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
BacklightTimeout = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=120000.000000, Default="10000", Value = "10000"
CompassEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
ContactsFromAddrBook = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceAdvanceSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Left", Value = "Bottom Left"
DeviceArch = Type=string, Allowed="<Use Native Architecture>" "ARM4T" "ARM4" "ARM5T" "ARM5TE" "ARM5TEJ" "ARM6" "ARM6K" "ARM6T2" "ARM6Z" "X86" "PPC" "AMD64" "ARM7", Default="<Use Native Architecture>", Value = "<Use Native Architecture>"
DeviceBackSoftkeyPosition = Type=string, Allowed="Bottom Left" "Bottom Right" "Top Right" "Top Left", Default="Bottom Right", Value = "Bottom Right"
DeviceBatteryLevel = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=100.000000, Default="50", Value = "50"
DeviceFPU = Type=string, Allowed="None" "VFP Present", Default="VFP Present", Value = "VFP Present"
DeviceFreeRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceIDInt = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DeviceIDString = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceIMSI = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_IMSI", Value = "SIMULATOR_IMSI"
DeviceLSKIsBack = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceMainsPower = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
DeviceName = Type=string, Default="My Computer", Value = "My Computer"
DeviceOSVersion = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
DeviceOSVersionNumber = Type=int, Default="0", Value = "0"
DevicePhoneNumber = Type=string, Default="0044123456789", Value = "0044123456789"
DeviceTimezone = Type=string, Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
DeviceTotalRAM = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2097151.000000, Default="1048576", Value = "1048576"
DeviceUniqueID = Type=string, Default="SIMULATOR_ID", Value = "SIMULATOR_ID"
DeviceUniqueIDInt = Type=int, Default="01234567890", Value = "01234567890"
FileTotalStorageSize = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=2147483648.000000, Default="67108864", Value = "67108864"
FileUseSeparateRomRam = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
FileUseTotalStorageSize = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLAPI = Type=string, Allowed="None" "GLES 1.0 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common-Lite Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.0 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Imagination POWERVR(TM)" "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting" "GLES 1.1 Common Profile from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 from Qualcomm Snapdragon(TM)" "GLES 2.0 ANGLE", Default="Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting", Value = "Obey [S3E] SysGlesVersion .icf setting"
GLDontUseHiddenWindow = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLTerminateOnSuspend = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
GLUsePVRVFrame = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
KeyboardHasAlpha = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasDirection = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardHasKeypad = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
KeyboardNumpadRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
LicenseExpiryDate = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=999999995904.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseMinutesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LicenseUsesRemaining = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=10000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationAltitude = Type=float, Min=-2000.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="60.0", Value = "60.0"
LocationAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
LocationHeading = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=359.000000, Default="0.0", Value = "0.0"
LocationHorizontalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="20.0", Value = "20.0"
LocationLatitude = Type=float, Min=-90.000000, Max=90.000000, Default="51.511791", Value = "51.511791"
LocationLongitude = Type=float, Min=-180.000000, Max=180.000000, Default="-0.191084", Value = "-0.191084"
LocationSpeed = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=10000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
LocationVerticalAccuracy = Type=float, Min=0.000000, Max=100000.000000, Default="100.0", Value = "100.0"
MacOSSimulatorCustomSettings = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
MacOSSimulatorDevices_ANDROID = Type=string, Allowed="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512" "HTC Sensation XL:480x800:768" "Samsung Galaxy Note:800x1280:1024" "Motorola Droid Razr:540x960:1024" "Kindle Fire:1024x600:512" "Samsung Galaxy Tab:1024x600:512", Default="Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512", Value = "Samsung Galaxy S:480x800:512"
MacOSSimulatorDevices_IPHONE = Type=string, Allowed="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256" "iPhone 4:640x960:512" "iPhone 5:640x1136:1024" "iPad:768x1024:256" "iPad 2:768x1024:512" "iPad 3:1536x2048:1024", Default="iPhone 3GS:320x480:256", Value = "iPhone 3GS:320x480:256"
MacOSSimulatorPlatforms = Type=string, Allowed="IPHONE" "ANDROID", Default="IPHONE", Value = "IPHONE"
MacOSSimulatorUseCustomSettings = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoison = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
MemoryPoisonAlloc = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="170", Value = "170"
MemoryPoisonFree = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="221", Value = "221"
MemoryPoisonInit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=255.000000, Default="204", Value = "204"
PointerAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
PointerMultiSimulationMode = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerMultiTouchAvailable = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
PointerStylusType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "STYLUS" "FINGER", Default="INVALID", Value = "INVALID"
PointerType = Type=string, Allowed="INVALID" "MOUSE" "STYLUS", Default="MOUSE", Value = "MOUSE"
SMSEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SMSReceiveEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketDNSDelay = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=30000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketHTTPProxy = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketHostName = Type=string, Default="", Value = ""
SocketNetworkAvailable = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SocketNetworkLoss = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SocketNetworkType = Type=string, Allowed="NONE" "UNKNOWN" "LAN" "WLAN" "GPRS" "UMTS" "EVDO" "CDMA2000" "HSDPA" "WIMAX" "BLUETOOTH" "EDGE" "CDMA" "IDEN" "LTE" "EHRPD" "HSPAPLUS", Default="LAN", Value = "LAN"
SocketRecvLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SocketSendLimit = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SoundEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundRecordEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundSampleRate = Type=int, Allowed="8192" "11025" "16000" "22050" "44100", Default="22050", Value = "22050"
SoundStereo = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SoundVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"
SurfaceDisableWhenGLIsActive = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceDoubleBuffer = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
SurfaceHeight = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="480", Value = "320"
SurfacePitch = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=8192.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
SurfacePixelType = Type=string, Allowed="RGB444" "RGB555" "RGB565" "RGB666" "RGB888" "BGR444" "BGR555" "BGR565" "BGR666" "BGR888", Default="RGB565", Value = "RGB565"
SurfacePredefinedResolution = Type=string, Allowed="176x200" "176x208" "240x320 (QVGA Portrait)" "240x400" "320x240 (QVGA Landscape)" "320x400" "320x480 (iPhone Portrait)" "400x240" "480x320 (iPhone Landscape)" "360x640 (qHD Portrait)" "640x360 (qHD Landscape)" "480x640 (VGA Portrait)" "480x800 (WVGA Portrait)" "640x480 (VGA Landscape)" "800x400" "800x480 (WVGA Landscape)" "640x960 (iPhone 4 Portrait)" "960x640 (iPhone 4 Landscape)" "640x1136 (iPhone 5 Portrait)" "1136x640 (iPhone 5 Landscape)" "1024x600 (Playbook Landscape)" "600x1024 (Playbook Portrait)" "768x1024 (iPad Portrait)" "1024x768 (iPad Landscape)" "2048x1536 (iPad Retina Landscape)" "1536x2048 (iPad Retina Portrait)", Default="320x480 (iPhone Portrait)", Value = "176x200"
SurfaceRotation = Type=string, Allowed="Rot0" "Rot90" "Rot180" "Rot270", Default="Rot0", Value = "Rot0"
SurfaceUnalign = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceUseMultiBuffers = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
SurfaceWidth = Type=int, Min=128.000000, Max=4096.000000, Default="320", Value = "480"
SymbianSoundLatency = Type=int, Min=20.000000, Max=1400.000000, Default="120", Value = "120"
ThreadEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
TimerAccuracy = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=1000.000000, Default="0", Value = "0"
TimerHiRes = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
TimerLocaltimeOffsetHours = Type=string, Allowed="-12" "-11" "-10" "-9" "-8" "-7" "-6" "-5" "-4" "-3" "-2" "-1" "0" "+1" "+2" "+3" "+4" "+5" "+6" "+7" "+8" "+9" "+10" "+11" "+12" "+13" "SYSTEM", Default="SYSTEM", Value = "SYSTEM"
VibraEnabled = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
Video3GPP = Type=bool, Default="false", Value = "false"
VideoJPEG = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoMPEG4 = Type=bool, Default="true", Value = "true"
VideoVolumeDefault = Type=int, Min=0.000000, Max=256.000000, Default="256", Value = "256"