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More clearly comment for multi-textures support
This commit is contained in:
@ -422,10 +422,14 @@ void CommandBufferMTL::doSetTextures(bool isVertex) const
for(const auto& iter : bindTextureInfos)
/* About mutli textures support
* a. sampler2DArray, not implemented in Metal Renderer
* b. texture slot, one BackendTexture, multi GPU texture handlers, used by etc1
* c. Bind multi BackendTexture to 1 Shader Program, see the ShaderTest
* d. iter.second.slots not used for Metal Renderer
auto location = iter.first;
auto& textures = iter.second.textures;
// auto& slots = iter.second.slots;
// TODO: 1 location, mutli-slots like OpenGL?
auto& indexs = iter.second.indexs;
int i = 0;
@ -478,6 +478,11 @@ void CommandBufferGL::setUniforms(ProgramGL* program) const
const auto& textureInfo = _programState->getVertexTextureInfos();
for(const auto& iter : textureInfo)
/* About mutli textures support
* a. sampler2DArray, sampler2D[2], bind BackendTexture one by one, not use GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, not used at all engine interanl
* b. texture slot, one BackendTexture, multi GPU texture handlers, used by etc1
* c. Bind multi BackendTexture to 1 Shader Program, see the ShaderTest
auto& textures = iter.second.textures;
auto& slots = iter.second.slots;
auto& indexs = iter.second.indexs;
@ -493,10 +498,10 @@ void CommandBufferGL::setUniforms(ProgramGL* program) const
auto arrayCount = slots.size();
if (arrayCount > 1)
glUniform1iv(location, (uint32_t)arrayCount, (GLint*)slots.data());
if (arrayCount == 1) // If not use sampler2DArray, always 1
glUniform1i(location, slots[0]);
glUniform1iv(location, (uint32_t)arrayCount, (GLint*)slots.data());
Reference in New Issue