diff --git a/cocos2dx/CCDirector.cpp b/cocos2dx/CCDirector.cpp
index 80c9a6f60b..638111a0b5 100644
--- a/cocos2dx/CCDirector.cpp
+++ b/cocos2dx/CCDirector.cpp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ bool CCDirector::init(void)
// purge ?
m_bPurgeDirecotorInNextLoop = false;
- m_obWinSizeInPixels = m_obWinSizeInPoints = CCSizeZero;
+ m_obWinSizeInPoints = CCSizeZero;
m_pobOpenGLView = NULL;
@@ -301,8 +301,7 @@ void CCDirector::setOpenGLView(CCEGLView *pobOpenGLView)
m_pobOpenGLView = pobOpenGLView;
// set size
- m_obWinSizeInPoints = m_pobOpenGLView->getSize();
- m_obWinSizeInPixels = CCSizeMake(m_obWinSizeInPoints.width * m_fContentScaleFactor, m_obWinSizeInPoints.height * m_fContentScaleFactor);
+ m_obWinSizeInPoints = m_pobOpenGLView->getDesignResolutionSize();
@@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ CCSize CCDirector::getWinSize(void)
CCSize CCDirector::getWinSizeInPixels()
- return m_obWinSizeInPixels;
+ return CCSizeMake(m_obWinSizeInPoints.width * m_fContentScaleFactor, m_obWinSizeInPoints.height * m_fContentScaleFactor);
CCSize CCDirector::getVisibleSize()
@@ -481,20 +480,6 @@ CCPoint CCDirector::getVisibleOrigin()
-void CCDirector::reshapeProjection(const CCSize& newWindowSize)
- CC_UNUSED_PARAM(newWindowSize);
- if (m_pobOpenGLView)
- {
- m_obWinSizeInPoints = m_pobOpenGLView->getSize();
- m_obWinSizeInPixels = CCSizeMake(m_obWinSizeInPoints.width * m_fContentScaleFactor,
- m_obWinSizeInPoints.height * m_fContentScaleFactor);
- setProjection(m_eProjection);
- }
// scene management
void CCDirector::runWithScene(CCScene *pScene)
@@ -775,7 +760,16 @@ void CCDirector::createStatsLabel()
m_pDrawsLabel = new CCLabelAtlas();
m_pDrawsLabel->initWithString("000", "fps_images.png", 12, 32, '.');
- int fontSize = (int)(m_obWinSizeInPoints.height / 320.0f * 24);
+ int fontSize = 0;
+ if (m_obWinSizeInPoints.width > m_obWinSizeInPoints.height)
+ {
+ fontSize = (int)(m_obWinSizeInPoints.height / 320.0f * 24);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fontSize = (int)(m_obWinSizeInPoints.width / 320.0f * 24);
+ }
m_pFPSLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("00.0", "Arial", fontSize);
m_pSPFLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("0.000", "Arial", fontSize);
@@ -809,6 +803,7 @@ void CCDirector::setContentScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
if (scaleFactor != m_fContentScaleFactor)
m_fContentScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
+ createStatsLabel();
diff --git a/cocos2dx/CCDirector.h b/cocos2dx/CCDirector.h
index 7b02fcb59b..1005003c77 100644
--- a/cocos2dx/CCDirector.h
+++ b/cocos2dx/CCDirector.h
@@ -180,9 +180,6 @@ public:
CCPoint getVisibleOrigin();
- /** changes the projection size */
- void reshapeProjection(const CCSize& newWindowSize);
/** converts a UIKit coordinate to an OpenGL coordinate
Useful to convert (multi) touches coordinates to the current layout (portrait or landscape)
@@ -389,9 +386,6 @@ protected:
/* window size in points */
CCSize m_obWinSizeInPoints;
- /* window size in pixels */
- CCSize m_obWinSizeInPixels;
/* content scale factor */
float m_fContentScaleFactor;
diff --git a/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp b/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp
index d1e8d90772..3a1a25266a 100644
--- a/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp
+++ b/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.cpp
@@ -88,13 +88,12 @@ void CCEGLViewProtocol::setDesignResolutionSize(float width, float height, Resol
m_eResolutionPolicy = resolutionPolicy;
// reset director's member variables to fit visible rect
- CCDirector::sharedDirector()->m_obWinSizeInPoints = getSize();
- CCDirector::sharedDirector()->m_obWinSizeInPixels = CCSizeMake(m_obDesignResolutionSize.width*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(), m_obDesignResolutionSize.height*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
+ CCDirector::sharedDirector()->m_obWinSizeInPoints = getDesignResolutionSize();
-const CCSize& CCEGLViewProtocol::getSize() const
+const CCSize& CCEGLViewProtocol::getDesignResolutionSize() const
return m_obDesignResolutionSize;
diff --git a/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.h b/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.h
index 0c710241c2..f76aa5161d 100644
--- a/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.h
+++ b/cocos2dx/platform/CCEGLViewProtocol.h
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ public:
/** Open or close IME keyboard , subclass must implement this method. */
virtual void setIMEKeyboardState(bool bOpen) = 0;
- /**
- * Get design resolution size.
- * If setDesignResolutionSize wasn't invoked, the result of this function return is the same as 'getFrameSize'
- */
- virtual const CCSize& getSize() const;
* Get the frame size of EGL view.
* In general, it returns the screen size since the EGL view is a fullscreen view.
@@ -78,16 +71,20 @@ public:
* Set the design resolution size.
- * Behavior undefined when enableRetina == true.
* @param width Design resolution width.
* @param height Design resolution height.
* @param resolutionPolicy The resolution policy desired, you may choose:
- * [1] kCCResolutionExactFit Fill screen by stretch-to-fit: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, your game view will be stretched.
- * [2] kCCResolutionNoBorder Full screen without black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two areas of your game view will be cut.
- * [3] kCCResolutionShowAll Full screen with black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two black borders will be shown.
+ * [1] kResolutionExactFit Fill screen by stretch-to-fit: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, your game view will be stretched.
+ * [2] kResolutionNoBorder Full screen without black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two areas of your game view will be cut.
+ * [3] kResolutionShowAll Full screen with black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two black borders will be shown.
virtual void setDesignResolutionSize(float width, float height, ResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy);
+ /** Get design resolution size.
+ * If setDesignResolutionSize wasn't invoked, the result of this function return is the same as 'getFrameSize'
+ */
+ virtual const CCSize& getDesignResolutionSize() const;
/** Set touch delegate */
virtual void setTouchDelegate(EGLTouchDelegate * pDelegate);
diff --git a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp
index 84e2527106..c3b597c085 100644
--- a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp
+++ b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp
@@ -14,30 +14,37 @@ AppDelegate::~AppDelegate()
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
// initialize director
- CCDirector *pDirector = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
+ CCDirector* pDirector = CCDirector::sharedDirector();
+ CCEGLView* pEGLView = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView();
- pDirector->setOpenGLView(CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView());
- //pDirector->setProjection(kCCDirectorProjection2D);
- CCSize screenSize = CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->getFrameSize();
- if (screenSize.height > 768)
- {
- CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory("ipadhd");
- pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(1536.0f/kDesignResolutionSize_height);
+ pDirector->setOpenGLView(pEGLView);
+ // Set the design resolution
+ pEGLView->setDesignResolutionSize(designResolutionSize.width, designResolutionSize.height, kResolutionNoBorder);
+ CCSize frameSize = pEGLView->getFrameSize();
+ // if the frame size is larger than medium resource size, select large resource.
+ if (frameSize.height > mediumResource.size.height)
+ {
+ CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory(largeResource.directory);
+ // The contentScaleFactor is set by the ratio of resource's height and design resolution's height when your game is in landscape.
+ // Oppositely, if your game is in portrait, it need to be set by width.
+ // This can make sure your game's status is in full screen.
+ pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(largeResource.size.height/designResolutionSize.height);
- else if (screenSize.height > 320)
- {
- CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory("ipad");
- pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(768.0f/kDesignResolutionSize_height);
+ // if the frame size is larger than small resource size, select medium resource.
+ else if (frameSize.height > smallResource.size.height)
+ {
+ CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory(mediumResource.directory);
+ pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(mediumResource.size.height/designResolutionSize.height);
+ // if the frame size is smaller than medium resource size, select small resource.
- {
- CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory("iphone");
- pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(320.0f/kDesignResolutionSize_height);
+ {
+ CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->setResourceDirectory(smallResource.directory);
+ pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(smallResource.size.height/designResolutionSize.height);
- CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(kDesignResolutionSize_width, kDesignResolutionSize_height, kResolutionNoBorder);
// turn on display FPS
diff --git a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppMacros.h b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppMacros.h
index 355f25a76f..b9ca794821 100644
--- a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppMacros.h
+++ b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/AppMacros.h
@@ -1,30 +1,56 @@
#ifndef __APPMACROS_H__
#define __APPMACROS_H__
+#include "cocos2d.h"
-#define kDesignResolution_480x320 0
-#define kDesignResolution_1024x768 1
-#define kDesignResolution_2048x1536 2
+/* For demonstrating using one design resolution to match different resources,
+ or one resource to match different design resolutions.
-#define kTargetDesignResolutionSize kDesignResolution_2048x1536
+ [Situation 1] Using the same design resolution to match different resources.
+ Please look into Appdelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching.
+ We check current device frame size to decide which resource need to be selected.
+ So if you want to test this situation which said in title '[Situation 1]',
+ you should change ios simulator to different device(e.g. iphone, iphone-retina3.5, iphone-retina4.0, ipad, ipad-retina),
+ or change the window size in "proj.XXX/main.cpp" by "CCEGLView::setFrameSize" if you are using win32 or linux plaform
+ and modify "proj.mac/AppController.mm" by changing the window rectangle.
-#if (kTargetDesignResolutionSize == kDesignResolution_480x320)
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_width 480.0f
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_height 320.0f
+ [Situation 2] Using the same resource to match different design resolutions.
+ The coordinates in your codes is based on your current design resolution rather than resource size.
+ Therefore, your design resolution could be very large and your resource could be small.
+ To test this, just define the marco 'TARGET_DESIGN_RESOLUTION_SIZE' to 'DESIGN_RESOLUTION_2048X1536'
+ and open iphone simulator or create a window of 480x320 size.
+ [Note] Normally, developer just need to define one design resolution(e.g. 960x640) with one or more resources.
+ */
-#elif (kTargetDesignResolutionSize == kDesignResolution_1024x768)
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_width 1024.0f
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_height 768.0f
+#define DESIGN_RESOLUTION_480X320 0
+#define DESIGN_RESOLUTION_1024X768 1
+#define DESIGN_RESOLUTION_2048X1536 2
-#elif (kTargetDesignResolutionSize == kDesignResolution_2048x1536)
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_width 2048.0f
-#define kDesignResolutionSize_height 1536.0f
+/* If you want to switch design resolution, change next line */
+typedef struct tagResource
+ cocos2d::CCSize size;
+ char directory[100];
+static Resource smallResource = { cocos2d::CCSizeMake(480, 320), "iphone" };
+static Resource mediumResource = { cocos2d::CCSizeMake(1024, 768), "ipad" };
+static Resource largeResource = { cocos2d::CCSizeMake(2048, 1536), "ipadhd" };
+static cocos2d::CCSize designResolutionSize = cocos2d::CCSizeMake(480, 320);
+static cocos2d::CCSize designResolutionSize = cocos2d::CCSizeMake(1024, 768);
+static cocos2d::CCSize designResolutionSize = cocos2d::CCSizeMake(2048, 1536);
#error unknown target design resolution!
-#define kTitleFontSize (kDesignResolutionSize_width / 480.0f * 24)
+// The font size 24 is designed for small resolution, so we should change it to fit for current design resolution
+#define TITLE_FONT_SIZE (cocos2d::CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->getDesignResolutionSize().width / smallResource.size.width * 24)
#endif /* __APPMACROS_H__ */
diff --git a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp
index 20f7bc6767..94c515a196 100644
--- a/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp
+++ b/samples/HelloCpp/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ bool HelloWorld::init()
// add a label shows "Hello World"
// create and initialize a label
- CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", kTitleFontSize);
+ CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", TITLE_FONT_SIZE);
// position the label on the center of the screen
pLabel->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width/2,
diff --git a/samples/HelloCpp/proj.win32/HelloCpp.vcproj b/samples/HelloCpp/proj.win32/HelloCpp.vcproj
index 3d9326ae5f..f854468dc9 100644
--- a/samples/HelloCpp/proj.win32/HelloCpp.vcproj
+++ b/samples/HelloCpp/proj.win32/HelloCpp.vcproj
@@ -190,6 +190,10 @@