* Add unit-tests app for running automatic unit tests
* Move unit tests from cpp-tests to unit-tests
* Add FileUtils::fullPathForDirectory() tests
* Use test assets from `axmol-sample-assets` repo
* Add more FileUtils::isFileExist(), FileUtils::isDirectoryExist() tests
* Add `unit-tests` builds to GitHub's workflows
* Fix `.github/worflows/build.yml`
* Restructure extension folder structure to reduce conflicts with project source files
* Do not include SDFGen headers for Android builds
* Ensure correct paths are included for the relevant targets
* ImGui is not be enabled for WinUWP, tvOS and iOS
* Fix LUA auto binding generator to work with updated extension folder structure
* Fix path and linker issues for yasio when using prebuilt option
Set correct paths to extensions for prebuilt option