Initially planned as alternative, made replacement after discussion with
GLFW v.3 released in June. New version breaks API without real need:
Meanwhile SDL2 is very stable. SDL2 used in Steam Runtime and will be
part of Ubuntu SDK, it's supported by other distributions.
- OpenGL initialization and window handling with SDL
- Keyboard, IME emulation, mouse and touches support with SDL
- Window title now contains app name on Linux
- Backspace correctly handled with new backend
- SDL on X11 have no proper multitouch, but backend handles multitouch
events to support future Linux graphics.
These new resolution policies will either ignore the width or height of the
specified design resolution size, but scale the ignored dimension, so it
matches the aspect ratio of the device.
A device with 854x480 pixels and a design resolution size set to 480x320
and the kResolutionFixedHeight policy, will create an internal canvas of
the size of 570x320px
If the device original size is 800x480 its internal size will be
The height for both examples stays the same, the width is adjusted to match
the aspect ratio
- no distortions
- full canvas is usable, the visibility origin is 0/0
- I can use getWinSize() to place objects which is more intuitive
- for objects that should be placed at 0/0 I can use CGPointZero or 0/0 instead
of the VisibilityRect methods, which is more readable
- using this method projects from the 1.x branch are probably much easier to
- it is the developers responsibility to create the game code so that it
supports multiple aspect ratios