- class order fixes
- static methods (creators) at the beginning
- then constructors / destructors
- then init
- more `const` fixes
- adds some const getters
- some getters have 2 versions: `const` and no-const version
- renamed CocosDenshion::sharedEngine -> getInstance()
1. Pitch/pan/gain support on iOS, Mac, Linux+FMOD, Android+SoundPool;
2. Unified OpenAL code with pitch/pan/gain on Linux, Tizen, Blackberry,
Native Client;
3. Bug fixed: rewindBackgroundMusic() no longer stops music on unified
OpenAL engine.
4. Optional mp3 support for Linux+OpenAL (OPENAL_MP3 make option);
5. Pan/gain (not pitch) support for Android+OpenES.
6. Reorganized CocosDenshion tests in TestCpp.
Known issues:
1. No support for windows, emscrippten, marmalade.
2. No pitch effect on Android+OpenES. It requires backend redesign:
1. update all copyright from 2010-2011 to 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org
2. update COCOS2D_VERSION to 0x00020003
3. update const char* cocos2dVersion() to "cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3"
Since on win32 platform, 'reinterpret_cast<long>(typeid(*native_obj).name());' invoking in cocos2d.dll and outside cocos2d.dll(in TestJavascript.exe) will return different address.
But the return string from typeid(*native_obj).name() is the same string, so we must convert the string to hash id to make sure we can get unique id.
with four spaces. Also,
1. Used macro NS_CC_BEGIN instead of namespace cocos2d {, NS_CC_END instead
of }.
2. Removed some unused files.
3. Renamed the name of some folders, for example,
"test.android"-->"proj.android" .